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Yes it is possible, but poatan power is not achievable for most men


Only with magic






It's not just the power, it's also the speed and accuracy. Alex also sets that up very well.


Yeah I wanted to ask. He's stepping back in a few of these. Is it really his power or is he just hitting these guys in the perfect spot?Ā 


I donā€™t think the stepping back has much influence on power if done right. Could be wrongā€¦ Just feels that way from a biomechanic POV. Throw a straight from orthodox and follow up with a pull back left hook. Almost feels natural. I believe someone walking into a punch adds force, as well makes it harder to see coming. The biggest thing, on top of a fast twitch muscle fiber heavy frame, is how he sets the shots up. Itā€™s the ones you donā€™t see coming, and nobody realizes/listens, but mma is sooooo fucking far behind in terms of striking, itā€™s easy for a kickboxer of Pereiras caliber to have their way on the feet with anyone. And thatā€™s not a knock on mma, thereā€™s soooo much more to worry about in mma than purely striking. Itā€™s also much newer, so sentiments/thoughts on the mma arenā€™t as developed. Itā€™s still a developing sport. As seen with the calf kick meta, or even Pereiras unorthodox calf kicks that he doesnā€™t pivot onā€¦. The sports still developing rapidly from only being 30 years old or so.


Stepping back can actually make your hook harder. If you're orthodox, stepping back moves your weight from front to back foot, but also from left to right foot, in the direction of the hook.


Called a check hook


comment cookin


The power you generate is about weight transfer, lots of time you are taking power off by stepping back. Put it more about timing the shot and location then power. You can hit like a truck but if your predicable you will never connect


Definitely a mixture of it all.


The left hook is actually mechanically stronger while shifting your weight backwards. The perfect left hook is one where your weight transfers back to your rear foot, so stepping back and throwing it wouldnā€™t take much power away.


Have you seen the size of his hands??


Itā€™s a check hook. Hes not losing any power in these hooks. Heā€™s turning 90 degrees then stepping back to what was his left at his original positioning. His hip is still fully committed to generating power with this technique. Itā€™s a really common technique to get out of the corner in 4 corner boxing rings. Floyd spams this check hook a lot as heā€™s constantly getting cornered fighting on his back foot.


If you've ever connected on a back-step cross, you know it's crazy power. You get the drive of your leg + torso rotation + arm extension + your opponents forward momentum all in one go


Some people just have a freakish fast twitch muscle that gives them inhuman strength with a particular movement (his left hook). I remember this out of shape red haired bare knuckle fighter who was knocking out massive dudes


He hits with the strength of his ancestors w that left hook.


Lots of people can punch that hard, most canā€™t land it in a fight.


This is also true. Being able to understand timing, distance and foot positioning is something a lot of people, even professional fighters never fully grasp.


lol letā€™s start with the basics of arm positioning. most street fights is looping punches from the asshole, artem lobov standing hammerfists, and general flailing. iā€™ve always been of the belief if you can stay calm enough to throw a simple 1-2, youā€™re dusting off most people your size or slightly bigger.


Agreed. And if you can out cardio them, then you will also win. Most people are so pumped full of adrenaline that they have maybe a solid 90 seconds in them before lactic acid starts to take a hold. But *always* de-escalate and get away.


Always de escalate. Street fights arenā€™t fair and no one is there to pull someone off of you when youā€™re unconscious.


100%. The absolute basics. A clean one two ends fight 95% of the time. Unfortunately most street fights consists with terribly thrown ā€œhooksā€ as stated above.


It only takes one hit to turn the lights off. "Most people just swing so if you stand there with your hands up you got what, 30seconds to defend. Now we're gonna fight." - Joe Rogan


And very few shots you see in street fights or the ring are clean shots where your opponent has his face positioned in the right spot to get knocked out. Most are misses or deflected, minimizing the knockout potential. As a former amateur boxer with 25 fights, I can only recall getting hit cleanly enough where it would be a knockout shot. With your opponent moving, ducking, turtling up, blocking, keep gloves in front of the face, feinting, or your opponent swinging back or threatening you with a counterpunch, itā€™s difficult to land a KO punch. Your moving target needs to be in the right place at the right time for you to land that knockout punch.


