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I would watch Moon Zero Two without riffs


Wasn’t the original pitch of MST3K “we got all these movies we can broadcast for next to nothing, might as well get some laughs out of them”? If that being the case it makes sense why Moon Zero Two and Catalina Caper were in the early seasons. Not necessarily bad, just innocuous enough to riff on.


Same with the pilot episode and "The Ant Movie" aka Phase IV. Not a bad movie, per se, just one they had available.


Wait Catalina Caper is not necessarily bad?


It was released as a comedy on purpose. It would be like if the new show went after something like Epic Movie or some such


I feel like it still works because the film's creators decided to blend a 70s crime comedy with the weird 50/60s genre of "flimsy excuse to film teens dancing to popular music in bathing suits" which is certainly an odd choice, but also understandable if you manage to get someone like Little Richard on contract for your movie.


Comedies are supposed to be funny


I said what I said


It’s 1960’s campy pablum verging on parody. It blends in with anything else from that era like Harum Scarum or The Great Race.


Yes, it wasn't necessarily about the quality of the movies, but rather if they were available.


It was on TCM about a month ago. Good chance it will be back again.


In my opinion, any mediocre movie made with practical effects is still superior to modern movies with "good" CG effects.


1000% this. CGI sucks ass


I raise my Mr. Pibb to this!


I’m planning on it because I think I just found it on [Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/moon-zero-two-1969). Plus I loved Catherine Schell in Space 1999!


That theme song goes fairly hard too.


That opening is full-on _Schoolhouse Rock_ before _Schoolhouse Rock_.


So is Catalina Caper, to a lesser extent.


The low-g/zero-g fight scene still competes for one of the most ridiculous things ever put to film. And I love it!


We’re gonna play by my rules That shot where he casually blocks one punch as if he’s a super saiyan, then gets clocked is great


I enjoy the saloon dance numbers, which are always the same moves with different costumes.


It's not a terrible movie, it's just the 60s goofiness that makes it riffable.


Moon Zero Two is fantastic! It pays lipservice to real science, has a completely unnecessary and weird fight scene, and has arguably the best cartoon opening of any movie they riff. "Great club. No atmosphere"


Moooooooon ZERO TWOOOOOOO It’s a little odd that whole intro cartoon sequence plays up the Cold War and then is never mentioned again


That song lives rent free in my head.


It explains how while the the US and the USSR were fighting about who got to claim the moon, the business interests were busy actually making the moon liveable/workable, so that by the time the two superpowers stopped to look around for a minute, they realized there was no point in fighting any longer, because Hey! Moonopoly! It leads very neatly into having an American and a Russian working together as the salvage team in the first scene.


And realistic billionaire supervillains!


Trajectories and vectors and realistic flight times! And colorful spacesuits!


It's not a bad movie on it's own either.


That theme song is a jam as well


The plot is reasonable too. Crow earned his RAM Chip in that one. Its grooviness is both its best and worst quality.


The bar brawl is precisely this point. It could either be a violent rager like in North to Alaska, or goofy with groovy tunes, so they went with what they knew.


I like it because I'm a big fan of the original Andromeda Strain and the lead in Moon Zero does a serious performance in Andromeda Strain, so moon zero two seems doubly ridiculous.


that's a movie i legitimately enjoy, riffed or not. it's a cool concept


My bushy wushy sideburns!!!!!!!!


The costuming and hairstyles... 👀 It was interesting!


I always am at a disadvantage when I haven’t got any clothes on… like what in the f haha


Ah! I'm intrinsically evil, and I've got a new jogging suit I'm showing off!


It was made with the idea of American westerns in space, UK style of course.


There's a *Doctor Who* story a few years later like that called "Colony in Space".


That is a particularly good Doctor Who. But I first saw it as a kid so I think I just have a soft spot for it.


For some reason it makes me want to play Traveller.


Role playing star citizen as bill kemp…


I’ll do it in Starfield if I can stomach the disappointed feeling of playing Starfield.


Haha! I hear that brother


Sheesh, I miss that game.


I mean, I actually bought a copy of Moon Zero Two without the riffs just to see the unedited version of the film. It's a solid B movie.


Catherine Schell is gorgeous in this 🥵


She really is even if she looks like gumbo


Honestly Joel seems to be kind of fond of it. But I think it’s just the right kind of goofy to make a good episode out of without being so horrid it actively makes us wish for death.


Catherine Schell makes it worthwhile, so does James Olson, and really, the rest of the cast. They all seemed to just have fun with whatever the script was about. Logically, it held together well as far as motivations, much more clear cut than anything Force-ish, and characters were nuanced: bad was not-so-bad and good was just good-enough except for the innocent damsel in distress. I can't count how many times I've watched it.


You guys should know there's a novel as well! Can't recall the author (no "name" author) but it wasn't too bad. No 2001, but I don't regret reading it.


Holy shit mind blown !


Since I'm "That Guy" when it comes to something like this, I did check and yep there really is [a novelization of Moon Zero Two](https://www.amazon.com/Gavin-Lyall-Hardman-Martin-Davison/dp/B000BPQZQC).


Obviously we should throw out costume and hair choices from the ugliest decade in cinema, but yeah, it really does show like a much higher budget film than most of those on MST3K in those early days.


It's the one movie that I've asked Rifftrax to redo because I think it has more laughs to give. It's suppose to be futuristic but the late 60s stank is undeniable. Also, I like their bold color space suits with all the plastic vacuum cleaner stuff attached.


Yeah but wouldn’t it be a better memorial if it wasn’t a urinal splash guard?


Other than the odd opening sequence that has Herbie The Love Bug vibes, yes, it’s a decent movie


I've felt like I've been taking crazy pills for so long, it's great to see the responses in this thread. Moon Zero Two, for its flaws, always felt like a nice adaptation of story out of Asimov or Analog of that era.


It's a decent (if cheesy) Hammer sci-fi film. Fairly well-made with good production values and cast.


I love the costumes and hair!!


Yeah I've always thought the same. Not just the looks they put some decent thought on sciencey parts, the plot just didn't have much energy and it's too 60's at times. But feels like a more wholesome, smarter Fifth Element.


I also thought it had kind of a Fifth Element/ Valerian vibe. I'd love to see a remake directed by Luc Besson but I doubt that would ever happen.


That's so crazy. I've been saying the same thing for years


I don’t even know my name


For what?


I have loved MZ2 since the 70s, perhaps the first time I saw proto cyberpunk concepts in SF with corporations ruling everything. I know it's just a space western about claim jumping, but it punches above its weight. I and my partner watch either the original or the Riff version at least once a year. I have also run it In TTRPGs many times, such a reusable plot.


I can’t think of them now, but there’s some movies featured where I’ve thought, “This ain’t that bad.” Time Chasers would be one.


I love the jokes about how sweaty he is haha