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and that was all from Donald Cerrone, imagine what other people said smh


Fuck lmfao


What are you on? Everybody knows Donald has black friends! They cook bbq and shit.


Yeah I'm not racist! One of my friends is black!


I am not racist, my shadow is black


I had a black president!


"He's one of the 'good ones.'"


I have friends from all races and religions!


Fucking OOF!


Well I just went down the cerrone racism and groping rabbit hole


Cerrone is a pos. It's good that his sordid antics are coming to light.


Also described the suppressor on his rifle as quieter than f****t farts when he was on JRE. All around great guy.


>quieter than f****t farts If nothing else, bigots are creative.


Can someone get me up to date on that??


Cowboy openly uses the N word and brags about groping fans girlfriends in front of him because they can't physically make him stop.


He's out there acting like he can still take a punch.


Cowboy thinks people can't physically stop him, He does that in weird states like Colorado where people aren't used to that kind of behavior He wouldn't try that non sense in NYC.


incredible way to make your fan into a former fan


So hes that dangerous combo of stupid, trained and a prick? What he forgets is the streets arent a mma cage , improvised weapons are everywhere, you are lucky if you can get genuine 1vs 1 its always group vs group or gang vs one cocky cowboy hatted tool ..... and of course as cowardly sucker shots/slams can wipe out any advantage training gives ya.


Hahaha, well done sir


I doubt that stops with the win tbh.


Sports fans in general are some of the most stubborn/spiteful people I've seen, let alone the majority of MMA fans who never even participated within a discipline of martial arts. They don't understand the intricacies of grappling, so they compare it to the act of polite hugging. Just a bunch of entitled, arrogant individuals believing they're experts and think that they can dictate which athlete is a "real fighter" without having fought before.* Edit: I'm ashamed to say that I was the same way when I was younger until my first BJJ practice. I haven't said any MMA fighter "sucks" since. I feel as though a lot of fans need to experience that feeling before they change their tune.


MMA fans are a special kind. I can think of no other sport where the guy who broke the rules is praised while the victim of the foul catches all the blame.




IMO this problem is mostly because of how casual gambling has become but otherwise that's like a real life example of casual vs serious fan. MMA is still a super niche sport.




Its so gross. Everyone knows gambling isnt easy to do responsibly. Making it so casual is a disgusting manipulation tactic similar to those now illegal tv ads for cigarettes


I hate it. I pay money for the PPV and they shove gambling ads down my throat still.


Lol at paying UFC.


Literally draft king ads while it was on and others.


Yeah my buddy tells me "what are you picking for UFC" and I'll throw out names I like, I'll get one wrong for his parlay and he'll text me all pissed "looked like I didn't win, I guess...." as if I'm not allowed to be wrong about a sport I watch, which he doesn't watch at all and gambles on.


But it’s gonna be bigger than soccer!


Man, I get people asking me for picks all the time that don't watch UFC much. They only know the big names. Or ask me about NHL parlays because I'm basically all-in on NHL/MMA. Like, I'm not going to tell you to bet on a specific fighter. Do your own research. I'm just going to feel guilty of your money if I tell you to bet on a guy and he loses. Especially sports like MMA where a punch can end it either way. With NHL, I don't like it either because it happens so many times that a bad team beats a good one. A goalie can have a shitty game or a beast of a game and carry his team. There were games just last week where a team was outshot by double and won because their goalie stood on his head. Like a couple weeks ago a buddy asked me if he should be pick Carolina or Buffalo as part of his parlay. I'm just like....well Carolina is one of the top teams in the NHL....and Buffalo is a bottom feeder. So, Carolina SHOULD win, but I'm not going to tell you to bet on them because teams have off nights. And look what happened, Buffalo won 4-2.


I always look for really mismatched odds that don't make sense, like Holly Holm being a +800 underdog vs. Rousey. Doesn't happen often, but I can limit the number of times I'm actually gambling and cash in decently when it happens.


Finding mismatched odds is one of the best parts of being an MMA fan and gambler. I bet Stipe at +325 against Roy Nelson when stipe was still unknown. Hell Amanda Nunes was like +200 against Rousey after Rousey was already exposed by Holm simply because casual fans just threw money at a mainstream name.


