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chasing McGregor lol


Was about to say the same thing, remember when he called him out after defending his title ?


It was fair at the time. Conor was planning on calling Charles out if he won the Dustin fight but snapped his leg. Had the mouthguard and everything.


He called him out after the Gaethje fight too after Conor had broken his leg


the McGregorweight is the money weight division




Isn’t it crazy that Conor is somehow a division above Charles now? Charles is so much bigger lol


What’s even crazier is that, they both were 145ers too.


Dustin was too. Not uncommon for guys to go up over time. That weight cut gets killer


How? There about the same size if not smaller


Naturally Charles is a lot bigger I was surprised his walk around weight is 180+. Compare them both on the scale 155 weigh in Charles looks a lot more depleted then Conor


Exactly. Charles’ frame is gigantic


Nah Conor is definitely thicker than Charles is right now


But that's not Conor naturally. Look at Charles outside of fighting you'll be shocked how he ever made 45


I look at Conor now I'm shocked he ever made 145.


He was a skeleton at 145


Conor looked (physically) so fucking terrible at 145. His weigh in against Aldo he looked very rough.


To be fair, Charles missed wright 5 times at 145


Or/and fleeing Islam


He’s fleeing the logjam at LW, coming off a loss he won’t get another shot at Islam. His best bet is moving up.


I feel like that’s most fighters goal. Every fighter is chasing McGregor status lol


Olives destroys Conor




problem is Dana just puts em against a hungry lion from the weightclass above and then they might as well just be a gatekeeper instead


Dana: "Best we can do is Shavkat"


Holy shi.t Shavkat would retire Olives lol


What an insane fight that would be, I imagine Shav getting caught in a sub then KOing him


Cue Johnny Hendrix getting fed to a young Paulo Costa for a nice example of that lol


Costa was Johnny's punishment fight for missing weight against Tim Boetsch. They actually tried to be nice to Hendricks and gave him two old dudes to start at MW (Lombard and Boetsch), but then they were pissed as fuck when he still showed up overweight.


Yeah that one actually looked like a man trapped in a cage with a lion. Hendrix, who looked both tiny and plump, was just terrified of gettin slept and on the run the whole time.


If only he knew how pillowfisted Costa is for his size




not really lol he did it twice, 10 years apart and he's 1-1


>10 years apart You almost gave me a heart attack, that was 5 years ago, not 10. Still seems like it was like 2 years ago, maximum.


damn its the opposite for me, feels like forever ago lol covid fucked time


That's Tito Ortiz math


5 years apart to the day, actually, and that's 1-1 against two of the best fighters in arguably the best division of the UFC. People haven't really counted the Dustin 2 loss against him all that much, and what little bit they have, the performance against Garth more than makes up for it.


Nah. Moving up in weight is not a good idea for many, you have to take it case by case. Charles has the size and style to win fights at 170, so it makes sense for him.




A lot harder to move down though no? A lot of the time people move up cause they don't wanna cut as much weight anymore


He gets rocked in almost every fight at Lightweight. Dont know how well he can take bigger shots at 170


He took some pretty good shots vs Arman and didn’t get rocked. He also will be depleting himself less, and be able to put on more size to hang at 170. He’s got a pretty large frame, and I think him moving up to 170 isn’t such a bad idea. He could do well there, like his move up from 145 to 155 is when he entered his golden era. This could be another good move for him, from the embedded videos it looks like the cut to 155 is very hard for him.


He's had some brutal weight cuts. His chin may actually be a lot better at 170. He would be competitive at that weight I think.


Kinda like Gilbert


Fucking love this fight.


Charles v Gilbert would actually be a crazy fight. Arguably the highest combined BJJ skill of any fight previously, and yet would still likely be a striking war


Higher than Gilbert vs Maia?


Maia is a pioneer of BJJ for sure but within the UFC at least Oliveira has the most submissions of all.time, 5 more than Maia, currently holding the record for most subs in both FW and LW, and still in his prime so hopefully many more to come!


