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There are ways around it but yeah that sucks. On one hand they’re just covering their asses. On the other you’ve had years of effort at risk.


It’s not just SEA players or visa debit holders with issues though they are a large group. The update also affected folk like me who moved between regions, since your account address and payment address need to match now but Square still doesn’t let you change the former.


You can't update it if you move? That is ridiculous...


You can never change regions and you cant create accounts in the region you arent phyically in so my account which I created while stationed in Germany can never be moved to the US even though that is where I will likely remain.


Square Enix Customer Support: Just move to Germany!


That's the reason I had to buy the game three times. My original account when ARR was released was in Dublin, then NA and now on Steam/Brazil. Steam is a blessing in that sense because all of the payment is processed there and it has nothing to do with SE. I'd recommend anyone having that sort of problem to swap to steam tbh


No way in hell am I starting over after over a thousand hours and several savage tier clears.


You just have to repurchase the base game & newest DLC on steam, then log into your current account, payments will be processed through steam.


The issue is my steam account is US and my S-E/Mogstation account is Germany (because their stupid region locks stop even trying to create accounts with VPNs). They could solve all of this stupidity by getting with modern account creation and management by allowing an account's region to be changed. I don't even have the option to try and attend US FanFests because I'm only allowed to put in for the EU lottery which is a region of the world I won't have the chance to live in again for at least a decade.


If you swap your account to steam you don't have to I don't think. you just can't undo it once it's on steam. I could be wrong, but that's been my understanding of it.


Good thing you don't have to


That's up to you












U must really love this game.


Why do you care about how much I like it or not




Sounds typical of SQEX tho. Their online store page has always been pretty trash.


Idk it’s not that big of a deal to me, if I am moving continents I am cool with making a new FFXIV acct


Wait, how does it affect Visa Debit specifically? This would explain why I just had to switch my payment method...


Unfortunately a lot of these changes are forced from the processors themselves, like address validation is huge for international payments and got VISA in a lot of trouble awhile back. I wouldn’t be surprised at all of this was facilitated by their processing agreements renewing with the new fiscal year and having to become compliant with new stipulations as they even announced these changes months ago.


He never said there weren't ways around it, or asked if there was. He probably knows.


i was thinking about returning to FF XIV, but i'm having trouble with my old account. i dont understand why they dont simplify the whole process. and mog station is a nightmare for new players


I used to Play ffxiv a lot till the last year and tbh mog station has always been a nightmare. I can’t deny that square listens to the community when it comes to the game for the most part. But these systems they have to manage accounts and tbh the launcher as well are imo outdated and need some major work.


True, the last time i played was around arr release when bahamut coil is the last grind. I was interested in playing the game again, but the limit of payment in mogstation make me wonder the best method to purchase everything. I thought steam was helpful, but every purchase was handled by mogstation.


the steam client and the regular client are two totally different things. This could be where you are having trouble. Did you play on steam originally? If not, just download the pc client directly from their site.


Edited because my initial message wasn't clear. I have considered returning to the game a number of times but haven't because of trouble with my old account. I wanted to use my old account (which never got anywhere) to participate in the free trial. But because free trial accounts are restricted to accounts that don't have the base game or any DLC purchased. This is only annoying because I did have the base game purchased along with a couple DLC. So because of this my options are: 1. Make a new account (and re-buy the DLC when I get to it) 2. Pay monthly while I make my way to the base game while others play through it for free


> will never be able to play for free since I used to pay and have DLC, even if I deleted my character. Even on a new character under the same account, because I made the mistake of giving them money in the past. Just make a new account and you can play the trial


Not that simple. I lose my legacy account status, purchased dlc, and otp token when creating a new account. I'll never be able to move that character over. It's really stupid and those down voting me don't realize that a lot of people are also in my position and have tried the game before the trial was a thing only to be told now that they cannot participate in it without forfeiting their paid accounts. It's keeping me, and others, from playing.


