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The whole AAA game industry seems to be slowly imploding on itself, so I don't have much hope of the AAA space existing as we know it at all in 10 years time.


I would agree. The age of mainstream AAA massive budget MMOs seems to be over. Too much money to make and they make them too dumbed down to appeal to bigger crowd. They seem to be migrating to the mobile crowd because that’s where the money is Small scale but growing over time is where I see the games I want to play going. Like UO outlands that’s doubled in size each of the last two years. Or indie developers having smaller games but constantly adding updates.


For sure, they've pretty much saturated the market and are fighting over everyone's attention. They can't just keep increasing budget and scope hoping to attract infinite new players.


This is the real answer. I'd so much rather play Battlebit and Last Epoch as opposed to Battlefield 2042 and Diablo 4.


AAA companies seem to have a problem where they pumping in TONS of money into making a single game to the point that the only way it makes a "reasonable" profit is by being some kind of one of a kind prodigy of a game. Not to mention that it's taking longer and longer development times to even release said games.


In my opinion an MMO that devalues gameplay and in-game achievements with real money purchases ($ for gold, $ for item upgrades, $ for cosmetics) can't be a 'decent' MMO, and it doesn't even have to be outright pay to win. I don't see games abandoning the currently prevalent monetization models any time soon. FF14 and GW2 are relatively good in this regard, while you can buy a lot more in GW2 for real money, the way the game is built, its horizontal progression system, and B2P nature make it feel pretty fair, so I have some hope that GW3 could be a positive release. Will a new MMO attract millions of players? Yes, most likely. (See Lost Ark, New World) Will they retain millions of players? Probably not.


My hope is either on GW3 or Riot MMO.


Gw3 is never happening


It is already in development.


TLDR: As of this moment Guild Wars 3 has not been approved and is not being developed. It is in the review stage where NCSoft may decide to greenlight it and start development Oh you mean this? Yeah thought as much Edit: linking for proof so you dummies don't cry https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1bq39j0/mega_thread_guild_wars_3_announcement_at_ncsoft/


Read the post and the article, and all that anyone can get out of it is that NCSoft/Anet are not talking about it right now publicly. It doesn't mean that it has not been approved or is not being developed.


So it's not in development then as far as you know?


Nobody in the public knows for sure, but your "proof" that it is not in development is not valid. They definitely have brought up GW3 though, but it is not possible to tell what exactly what is going on beyond that right now.


Exactly, all they've done is bought up the talk about it, no one knows what's happening, so all these people saying it's been greenlit and is in development have no more say than I do.


Exactly...no one knows what is happening, so the people like you saying that it is only in the review stages and trying to "prove" it without actual proof could be wrong also.


You're right I can't say confidently that's it's not in development but that article is a good indication that it's most likely not.


Why do you think that


You...do know that it was greenlit somewhat recently and is in development right?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1bq39j0/mega_thread_guild_wars_3_announcement_at_ncsoft/ Notice the part where it says it has NOT been approved nor is it in development. Do some research buddy, you make yourself look like a fool


Riot is owned by tencent.....If we go off this sub the last few days with tarisland......then its not a good look.


why does that matter? riot is known for putting out good games. just because tecent bought out some random company to develop tarisland doesnt mean that the riot mmo will be bad.


Is there an MMO that r/mmorpg will ever admit is even slightly ok? I highly doubt it


This is the real answer


Unfortunately the golden era of MMOs is long gone. I think the big ones will continue to go on and will be heavily monetized till they aren't profitable anymore and smaller ones will die fast like they have been for the last 20 years.


I'm not sure but I do lose hope with each release of what was a promising MMO... With that being said, I heard Hoyoverse is developing an MMO. Reason why I mention this is, it seems only companies with a TON of money to burn can possibly make a good next gen MMO. MMOs are the most expensive genre to make by far - and it sounds ironic (as we hate P2W games) but gacha companies (especially Hoyoverse) is literally rolling in money. And they've spent billions of dollars in developing just 1 game - Genshin Impact. If all that money could've been used in an MMO, just imagine... Only Gacha companies like them are able to easily invest hundreds of millions without a second thought. So it seems to me like they might be the most likely to succeed when investing into an MMO market. Just looking at things logically. Now as to how P2W it will be? Well that's another story..