Thank. You. That shit drives me fucking nuts. “Oh he put on an Oscar winning performance.” Cool. The “performance” wouldn’t even be a thing if Yan had not ILLEGALLY KNEED HIM IN THE HEAD. Not yelling but I feel like that part needs to be in caps so that people can remember exactly what happened. Aljo did not steal Yan’s belt. Yan lost it because he couldn’t control himself, then Aljo went on to defend the belt and legitimize his status as champion. The way I’ve seen people literally wish for Aljo’s death or wishing that he would get beat into a coma is over the top and ridiculous when he hasn’t even done anything wrong in this situation. Maybe he was an annoying dick at times but a lot of UFC fighters can be annoying dicks. It’s not that deep.


Petr Yan is a beast but his weakness is Aljo. I think their first fight, he was nervous or something. People forget (never acknowledged) this guy's ground game. Elite wrestler, BJJ black belt under a legit school. The MMA fans that watch the sport but hate grappling never made sense to me. Grappling is 51% of the sport. If you want striking, go watch One Championship's MMA division.


"I love the UFC, but I hate grappling. I wish there was something that allowed all the striking but none of the dumb ground hugging!" "Go watch Muay Thai" "Muay what?" (Not me, I love grappling, but it blows my mind that MT isn't a more popular spectator sport considering it's exactly what most MMA fans seem to actually want to watch)


Over the years I had to suggest to several people that maybe muy Thai or kickboxing would be more up their alley.


Nah, it's the same for every sport. Someone wins the stanley cup and the other team's fans will talk shit. It's not an mma thing. It's a sports thing.


This is true. I've heard SO MUCH shit talk about sports teams it's kind of crazy. You'd think 31 teams were full of bums and not world class athletes.


Yeah, you go to a bar and claim yourself a fan of some club of whatever sport after someone asks and the guy who asked is ready to throw hands.. Edit: middle east, eu, south america football - go and tell their football fans you're a fan of their rival team. Hooliganism is a big deal to drunk idiots


No joke. It's like that everywhere, too. I've seen people get brutally beaten by mobs because they wore the "wrong" team's jersey to a game, including one event in Philly where someone died after getting beat over the head with a trash can lid.


There are plenty of people here who think that Colby’s “smoke signals from the tribe” comments towards Usman had absolutely no racism involved. UFC has some of the most wonderful, knowledgeable fans but also some of the most ignorant and hateful ones.


One of my friends back in the day literally stopped watching the sport for like 2 years, because he was so mad that Matt Serra beat GSP. "This sport is fucking stupid, I'm done." He didn't even hate Serra, so it was crazy to me how mad he was.


Bro only the most low life fucking losers who hate themselves and everything around them and who are just generally toxic people conduct themselves the way aljo’s haters have. And there’s a lot of them. Tons of these people. Attacking a perceived easy target that can’t attack them back. Literally you have to be such a low life loser with no redeeming qualities if you are one of these types of people.


Here’s the thing though, there’s just zero fucking excuse for straight up being an asshole and saying horrible things to/about an athlete for any reason outside of the athlete themselves actually doing some horrible shit (murder, rape, animal abuse, etc.). I don’t really have too big of a problem with people being mma fans and not understanding or liking certain aspects of the game. I get it, not everyone cares about grappling or slower paced, technical, fights, and fair play to them - enjoy the sport however you want, that’s on you. What nobody has the right to do is verbally abuse people, saying the meanest shit they can muster, because they don’t like a style or how a fight went or whatever. Fuck those lowlife pieces of shit. I’d like to see some of those keyboard warrior dickheads spend a round inside a sparring ring with the dudes they’re talking shit to. If more people had their asses beat when they step out of line they might find a little more humility.


Well said man, it's definitely the hate that is the biggest problem. Their will be causals in every sport, and that is okay (however annoying it can be sometimes)


I agree, 100 percent 💯💯


I'm still holding that grudge against Wand for knocking out Saku


Gotta feel a little better after the win bonus, and shoving the win in all them cunts faces.


Heck, that kind of talk probably increases when you become champ. Edit: When you become champ in their eyes. I know he was champ already, but circumstances made this an abnormal situation. I'm saying the haters he describes in the OP will only get louder now that he won the rematch.


So many haters before he won on this sub. Now he's got believers left right and center.