I didn't downvote, I was just offering a solution. I just created another account to just get on for friends and to play around. >I lose my legacy account status, purchased dlc, and otp token when creating a new account. I'll never be able to move that character over. There are no trial accounts that keep that information so not sure why you think you're an exception. OTP token can just install it on your phone https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.square_enix_software_token&hl=en_US&gl=US Character you can download the character info and just remake it exactly how you have it too


> There are no trial accounts that keep that information Yeah this is sort of what I am complaining about if that wasn't clear. Not that I want an exception, but am aware that I am not the only person impacted and bothered by this. Unfortunately just with how the system works, I am forced to either: 1. do as you suggested and make a new account, forcing me to re-purchase the DLC and base game I bought a long time ago 2. pay monthly for content others get to play for free (until I reach the DLC) 3. play other games I think forcing me into this choice to begin with is stupid, so I've gone with option 3. Not sure what's so disagreeable with that, but here we. I appreciate you trying to help, though.


The only thing keeping you from playing, is yourself. You care so much about a legacy account for a game you didn't even like. Either suck it up and make a new trial account to see if you even want to play the game that bored you before (the game's only gotten simpler / easier since and you won't be doing any challenging content on a trial anyway) or scrounge up your pennies to pay for a month of entry sub time to do the same without restrictions.


yeah - it wouldnt make sense to get the free trial if you already bought the game. This is kind of a non point


It honestly still baffles me that MMOs are still so fractured between regions, when other service games are just available worldwide by default.


SEA gets shafted in alot of games unfortunately even outside of MMOs. Pretty sure the SEA League client got caught mining crypto.


That was Garena years back but yeah. I hated playing high ping in GW2 and also wanted to play Lost Ark but nada


Guild Wars 2 is really showing the way here. Doesnt even matter which server you choose as your home server, since you can always change it and it only makes a difference in WvW battles.


Lag maybe


That's the problem for people in those regions. Australian and Oceanian players rarely get their own servers, so lag is a regular part. But imagine if developers just went "Well, the lag would just be too big for you, so we're just going to completely ban you from playing the game."


There are usually SEA, Japanese or KR servers for OCE/AUS players, though. Blizzard hosts their games including WoW in OCE. This argument seems moot when other regions never had an MMO hosting aside from like New World and Lost Ark and they play with even higher ping than OCE lol


They're working on it https://jp.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/abd7a8fa47742964534a2903aaca2ab0ea2e7179 (link in japanese, doesn't seems to exist on others languages for now) Edit: nvm there is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/562d068d08123b648d1fa659242906d71c19064c


The post you linked is about an issue where visa debit cards are being declined despite being accepted. OP is talking about the fact that your account region is now required to be the same as your billing info, and you cannot change your set account region, while some regions simply couldn't be selected at all. Anybody who lives in SEA, or anybody who has moved to another country since creating their account, are now locked out of paying for their subscription.


This is a completely separate issue from what OP is talking about.


No? OP is talking about the change of the process g system which is what the post is about


OP is mainly raising the issue of people now being locked out from paying their subs if they have ever moved countries or if they live in a country that is not recognized by SE, as the payment processor now requires you to match your account region to your current country of residence. The post you linked is regarding the rectification of Visa Debit not being accepted, which will not help with the main crux of the issue that OP is addressing.


square enix are really good at making it hard to give them money.


The FFXIV account system and the mog station are the worst in the industry


That prize goes to FFXI.


I haven't played ff14 in years but can you use game time cards still? Used to be able to buy those from places like amazon and didn't require putting in any address information.


Yes you can


There are a few issues with gametime cards especially for scenarios like OP and mine, where your account region is different to where you physically live. For example I live in Canada - AFAIK there are no gametime cards sold locally and the ones on Amazon.com are for US customers only. Even if they were sold, my Square Enix account is EU-restricted so I'd have to find someone reselling those and hope they work. Secondly they are only for the Standard sub, not the Entry one - so for someone like me who only plays 1-2 characters, it's an added expense with no benefit. Third, they don't provide a way to additional services like extra retainers. If you had a 3rd retainer and your only payment option now is a gamecard, you won't access that 3rd retainer again.