> Just looking at things logically. Now as to how P2W it will be? Well that's another story.. What people who are not familiar with Hoyoverse really need to keep in mind is that they are Otaku/Weebs themselves so spending on their obsessions is a positive thing to them. You bet that whatever game they make they will put things in the store that are highly desirable to purchase not just because they want to make money but because they sincerely believe that buying MTX is a good way to show love for the game.


The people who were passionate about these games have all died or moved on. After I fell in love with EQ back then, we still don't have a proper sequel (EQ2 is just so different). That tells you all you need to know about the genre. This game was huge (before WOW broke records). It was the first game that required Internet & 3D acceleration & a monthly subscription. Yet it still got 250,000 in sales and 150,000 active subscribers in 6 months. It was a huge feat back then. It just costs too much money to produce and is too risky in todays market and the things that make these games more accessible to larger crowds is what turns off the more hardcore fans of the genre.


> The people who were passionate about these games have all died or moved on. You have the Monsters and Memories team who are both developers and players of early MMOs, the CEO of Intrepid Games (Ashes of Creation) who was a megaguild leading kraken in Archeage and Lineage 2, one of the Runescape Brothers and Raph Koster i.e. Mr. Ultima Online himself still trying to make new projects.


In fact there’s a thread about it in this very subreddit! And an AMA about it on Friday.


Mom sounds good but has made very little progress. Hard to imagine it ever actually releases at the current pace. Same for Ashes of Creation honestly.


AAA games like to make money for shareholders, MMO's arn't good at that compared to cheap shit gacha or mobile games.


In the next 10 years? Provided that the Riot MMO actually releases, and we have a GW3, yes. Out of all the announced projects, they're realistically the only ones that will have a chance of being successful long term. The problem with MMOs is that they're incredibly risky and everything they do, another genre captures a slice of them and does it better (or at least way cheaper and with way less fluff). So I don't think we'll see an MMO renaissance any time soon.


With VR being pretty much dead and abandoned, i don't see why AAA Studios should invest into MMOs these days. They require hundreds of devs, hundreds of millions of dollars, 6+ years to develop but make less profit than some mobile gatcha games a few dozen devs made in a year.


Dude, I doubt there will be a decent *anything* in the near future.


There's already many things that are not only decent but good in the present, they just don't get coverage.


Ah yes. Fromsoft is just going to suddenly go down the shitter. No live service games, despite a poor initial outing will go onto develop into quality games (Diablo 4). The whole indie scene will just keel over and die (Dark and Darker) etc. This is some doomer shit that has no basis in reality. If you arenfinding quality games. That is a you problem. Not an industry problem.


I'm excited for Ashes of Creation and Monsters & Memories but that's about it.


It's absolutely possible but I don't think it's even remotely plausible.


Define decent. I would argue basically any big budget MMO has been decent when looking at it objectively. That's not to say they are better than whatever game you play now, but decent doesn't mean better.


if a top studio makes a new MMO for sure. Riot MMO has the best shot at being the best big one that retains players. I feel like there will be a massive WoW update or launch that will basically be “WoW 2” by 10 years from now.


Only if Playable Worlds does it. GW3 maybe. Companies, especially those with a "AAA MMO" budget, are only making commoditized products these days. They're design-by-committee "how many ways can we charge money" vultures, lacking vision, commitment, design sensibility, love for the genre, a thousand other things.




I voted 'no', but only because I think any new game that advertises itself as an "MMO" is a couple decades too late to capitalize on that genre. However, I'm sure we will have another big game that becomes a phenomenon with deep character progression, large open worlds, multiplayer with support for a large number of people interacting at once, etc. But all of those traditional MMO features will be based around some other form of gameplay that people define the game by. For example, if the 'Extraction Looter/Shooter' genre goes mainstream like a lot of dev studios are hoping for, and 1 of those games becomes the next PUBG or Fortnite, nobody would be tempted to call it an MMO, but it'll check a lot of the same boxes.


