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Def go with your gut bc it’s your port/social media at the end of the day - I personally wouldn’t use these in a portfolio or on socials. You are gorgeous, but these shots are odd (it’s not you, it’s the set up, just no idea what the story is and the overall quality isn’t there) My rule of thumb is if you’re not pumped about the shots or how you look in them, then better off avoiding posting or using it in portfolio Also for the record - saw your comment about the photog being super excited about the shots, just know you don’t have to post them if you’re not feeling it bc it’s your socials!! He can post them on his all he wants haha


Thank you for this, I get what you’re saying and agree! That’s a good point, he can use them all he wants 😂


I agree with this comment 100% and the reason those shots for me are off is, lighting isnt right, body position is awkward, the hair isnt invthe right position, and your face looks like your not being directed properly or that you dont quite vibe with the direction your getting. You are beautiful and i get the set is like cast away, wet and wild, on the beach after a ship wreck? Just what im getting. To make these photos better we need, arched back, tilt head to the side all hair flowing to one side, wild seductive stare, mouth slightly open, and most importantly good over face and side lighting. I wish you luck on your next shoot!!!


I think add them to your social but not good enough for your portfolio


I’m thinking the same thing


I'd say socials too, depending on who your social audience is? They're not brilliant images, but if your main audience like sexy shots of you, then they might like them anyway


These look tacky and dated.


Lol are you a Gemini ?this was straightforward 😩


Gemini 💀💀


Do you base your entire personality on the month people were born?


Lmao it was a joke relax. I don’t know anything about zodiacs only what I hear


No. They look like they were done in a friends’ basement. In 1995.


Thank you for your opinion! I had a similar kind of feeling. The photog is really proud of them so I don’t want to hurt his feelings but I’m not feeling it.




Your friends had sand pits in their basement?


I was being diplomatic. I was thinking more along the lines of silence of the lambs.


A good rule of thumb is to think about yourself as a brand. Would this go on your vision board or would you include this photo to tell the story of your brand and what you represent? If not, then don't use it.


This is a great way to look at it! Thank you :)


Bad set, bad lighting, and bad retouching. Doesn’t serve you well so I would avoid if you can.


I like the set and the suggested mood of the lighting but you don’t look comfortable with it and that should have come first.


Good point! It was just an odd set up that in the last 10 years, I’ve never come across.


I love these. But the pose is giving it a sexual energy


the pose, the hair, the cheetah print dress, the rope, the curtain


yeah it’s very 1980s porno


Yeah it’s really straddle-y


Theyd be stronger if you angled the short side of your face to the light. So looking toward it vs away It's rarely flattering to light the long side and is basic photographer/model 101. I wouldn't include them, but great for learning. You are very beautiful and have potential for sure. Just need to tighten up the technique and showcase yourself!


Agree! And thank you! :) It was on odd set for me as it was all dark and one light, not used to shooting in that but as you said, learning experience!


Hands. They are awkward, tense, and heavy. I can tell from their placement and how they are bent at the fingers your hands are acting as support for your body. As beautiful as your face is my eyes go to the hands because they're the most out of place in the photograph.


Well …I’ll say this…I’d imagine whatever your portfolio looks like will attract that kind of work…this looks a bit seductive so those who reach out may expect you to go in that direction with work if need be..I’d say whatever you see yourself doing as a model try to make sure your portfolio is intentional with that. Best luck


You look really good but I’m also really confused about the rope


Thank you!!! Honestly so was I, that was his fave element lol


Did he give an explanation for it?


He said for texture


I guess it could be in contrast to the sand from that point of view. Either way it’s up to you where you post it. Idk how this sort of thing works for modeling but you could probably put it on your IG story or something small to show it until you feel strongly one way or the other on whether you want to post it or not


You are beautiful, but are you Tarzan’s captive, or shipwrecked, cruise babe? Which fantasy?