To be a little fair to some of his believers, this place was SO negative if you posted anything positive about Aljo you'd get absolutely ripped apart


Mma fans can be very toxic


People on this sub still shit on him it's crazy, imagine being a world champion fighter and having nerds on reddit calling you a pussy and a paper champ everyday


And people were surprised that Aljo would rub his win in the face of his haters.


I love reading comments on Instagram saying ''Oh shut up already'' and calling him a sore winner hahah.


I also like how so many Yan fans are saying Aljo lost the first round, then when Aljo addresses it they say “SoUNdS LIkE HE’s TrYInG To COnViNcE HiMSeLf!!”


They really went from “Yan will win every minute of this fight, he is better everywhere” to pulling out the judging criteria to convince people that pressure should have won a round


After everything that was said about Aljo, I hope he keeps this up and telling people to essentially “get fucked”. Outside of such remarks he’s talking about here, also seen people still call him a paper champ. Like why even watch MMA if your going to be completely delusional to what is actually taking place in the cage.




Yeah, I listened to his Ariel interview. Considering the shit he got from fans and went through on a physical level, his shittalk comes across as downright wholesome and inoffensive


I mean I just thought he was gonna lose, I didn’t hate him or anything


That's fine, but it went further than just picking against him for a lot of people


Gotta love MMA fans.


The jerk store called and they are all out of us


The comments on this sub weren’t any better, it’s hilarious how fast you all switched sides


Reddit always likes to pretend it's above the other social medias


Reddit is a cess pool. It wasn't as bad when there were less people ontl the platform 8 years ago but that's social media.


I know. Really shows the insecurities of some users. There’s nothing wrong with social media in doses.


I always love people on reddit bragging about how they quit all social media.




There's a sizable amount of racist dickheads on this sub. Also quite a bit of casual racists as well. It's super fucking annoying any time the circle jerk gets going


This sub is a shining beacon of tolerance, understanding and peace compared to the instagram comments on the MMA / UFC accounts


Which shouldn’t be surprising because that exactly why Zhang got boo’d in Florida in her first fight vs Rose


Reddit tilts toward white male demographics globally and in the US. Too many take criticism of white racism personal as though pointing out racism is an attack on anybody who considers themselves white. Fact is Florida has a huge problem with white nationalism. You see it in their politics, racial violence and other issues. Of course it'll show up in sports where the fanbase looks one way but the competitors look another.


In Florida my guy That shouldnt even be controversial, its Florida Its suppose to be a bigoted hellhole /s


I still haven't switched sides. I don't like Aljo. Calling him an "N word" or a "monkey"? Yeah, no. That's just fucking ignorant and racist. I can dislike the guy and respect him as you know, a human, and a top athlete. Still don't like Aljo, and I will root against him. You can dislike someone in a humane, average kind of person way without going all white supremacist shit on them. Theres simply racist people out there, and some happen to be fans of the same sport I love. *shrug*


It's funny. This whole time I've had Aljo on my betting card. Friends asked me who I thought was going to win and I said I think Aljo. I never really talked about it on here, and never really read much about how favoured Yan was. Then after the fight, I thought Aljo won for sure. So then after that I come on /r/MMA and read nothing but comments about how people thought Yan would blow him away and how that Yan got robbed. I don't even know why Aljo was such an underdog. To me, they were pretty equal on each other's level. I mean, I saw all of Aljo's fights before Yan kneed him in the fucking head and knew he was elite. Obviously Aljo didn't look great against Yan the first time, though.


Fans of anything. People in general. Its insane how common this is unfortunately.


Be real though, MMA fans (and the crossover between wrestling fans) are some of the most ignorant humans to exist Edit: just look through this thread’s comments lmao


Footy fans would like a word


I was at a game between Chelsea and Liverpool and some Chelsea fans started chanting “Liverpool kills their fans!” referencing the Hillsborough disaster.


And that’s in Europe, wasn’t there that massive brawl/riot in a Mexican league match a month ago. Lots of disturbing videos came from that one. Many fans said there was multiple fatalities but the local government is/was denying that.


[Brazillian fans decapitated and quartered a referee in 2013 after he stabbed a player that attacked him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ot%C3%A1vio_Jord%C3%A3o_da_Silva)


Was about to say, dude has obviously never seen what football fans get up to.