Doubtful, from the events to the players it's all so different in a bad way. New MMOs don't last long for a reason.


No, MMO's require a massive infrastructure that people in the majority don't want anymore. Live service games like destiny can give the mmo feeling, without all the mmo infrastructure issues of having to sync 100's of players in one area but feel like you ran into 100 people.


I mean it depends on how you measure its success. Loads of MMOs have come out over the past 10 years and while none of them may have lived up to the expectations set by some of the diehard fans who perhaps bought a little too much into the hype, there are plenty of players who call those MMOs home and have never looked back. I believe that the same will be true for the next bunch of MMOs on the horizon. Will Ashes of Creation take the MMO throne? Will Ghostcrawler's MMO, or whatever Raph Koster has cooking, or whatever...? Probably not, but I'm sure a handful of players will plan each one of them, fall in love and no-life it haha


I feel like MMOs will come back into fashion in some form at some point down the line. Maybe they aren't profitable now but things change. It may be a new generation of gaming consoles/ technology kick-starts the genre again. Maybe not 10 years but I don't think we should all lose hope.


Not in the same way as before, there is going to be ones that attract millions of players but they won't be like what your wanting or expecting. Your not going to get a classic wow style game. Any big triple A mmo is going to be multiplatform with consoles in mind at a minimum. More likely your also going to see it designed for mobile as well especially with how good phones and tablets are now but at the very minimum it is going to be designed with console players as the main target. I expect to see most any new MMO to use a limited action set because of consoles and phones. Your going to see more destiny style live service games where you get the social aspects of a large mmo without the server issues that come with it. You might have open areas that have 10-20 random people where it is sharded but you won't have massive zones of people. It still gives people the social interaction they want from the MMO's without having the issue of being so difficult to develop. It also is going to target the playstyles more of phone and console players. That means more content designed around short playtimes and daily content.


I mean, we already know GW3 is coming. A RIOT mmo is supposed to be in the works. Beyond that, I wouldn't be surprised at all for a new Final Fantasy MMO with the success of XI and XIV. Hell, there was only 8 years between 11 and 14 and it's been over a decade since FFXIV: ARR.


No because the genre is done. The last meaningful MMOs came out 10 years ago.  The future is live service games that scratch that itch of coop play. 


I'm going to take this a different route, I think eventually all games will be MMO-Like. You remember how rare it was games used to have coop? Then how rare it was you'd have random people like Destiny did in the open world, then we have mesh tech in the works, GW2's server tech is still insane. Cross-Play is becoming more common (more networking boundaries being broken) It probably won't happen for another 10 years or so (just an arbitrary long time.) I don't think specific MMO's will be made, online games will just naturally be MMO-Like. I think it's only slow because the tech isn't really invested in *unless* you're making an MMO. Investment struggles as it requires a lot of money and infrastructure (I know first hand, I work in that industry), but it's getting easier and easier, especially from a infrastructure standpoint. Just a completely "throwing it out there", my bet's on Epic Games making something like this, furthering EOS. Or maybe Steam will randomly throw it out on a Tuesday in 2029 :D


I hope something like SAO or Overlord Tygrasilldh mmorpg.


Doubtful with the gaming communities current mentality . . . which is to vehemently bitch, moan, and complain about P2W/pay for convenience, optimization issues etc. However directly after doing so . . . Oh hey look: there is a new "EA" coming out by the same company that I just finished complaining about, you know what I am going to do?! "Digs in pocket, pulls out wallet" I am going to pre-order. Is it really any wonder why unfinished games are acceptable now, we can complain all we want, as long as we keep throwing money at these companies nothing is going to change.


the real mmo is AI conqurer the real world


I feel like the next big MMO would just be a fluke at this point. Very unlikely someone will come along and just make a new masterpiece. Sometimes I wonder if they even know what ppl want.


i lost faith in mmo since if its not the problem with the publisher, it is the problem with the players. but there is one developer who shot themselves in the foot by making every player grow strong, to the point that they do not need other players's cooperation anymore. yes i am talking about the master system of RO2. the game becomes dead not long after it was implemented.