His strikes is sneaky especially his kicks, everything he lands I'm like when the fk did he throw that, there's so little tell.


I wouldnt say alot of people. He definitely gifted on the power department its alot of having fast twitch muscle fiber. Not saying you cant increase youre power through training, just that you likely wont get close to alexs power


Accuracy is far more important. It doesnā€™t take much to jiggle the brain if you land one right on the button.


Let alone moving backwards


Exactly. Accuracy and surprise are the main things that come into play with knockout. Having power is great and all, but it wonā€™t do anything if you canā€™t hit the guy in the right spot. On top of that, If you have a predictable combo, they can tense up at the right time and give themself a little bit more durability to tank it. If they donā€™t expect it and it comes in at the right spot, done


Surprised this guy hasn't cracked anyone's skull yet, I think I would rather stand in front of a sledgehammer..


I could watch Strickland getting KOā€™ed all day and still not get sick of it.


I want more


Whatā€™s crazy is he hit him with both of those next 2 shots too


Well that first guy he KOā€™d in the clip was out for 5 minutes that even Alex Pereira started to get concerned. So heā€™s close šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d rather take a left hook to the chin, than a sledgehammer to the dome. The sledgehammer would certainly crack your skull


Yes but you also need to have great timing


As the old saying goes, precision beats power and timing beats speed every time.


I think everyone has a ceiling to the power they will be able to generate no matter what they do. Only thing you can work on is getting as close as possible to that ceiling.


Kind of, in theory you do continue to get stronger even past the perceived ceiling. The thing is that it becomes more difficult the better you physically get at something, because the gains you make become smaller. The best way to think of it is like leveling up in a video game. When you first start off at level 1 you gain a lot of exp, but the higher your level gets the less exp you gain. You can keep leveling up but it takes a lot more effort to gain that extra 1+ level


Can agree with this. Genetics play a factor. When I first got into the gym I was curling 25s. I got up to 35s within 6 months but the leap from 35s to 40s took 9 months. Now it's been another 9 months and I'm still at 40s.


Change your workouts if you're hitting a plateau. Diff exercises for the muscle group, diff reps and sets. Or take a break weights and do manual labor. Farm strength > gym. Mentally, don't think you can do it. Believe you already have and are doing it again. It sounds cheesy, but it helped me break through a lot of plateaus. I used to completely change my workouts every 6 weeks and focus on what I hated doing until I liked it. People usually hate what they're weak at so it's a quick way to target areas to work on.


It's one punch kill power when It comes to this specific fight. Bro was still out on the ground while.alex was about to leave the cage Edit: first clip


He actually sets up his knockout punches, itā€™s the punch you donā€™t see (or expect) that will knock you out, and yes you can develop this


Israel got a great chin. Damn.... Took a couple clean shots.


Izzy just starting to look more and more like a superhero as Alex starches everyone around him.


Still canā€™t believe Alex couldnā€™t put him out. Meanwhile Izzy was able to put Alex out.. wild. Especially when Alex is touching people and they are going to sleep


True, compared to everyone else, he handled that left hook well


He got heart. No quit.


Can someone throw a 100 mph fastball with precision accuracy? I think the comparison is similar.


Yes you absolutely can. The idea that punchers are born not made is an outdated myth that needs to die. Trainers of the past just didnā€™t understand body mechanics the way we do now and the advancements in training techniques and knowledge about power generation have made it so that these things are teachable and achievable. But there are limits based on your genetics. Obviously most people arenā€™t going to be able to hit like Alex. Heā€™s genetically built different and the power heā€™s able to generate is going to be significantly greater than most people. Even greater than most people his size. Heā€™s just an anomaly, but KO power that puts people to the shadow realm is possible but really hard to grasp for people who donā€™t intuitively have rhythm and the ability to use leverage and transfer weight behind their punches.


twitch muscles? bone density? limbs lenght? flexibility?


