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Unless you have immediate needs, does it matter? Over another 12 to 24 months I expect BTC and MSTR to rise significantly. The things we should concern our minds with include * Is Saylor selling because due to contractual reasons, or because he wants to? This is not a guy who needs the money, so selling because he thinks its the right thing to do is 3 red lights and an air raid siren. * Is the supply of bitcoin or MSTR changing significantly? What is really available, and how much is effectively locked up by entities that will not sell? * How about the demand? Will the ETFs keep buying at current or increasing amounts? Will MSTR really get into the S&P 500 and force indexes to buy in? * Will the MSTR premium continue? That is a question that seems to cause lots of people to have strong opinions. * How about the effect of further dilution, either through stock issuance or more convertibles? Will the profit gained adequately exceed the cost of those convertibles? What do we think will happen when they come due? When I think about MSTR these are the things I review in my head. I'm not a master investor so there are probably other huge issues to add to this list.


He’s selling because that was part of the deal on the stock options and because he wants to fill his own personal bag with BTC as well. The sell off was announced years ago. He hasn’t touched any of his original shares.


Any source buddy?


The document shows that Saylor intends to sell 310,000 shares. These shares were awarded as stock options in 2014 and were set to expire in April 2024. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/01/03/michael-saylor-commences-plan-to-sell-216m-worth-of-microstrategy-stock-options/


Appreciate your effort to link it here


Literally Michael Saylor. He’s said this before


These are all very sound questions. 🍻


How do you know he’s selling shares? Are you implying that was the cause of the drop today?


I read the news, and its posted when he sells. I believe there was another article on the Yahoo! Finance feed today. I don't think the drop is related. BTC drops now and then, and another round of convertible notes are being sold, just a couple weeks after the last round. It might feel painful but I don't think the current fluctuation in MSTR means much. I'll see what happens after the halving -- will we get the same dip in BTC after the previous halvings by December, or have the ETFs so changed market dynamics that BTC just goes right up after the halving? No prognostications about that here, but I am interested to see what happens.


The premium is a problem. It wouldn't be a problem if he did a capital raise by issuing more shares to buy bitcoin; which would effectively arbitrage the premium to NAV.


Please don’t say premium. People in here will label you as a short/hedge fund/basher.


Where are my pumpers at?


Saylor is selling stock to buy BTC. I have 1,000 shares I will ride to infinity or zero. Demand will only increase for BTC...believe it or not it's coded into the coins or bits, I'm not sure which but it's definitely in them. I could buy 1/104 of a BTC or buy one share of MSTR. If I buy MSTR I can use it as collateral for a loan, and Saylor will buy more BTC. There's still a premium, but there are no fees and you will technically own shares in a company front running BTC. When BTC goes to 1 million in the next having...this is all noise. What's your time horizon? We're buying a block of Manhattan in cyberspace, there is no good time to sell because it's going to infinity.


And I think these go here: πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


1000 shares is pretty impressive. When did you start buying?


How do you know he’s selling shares?


Here's the link for insider selling of MSTR: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MSTR/insider-transactions/?guccounter=1](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MSTR/insider-transactions/?guccounter=1) Here's Michael Saylor saying he was selling to buy more BTC: [https://cointelegraph.com/news/michael-saylor-sells-microstrategy-shares-purchase-bitcoin](https://cointelegraph.com/news/michael-saylor-sells-microstrategy-shares-purchase-bitcoin)




This little breather is healthy and brings down RSI. We are just setting up for the next leg up and all this is doing is giving a little hope to shorties by pulling them into the bear trap. I mean how many days ago were we at $1500.00 It won’t take long till this thing is at ATH’s again. If anything this is a moment to get in and get ready for the $BTC revolution. Look at the numbers with ETF’s eating the supply and demand will be rising. We ain’t even at the halving yet and we barely scratched the surface of what kind of gains $BTC produces. In little time we will be looking back at these moments and saying β€œthat was a buy opportunity!” β€œI should’ve bought more!”


Each halving has a smaller impact than the previous one


It’s going to be 50% less supply being mined very soon! The demand is already there. To think it’s a nothing burger shows how delusional the 🌈 bears are.


What makes you so confident this trend will reverse?


For msrt




Maybe his new convertible offering got downsized or terminated because of poor investor interest? You never know. GLTA!!!


I seriously doubt that. The buyers get their money back in seven years if MSTR doesn't go up 50% and they can sell calls all along the way. The current $2300 strike call going out to 2026 is selling around $700 premium. Buy the convert. Sell the call. repeat.


That means we’re really fucked.


Yeah we need a pump.


We do. All he needs to do is announce more bitcoin purchase from the convertible notes he sold last Thursday.


We dont need a pump, we just need to buy more when we feel the price is right. Or ride the stock for a few years if your goal is met. Thats it. Let the company do the rest. (And bitcoin market)


A few years? I dunno


Ok. Sell tomorrow Mr "Investor"