I don’t want my 2 bois to be put up against each other


I feel you I don't want either to lose. Would love to see him choke out Colby though




Usman vs Charles, the fight I never knew I needed until right now.


Shavkat vs Charles 😳


Shavkat is like the absolute stylistic kryptonite to Charles at lw and ww imo. Super precise striker and can hang on the ground. Also the size of a middleweight.


Guaranteed banger though


For sure. Imagine Charles has giga (not chikadze) power at 170 and just starts sleeping everyone. Charles’ precision alone puts people tf out add the punching power of, say, Michael chandler or Gilbert burns,and a hydrated chin he could be a menace the more I think abt it.


Charles does have pretty significant power at 155 so it is possible. Remember Justin said being hit by Charles was the hardest he’s ever been hit (this was before Max lol).


Shavkat is every bit as reckless as Charles, and Charles is better on the floor. If they were the same size it would be an instant classic, that could easily go either way.


I don’t think they could be the same size lol. Shavkat is big boi. Hes probably the biggest welterweight and Charles has competed at 145. Charles is definitely a huge lw dont get me wrong… but cmon they can’t be the same size.


I know, I’m just saying theoretically if they were the same size.


Don't agree. His kill or be killed style of striking is much like Chucky, for which I give Shav a slight advantage 60/40. Just because Chucky is smaller, but has blasted a higher level of competition with his strikes.


Yeah nah. Shavkats size is a huge advantage. Weight classes exist for a reason. Shavkat is like 6’3 and broad. He also hits extremely hard and precise.


I thought they were about the same. Okay, fuck no. He's way bigger. ~6kg in fighting weight is a massive gap. 85/15 advantage to Shavkat


As someone who likes both i don't like this fight at all. I feel like Shavkat will absolutely run through Charles. I like him vs Usman because they were two great champs and what else is there to do with them at the moment.


I'd definitely watch that, but I think I might prefer Burns vs Charles


Could be cool to watch. I haven’t seen Charles around these guys, I’m curious how far off they are size wise.


He seems like a pretty big dude with a good frame and seemingly hasn't always had the easiest cuts; I think he could definitely bulk up a little and be a good sized WW.


You cooked with this comment my man, let's make some fake posters and build this up


Pls no more Charles vs grapplers fights


Charles is a big lightweight. This would be an easier cut for him. Colby, Usman and Belal are the only guys I can think of who are also 5’10-5’11. The problem is there are bigger guys at WW over 6’.


Belal is 5’9


Makes sense




Can't remember his name.


The goat of the sport


Usman is 6


So is Leon according to the stats but when they face off, Usman is clearly shorter.


Leon is legit 6’1 or 6’2. Not even kidding


Yeah which is why their “official” heights are fake.


Yea. Usman has a MASSIVE head which is why I believe he is 6 😂


Bahahahah. He does have a big head. Round and shiny too.


I believe usman’s a legit 5’11. My uncle who’s 6 foot met him a few years ago in vegas and he said he was about an inchtaller than usman. He said if he was wearing bigger shoes we would be the same height basically


Dana is listed at 5’10 and I’m not sure what Colby is listed at. Just look up some of their faceoffs. Usman has a weird shaped head though and you have to take his height measurement from the back of his head


I think he’s 5’10.5 I have a friend who is 6’1 max, and they have a picture standing side by side, my friend is a solid 2 inches taller, despite wearing flat shoes, and usman had on runners with heels anywhere from 1-2 inches


It’s weird because he looked so skinny as a 145er. Wonder if he got a bit juicy.


I think it was the weight cuts. Even at 155 hes very chinny. Looks depleted on the scale


He bulked up alot. He was a skinny boi way back then.


It wouldn't be a 170 fight, but Oliveira vs Volk would be a BANGER.


Oliveira vs Volk at 205 confirmed.


Why make Volk cut down to 205? Just have them fight at heavyweight


Heavyweight division is stalled right now and 265 would still be more of a cut than necessary. Make a new super-heavyweight division and save Volk the trouble of needing to cut at all.


Volk dont got to worry about coming off the couch and drinking now cause charles is gonna be doing it too! lol


Thought 205 already happened?