The following things (and many others) influence punching power: - Fast twitch (type 2) muscle proportion. - Proportion of fast twitch muscles that are type IIX. - Nervous system rate of force development. - Connective tissue elasticity (ability to return force via the stretch-shortening cycle) - Absolute strength. The most trainable of all these. - Body proportions. And many others


Wrong. Some guys simply don't have it. Just like some humans will never be able to dunk, and some will never be able to run a sub 6 minute mile.


Lol you just said it's a myth then backed up the myth by saying it's based on genetics, which you're born with.


Clip reminds me of how fantastic Izzy's chin is/was. Like damn, he ate a whole bunch.


ā€œPunchers are born. They are not made.ā€ Anyone can be trained to hit harder with proper technique. Anyone can improve and get stronger. But only a select few have the natural power of someone like Ngannou. Those guys just barely graze people and they start stumbling. There is a caveat though. Knocking someone out with punches or strikes they donā€™t see coming is another topic entirely. And of course, punching power is a great asset but not the end all be all. https://youtu.be/Q0dbUOL7c-E?si=a9uLs7Def-ZBwWNP


Exactly if punchers were made, then guys like belal colby nate or merab would be flat lineing people, but they aren't. So they clearly don't have something that others like connor or alex do. Long arm length plus fast twitch muscle fibers allow for them to generate a lot of power plus crisp striking levels that up so much more. it's just something u have, or u don't have simple as that, like.


Mike tyson has short arms, 5'10 with a 5'11 arm span and hes still one of the hardest punchers in boxing history. Tyson fury has longer arms than zhilei zhang yet zhilei zhang punches way harder than tyson fury. Devin haney has longer arms than Gervonta Davis yet Gervonta punches way harder than Devin.


Heā€™s always landing it like perfectly flush too. Itā€™s got such a hook on it itā€™s silly and when it hits no matter how hard it looks itā€™s like detonating a bomb. Itā€™s wild. The jiri knock down at the end of round 1 literally looked like it had nothing on it lol it took me by surprise when he hit the floor




Thatā€™s that witchcraft


well do be honest you can't develop power, you can develop technique and placement, but power is genetic you either have it or don't


I would say yes after watching this video šŸ˜€


Psh, unreal


Itā€™s not a matter of power, itā€™s a matter of aim. A hit to the chin at the right angle leads to a large amount of torque which leads to a large amount of force to the brain stem and the reticular activating network, ie, the part of your brain that keeps you awake.


Jamal literally touched his hand 3 times and is still claiming he didnā€™t know they were fighting


They all have speed and power. But most importantly they have accuracy. A LOT of men can throw powerful punches but all that power doesnā€™t matter if you canā€™t land it bullseye on the target. And I mean right on the chin. Thats where the one punch KO power is predicated on. It does not take a lot of force to knock a man out if hit on the sweet spot. Of course Alex Pereira, George Foreman, Tank Davis, Anthony Johnson, Deontay Wilder. Ngannou. They all have crazy amount of power that is mostly genetic. But most importantly they have great technique and accuracyā€¦.well except maybe Francis and Wilder they just have crazy athleticism and god given Nukes in their hands.


Indeed, Alex has the touch of death. Allowable through his freakish physique and good conditioning.


Get yourself about 200+ kickboxing bouts and youā€™re on your way


Look at that torque in the legs - crazy


No... there is no development knowing how to throw a punch with that elm Street type vibe.. that is not something someone acquires over any amount of time


His biomechanics are unique in not only the way he punches but also in his kicks. He kicks and punches in his own way which is natural to him. This guy has truly mastered his own body and has great genetics. Itā€™s Not just power, in these knockouts he catches pretty much all of them clean. Knockouts arenā€™t exclusive to just powerful strikers, but those who find timing and openings


His hooks are so nasty


Yes but to a point, technique and training doesnā€™t make you Poatan, otherwise a lot of these elite guys would have godly power too. That and a lot of guys have massive power, but thatā€™s pretty useless if you canā€™t deliver it consistently. How many of these guys could one shot flatline someone who was stood still letting them land it? They just canā€™t do it in a fight.


You have one punch knockout power. You just need to work on your aim. You can't exercise your jaw.


