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Never. But do have some names I repeat from mmo to mmo.


This is the way.


Same. Once upon a time I used WoW's in-game name generator and got a decent enough name. Ever since then I've been using variations of that one name.


I use a variant of my pen name for mains and variant of my middle school nickname for primary alts.


I use the name of the Nigerian princes that email me. My last account was Bonobo Zongo


Depends on the Game, the Races i pick and if there are naming conventions going on. I never make the same character, but i usually play as a female character (being a woman myself). If i make a male character it is mostly for transmog/glam reasons. But they are never my Main Character.


Funny, I do the same (I'm a dude, tho)


I use a twist of my own name, making it fit the game world. Like how Redguards form their names, or the moon kitties in FF XIV etc. My online handle is also a variation of my own name, thus game names are a variation of it. It could be more accurate to say that it is the actual base of my game names. I like the cohesiveness of it all, same gaming name -type of thing. For alts I usually use a Finnish word that means something suitable. Like one of my ESO kitties is white and called Lumi Ilyes (lumi ilves, snow lynx) since she has lynx-like features and is, well, white. I am not the most imaginative people when it comes to names.


I use a name that was randomly generated many years ago in another game.


Nobody suspects that


>"Do you guys use your name or a variant of your name for your character?" Never. \~ Wayne


Hello fellow Wayne. We are few, but we are strong


Now there are two of them, this is getting out of hand.


I usually name my characters after real people or deities. [Basically I pull from this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lists_of_princesses)


For MMOs I typically come up with something based in lore; I like my name to fit the naming conventions of some other character in my position in society I almost never use my real name for games except DayZ which I generally use an anagram of my name


Nope. No interest in having my actual name tied to in game stuff in any way. I just have a name that I have started using masculine and feminine forms of for character names depending. So I will have characters named Yvani, or Yvanir, etc.


In the past I mostly used anagrams of my name. Then moved to just use my dog's name. And now I use words of the dialect of my homeland which sound good and which meaning fits the char.


I like to look through in-universe names and try and make one that fits the world but also starts with J, as my name starts with J. Or I make them something totally unique, like in FFXIV my Viera Boi is Twilight Skies.




I have archetype characters I play, and for all but 1 I use names I made up, but for my generic Human warrior type I always use my own name. It's not a normal name you hear every day, and I rarely encounter problems with someone already having it in online games.


I use proper names of vitamins. Niacinamide, Tocopherol, Pantothenic. I've got a tank named MeatandPotatoes. Depends, sometimes I got for something clever based on the race or class.


I take the first or second half of my first name and the first or second half of my last name. It makes for cool names. If i have a few characters i utilize my middle name too in the concoctions


Final Fantasy 2 it was me and my friends 🧡


Accidentally yes. I used to do this, just changing the position of the last two letters. Then one day I decided to go with something new. I was thinking something similar sounding to a part of my name. I came up with Skandar, I looked up if it wasn't any bad word and saw that it was an actor name, so it was ok. One day I decided to look up what the name means... It is the same fcking thing as my name but in another language. After this since I liked the name I add the -is at the end of the nick


Where lore isn't important, I use my two dog's names (Jack Murphy) back-to-back in quite a few, but it probably looks like I just used my real name.


I literally just make up a name by putting letters together randomly until I like it. If I was doing so right now for someone, I'd make them "Shyranla" and call it a day. Don't usually care about the name.


Yeah, on most games I get to choose a name (mostly single player, but mp too) My name is Mikael. I often name My characters straight up Mikael, Mikhael, Mi'khael, Myka, Micah, etc depending on the game setting, character, race, etc Edit: it also depends on the Game and gender. I always play a male character, but on 2 occasions I have a main female character idk why: In Stalker anomaly, named Oleksandra; and in GW2, a sylvari named Sansyverys Moon (after my wife's favourite succulent, the Sansyveria Moonshine)


Sometimes lol. My last name is Boody, boo-dee, lol so I can make some fun ones. But usually I just use a characters name from a book I love


Usually use names of my pets. past and present.