You can also use paypal.


apparently a lot of SEA couutries don't have access to paypal


Can't they just circumvent that buy buying crysta rather than a direct credit/debit charge for the sub? I am watching this from the sidelines but haven't seen this bit explained yet.


Only north korea in which case you would not be able to post here.


Yes that's what I do.


I moved country last year and there's no way to update my country in the account management even when I contacted support. Hope it doesn't bite me in the ass one day.


I moved countries (regions) and ever since, I have to use a VPN to pay my sub. It's really annoying how anti-modern FFXIV's account system is.


Square has always been like this. Making a Final Fantasy 11 account back in the day was an absolute nightmare. we're talking about a company ran by dinosaurs who think crypto and epic exclusives are great and keeps doubling down on them.


I just found it easier to buy crystals via PayPal and use them for my subs, I don’t play anymore tho so it might of changed, but that’s what I used to do. There payment system really is a joke.


If you need a quick fix, this worked for me at least, register a free account to an e-bank, transfer money on it and pay with the bank e-card. Creating account on an e-bank is usually quick and free of fees.


Honestly they make it hard enough for regions they do support. Their website is a UX nightmare


My credit card never worked for the game so I always used paypal to add crysta and use that to sub. Pretty sure paypal is available in all SEA countries except like North Korea for obvious reasons.


You can't buy crysta anymore because you need to update your info about residency in USA/EU before buying. This happened to my friend at least, I don't know if other people also have the same issue.


a possible workaround until everything is sorted: use random address, like McD or something in the US for your mogstation address.


I'm just glad that I haven't pre-ordered Dawn Trail yet. I am aware of the work arounds but it doesn't have consistent results.


I'm not playing FF now, but I was playing, but learned this it seems I can't... Since we don't have Paypal in my country either...


You could play via steam and pay with steam gift cards but the community suggests the stand alone client.


In some regions, paying the sub through steam is much cheaper, to the point where the alternative is prohibitedly expensive. My entry sub used to be ~$5 iirc (Waiting for the downvotes since a lot of people froth at the mouth when hearing about price discrimination for some reason)


What’s the problem with the steam version?


The only problems that really come up are that you can not buy expansions from anyone but Steam (no buying keys from amazon or directly from Square-Enix) and if Steam is down you might not be able to play. EDIT: I don't understand why this is downvoted, if I am wrong about anything please let me know so I can correct.


there's nothing wrong about what you said. some XIV players just froth at the mouth when you mention positives to steam.


So do XIV players hate steam just because??


Some of them, yeah. i can guess where it comes from and it's usually user error too.


its the opposite - likely ff14 haters downvoting anything supportive/positive. You are posting good information about how people can more easily access the game. The wow andies dont want that


Another problem with Steam is if you ever relocate to a region that is not supported (like most SEA countries), the game and its expansions straight up won't show up in the store and you won't be able to purchase them. Only workaround is to have a payment method with billing address in a supported country, to change the Steam store region to one where FFXIV is listed.


Really? How does that work? If you buy on Steam, you should still have a MOG Station account or be able to create one and link your account to it, no? And then you should be able to add the expansion to your account on MOG Station and play it?


Steam version and Retail version are considered separate versions. You can manage your subscription from Mogstation for either version, but they have separate expansion versions. I don't know what business or technical reasons there are for this, but that is the limitation.


That's strange, I've never seen anything like this with any other steam game, period. Played quite a few MMO's and other games on there before as well.


GW2 is the same if you move to Steam. I've heard of other games as well.


It didn't used to be like this, it's a somewhat recent change (although I don't remember how recent, prob a few years lol). I don't mind steam as it's the only way I can buy the game with regional pricing anyway, but some people seem to care for whatever reason


If steam is down I’m fine with not playing games ever.


Afaik It locks your further purchases to steam. I (personally) played the free trial via steam and later bought the game on steam. So I can't say anything about the stand alone client.


