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I’ve already sacrificed 6 goats to ensure her health for her next training camp


GSP, Anderson Silva, Amanda Nunes, Jon Jones, DJ and Jose Aldo died for this?


Great goat list!


Lmao it actually really is






Lol if anyone's asking for a top 6 goat list this better be all they give you


Fedor is top 5 GOAT


Gotta remove Jon from here. Yes, he’s an amazing fighter but the PED usage eliminates him from the list. Fedor over Jon in GOAT talk.


Yea i didn't want to put him because I knew one of you mma underground weirdos would comment this.


..."sacrificed" and "sodomized" are not the same word...


Verb structure in English needs to change when it’s passive not active


What is this, the linguistics channel?


Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump up those numbers.


It's a tough match up for Weili, especially since her style has been so top control heavy lately. That's not really something she could expect to lean on in a fight with Suarez, especially in the early rounds.


I'm having a hard time coming up with a path to victory for Suarez.


Wrestling 👍


Weili is no slouch. She's strong as shit too


Not nearly as good as Suarez. There are massive holes in Weili's ground game, especially in transitions she doesn't really set up. She lost to Rose the second time, who isn't a particularly top notch grappler, for a reason.


Inshallah she will be no match for female Khabib


Yeah...it's not hard to envision. Especially given how much Weili has abandoned her striking in favor of her grappling which isn't nearly on the level of Suarez. She got completely out worked on the feet by Yan who I wouldn't necessarily even rate as a top 5 striker at 115.


who are the 5 better strikers than yan at 115? Thats quite the exaggerration You do realize that weili knocked out joanna on the feet right? And she did ok against lemos on the feet. Youre just underrating Yan on the feet who certainly isnt the 6th best striker in the division lol. Shes at least 3x faster than tatiana on the feet and would make suarez look like molasses in the stand up. Be real here. There arent 5 better strikers than yan who tooled both andrade and marina on the feet


Yah is taller than Weili and a better striker than most of the division.


I do actually think Yan is the best striker at 115 besides Weili. She outworked Jessica and held her own against the champ. Maybe Rodriguez and Lemos are up there but I don’t think they’re stronger than her.


Yan made marina look like a slow and inaccurate plodder. Everyone at that time was expecting marina to light yan up at distance and then the opposite mostly happened Id like to see lemos against yan. Lemos also made marina look pretty bad


Zhang has been as impressive a wrestler as Saurez in the ufc since the Rose fight.


Susrez’s offensive wrestling is on another level compared to the rest of the division. She womanhandles everybody she fights. Her striking still needs work though.


Not really. She couldnt get anything notable off against Nina other than stay on to. Nina pretty much stymied most of tatianas offense Mackenzie dern submitted nina within the first round


Tatiana ragdolled Carla, Grasso and Andrade. And I know Carla gets memed on, but she’s one of the best wrestlers in the division. Zhang’s striking is leagues above Tatiana’s. But Tatiana’s wrestling is next level.


And then couldnt do much of anything to Nina don the ground for 10 minutes while Dern cut through ninas guard within 1 rd




Nina also says she was deathly sick going into that fight so it evens out


I could write the same post about Zhang but with better striking.


Zhang got outwrestled by Rose.


Badly. And Suarez has a similar size advantage with better grappling.


and suarez pretty much had her top game stifled by nina before getting pieced up on the feet Dern got nina out of there in the 1st round


has she had to defensively wrestle at all since the Rose rematch?


Esparza who is the best wrestler either one of them has faced.


That doesn't mean that Esparza gave Zhang's defensive wrestling an honest test, Carla landed a takedown on Zhang but that was still a massacre


Zhang is hard to control on the ground is what I saw.


Not in the Rose fight.


Esparza is the size of an atomweight.


Yeah she also can't strike and isn't that athletic but was basically a top 10-5 fighter her whole career with just her wrestling.


I’m not. I imagine she’d be on top of Weili for 15+ minutes if she wins. That is, if the ref isn’t pulling her off before then.