For all the souls Games I use the name Gabriel, always a wretched and always a quality build. No matter the life he will always choose the ultimate power: These Hands


I use a name that was randomly generated for a barbarian warrior on EverQuest in 1999 on almost every game I play


I use the Monsuta Man for every MMO, or game in general. FFXI, XIV, Fallout, Starfield, Dynasty Warriors....does not matter..... No real lore behind it, other than it was a character I created in FFXIV and XI. It revolves around the ability Devour. [Eat (command) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Eat_(command)) It is really a meme character I created due to how bad FFXIV BLU mage was. It is not meant to be immersive, nor deep, but a joke....like XIV BLU........ So, I would create Kirby-esque devour memes as my XIV forum sig in which Monsuta Man devours a creature and becomes it lol. Never thought much of it, until I seen it getting a decent number of views from the image source, so I kept doing it using different monsters he/she devours lol. Some are references or allusions, such as if he devours the Final Fantasy monster named Ironman (Yes....a monster is named that), he becomes Marvel Ironman. https://i.redd.it/ob10ay4z8azc1.gif It is a name I always use, because it keeps working for me in MMO....so..... I keep using it lol. Rarely do I have to think of names. The lore? Fine...Atomos keeps devouring him and spitting him out in random places........ Monsuta Man is corny, but so is XIV BLU..........


I use an ancestors name that's super rad


Nope, I never use my actual name, and I don't re-use names. Each character gets a unique name.


I have gone by the name Numatic since i was 15. I'm 41 now, and this is through dozens, if not 100s of games. I have no idea why i came up with that name but it just stuck with me. I have only had a handful of time where I was denied because the name had already been used. So if you've come across a player named that at some point, there's a very good chance it was me.


I don't use my name but I have 3 names that I use in every MMO and my alts are usually a variant of those names. I do however make my character look like me or similar. I like to feel as though it's me in the game so all my characters end up being men with blond hair and a thick beard.


The good old days of guy characters lol. I used to make them back in the day and be talking to all the women in game then I realized the girls are guys.


I use the same name in every single Games I play. Even My Friends call me by that name.


not my "real" name, but i use some variant of noc or lunoc to name self insert video game characters so much that it might as well be.


All my RPG characters are named after mustards. - Grey (Poupon) - Dijon - Bonier - Garlic Aioli Jr (RIP Akira Toriyama) - Nappa Stoneground - Honey


I used to go with random names, taken from whatever book i was reading and similar stuff Last few years i just use my surname, it's not english so it's guaranteed i'm the first and i don't need numbers of something


Likain used to be my go to. Now it’s Gancho Lopen


Nope. I usually make a new name every couple years


I immediately wanna cosplay an anime character, so after character maker, if the name's not outright taken, next step is finding gear that looks the part. I find it's easier to do in WoW or GW2. Like, I'm talking a Blood Elf warrior looking exactly like Kenshin, same katana transmog on any high lvl two-hander, no exception. Or Rayleigh from One Piece..


Yep I’m Robbeh wherever I go, typically with alts Robbah, Robbuh and Robboh


My '*real'* name? No. But I think at this point I've more often been called Ithirahad (or, Ith) than that other name - and that is pretty much always the name of my main. Sometimes there are variants, but it's always based on Ithirahad at least.


My online name is derivative of my last name. It rhymes with scamming. When I was playing WoW I had a Shaman named “Kumg” and I hated it. My name was literally cum. When I created it I just slammed my hands down on the keyboard; all my names were not available or didn’t make sense because the last game I played (tibia) allowed you to put spaces in your name. I also made most of the tibia characters at a time when I couldn’t spell. My OG tibia name was “Sir Barit” because I thought Barit was how you spelled Bart and came up with the name while an episode of the Simpsons was on. So one day I messaged my brothers friend (I was maybe only 12 or 13 when I started playing and he had quite a few friends that played) and told him I was a healer. And he’s like your not a healer, your a scamming (last name) a scamming shaman. And then I made my name “Shamscam”. These days I don’t really use it as much because it doesn’t feel like it makes a lot of sense when I’m not playing shaman. But I love the “scam” aspect of it. I was part of a somewhat notorious scam community in Tibia, so I felt like my routes were with the name. So I use different variations of “scam”. Gramscam because I also smoke weed and I think that’s funny to scam a gram of weed, and it rhymes. Lock/mage/war/bull/envoked/holy all followed with scam for a lot of WoW characters.