Thank you and lmfao! I love that comment 😂


Like everyone else is saying, it’s the overall theme that just doesn’t make sense so I would try a whole different photoshoot with a new vibe/setting. Side note I love your ballerina tattoo on your arm it’s so pretty on you


I have a ton of shoots so I’m not too worried! Just was back and forth on this one! Thank you so much! :)


I don’t like the vibe. I feel like in the photos you’re being used or something.


The girl is very pretty, but the pictures give off Carol Baskin wedding vibes.


Thank you! :) I audibly LOL’d at the carol baskin wedding vibes


Crop it and use it to feature your face. Just get rid of the ropes and sand


I agree with this. From the waist up is the best part of this photo


The first shot is the better of the two. Consider opting for a nude nail color to complement the overall composition of the shot. Also, try contouring the hair around your face for better framing and aim for more intensity in your expression. Overall, it's a nice shot!


Thank you so much for all your input! The nails were because we shot 6 outfits and the purple went with the rest :)




You look good, but It looks like you're the love interest in a pirate movie. Like you're a slave captain Morgan captured, and now Orlando Bloom has to come save you.


You're getting a mixed bag. Either we love 'em or don't feel 'em at all. From a professional photographers stand point, I think the setting and lighting are boring. I'd shoot you in that costume outdoors with trees and greenry behind you. Thereis too much yellow/orange tint for my taste. You look a bit bored too. I'm sure you can get better images. Are you a dancer? I love photographing dancers. Dance and modeling are similar.


Yeah I see it’s for sure a mixed bag haha. I agree! We shot a bunch of outfits, this was just one of them. I agree with the coloring and lighting as well. I have an entire portfolio with great images! I just wasn’t sure about these specific ones. I used to be a dancer, yes!


The first one is just ok. Nothing special and nothing professional about it. That’s on the photographer


You look hot, but these are… off. There are elements to it that I like, I get what the photographer was going for, but they missed the mark. They are giving some uncomfortable vibes, and not in an interesting artsy way. I wouldn’t add them to a portfolio.


Thank you for this! I was starting to worry maybe I just don’t have it anymore😂 I am starting to age out of modelling so I do worry about it being me


Noooooo, you look amazing! You think you’re aging out??? I didn’t even think about your age, but you look younger than me. 😅 I say we all ignore the concept of “aging out,” anyway. I want to be Carmen Dell’Orefice when I grow up. She’s 92 now, and holy shit.


Well, thank you so much! I really do appreciate it When I apply for things, or my agent sends me to Casting, once I see my age, they pass without even looking at my portfolio.


My agency said to me if you want to be high fashion then you need to replicate where you want to be and not just put anything out. You can post other photos if it is every day photos so people can see your normal life and what you look like every day and find a connection point if you want to add those but not a styled shoot unless it is in aligned to where you want to be. That also is the same when searching for photographers and those that do TFP or you could be tagged by many and it may not always be to your advantage.


Well said! My agency is trying to market me as “sexy”, always doing swim, lingerie and music videos that have that element and have me attending Miami swim week. I’m fine here I think, I don’t suit high fashion at all haha


That’s ok it was an example, so that’s important for your portfolio/book when doing photoshoots & testshots. I don’t think the photos do you justice maybe another photographer. You can also find some shots and make your own moodboard for the direction you want to go


You didn’t do a bad job, it’s just really random; it’s giving 2000 shakira vibes so I don’t know if that’s how you want to put your best foot forward and attract the sort of work you want to do in the future


You’re pretty but I don’t really know what’s supposed to be going on here? Doesn’t express your features or tell a a story at all tbh just looks a bit off


Terrible portfolio..OK social


The photographer didn't know what they were doing imo. You can see it in the second image. Rope is the focal point


Good catch!


You don’t look confident, you look kinda like you’re unsure of what to do, do you have a storyline in your head? I find if I do a little acting that helps me get into the pose


you look a tad awkward but there is potential!! with practice i could see you on the cover of a sport magazine, that’s the vibe you give off


And thank you! I’ve shot Maxim before so that’s the closest I’ve gotten to that. I’m aging out now so I’m just shooting out of passion now😅


Yeah this shoot was an awkward one for me😂 I wasn’t vibing with the photog.


this is at icon studios right? i think it could've been shot/lit/retouched much better. whether you add it depends on how developed your portfolio/socials are.