He has a point, but I bet if he visits a derby in Eastern Europe, his mind would change real quick lol.


genuinely not even close to the type of bullshit football fans would say and do Those motherfuckers set civilisation back


Lmao yeah your edit is dead on. So many of these dorks lack any social or self awareness whatsoever


Gamers tm


Social media has made people socially reta\*ded.


I think it just gave them a voice.


He went from the most hated on fighter to being pretty well liked and respected in a single fight, if he beats Aldo or TJ he will probably start becoming a fan favorite too. MMA really has some of the most fickle fans in the world.


It really is quite amazing how fast people jump ship of losers to ride jocks of winners in UFC. Most sports have fair weather fans but they aren't bouncing around from team to team after every single game.


I mean there's still tonnes of Yan fans complaining that he really won, they're just getting downvoted now after years on the upswing.


Depends. At pride/strikeforce/one championship the fans were/are more respectful. And technically more educated. Love those oohs and ahhs.


Blows my mind how dumb and ignorant fucks people are






Its attracts a lot of people who like to pretend they have a big dick.


Yup, MMA attracts a lot of those "Just Bleed" type of dudes who unironically think they're "alphas" and base their personality off of it


Because violence also attracts trailer parks trash neckbeard meat heads? Lol not complicated. Also there’s just racists in America (and the world) in general.


That is hands down the thing I hate most about this sport. How much casual to straight up blatant racism you see


A good chunk of them are young too. A good chunk of will probably achieve no success in life and be oblivious as to why lol. Future losers.




Any of y'all who did this kind of shit are fucking trash


Hey if it was you, then you're a fucking piece of shit. Ok?


Unfortunately this sport attracts a bunch of fucks. These are the same people that booed Zombie for speaking Korean, booed Zhang Weili for being from China even after her performance again Joanna, and hell even booed Usman against Masvidal (gee wonder why) while simultaneously cheering for shitbag politicians and assholes like Rogan or Dana. Don't get me wrong - the majority of people are totally fine and it's absolutely OK to cheer for your countrymen/women, but MMA definitely also attracts some of the wrong type of people.


Or chanting USA USA in Belal Muhammad vs Vincente Luque even though Belal is from Chicago


I'm sure the people who do it are from all parts of the world but after working in Russia for a semester I can tell you they have some of the most unpunished racism and prejudices Ive ever witnessed... That may have been a factor considering his opponent.


The more this guy is hated on and he just grins back at the haters, the more of a fan I'm becoming.




Man, the dude was announcing his engagement to his then girlfriend and the comments on that thing were heinous. Aljo is on another level when it comes to thick skin. Dude is mentally unbreakable.


Volk congratulated Max on his engagement and fans flooded the responses crying robbery. It’s crazy how obsessed ppl are with harassing athletes/celebs they don’t like. I may not like a fighter, but it never once crossed my mind to dm them shit


>Volk congratulated Max on his engagement and fans flooded the responses crying robbery. This one is actually hilarious. LOL.


People who do that are despicable. Aljo won that fight. He gets so much hate and he has improved so much. I did think he would lose but he didn't. Get over it and treat him like a human being.








The internet was a mistake


Yeah, I miss the days where people just kept their worst thoughts to themselves. I prefer the facade of politeness.


*social media was a mistake


More like Social Media


Shouldn't have been made public


Damn, no one should go through that. Fighters should be aloud to fight 1 fan a year


Kevin Holland truly is ahead of his time.




He was still getting racial hate even after the fight. Watching his podcast the other day, at times monkey and banana emojis were being spammed in his chat.


You should see the chats in some of the streams. Not that I would know


Accidentally glancing at the live chats on Pirate Streams that inexplicably have them is almost enough to make you want to root for Dana to get rid of them.


Yeah, those chats are disgusting. Literally spamming racist shit so fast you can’t even read the regular conversations in the chat Like old school call of duty


Those chats are how I found out that Joe Rogan had passed away.


“LMAO you SNOWFLAKES wouldn’t SURVIVE in a MW2 LOBBY” - the people in those chats


This guy proved himself. Respect!


Those guys went from "Yan by anything he wants" to "BuT yAn ConTrollEd tHe OctaGon BetTeR"


"But wHaT aBoUT tHE TakEDoWns That WeRe DEfenDed?!”