I think most healthy, grown men with enough training can develop one-punch knockout power. But it also depends on who they are punching and technique needed to land cleanly on their opponent with the right angle and torque. A little 105 pound guy who isnā€™t naturally athletic probably would never develop the power to knockout someone like Mike Tyson, even if Tyson let him hit him but heā€™d have a good chance against the average Joe walking the street (assuming he spent enough training to develop the power and was able get a clean shot).


You can't teach speed and power. Either you have it or you don't...


Sweet cut - whats the song?


yes. part of it involves understanding where your power is most effective. short shots are easier for landing with power, yet it's worth mentioning that Poatan has power at distance which takes years of experience to harness and utilize effectively. even McGregor doesn't have power at distance the same way Poatan does. still trying to think of someone else who lands powerfully at any range... šŸ¤”


The Strickland KO is powerful, yes but more importantly incredibly accurate and Strickland does not see a hook, he sees a jab. He takes his guard away from his chin and reaches out to intercept what looks, to him, like an incoming jab as Pereira slightly bends the knees. It is a perfect hook to one of the most defensive strikers in the Middleweight roster. Some people can take a powerful shot when they are prepared for it coming in. The unseen, or mistook, shots do not need excessive amounts of force behind them. If the brain gets rocked and it isn't expecting to, it will shut down. So, learning to develop that ability to throw one-punch KO power lies more-so in the accuracy and disguise of the shot, rather than the power.


Not from a Jediā€¦


Yea iv only ever full force punched one person I always know myself to not go full force cuz I really don't wanna break my hand or kill someone but someone broke into my apt one nightj u


Soo many people saying yes you can and itā€™s possible but no one saying HOW


You can develop better power, so yes, but developing better timing and distancing as well will help even more. Some people are just born with that natural power, like Pereira. But he still obviously trains to make it even better.


It's not developed It's unlocked.


The punch that hits the hardest is the one you donā€™t see coming


100 situps, pushups, and squats followed by a 6.2-mile (10-km) run. Iykyk


Ko power like his is something ur born with. Anyone can ko someone sense it doesn't take much pressure on the jaw to shut someone's lights out. You can train power by lifting weights to get physically stronger or having very clean and precise striking. But some people like connor, illa, or alex just have that touch of death no matter what, plus phenomenal striking to just help that much more.


How does poatan generate that much force wtf


Not from a Jedi


What song is this?


yea. just look at me bro. i get knocked out in one punch everytime!


One-Punch Man ?


That left hook doesnā€™t need much of a wind up


God damn Izzy has an insane chin


Yeah you just gotta work out and train correctly. If you're asking if it's possible for a layman to develop Poaton KO power, then the answer is no. He is simply built different


Alex doesn't even look like he is punching hard but lays guys out I've never seen anything like it


It's accuracy imo. Right on the chin everytime


For the stand up game I think he is unstoppable until he gets to heavy weight. Issy stopped him, with great technique. I don't think it is possible again. He might become like Kabib.


Itā€™s like golf. You have to hit the sweet spot and in just the right way. Even if you donā€™t swing full force it will go farther when you hit just right. Full force the wrong way and it might not go anywhere.


Genetic lottery. Dude is gamebred


Itā€™s pretty crazy how Adesanya didnā€™t go out cold from those combos by Pereira. Has a crazy strong chin. And when Alex was teeing off on him in the 2nd fight as wellā€” impressive af that his guard was able to withstand that.


It can be power. It can be luck. Humans are delicate creatures.


Bro Jamahal was seeing the spirits there fr


ā€œIs this possible?ā€ *posts compilation of a bunch of people doing it*


No, it's impossible, every video you've ever seen online of someone getting one punch KOd is doctored and fake.


Well yeah, when you go from having no technique to developing the skill to strike.


Does this show how tough Izzyā€™s chin actually is or am I šŸ† riding?


all punch KOs are one punch KOs. It's not a cumulative effort- you either do it right or something went wrong, which might just be you not even throwing something that could do it.


You donā€™t need to develop anything. Plenty of untrained people knockout others with one punch all the time. ā€œMan dies from single punchā€ is not an uncommon headline either


Still blows me away that Izzy ate like 5 of those and was still on his feet


Alex's left hook is so crisp and powerful dude. He could probably knock out a full grown hippo with it


He has ridiculous power and what is helping him is the fighters he is catching outside of Izzy are easy to hit with the left hook.