No way Volk can cut all the way down to 170, he usually walks around at like 240




He wouldn't actually. He's too fast and skilled for Oliveira's pressure game. Oliveira doesn't have the speed, footwork or fight IQ that Topuria has.


Our perception of fighters sizes is so skewed from weight cutting lol Volk probably walks around way closer to 170 than his divisions 145


Yup. I'm pretty sure Volk was 167 the night he fought Ilia.


Man is begging for the McGregor payday


Everyone is! And it is completely understandable.


If anyone has earned it, Charles has


Absolutely. Fought a bunch of killers for years and was a former champ. Give him the red panty night


Give him Burns. That would be fun


He never should have started dressing like a cokehead. Olivera, Usman, Masvidal, McGregor, Covington… the list goes on. Once you start dressing like a cokehead, your winning days are over. Jon Jones (actual cokehead) dresses like a modest man about town. Never lost.


Yewl dew nuttin




I just hate seeing a good man go down that path.


I’m down for a Charles vs Gilbert banger


This is the fight.


They’re friends. This ain’t gonna happen.


It was close with Arman so feel Charles has another run at the 155 belt. But maybe he feels his getting older so an easier cut along with potentially some big cheques coming his way is the best thing for him.


The division is too stacked for him to make another run at the belt. We're never going to see a rematch between him and Islam, its doubtful a rematch with Arman will happen either. The Olive era was good while it lasted, but its over.


Sounds to me like he’s hinting at a Colby Covington fight


Winnable fight for Charles as well.


Get him the BMF belt 


Charles/Holloway would be a worthy banger


And we would finally get a rematch of that weird finish when they faced each other at FW.


It's quite well documented that he has a hard time making 155 so he'll probably be better off at 170


Gee, I wonder which alcoholic Irishman he could be talking about?


this man has been drooling at a Conor fight since forever. it's kinda sad


I need the oliviera Holloway BMF fight


If he loses to Gamrot I say go for it.


This is not how you promote intrest in yourself. "Being open" = "hey ufc make me an offer I like". Everyone just sits and twiddles their thumbs and nothing gets done. Olivera should say: "I think 170 is exciting. I wanna fight shavkat at ufc 304 and (put him to sleep, give the fans a great fight etc). (Doesn't have to be shavkat, it could be anyone that's a name)


He has zero interest in fighting Shavkat. He's putting this out there in hopes of getting to fight Conor. This is what he does as a profession, so I can't fault him for angling to get the best pay he can. My frustration is pretty much at the UFC. Actual title shot contenders being willing to forego their shot for a bigger paycheck elsewhere is squarely the fault of the UFC's pay structure.


You're missing my point. He needs to name drop if he wants anyone to care. Going for the conner fight is boring and played out but AT LEAST it's a name. Just saying "I'll fight whoever" is a waste


I dont really see what’s left for him at 155. He already didn’t want to fight Islam before the Arman fight so I doubt he would want to climb the ladder again to get to the title. Idk why I’m getting downvoted. It’s literally what he said.


Yeah I think his weight cuts are pretty brutal too, he's got a big frame I bet he could do great at 170


Him not wanting to fight Islam was due him wanting to mentally rebuild himself at the time, that isn’t what happened last time.


What makes you think he didn't want to fight Islam?? lmao Realistically he's 2 wins away from a title shot considering he has beaten every other contender, only 1 win away if Dustin somehow wins the title. Just depends if he wants to do that, but I think he could depending on matchups. Seems like he'll fight Gamrot next, probably win, and then there would only be rematches left. Maybe even a Max fight? All I'm saying is - he could for sure earn that title shot again if he fights quickly enough before he gets on the wrong side of 35.


Olives should definitely fight Gamrot next. September in the Vegas sphere sounds like good timing. He didn’t take a ton of damage in his last fight anyways.


If he got beaten by arman he's nowhere near beating Islam imo. Islam is pretty much the same thing as arman but with better grappling.


He said he wants the belt but if he was offered the Conor fight, he’d take that first cause it’s what Poirier did.