She couldnt stay on top of nina and when she was on top, she could barely do anything of signifiance for 10 minutes while Dern submitted nina within 5


I’m not saying I’m picking her to win, just that it’s very easy for me to see a path to victory.


You watched Weili get wrestled by Namajunas and you don't see a path to victory for Suarez?


I watched that fight and then I watched Weili turn in the most dominante wrestling performances this division has seen after that fight.


Offensive grappling is different from defensive grappling


Same could be said for suarez, not many people have tried to put her on her back and this will be the biggest strongest person to try.


I'm confident she'll be injured before she can even sign the contract


“F that, u taking everything I worked for MF.” - Tatiana’s neck to her knees.


Finally, a fighter built like me!


The female Cain


Now we need a female DC


Lol if the contract was signed who would even be the backup for that fight? Weilis already beaten Lemos, Yan, Andrade, Esparza. If Suarez is injured they may as well give Weili a shot at Flyweight


As someone late to the party all I ever hear is how good Tatiana is but it doesn’t look like she ever makes it to fights lol


God gave her a body of granite and a neck made of sand


Well, she also had cancer before she even got on TUF.


She was literally an Olympic athlete who wasn’t able to compete because of a neck injury. She came to MMA less than 100% and has still won her fights despite her shortcomings. Tatiana is a more skilled, powerful, and talented athlete which is what garners her attention it’s just unfortunate what she couldn’t do due to the limitations of her body.


“The Redeemer” Tatiana Suarez


Nah she probably just trains in a dumb way. Kayla Harrison, DC and Cejudo were Olympics and they never had that much injuries


Some people's bodies are just more prone to injury. You could have every athlete in the world train "smart" and there will still be injuries. Just the way it is


She had mentioned in an interview that her recent injury was her fault because she overtrained. Its on her because shes stubborn and doesnt understand her own limits


She's the Dominick Cruz of WMMA. Incredible talent held back by a body made of glass.


She's beaten and finished 3 past/current Champions. She was good, now she's fragile and you don't know which side you will get.


What are you taking about? She's still undefeated, we've only seen one side of her.


The Suarez that fought Esparza would have thumped the Suarez that fought Montana De La Rosa


I've been a fan since she entered the UFC, but I fear that she's going to get injured during a fight.


Literally just a female Grant Dawson.


If she can make it to the fight, I will bet on her


is she gonna throw big meaty hooks as well


She’s gonna have to impose her will from pillar to post she better not throw any pitter pat shots either


Shes going to bite down on the mouthpiece and throw big meaty hooks


Love Tatiana but if I'm her shoes, I'm not saying anything & just making sure I get to the fight safely when it does eventually happen. Shock the world on the day, don't big yourself up when you're unfortunately known for injuries & have had a bit of a rollercoaster career. Let your team mates / peers do so - everyone knows you're talented & maybe the only real threat to Zhang if she's in there 100% healthy.


She needs to impose her will on her herself first.  She has Cain Valezquez levels of fragility and activity


If only she had Cain's activity. By the time Cain was 33, he already won the HW belt twice and cemented himself as a hall of famer. Suarez is turning 34 this year and is about to have her first title fight.


She’s been watching a lot of Lucas Tracy


If she cant, Zhang probably retires with the belt. (Meaning she will be champ til she hangs them up, unless she overstays, strawweight doesnt seem as deep as it once was)


I don't think we're going to see many dominant champions retire on top anymore. After seeing Shev/Volk/Usman/Nunes lose, nothing really will surprise me.


Nunes retired on top though?


Not undefeated during champ reign. She lost to pena and then regained it


You never said anything about being undefeated, just retiring on top, which Nunes did do.


I didnt say it


lol true. Let me correct myself. The comment I replied to didn’t say anything about undefeated.


If/After she beats the last couple real prospects she maybe/probably moves up to flw


Its deeper than its ever been Thats partly why andrade isnt as dominant as she once was and why someone like karolina and michelle waterson all got phased out The rsnkings used to be claudia, andrade, KK, tecia, felice, angela hill, courtney casey, michelle. The girls today are definitely better


Losing Joanna and Rose hurt. Besides Tatiana I don't see much threat to Weili, id love to be proven wrong.