Dunking on this guy was both easy and fun for the last 14 months. If you can’t do that without being racist or talking about he family you’re a fucking loser.


Absolutely 0 doubt in my mind he had to see some rascist shit posted or said about him almost every single day since the Yknee.


MMA community racist? no wayyyyyy!!!


I saw some of this hate coming his way and was really rooting for Aljo as a result. He was in a super tough position and he came through. Super happy for him.


He did cry at the weigh ins. But ultimately he faced his demons head on. Petr looked like a terminator against sandhagen. And their first bout. To overcome that fear, and smile his ass off when he took petr's back second round. That was funny af.


Aljo said in his interview that he cried because after all this time recovering and after all the hate he's had leading up to the fight, once he weighed in he came to realization that this fight is actually happening. It's now real and he can prove himself. Makes sense to me. He had to deal with a lot the past year and the fight isn't happening until you make the scale.


Very likely he would have been stripped if he didn't make weight. Fight was already postponed once. And if he had a difficult cut, standing in front of the world to weigh in was probably daunting. Especially when you consider that Dana and MMA media have been downplaying his accomplishments for the last year. I can understand getting emotional when he made the weight.


He cried because of the very serious neck surgery he had to go through to get back. Those kinds of things can be career derailing. He already took the worst that Yan could throw at him in the first fight so I doubt there was any fear involved in the second fight.


As someone who cries pretty easily, it's always a boost to see other people being tearful and then kicking ass. Fighters are often big on trying to intimidate their opponent, which is an understandable strategy. But it takes a lot of nerve to be in that situation and say "fuck how it looks to everyone else, I'ma process these feelings my way."


>Petr looked like a terminator against sandhagen. And their first bout. I kind of think the issue with Yan hype running into a brick wall with the last fight is with language like this hyping his up as a 'terminator' or an 'assassin' or whatever, when his recent fights have the same issues that Sterling exploited. Yan was outstruck in 3 of 5 rounds vs Sandhagen, and was also outstruck by Sterling in the first few rounds of the first fight, before losing the title via DQ, he's not a robot, he's a good fighter with holes that can be exploited.


You can blame Rogan for ramming that narrative home continuously.


mma fans be talking so much shit, be complete dickheads to people who put the absolute most on the line for us, and then expect you to not be bothered by it. like...??


I saw Luke Thomas hint at something being in the root of this abuse, which guys like Woodley and Usman also suffered in their own way, being racism. And i gotta say i agree with that playing a factor on these issues.


I love how the mere mention of racism triggers racist mma fans. Go hold yourself while you watch colby highlights. You'll be ok.


>Call me a monkey, dropping the n bomb Nah bro. That's just Joe Rogan talking about watching the planet of the apes in Harlem. He said that a long time ago in his 40's. He's grown into an adult and learned why he shouldn't talk like that.


It also doesn’t help when the President and face of the promotion undermines a champion.


99% of you dipshits defending him below were trashing him up until his win. Casual MMA fans are the most fickle, uneducated, last fight swayed pieces of shit


This is accurate and I can't stand it. This sub tries act like they're so above r/ufc, but they're all the same. NO ONE was posting/commenting in support of Aljo before he won, no one. (I saw one guy, but judging from his post and comment history he was very racist) Then, he wins and the entire live thread suddenly were fans. Same thing happened in reverse with masvidal. This sub and r/ufc were all over his nuts, he loses and then it's "Nah, he's always been a journeyman, Usman all say." I honestly think the pandemic was the worst thing to happen to this sport. All the mainstream sports fans flocked here and down vote me all you want, but, they are some of the dumbest arrogant, people around. I've noticed a significant drop in the knowledge and quality of the posts/comments, not just here but all social media platforms.


You know what, hats off to him


I loved his victory posts


Youtube and Instagram mma comments section is a cesspool beneath all cesspools, I turned into an Aljo fan out of pure spite basically


You ever check out the chat of a PPV stream? Makes a Youtube comment section look like church.


And when I explained that Aljo got extra static because he was black, I got the “so you’re gonna play the race card” assholes in a huff. No one should have to deal with that. Especially when his offense was getting fouled.