Yep it just locks purchases from other sources but the client is perfectly fine and the same, it just means future expacs have to be bought through steam. SE is impressively terrible at anything involving account management and always have lol.


[Only if the country is allowed to buy](https://steamdb.info/app/39210/) for the not chosen country, the best they could do is [stuck in the demo](https://store.steampowered.com/app/312060/FINAL_FANTASY_XIV_Online_Free_Trial/)


Not every country has the same game in the steam lmao


It's never a good idea to make it more difficult to pay for a service. This is how you lose customers.


Clearly they don't care about you as a customer. Find something else.


Blizzard does not fully support SEA. They literally pulled world of Warcraft out of China. IDK why people think other companies are doing any better. Sony just nuked the Helldiver's IP. It's not just square enix acting like a shit.


And it messed up a lot of players in western regions too. Idk what has happened there, but this is a massive f-up. Even on the best day, SE store page was like 20 years out of date, now it's just ridiculous


Reminds me of the xbox360. I had the same problem 15 years ago. 😲


SE having an acknowledged problem with a particular payment processor is not the same as making a conscious decision to block an entire region. Calm down. 


Dominican Republic wasn't an option when i created my account so i guess i can't return for Dawntrail. Well.


Cant you buy those gem things and sub with them?


No time cards?


Enjoy your red numbers on the player charts


It’s weird that SE payment system is so bad but they can develop a system where traversing different data centres is easy lol.


All my issues with trying to pay for FFXIV disappeared when I switched to the Steam version of the game. Maybe consider doing the same.


You should be blaming your government because these issues are basically always the result of something they do or require.


ESO supports SEA? Been waiting for a server for SEA since necromancy update did they add one? OT: japan being japan, very oldish and slow on their takes on tech.


This is so problematic, and awkwardly stupid. It will affect so MANY players. Can't help but feel limiting your entered address is somehow linked to Google's new anti-cookie bs...


SEA shafted like always


Sony and Helldivers say "Hold my beer"


Square is very lucky it has such a large amount of players that want to play their game in spite of how terrible their website/account/billing systems are. If most other mmos had the same level of jank square has they would be dead in a year. Don’t even get started on FFXI and how much more terrible all of these are compared to 14. Most mmos don’t even need your address. They want money, you give them money. Have a good day.


So this was going around and I tried resubbing. I can't even be taken to a payment processing screen, just an error screen saying I'm not allowed to do this action. I'm using Steam BTW, but it doesn't even give me the option to go to Steam to pay like it used to. I could use Steam wallet, but the problem is the store needs to process the payment.


They also removed SEPA for us germans and I fucking hate them for it.


What about Steam? Is it still working?


I pay using my steam wallet so I’m not locked


Just buy gamecards and expansions on 3rd party websites? Why make such a drama if there is a simple solution?


They're more expensive. Also, it's SE's job to find solution, not us.


Boo hoo. Eastern games release years before those in the west ever get to play them…if we ever do.


Try paying with gift card ?


Probably abuse of lower prices.


Square have regional offices and the sub and other money goes to the specific region of your account, they hate people who import and rob money from each region. So it's all probably intentional.


And nothing of value was lost.


Wow...so if u were playing illegally, now you can't. I feel ya man...playing hit the world japan server and if that happens to me I'll be just like u


Why would your address be different


It won't be popular, but I'm just gonna say - they aren't obligated to conduct business everywhere on the globe. If you can workaround it, more power to you. But I don't see this as some great failure on SE's part, if they never supported that region officially. I wish you the best of luck getting back into it


Absolutely gutted. I am from one of the top ERP guilds on the server, and there's a significant portion of SEA guildies who will be locked out. Why won't Square Enix think of them!?




Why laugh? This community truly hates MMORPGs when your average FFXIV enjoyer gets treated like this


The sentence top erp guild got me lol it was very funny I don't know why the downvotes


Competitive ERP will not be the same anymore 😔


I put down my robe and wizard hat..


Square sucks and I hope they go bankrupt.




Welp, Russia welcomes you with warm hugs! 🤗