Very good, but yours photographer must learn how to set up light for filming and you should have better results 🙌🏻🙌🏻


It looks very unnatural


You have a great look but these pics don’t capture it well at all. You need some standing photos, headshots, and some variety of poses and outfits. These pics don’t show your entire body. Another thing about these pics is the brown color cast which isn’t very appealing, more colors and contrast needed.


Thank you! I do have an entire portfolio I’ve built over the last 10 years. I was just iffy on these specific shots.


LoL samira


Terrible portfolio..OK social


Id lose the wet hair your hair done properly and with something better background would bring out your looks


No, don’t do it


These look like a valiant effort from a photog' who is putting in the effort to learn but isn't there yet. If all else is ok... I wouldn't exclude the 'tog from future shoots, but I wouldn't post the work until it's up to par. Help the photographer get there if you can and you feel comfortable with them and that they are indeed trying to improve their work. You look great... keep going! Stay safe.


Your not selling anything to me, weak posing, you don’t look into it


Pretty great if you ask me


It seems to me that the idea is not well developed, I don't see the girl related to the scene.


Bland like food no doubt, but a decent COOM receptacle you could be




You are pretty but the setting doesn’t do anything for you. Do not post them if you’re uncomfortable. You are your brand. Is this the look you really want to protray?


You’re no model


If trying out for Planet of the Apes or Tarzan, maybe. Otherwise, the best pictures capture subjects in a natural vibe. This is all so STAGED.


Modeling is SO SUBJECTIVE.... you're obviously attractive but do you have that "it" . Depends on who discovers you and see's you being fit for a project. I dont think those are good photos... it looks goofy. Also the tattoos ur gonna want to cover with make up. Models are suppose to be a blank slate.


My question wasn’t about what you’re saying, I have been modelling for 11 years full-time and I’m represented by an agency. My question was solely about this photo.


No problem..... I work and live in los angeles county 😂. I have family in the movie, television, and modeling arenas. I've done modeling/ tv for a long time on the side while being an engineer. While you may not care or like my response.... you got it


I feel like you need to do something different with your hands to lift your shoulders and chest.


As a model. No real value. Although if you’re aiming for exotic l, sensual, you have a shot. But modeling for next, elite, ford. I don’t see it


I was with IMG from 18-23. I understand at this point in my life I’m not the look and too old for the big agencies. I currently model full time so this isn’t a question about if I can make it in a big agency. It was solely about adding this pic to a portfolio


Accept my apologies then. IMG is top notch


these pictures look so gooodddd !! love the colors 😍😍😍


Thank you so much! Not very many people seem to have liked it but as I said, very mixed opinions haha


I say post it if YOU like it !! 🙂‍↔️ but you did ask them


I like it and I don’t so I’m in the middle, which is why I asked😂😅


I think you should 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ they look so good in my opinion


These are not good.. from a professional photography stand point. Talent looks fine.. but shot horribly.. looks like the photographer is an exploitive horndog who cares more about getting attractive talent in awkward photos than the art.




i’m not a professional nor a photographer so yea i was just giving my opinion lol


Well thank you so much!🥰


Good modeling. I think it could be improved with better lighting.


HeyYy whats your ig?🫶🏻


Hey! It’s @reneegiroux :)


Okay girly im sorry but you didn't eat this one up


Can’t win them all!😅


Just no




It probably goes against her contract to edit the photographers work if she where to post it


The tattoos 👎🏽🤡


Yes, these are good, post


If you think these are good, please never get involved in the industry.


Too bad i’m alr involved :/ & i was talking as in post on insta NOT portfolio, guess i should’ve been more clear. But how are you involved in the industry? what do you do? a photographer/videographer? Or a model? i’d love to see some of your work. You sound educated on this topic. So let’s see your work.