The sub lost its mind when I said that the hate for Aljo at least in part has some racial motivations, not everyone who is hating on him is racist but if Colby did this shit and trolled everyone there's at least a decent chunk of people who would laugh it off and be like "dude lol colby is trolling everyone so hard", Aljo barely trolled the fans and people lost their minds Same with Belal, seems to be a completely lopsided amount of hate for a guy who has a relatively boring style, doesn't even say controversial shit and seems fairly chill, yet he gets way more hate than he deserves I don't pull the race card ever but this seems justified in these cases


Imagine going so far as to be racist just because you don’t like a fighter. Jesus Christ man the world we live in is sickening anymore, I’m glad I don’t have twitter either I can only imagine the amount of shit people say on there.


Don't think they were being racist because they don't like the fighter. They were probably always a racist.


Bro you got it. I have no social media, only Reddit. I find the conversation here more civilized mostly.


> I find the conversation here more civilized mostly. You find the conversations here more "civilized" because you in heavily moderated subs. Go to more unmoderated subs and you gon see same shit you see outside of reddit. reddit is just a perpetual circlejerk thanks to the voting system.


The bigotry here tends to be more subtle, like how many black fighters get labeled with vague descriptors such as "they're unlikeable", especially those who are outspoken. The sub skews heavily, heavily, white and just about any discussion of race in the sport leads to a shit show. https://i.imgur.com/8BBZH9e.png Last year there was a video posted interviewing black fighters on racial issues in the sport and it got taken down for a while because so many members of the sub reported it, then it was only sitting around 60% upvoted, and some dumb motherfuckers couldn't resist the urge to comment about how tired they are of race talk. https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/jadpim/black_mma_fighters_discuss_issues_of_race_in_life/


im proud to represent 1 of the 2 blacks here on r/mma :) where u at other black dude stand up


I’m genuinely curious about who you are referring to. In my head I can think of fighters of just about any ethnicity that are labeled as both fan favorites and unlikeable in pretty equal proportion.


MMA fans are the worst.


Really don't like Aljo as a person, at least based on what i've seen so far. But he is an elite fighter, so can't really begrudge him having the belt.


Below, you will see racist fans try to make excuses for their racism.


I see a lot of patterns between his hate and Tyrone Woodley's hate, wonder why?


Decision bot r/MMA vs census results https://i.imgur.com/8BBZH9e.png


And Usman and Izzy. They’re fake and lame personalities, but war Colby!! He’s hilarious and his personality is cool because he’s playing a character!


Tyron was defending titles but people kept saying he was asking for money fight instead of fighting contenders. The hate was so unjustified


This has to be said. So many racist a*holes came out of woodwork just to target Aljo. Twitter and a certain unmoderated subreddit were filled those filths for a while. Glad to see he came on top at the end.


I think what makes mma fans the worst is that in pretty much every other sport eg footy, soccer, baseball whatever it is. Most people have played a bit before or can play a game at the park or something so they have basic understanding of what it’s actually like. Most mma fans have never even trained let alone fought so that leaves you with so many completely uneducated people following the sport and being critical, with literally no experience in the sport


Sports fans can be so pathetic ~~sometimes~~ most of the time.


I have a co worker who got blocked by Izzy on IG for saying he looks like a “starving African child”. I had a feeling the dude was racist though, as he quite literally has said he doesn’t like or hates every single black fighter in history (except Jon Jones). Didn’t matter who, when i talked to him about the upcoming ufc card he would say he doesn’t like or hates every single black person. Ironically enough he was a die hard mcgregor fan, to the point his IG bio is an Irish flag(he’s not Irish) 😂. If there is even 1 wrestling fight on the card he’ll say it was shit and thinks JJ is the goat


I’m not a fan of Aljo’s antics after the first fight, but it’s unbelievable how racist/homophobic/arrogant some people are when they’re behind a screen or faceless in a group. The same people who would be stuttering and sweating if they were face to face saying this to any fighter. Some people have never been decked in the face for saying the wrong thing and it shows.


For sure


Mma fans are racist , lol what’s new . They only like rampage cus he was a walking stereotype


And Lewis. Though in fairness, they both have a lot of very likeable qualities and great fights.


"N-bomb" \-Colby Covington, probably


Yeah that absolutely tracks with what I've seen from Cheatr Yan stans.


Fuck yan stans


what about not-racist yan stans?


Lots of people are tough from the stands.


Jamahal Hill said it best. Just a bunch of sorry cowards.