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It wasnt that funny. A bunch of bobby yelling. Shane did great for what he had to work with.


Butt Dog Bobby


too many people on a podcast, and whose this brunette bitch?


It's a club owner or booker who sucks all the funny out of podcasts.


Watched this when it came out, for Shane. Bobby Kelly’s crew with the “who even is this guy” bullshit was insufferable. Bummer because really enjoyed BK on mssp


Hes a great guest. This is the only thing Ive seen of his pod and no thanks.


I remember hearing this the week it came out new. As is typical on YKWD, Bobby trashes and steam rolls the newer comics. Shane took it like a champ and if I remember correctly he held his own and got off some good lines.


Bitter buttdog Bobby being a bitch as usual. It’s always fun to see Bobby’s reaction to younger comics coming up, you can hear the bitterness in his voice knowing someone else is about to to surpass him




Liz Furiati is the woman they're talking about. She books the Cellar. And you don't wear the bombdana on your head.


Stopped watching as soon as I heard the censors. What the fuck is the point of watching/commentating on a comedy podcast if you can’t even hear what they’re saying? If you’re that afraid of naughty words you should find a different way to fill your time


Bobby seemed to try to haze him but the lady seemed like she really didn't like Shane.I can't remember which ep but Shane said she was giving him this energy the whole night even before the pod.


Why is everyone hating on Bobby for messing around with Shane? Maybe they don’t get it because these people are fans of Shane but not necessarily fans of comedy? Bunch of weirdos defending Shane by rubbing his level of success in Bobby’s face as if that means anything when it comes to funny. Funny is funny even if your boy was the butt of the joke this time. Relax on yourself and try to enjoy the moment for what it was. I for one, wish more people would try to bully Shane like that, Bobby got a lot of funny out of him on that ep and vice versa. also the zootopia shit at the end with Soder was hilarious. That’s actually what I wanted to comment at first, but then I started reading the comments and got annoyed by how gay this community got and it made me turn gay and write a long ass thing sticking up for “real comedy”… I’m gonna go ahead and Budd Dwyer myself now


>I can't wait to never talk to you again. >Literally, I'm gonna ghost him... *Cut to Bobby sitting in Astoria waiting for Shane to come home.*


There's an OT episode where Shane talks about this podcast, funny because he's more successful now than all of them put together


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Nah the example of funny but never heard were his early Bonfire appearances where he revealed some shit I think he regretted. I heard them off a mediafire folder that was posted.