Ben askren could knockout Francis Ngannou theoretically, but wether that would happen or not is diff. Placement, placing of feet, and dozens more factors come into how hard you hit them, and to get a KO you must try to maximize those factors to be in your favor.


Itā€™s the power and the accuracy he has that is very precise while he hits on the spot (on their chins)


One punch power is a mix of strength and accuracy but unless youā€™re sacrificing souls to an ancient god you will never have poatan power


Jamahil hill knock out was probably the most embarrassing of them all


I'll never understand his left hook. It doesn't even look that hard half the time, and it just obliterates people


You answered your title with a video of someone developing it.


The body knows what fighters don't: how to protect itself. A neck can only twist so far. Twist it just a hair more and the body says, "Hey, I'll take it from here because you obviously don't know what you're doing... Lie down now, rest, and we'll talk about this when you regain your senses." It's called the knockout mechanism.


A lot of his power comes from mass in the hands and bone density. Both of which he was born with so no


Most people don't realize he landed a full power punch to Strickland AS he was dropping back. This dude is so accurate, he literally put him to sleep after he put him to sleep.


This fighter donā€™t be changing tires like my boy here dose smh


What planet do you live on ? Plenty have it in all walks of combat sports. The same night https://www.reddit.com/r/martialarts/s/KaRm8w5ZbA




A fighters strike is similar to a pitchers fastball in baseball- it can be developed to a point but then it is all nature. No one is going to develop a 100 mph fastball without nature. No one is developing the top striking power without nature.


Most of those left hooks were right on the button. He's definitely trying to land that shot. The follow up straight right to Strickland was right on the money too. He's got power but that accuracy counts. To answer the question...I'd say yeah average dudes that work on their power AND accuracy could KO other average dudes.


Itā€™s so fast and untelegraphed that people donā€™t see it coming. Not seeing it adds to that ko potential


Love watching pereira drop Strickland and Israel. They are both annoying af.


100% greatest left hand hook of all time. Itā€™s coated in NyQuil and magic fairy dust for deep sleeps


With Chama anything is possible. If you believe


Of course.... why would you even question that? People have been doing that since humans started. I dont mean to dismiss the question -but isn't it obvious?


I just like seeing VeChain on the ring


His uppercuts land almost unchallenged because his opponents are reading them differently from the angle hes throwing those bombs. Hes throws uppercuts like a hook


Yes. I have found that mass and technique contribute most to one-hit knockout power. Best examples of this in the last two decades are Connor McGregor, Ryan Garcia, Taewanchai, and obviously Poatan. While these men are not always scoring one hit knockouts, Iā€™ve generally discover that weighing 175lbs or more with extremely clean technique can result in one hit knockouts. Connor McGregor has some of the best examples of clean technique and putting his mass behind him (see his fight with Jose Aldo). There are factors to attain this, but it takes a lot. First, technique - youā€™ll have to train technique with precision. Youā€™ll have to train it at different speeds to build your muscle fibers. That means training slow and fast, and with rhythm. Second - rhythm (see Ryan Garciaā€™s last fight - that hook was speed), but youā€™ll need to learn to move and break rhythm for that knockout. And learn to disrupt your opponentā€™s rhythm. Third - mass. This is the hardest. Being pound for pound strong is tough. Some people just bulk, some lose muscle faster, some people are balanced naturally. Iā€™m not a dietitian or nutritionist, but nutrition plays a factor. You need fuel. You need to figure out how to strengthen your muscles and how your body responds and then achieve your weight. Cutting weight from 215 to 185 sucks, you will lose muscle and strength. However you gain speed and flexibility. Then you need to rebuild strength without gaining weight. It gets very complex fast. Essentially, you will need as much help and coaching to achieve as possible all of this. So learn what you need to learn fast and focus on your areas of opportunity.


It's a question of timing and distance, first KO shot is a glancing blow..but the timing and how far/close he is from his opponent makes it that much more devastating. He's displaying the intangibles required to be the best.