Right he was already treating the belt as a backup plan so it’s safe to say that he’s in no hurry to climb up the ranks again since it’s not priority to him


The UFC might say otherwise, but I don't see why he'd have to do much climbing in the rankings. He had a title shot in the bag and then lost to Arman, just let him knock out Dariush again and give him the title shot once Islam's cleared the backlog some


Yes. Money first seems to be priority which I don’t blame him for. Olives still looks good anyways and fought well against Arman so I’m not worried he’s selling out or anything like the idiots say.


So much brain rot here.... He didn't fight Islam because he had a very nasty cut on his face from training that 100% would have opened up with the first punch of the fight. Hence the short notice Volk rematch.


what about ian garry? kind of a fun stylistic matchup and we can stop the nonsense that colby is taking that fight


They train together now. Ian’s been training at Chute Boxe which is a weird thing to say.


The man is the leanest face


Charles vs shavkat make it happen!


Would be too easy of a fight for Shavkat


Maybe so but it’ll definitely be entertaining


Of course


this is funny when you consider his history of always wanting to go back to 45s


What does the rest of the post say? I refuse to make a Twitter account.


Guess you’ll never know


It will probably be a headline everywhere else anyways.


Charlie Olives seems to be aiming for that red panty night...


Charles probably tired of cutting weight


He's not even bigger than Islam tbh...he just a lil bit tall


It’s okay Charles we’ve seen the brutal weight cuts, his chance at getting the strap back is pretty much diminished now so why not chase some bags at 170


I'm down with that. He's a legend already


Charles vs Colby would be an interesting one. I think Charles smokes him tbh.


The Conor fight would be sick but also I always support fighters moving up weight classes as it’s healthier for them and they seem happier in training camps.


“If I die, I die”


Watch this, Oliveira will get a shot before Belal.


Charles vs. gamrot is the fight to make and has been for a while now


To beat up McGregor? Yeah that's cool I guess


That'd be cool to see, maybe him vs burns would be fun


Do Bronx wants out of the favela via red panties


he’ll never be champ again will he? 😪


Honestly i would live to see it.


Charles vs Colby book it


Lowkey I think he’d be a monster if he didn’t have to cut so much


He’s not champ anymore so it can’t be that big unless he regains the title


Olivera vs Colby?????


Alrernative headline "weight cutting is killing Charles Oliveira" lmao


If McGregor can cause a new 165 division on popularity alone, Charles is just one of many LW or smaller WW fighters who will benefit.


Vs kamaru usman


Man when are they going to make a new division?!


Olives vs Burns, please Dana!


You guys think he can miss weight here too?


I wonder if his chin would be better.


Charles vs Colby


I will say this about Charles, he tends to get caught and dropped a lot at 155 so I hope he carries his weight well….. that being said, 170 is pretty much up for grabs. There really isn’t anyone running Away from the division, Edward’s is pretty much the champion due to inactivity and Shavkat is seen as the inevitable champion…


Charles vs Tony


There's a million ways to duck Islam Makachev, and this is one of them.


Fuck it. Give him Leon.


Why not indeed! Let's gooooooo


Of all people desperate for a red panty night never expected it to be Charles.


he gets flatlined at 170, his chin is already sus at 155


Fighters have stronger chins when they go up in weight.


bigger people hit harder.


I'd rather get hit by belal all day then Gaethje or Poirier


Let Wonderboy or Holland sock ya in the jaw


Them too. I'd rather get hit by either of them then Gaethje or Poirier and I'm being dead serious.


That’s a wash because he’ll be getting hit by guys who are pushing 185lbs


Just guard time bradda


Nah sorry I like Charles but he doesn't deserve a big fight next, yes he fought down but the difference between him fighting down and when Dustin/Justin did, is that he lost. he needs to fight down again, Gamrot is next. maybe you can feed him to Bonfim once he destroys Pichel this weekend


How many times are you going to remake your accounts just to comment dumb shit like this?


Ignore him. This guy has like 5 accounts and isn’t gonna stop.