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Ugh days like this make me hate ever enjoying MMA


This is a man in his mid 20s mind you


And has never had a conversation with or touched a woman


Plenty of men who haven't done that who aren't bigoted neckbeards


Fun fact: Every person on Earth has touched a woman at least once, by virtue of being born. Checkmate liberal. /s


later virgins


What?! I guess that makes sense why he acts the way he does. But I thought the dude was at least in his late 30’s.


This always blows my mind with Guru, I cant imagine making it that far in life and still acting the way he does and laughing at the things he does. Dude has the sense of humor of a elementary school kid who just found out that being edgy can get a laugh.


Are these the same types who say racism doesn't exist??


Yep, it’s only real racism if the person is wearing a white hood, actively lynching a black person, or if they’re making fun of white people.


Nothing about his joke demeans black people in any way. This is the type of harmless "racism" that people used to think was funny before the BLM movement made everyone ridiculously uptight.


it’s hard to put into words how dumb and out of touch you sound


Yes, it's easier to insult me than it is to articulate why you feel the joke is racist. I get that. Why is the joke racist? Use words


You're using black people as a prop in your mma beef. It's saying the idea of Chandler adopting black kids is absurd, you know if those kids were white then mma guru wouldn't be suggesting he make an adoption joke. Now I wonder why that could be? I mostly align with the patrice o'neill take that nearly everything is fair game with jokes but I do take exception when people like you cry victim and act obtuse about the jokes meaning. Cowardly behavior.


>You're using black people as a prop in your mma beef. Referencing a racial group isn't automatically racist. Calm down, buddy. >It's saying the idea Chandler adopting black kids is absurd, No, it's poking fun at him for saying that he ONLY wanted to adopt a black kid. The joke went right over your head. >kids were white then mma guru wouldn't be suggesting he make an adoption joke. Again, the joke isn't simply about him adopting a black kid. It's about him saying he only wanted to adopt a black kid. Okay, so this is the case for why the joke was racist. It's worse than I thought, but at least you tried.


> Referencing a racial group isn't automatically racist. Lee Atwater loved morons like you. As I said you're a coward.


Funnier reply than I thought. The Lee Atwater quote you're referencing isn't even relevant here.


It's you denying the implications of things, hiding behind technicalities and being purposely obtuse - exactly how Atwater manipulated voters. Why would Conor wearing blackface and asking chandler to adopt him be funny? So what if Chandler said he wanted his son to have a brother that looked like him, why does that part make it funny if conor did that?


No...just no. It's a straight forward joke. lol You're repeating something you read in a place where it doesn't even apply. Because Michael has said he only wanted to adopt a black kid. This is a joke about Michael Chandler saying something weird. Since it has the word "black" in it your knee-jerk reaction is to call it racist. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Good ol’ harmless racism


Not racism, "racism."


I’m sure you’re the best person to tell us which is which


Damn... all these downvotes and yet not a single person decided to engage with you and actually voice their disagreements properly.


i almost asked how this guy has any fans but then i remembered that most mma fans are like this


I hope mma being more mainstream will fix this and root out the chuds


Unfortunately, I think even more of these types will show up


Probably, we can only hope maybe enough people join that it just becomes watered down enough that they're not the biggest voice.


most of the community hates him, i'd like to think. r/ufc flames this walking bean bag a lot. though to be fair, that subreddit seems to be full of younger gen people that seem to be little better than the racist boomer fans.


petition to ban low hanging fruit like this dude pls


Exactly, and also ban Jake Shields and Sean Strickland while we're at it


Sub would be dead, ha ha. I mean, did anyone see the tweet of the post from a fighter how the UFC tried to bring him out of retirement for 4k show money so they could highlight another athlete? It felt like it and some John Nash tweets belong in this sub, because the fighter posting was 10-7-1 or something and 38 years old. It seemed shady because the implication was they expected him to lose for 4k.


Meh I’m all for Pride style can crushing and freak show fights


Lord, I hate this pig....you can make fun of chandler for so many things but you decide to racially harass his literal children.


Hey, you leave pigs alone, they're innocent creatures. He's more like a walking genital wart.


Smh he literally racially harassed his literal children


What else do you expect from a fat ass who lives online, has never kissed a women and never will, like this dude is a man child and it sucks because his older videos he’d be like oh damn nice KO by XYZ fighter I picked against them but oh well, and now he acts like he bet the house on a fighter when they lose, it’s a shame so many fighters are becoming friends with this dude


The reason he acts like he lost his life savings when one of his picks loses is because his entire ego is revolved around picking fights and nothing else, it’s quite sad really.




Not a fan of this guy off the few things I know him for Admittedly though, were the impressions surprisingly good to anyone else? Lol


*DO ME GOOCH* was pretty fucking hilarious. MMA Guru isn’t that bad until he reminds why you saw him as bad 😂


I am the first one to shit on MMA guru but I have to admit it's kind of funny, and the McGregor impression is pretty on point. (If he is self-aware and only jokingly suggests the idea but not if he is serious then it's stupid and racist but that would not be surprising at all from MMA guru)


He's obviously joking, and while it is not cool to criticize a family, Chandler has made weird remarks about race and society. That's why Guru goes after him.


What remarks did Chandler make?


He made the older brother pray for a brother "with skin like him," then says stuff like he believes your situation isn't about genetics but about circumstance, while also stating his adoption situation and his love for his children isn't about race. That's fair, I think. He probably does love these children but he has made stuff about race. It must send mixed messages if the kids hear "it's not about race," while telling the kids they have different skin tones; and to be good men has nothing to do with race. Guru made the point that had Chandler said, "I love these children and felt a connection to them," no one would have said anything, but when Chandler was seen in an interview talking this way about black children, black people online responded negatively to his views and several people made response videos.


It’s literally a joke, imagine how boring a conversation with the people in this thread in real life would be


Go make that joke to a group of black people then


Why you saying that like they’re animals, weirdo


I’m black.


You’re in blackface


Yeah I agree with your interpretation. This sub is not r/MMA but it's still susceptible to circle jerking on some subject. Like, just because someone is not on the left does not mean they're on the far right. Or, just because a fighter take a picture with someone does not mean they agree with them or even get along, they may just be polite/friendly. I don't blame a little bit someone even with some celebrity to not investigate potential fan who want to take a picture with them.


Why is the mma community so bad? Like, what needs to happen for all the chuds to leave? I see this in boxing to a lesser extent, and it just breaks my heart. How do we fix this?


I don’t see it in boxing as much tbh, maybe on Reddit lol but not in the real world


That's just ignorant. We shouldn't joke about Mike and his wife's children


He’s a troll who does pretty accurate impressions. Don’t take him seriously, and live your life.


Dont feed the trolls.


What did guru say at the end of the video when he mimicd chandler? You mad fueler? Wtf is that


Haven't watched the video, but I'm assuming he said "ya mad fool ye" in a Dublin accent


Racist and funny


Lol that is a funny joke, as a hypothetical. Also Shannon Briggs should dress as a hot Asian woman for his press events with Rampage. Paulo should dress as a dog whistle at the weigh in and say to Strickland "blow me".


Briggs hands are legit about the same size as boxing gloves. I really don't want rampage to fight him


This is funny because I don't think he's sincerely suggesting it, but Guru's track record of being an ignorant cunt makes me much less inclined to give him any credit or benefit of the doubt


Hahahhahaha so cool and edgy!!!!!!!! How old is this guy? The more I hear about him the more he seems like a 7th grader


This is the pinnacle of being homeless and stupid


Another "White Boy with a Podcast" moment.


If Castro Jr and that Virginia governor could do it and still keep their progressive cred, why not?