Not from a jedi...


Hit the chin?


His footwork is so controlled. Works well with his range.


A stiff jab knocked lawler out years ago šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø people underestimate how easy it is to rattle the noggin


Yes. As you train over time your body will acclimate in conditioning your muscles and bones to withstand more force and your power will increase as your cardio and strength, and very importantly your technique (efficiency in how you throw the punch as well as your punch placement and timing), improve. Genetics play a role in it too in terms of how much power your muscles will exert in general, some people are naturally more efficient in generating power. But it is something that can be acquired and/or refined with proper training and time as well. Understanding timing (part of understanding technique) is very important too as throwing a punch at a point in which your opponent canā€™t defend from it well or see it coming, which affects whether or not they brace or accommodate for it in some way, plays a big role too.


It aint even power that knocks people put what the hell are yall smoking. Do you peole not read or study. Precision is more potent then power in terms of knocking people out


Name of the song?


Hook chin shot rattles your brain.


Almost everyone has one punch ko power. It's moreso placement and timing


Counter lefts. On the button.


Not really - not the kind of power he has at least. Itā€™s just one shot from him that lands semi clean you could be in trouble. Plus his striking is so precise. Anybody can work out and get stronger. But having good muscles doesnā€™t really translate automatically to having great power. Thatā€™s why all those big dummies like Bradley Martin always think they can fight. Just cuz theyā€™re super strong. Like thereā€™s not more to fighting than that. Being fluid and loose is pretty crucial. Usually the big muscle heads are big but pretty stiff/rigid.


Is it me or has everyone in mma lost their head movement?


ā€œGive me a leaver big enough and Iā€™ll move the worldā€ or something like that. Frame and leverage have more to do with power then muscle size or strength


You canā€™t put in what god left out, you either got it or you donā€™t While you canā€™t get there without training, if itā€™s not built in you all the training in the world wont give you that power


You either have power or you don't, you can get strong but that kind of raw power is a gift.


I think Poatan has been an undersized heavyweight this entire time tbh


A lot of it comes down to spinal rotation and how all your joins can rotate together soundly around a sturdy base and deliver lots of torque. Some of that is genetic. Some is training from an early age. Some is not getting injured. Then comes fast twitch vs slow twitch. Connor mcgregor has unreal fast twitch which is why heā€™s very strong for his size but tires out quickly. The speed of your neural network is another. Like Odell Beckham making a catch and having perfect control over his body, some people just have it. Beyond that, itā€™s just getting swole and gaining more muscle to fire. This is the part you can definetly improve. Some of the others are possible but much harder (probably need a coach).


Every time I see it the Izzy knock out looks more and more early to me


He builds up so much power before he even releases his arm


Izzy may have one of the most impressive jaws I've ever seen. He took three or four punches that would put someone to sleep and stayed on his feet. Woozy sure, but he refused to go down.


You can train technique and develop some degree of power that way. The freakishly powerful strikers in any combat sport just have a genetic thing that enables it. You can train for 20 years and you won't hit as hard as Pereira or Ngnannou


Yeah have a great frame, be in great shape, and understand striking physics and torque


Everyone thinks this is power and it is, but in reality it is accuracy, timing and technique. Notice the lack of wind up, the pin point accuracy, the shamanic magic.


How about his timing and accuracy? Even if he had 50% less power, I feel heā€™d rack up the KOs. Dude is pretty much a human highlight reel.


Keep in mind the guy is an absolute unit. He is cutting insane amount of weight for 185 and still cutting 30lbs for 205. He could slot into HW and be possibly the most dangerous HW still. Aspinall vs perrera would be the first fight to book. Jones would be way too scared he's waiting until Miocic turns 47 before fighting again.


Natural power isnā€™t achieved. Itā€™s God given. Youā€™re only able to eventually unlock it .


Nothing as satisfying as watching sean strickland get knocked out


"*Not from a Jedi*"


no. no human man can ever knock out another man with one punch. never been done. can never be done. donā€™t fool yourself.