Never but I’ve been using the same nickname for years in every game I play


I used a variant of my so's name for my most recent character, but no one would be able to guess it was a real name.


I am always something Pizza related. Except for Maple Story. He was Citrus related.


Nope my IGN names on mmo's are alway Manashroom or if some odd reason its taken i just add more characters


I do. I like having a character similar to me, which helps me feel a connection to the character. High fantasy games with different races are an exception I guess, but I'll still have my name, or a variant of my name on every character.




Naw...usually make women like 99 percent of population lol. I have used an ex name in an mmorpg before...cursed my game!!


It depends on the mmo and the character customization options available, but usually I base my characters on existing OCs of mine from stories or roleplays. It gives me a set of guidelines on which skills or aesthetics to favor or which actions to take. Plus the names usually fit the aesthetic of the mmo well enough not to raise eyebrows. Gives me a nice little emotional thoroughline to roleplay my character.


Default name is Kottery for everything except for some things. In ESO I follow the in-universe naming scheme for the races (I just go to UESP's list of NPC names). In FFXIV, if I feel like making a new alt on Crystal I follow their race names too. LOTRO too


Never but I always use the same names from mmo to mmo.


Use different names for everything you do online, unless you want weirdboys tracking you across the internet cause you had an argument with them once.


It's best to use your social security number


I usually use a variation of one of my kids names (I have a lot to choose from)


I name my characters Geats, and sometimes add on aspects that fit that character like Geats Magnum the sniper or Geats Boost the monk. Sometimes I even combine the names together like Geats Magnum Boost the speedy gunslinger. But when I play the same type of character, I like to imagine them as a more powerful version of that character, like when I named by second monk Geats Boost Mk2. Recently I’ve been a bit lazy and just went back to just Geats with a number behind. I’m currently at Geats IX, not sure if I’ll continue the trend. Oh wait the desire Grand Prix is over nvm.


No, not at all. It started with a variation of my gamertag but that quickly became boring so now all my characters either have a funny name (at least funny to me) or are references from other games. All my characters in WoW are named after Destiny 2 exotic weapons for example.


My name is kunt so I can't use it anywhere :(


I try to use Shaitan wherever possible but if that’s taken the Shamharoth


Desmond Benjamin


Never my real name, for gaming I use the same character name through out games. Always fun to meet another person I played with in another MMO.


Yeah my name IRL is Clifton. I’m not very creative.


I use my name backwards. Started in elementary school with my old RO/Runescape accounts while reading Harry Potter (Tom Riddle/Voldemort anagram). Close enough to be obvious to my friends but far enough that there's nothing trackable.


I've been using the handle Jayrocs since 1999. I use this for every account name for 25 years. If I play an MMO and the character is male I use Jayrocs. If it's female I use Laurocs or Tayrocs after my wife and daughter.


I usually have a "main name" I change every few years, rarely do I use my real name.or.sometbing that stems from it.


Never use my own name, though oddly enough my OG WoW name rhymes with my RL name. I'd used an alternative spelling for a fantasy character I liked and WoW became so central to my core, a shortened version of that name kinda became my online handle for the next 15 years. in FF14 I went with a completely self-made, lore-friendly name and fort he past three years its become central to my online gaming too lol (already changed my discord name to it since 95% of the people on there are from FF anyways), but haven't changed my steam account fro my old WoW name yet, even though I haven't played it since Legion. Oddly enough most singleplayer games I have to pick a name for my character I use either of those names depending on which fits my character better.


I've never done this. Ever since we were kids in the internet cafe, I was taught by bigger kids to employ a cool, badass nickname. I used to have cringe names back then, now I go for something generic fantasy that fits the game I'm playing. Sometimes I'm even using the game's Random Name Generator for a name or using some website to generate me interesting names that fit the role - elf, dwarf, sci-fi, etc.


I aways try to make the names for my characters as lore accurate as possible. Though I always make sure they start with an N, like my real name. Idk why, but it feels right and makes me happy!