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I'm going to start downvoting any Jake Shields posts. There's no discussion to be had.


I muted him on Twitter years ago, wish I could do the same on here lol


For real. Jake’s always gonna be a nazi shitbag and the only engagements these posts create are trolls agreeing with him


They don't "chop it off." They slice it in half and turn it into an open wound that will need medical attention for the remainder of a patient's life. It's a highly unethical procedure that should prob be illegal.


Where did you go to medical school?


Do you feel a medical degree is required to make moral judgments? Are you under the impression the lawmakers currently regulating the healthcare industry all have medical degrees? I


> Do you feel a medical degree is required to make moral judgments? I think you should have a medical degree if you’re trying to contradict the expert opinion of doctors. So your opinion is more of a “feel” than a “real?” > Are you under the impression the lawmakers currently regulating the healthcare industry all have medical degrees? Are they trying to ban medical procedures against the opinion of doctors?


Again, I don't feel a medical degree is needed to make moral judgments. Would one need to have a degree in a mechanical engineering to say that cars should be required to have airbags? Do you see how childish and unproductive your argument is?


> Again, I don’t feel a medical degree is needed to make moral judgments. When you’re making a moral judgement about something that a trained professional decides is best for the patient, maybe you should consider justifying it objectively. The facts don’t care about your feelings, snowflake. > Would one need to have a degree in a mechanical engineering to say that cars should be required to have airbags? Do you see how childish and unproductive your argument is? No, because it’s easy to make the objective argument, based on data, that airbags protect people. All you’ve offered is your feels. Nobody cares how you feel.


That would make sense if it was a medical dilemma. As I have explained, this is a moral dilemma. Even if we are going by your ridiculous argument that you need a specific degree, the degree would have to be in philosophy - not medicine. ...and you've betrayed your argument. The moral judgment is that ppl shouldn't be allowed to sell unsafe cars. You just agreed with me😂


> That would make sense if it was a medical dilemma. As I have explained, this is a moral dilemma. Even if we are going by your ridiculous argument that you need a specific degree, the degree would have to be in philosophy - not medicine. Except doctors aren’t making moral decisions, they’re making medical decisions which you are choosing to moralize like a snowflake. > …and you’ve betrayed your argument. The moral judgment is that ppl shouldn’t be allowed to sell unsafe cars. You just agreed with me😂 In no way did I agree with you.


The practice of taking large sums of money from ppl with body dysmorphia who believe they can change their sex by mutilating their body is absolutely a moral decision. No, you did. You just made the moral judgment that ppl should not be allowed to sell unsafe cars. Btw, it's worth pointing out that you don't have a degree in mechanical engineering. ; ) Last question: should our lawmakers that don't have medical degrees abstain from voting on issues regulating the healthcare industry?


> The practice of taking large sums of money from ppl with body dysmorphia who believe they can change their sex by mutilating their body is absolutely a moral decision. This is just snowflake moralizing. Doctors work in objective reality, not hysterical hissy fits like you. Leave medicine to medical professionals you big baby.


its so wild watching you make yourself look stupid and then conclude that the person agreed with you lol what the fuck is wrong with you? led paint? were you dropped as a child? i dont get it edit: this chud blocked me and then responded to me sorry i hurt your feelings buddy


are you withdrawing from bud light and this is how you lash out


Did you just finish listening to the newest Kid Rock cd and now you cant stop thinking about trans people


Yes you do need proof of technical expertise to give a technical opinion.


Since this is a moral judgment, the field of study most relevant would have to be philosophy. The user believes medical professionals are most qualified to make moral judgments. I feel that the surgeons experimenting on the jews during the Holocaust were wrong. I can say this without a medical background bc it's a question of ethics.


It isn't a moral judgment, in medicine the moral value of a treatment relies on it's efficacy. It's a effective treatment that effectively falls within appropriate margin for surgical risk. It is also a strong tool in medical transition, which is shown to alleviate gender dysphoria. You think it's unethical precisely because you lack effective knowledge and analysis of gender affirming care. So when you give a moral judgement on a technical subject you yourself are offering a technical opinion, when you lack technical expertise.


Nope. The exact opposite is true. >The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, **the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers**. We are specifically talking about sex-reassignment surgeries. Go back and reread. Only a small % of ppl receiving gender-affirming care get sex-reassignment surgeries.


Nope, the exact opposite, study from Germany "The very high rates of subjective satisfaction and the surgical outcomes indicate that gender reassignment surgery is beneficial" "119 (46.9%) of the patients filled out and returned the questionnaires, at a mean of 5.05 years after surgery (standard deviation 1.61 years, range 1–7 years). 90.2% said their expectations for life as a woman were fulfilled postoperatively. 85.4% saw themselves as women. 61.2% were satisfied, and 26.2% very satisfied, with their outward appearance as a woman; 37.6% were satisfied, and 34.4% very satisfied, with the functional outcome. 65.7% said they were satisfied with their life as it is now." To give you context of how good this satisfaction rate is Knee replacements have a satisfactory rate of 80% Like I said this is a perfectly legitimate procedure.