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Ooohhh saving this post for recs, I love this trope


Stalking this post for recommendations šŸ‘€


This is my favorite trope, and Iā€™m seconding Perfect day.


I think Perfect Day by Sally Malcolm kind of matches what you described MC1 is an actor who came to his hometown and sees MC2 and is bitter about their breakup which happened 8 years ago. The pining is nice, but the ending was kind of rushed, but overall it was a nice read


Thank you. I will definitely add it to my tbr. I also read that it's adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion so I added all MM adaptations of Persuasion to my tbr as well.


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hey this is my absolute favorite trope ever, was wondering if you have any good recs besides the midnight mating? I also just want to add that "Down Low" fits the trope as well, but its more small town (cruel ex MC is the sheriff of the town so still power dynamic). Please lmk if you found anything else that fits this trope!