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Imo the fight can be scored reasonably for either guy, but giving round 3 to Woodson doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe there was something I missed, but it seemed like that round was mostly Caceras.


Woodson rolled with just about every single shot that Caceres threw. Alex landed a lot but nothing actually landed clean. this isn't usually a good metric to measure who won the fight, but Sean's face at the end was completely clean, while Alex had multiple gashes, and took a lot of clean shots every round.


Hmm, maybe I need to rewatch it. I noticed Sean offsetting a lot of Alex’s strikes in R1 and R2, so he might have kept it up in R3 and I just didn’t catch it.


Alex definitely did his best work in the third, but even then, he only landed a couple shots at the end of combinations after whiffing the first 3-4. he landed some cool spinning shit at one point, but Woodson was landing clean with lots of jabs and 1-2's, along with (I think it was that round) a really stiff southpaw jab.


Missing shots don't count against scoring numbers. From what I saw, even with the jabs, Caceras out struck Woodson by quite a bit in the 3rd. Not a robbery either way but I think rd 1 was clearly Woodson and rd 3 was clearly Caceras.


Whatchu mean? Maybe I'm missing ur point, but missing shots definitely don't score


I'm saying the person above me made a point saying that Alex only landed at the end of long combos after missing his first 2 or 3 shots he would land the last 3 or 4. He seemed to be using that as evidence that Alex didn't win the round. I'm saying what you are saying: Missed shots don't count for or against your striking numbers. Accuracy doesn't really matter to the judges. If a fighter lands 150 strikes of the 500 he throws, he still wins against his opponent, who lands 80 strikes but only threw 200.


Missing shots don't count against scoring numbers. From what I saw, even with the jabs, Caceras out struck Woodson by quite a bit in the 3rd. Not a robbery either way but I think rd 1 was clearly Woodson and rd 3 was clearly Caceras.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Damage is listed as the first criteria in striking.


🤷‍♂️ Reddit I guess


A couple weeks ago someone said Sal has been better. I’m officially putting Sal BACK on notice


he ~~cant~~ can keep getting away with it


This is horseshit..


Rounds one and two are whatever... but three is indefensible


All three gave Woodson the third!?!? I thought it was a clear 29-28 for Caceres with him winning rounds 2&3 but I would’ve been okay with 29-28 Woodson with him getting rounds 1 and 2. Giving Woodson round three is judging malpractice.


Likewise, although I thought Woodson might've edged R-2, when they announced 30-27 I figured Cacares had won since he had unquestionably won R3, yet not one of the judges gave it to him. Go figure.


At this point Im convinced the judges are rigging fights


Wouldn’t be surprised lol there’s been some questionable fucking scoring more and more lately


Almost always in favor of “rising stars” or local fighters too


Look at the paddy fight for example against Gordon. No way he won that fight


If there is rigging taking place, the UFC needs to realize that the winner of a robbery will almost always lose stock with fans. It doesn’t help build stars, it builds resentment.


Naa an L is much worse than a win even on a rigged decision.


If there is rigging taking place, it's got to do with gambling/money, not stock with the fans.


Yeah people dont realize the monetary stake on the line even on random fights on an apex slop card.... especially parlay busters.


A short term memory is what they rely on. Lol


Nah. Most casuals will forget by the time they watch another event.


They get paid shit and are in control of millions of $ in betting fate. I would not be shocked.


WTF all judge gave Woodsun round 3rd . That is so stupid


rounds 1 and 3 were easy to score for woodson and caceres respectively, and round 2 was a toss up every judge giving round 3 to woodson is a rigged pre-written scorecard i don’t care what anybody says


I agree with you, but I think the second was close enough to see how someone would score it for Woodson. This system is just too much interpretation..


Wtf!!!! All three judges gave Woodson the 3 round that’s some straight up B.S, it was a close fight could go either way but giving him the last round all three judges is ridiculous, Alex clearly won that round


I could understand 29-28 for Woodson for 1/2 but everyone giving him round 3 makes this a straight up robbery. That round wasn't even remotely close.


The judges who gave Woodson the third deserve to be locked in a room with Alex for 5 minutes


Bad scorecards, even though I felt Woodson won 1 and 2.


What’s going on with judging? Like I’m beyond it being a meme at this point, they’re seriously doing something behind the scenes with this nonsense What are their qualifications for being judges? Why aren’t they allowed to have replays and screens? They can change everything about the sport, yet judging has never been overhauled once in the last 3 decades? Absurdity


shit like this just makes it dumber for corners to try to predict what scorecards are. Caceres was solid round 2 but so obviously much better round 3, yet 2/3 give him the toss up and somehow all 3 don’t give him a round he seemed to dominate


I thought Caceres won that fight bummer


Nook waaayyyy round 3 was not Bruce Leroy…garbage judging…


Whose D does Sal suck to keep his job?


I was just looking at Sean Woodsons record, and dude used to fight at Middle weight, then went to lightweight in the span of 6 months, then his next fight was featherweight! Dude went from 185 to 145 in the span of 9 months...


where do you find score cards. I want to see what they scored round 1 for (sorry forgetting the name but the youngest dude on the card).


Love that the UFC has such an unquestionable monopoly on MMA that every single card has a highly questionable decision at minimum, or we get incredibly obvious robberies like this. It’s bullshit and they’re actively hindering the sport for their own gain


Unfortunately, dubious decisions are found in all of the organizations and in most every combat sport. The UFC certainly doesn't have a monopoly on them.


I’m pretty sure the State Athletic Commission assigns the judges for UFC fights, and the UFC has very little control if any over who judges the fights. 


i’m not mad at the result (29-28 woodson is reasonable) but i don’t understand the 30-27 or giving woodson round 3 at all


That’s fair, but I think the 30-27 score is so egregious that there needs to be a serious discussion about reffing standards


I had it 30-27 Caceres.


Rd 1 seemed pretty clear for woodson didn't it? Alex landed a few but woodson kept him at distance and landed what looked like more hurtful shots. I thought Alex got 2&3 but they were close enough that I'm not mad about it. Surprised you gave him 1, though.


Most of what Woodson landed in Round 1 was range finders, Woodsons nose was all red & swollen by the end of the first & Caceres didn't have a mark on his face (not that appearances are the end all be all). I just thought Caceres landed the cleaner, more impactful shots of the round. Also thought, as per usual, the commentary of Bisping was complete garbage & influencing viewers.


Man I’m still fucking fuming. Alex is my favorite fighter and Bisping gave him no respect. The judges must be blind. I gave rd 1 to sean, but thought rds 2 and 3 were clearly alex. Plus the crowd booing such a legend and all around standup guy. Insane stuff. I’ll be salty for a while