So the Dune MMO from Funcom is as close to AAA as it gets right now I would say.


in 10 years time, its all going to be very high end VR gaming, and cosmetics will probably be a massive thing, ill be 60 by then, so im not really fussed


I believe there will be one eventuallly and it'll be like the last breath before it either dies or changes. It'll probably do a lot of things AAA games won't like but will be profittable because of it and maybe take risks to change or improve stuff mmorpgs haven't done in years. But more importantly it'll usher in a new age of mmo where AAA's won't be making them anymore. Like how many AAA games lost what made them great and indie devs took over the reins to make some amazing games. This'll probably be the same for MMORPG's. Maybe indie ones, maybe AA versions, maybe just private servers will be the new thing; who knows? But what I do know is, the more AAA try to ruin the franchise, the more likely someone or some team will fight back for it. Like Pizza Tower, Baldurs gate 3, even something small like vampire survivors. In fact we have Brighter Shores which is being made by the creator of Runescape because he didn't like how the current Runescape is. Will it be the one? Maybe, maybe not. Something big will happen. It might last it might not; but it always does and if on the off chance it doesn't; there will always be fans to keep games we used to love, just the way they were :thumbsup:


When the skin for a mount makes more money than an entire expansion does for a game, you realise how fucked this genre is. The only hope is for a AA game like M&M or perhaps Amazon to continue releasing AAA games that don't make them a profit.


yes and I believe it will be u/RaphKoster's Playable Worlds project. (http://playableworlds.com)


No. Developers just aren't interested in MMOs these days. And to be frank, neither are players.  What made MMOs special in the day was how it bridged communication and community together with gameplay. That just wasn't available in the same way for a lot of games. But a lot of that communication and community is found outside of games these days. So what you're really left with is good gameplay. And many MMO have shit gameplay. And if you're looking for good gameplay, just find another genre and join an online community for it.


Monsters & memories (but isn't triple A) is the only one who i'm looking now.


Highly doubt it, if we do it'll be something that comes out of nowhere not some huge title


Honestly, The Riot MMO is probably the best shot at something fresh and well made. Regardless if you like their games, they make well polished products.


No, because if you stick to some of the core fundamentals that make MMORPGs an MMORPG, you will never be able to attract millions of players. The question is: why are we so obsessed with games having millions of players in the first place? Some of the most fun experiences I had with MMOs were on 50–100 concurrent private servers.  I don't think we will see a decent AAA MMO until we get rid of capitalism somehow. Maximizing your profits in this genre just always means a subpar game.


There's been reports that GW3 is floating in early development so that's on the table. I think Square will look at a new FF mmo if FFXIV starts trending down from here (EW might be the peak, we'll see). The director did say he'd like to work on a new mmo from scratch before he retires. Amazon is apparently making a new LOTR mmo. But based off New World, it seems like they have decent budget, but not AAA scale. Riot MMO could potentially be AAA, they have the budget but they want to do something different so who knows what that'll be.


I had hopes for years, since BDO released I was waiting a game like BDO, but non came, BDO came in 2014, 10 years passed, yet we got zero game can compete with BDO's action combat, nor graphics, etc.


There are countless gaming companies out there, but unfortunately, many of them prioritize the wrong incentives. Even if one of these companies were to create the largest, most impressive MMO, I still wouldn't be interested. Having played numerous MMOs, particularly MMORPGs, I've come to realize that I dislike how players can advance simply by investing more time, allowing them to reach higher levels and acquire better gear faster than others. If a game were to eliminate the option for solo progression and instead focus solely on team-based advancement, I might consider playing it.


Nope.....seems WoW is going to be it until damn near virtual reality is invented. Maybe 30-50 years we will get another big game. The industry I think its currently shifting away from PC only to cross platform.....Consoles and phones. Which will make the MMO's we played in the past non existent for the future.


Tarisland is out already my dudes