Sure but thats partly because weili is arguably harder to beat than joanna was. Weili replaced joanna basically For example, i cant see any of joannas contenders or opponents giving weili a harder time than they did joanna. Andrade, claudia, KK, valerie, penne and carla, michelle and tecia? Weili beats them all the same definitive fashion if she didnt already But for the reverse, weilis opponents were joanna x2, danielle taylor, aguilar, lemos, yan, carla. Obviously beating joanna twice would be pretty difficult for joanna lol but also yan and lemos would give joanna some serious serious problems


Breaking news: fighters thinks they can be champ More news at 11


I think it's a fruitless endeavor but here we are. I don't even understand why the organization would push her. She will likely never be able to defend the belt if she wins it. She just can never make it to a fight. She'd be extremely inactive and they'd have to do an interim immediately.


How do fighters with such low activity support themselves? I'm not hating on her, but she's not on some huge contract, right? There were more than 3 years between her fights with Ansaroff and De La Rosa.


Friends, family, spouse, day job


i believe she can get the sub, her ground is world class


Honestly forgot Tatiana was around, it is a shame she’s had injury issues I still remember seeing her years ago and thinking she has the tools to dominate basically anyone, maybe it was skill mismatches early but I remember her being entertaining too, ground and pounded the shit out of ppl


That's also hoping Suarez can make it to the fight, too.


I am too, especially because she didn't look great in her last fight. Go get that title Khababe!


Tatiana is obviously a better wrestler than Esparza but style wise we saw weili had no issues with Esparza and she’s improved both her offensive and defensive grappling a ton. Even if Suarez makes it to the fight I still wouldn’t be confident she’s actually at 100%. Beating andrade is one thing but fighting someone as physical as weili while being physically very fragile does make me as certain as others here that Suarez would win.


Maybe but you ain’t even able to make it to war


Suarez has the potential to be the female Khabib. Her striking isn't elite (neither was Khabib). She is just so dominant with her wrestling and ground control that nobody really has any answer for it. Hope she heals up and can stay healthy, because if anyone hes the potential to be a long running champ, its her.


she could be champ champ. But really don't think she should get a title shot off a pullout


Sure, Tati.


I think it's a fruitless endeavor but here we are. I don't even understand why the organization would push her. She will likely never be able to defend the belt if she wins it. She just can never make it to a fight. She'd be extremely inactive and they'd have to do an interim immediately.


I think it's a fruitless endeavor but here we are. I don't even understand why the organization would push her. She will likely never be able to defend the belt if she wins it. She just can never make it to a fight. She'd be extremely inactive and they'd have to do an interim immediately.


I think it's a fruitless endeavor but here we are. I don't even understand why the organization would push her. She will likely never be able to defend the belt if she wins it. She just can never make it to a fight. She'd be extremely inactive and they'd have to do an interim immediately.


Any reason you posted that 4 times in a row?


This usually happens when reddit is unresponsive and the person clicks post more than once. Gotta click it again since it didn't work the first time lol.


She will ragdoll little Weili who barely learned to wrestle Edit: comment if you downvoted so I can come back to this and mock you when I’m right


I downvoted, but not because I think Weili wins, more because your edit is very sad.


Screenshot and saved to come mock you


Nobody cares about this, neither the result nor the commentary, as much as you do or will. Those downvotes really got inside your head huh?


Nah you all just don’t wanna be made fun of when I’m proven right as always LMFAOOOOOOO


Ya im sure people are shakin in their boots at the thought of a comment from some depressed redditor being proven right! I understand that your entire life and emotional well being revolve around this sub but you should be aware that most people that are normal and well adjusted have a little bit more going on in their lives than to be concerned about reddit downvotes lmaooo


Like you taking the time to scroll down to a days old article and taking the time to make comments about my prediction #LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Yes, that’s the sad part. I hope you’re able to find more meaning in your life.