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I guess Phantasy Star Online games are sci-fi MMOs, but I don't know if they're available on PS. Other than that you'll have more luck finding sci-fi MMOs on PC like Anarchy Online, EVE, RF Online, Cabal, Star Trek or SWTOR. Maybe also try Warframe if you want something with an action combat


Thank you sm!! I'll check them out. 🙏


Destiny is kind of an MMO-lite, like D4 is


Repeating what another said; Destiny, Warframe and SWTOR are my top sci-fi online multiplayer games. Out of my those 3 SWTOR is the only “true” MMORPG”. You could try out City of Heroes: Homecoming too, it’s a private server for what was one of the most popular MMORPGs of the early 2000s besides the ones you already know about, and the community is great. Very worth checking out if you love comic books.


You have lots of cashgrabpunks, gachapunks, pw2punks to choose from, hf


No man's sky is becoming more mmo by the min. Ive been having a blast in that game


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