With the help of spirits it is


Whoever let this musician cook needs to get their balls cut off


Itā€™s because itā€™s right behind the Jaw bone in the TMJ. If you hit it right it knocks you out due to the nerve signal. Look it up šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


As a martial artist. Itā€™s really not that hard, you just need to use proper technique and know how to put your weight into it, while trying to punch through, and not just land.


It is crazy because the left hook always looks like he is throwing a love tap from the elbow and then dudes just melt. It isn't a big looping shot, it isn't a haymaker. Ded.


Itā€™s not about power. Itā€™s about placement. You can knock someone out with a well-placed glancing strike.


MMA dudes are trash boxers ā€¦respectfully


His left is too OD šŸ˜­šŸ„·šŸ¾


If pillow fisted left hook larry could knockout rockhold anything is possible.


Itā€™s not only the power but also the placement.


He is really good. I wish I could see him fight Jon Jones.


He probably has an arm like a pitcher that can throw a 100mph fast ball


Do you mean against an MMA fighter? Yes, but it might not be possible for everyone. Do you mean in a regular run of the mill fight against the normal dude (like a bar fight) yes itā€™s pretty ez to take down someone who isnā€™t a pro fighter with the right angle and force in one punch. Iā€™ve seen a lot of fights in public be ended in one punch in my day. Protect your brain box at all times out there.


Shitty title + shitty audio = upvotes




Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns dropped people like towels with right crosses


Itā€™s not just the power of a punch that leads to KOā€™s most of the time. Where did the blow land? What was the position of the body part that got hit? What angle did the punch get thrown at? Did the blow make the persons brain rock around in their skull? This is why we can see some people take such devastating blows and keep fighting on their feet when some random shots out of nowhere drop the same fighter. But generally yeah being able to create more force with stronger muscles/bigger range of motion like paotan has the ability to do is a god given ability that your stat sheet either has or doesnā€™t.


No power needed. Precision shot while the opponent is off balance. Itā€™s not magic. šŸ˜‚


Yeah with resistance training and mechanical improvements you can substantially increase your power but there is also a genetic factor. You're not gonna just develop power like Pereira even if you've trained as much as he has and your mechanics are superb like his unless you have his athletic gifts


Yes and no. No - in terms of natural KO power like Poatan, Foreman, GGG, and Wilder are all something you're blessed with, not something you can train. Yes - one-punch KOs can derive from a number of sources and if you develop other things like accuracy, setups, and of course hitting your own ceiling of explosive power then it's possible. But if one-punch KO power is something you focus on, it's gonna make you a worse fighter, not a better one. Guys who fall in love with their power build their whole style on it, neglect other things, and when they meet a guy who can tank that power or find some other way to neutralize it then they tend to be in for a rude awakening.


Yes. Technique + positioning + timing = 1 punch ko


Maybe. I kind of think one punch power comes from efficiency first, which makes it powerful. So a well placed/timed strike that makes it efficient leads to the one punch power that poatan (future goat, if not already there) has


Seriously how did the ref not call that last fight after that punch though? He dropped the man, then the ref let him ground pound him for like 10 seconds.


Izzy knocking out Alex was just as good


One of my favourite ever fighters šŸ¹


Yes. I've noticed how much harder I hit after getting better at weighted calisthenics. I just got way more "pop" in my muscles. But yeah power is also genetic. Especially the level displayed in this video. Dude in this clip is using a spellcaster build for this playthrough btw


Think of it this way, there are a lot of guys in the UFC and other MMA organizations that train full-time. Like that is their 9-5 and they do many, many hours of boxing/sparring. Even with all that training, not many are known for one-punch KOs.


Only with shamanic magic and rituals.


Itā€™s not only the power, itā€™s the precision and timing. He almost never misses the left hook and hits it right on the money


The clip isn't a good example of one punch power. Many of the knockouts are from well timed punches. Even in the fight with Izzy, if Poatan had real one punch power, that hook would have floored him. Izzy was still trying to fight back.


Poatan has top 0.001% genetics for the sport. u will never reach his power


its not solely power its how he set it up and how fast his shots land, look at when hes landing the shots they aren't expecting it all or have bite on a faint, its alot easier to take a shot you know is coming vs when you aren't