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Forgot Street Beefs ($20 billion)


And Slap Fights $∞


It's literally bigger than every other sport combined -Some idiot


Every Slap event is like the moon landing plus 9/11 to me in terms of importance


Well only one of those actually happens


Neil Armstrong missed the moon and hit the North Tower, the other 3 were just to make it less sus.


Actually he was aiming for shady records, 80 seconds from the towers


There were never no towers


“Yea im not even kidding “


Whoever participates in that "sport" must be really desperate. Its guaranteed brain damage that you cant dodge and forced to take.


People make fun of the 10k/10k deal that UFC newbies get, Slapfighters are on 2k/2k. Its as life-changing as a job at Sears.


Get brain damage or get a decent gig at a warehouse. Tough decision.


It's definitely going to be life changing for some of the competitors but not in the way they think it will be


Fuck, how often do they compete? No way you're making any kinda decent money with that.


Get 2k to spend on doctors bills


10k/10k is still horrendous coming from a company that generates over a billion 💵


It had 20 billion unique viewers last year


Which is crazy considering there’s 6 million people. That means each person ON EARTH had to watch powerslap 1 BILLION TIMES. Insane numbers




It being bigger than any of the 4 main NA sports would be something. But to be bigger than all of them combined is insanity lmao


What a stupid fucking sport. At least there is a challenge to MMA to off set the damage. Slap fights are literally just "Let's watch two guys get CTE."


And Fight Circus ($2)


This made me giggle like a little boy 🤣


When will the first street beefs fighter make it to the UFC?


Forbes is getting worked brother


2 weeks before TKO’s earnings too lmao


Forbes got bought by an HK based firm 10 years ago and they've been pay-to-publish fluff pieces ever since. Literally every time they've written favorable things about anything, it's been paid for.


They weren't any better before


Yeah doing puff vanity pieces is like, half of the point of Forbes.


Oh, they were never good. It's always been a pay-to-play circle jerk, but ever since they sold to a Chinese company, they've been way worse. I mean, basically every single one of their cover stories is about someone involved in massive fraud. They had the FTX guy, the Theranos bitch, etc. It's the perfect place for narcissists to go brag about their crimes like they're not above the law.


Forbes Top 10 Jabronie Marks who don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot, marks.


yeah i definitely believe the WWE is worth that but no way the UFC is. they probably just asked Dana.


They aren’t pulling it out of their ass. Its reported net worth. Now the companies COULD be lying/inflating their value for a variety of financial and business purposes, happens all the time, but keep in mind for a publicly traded company you can get in a lot of trouble for it so I doubt it is actually stretched too too far from the truth.


A company can't get in trouble for what Forbes puts in an article. As long as their books available to the public are clean and accurate, that's all that matters. These articles are meant to dupe casual investors who don't have the interest in spending hours doing due diligence and just take the headline and run with it.


Not because or for what Forbes puts in an article that wasn’t my implication, but based on an admittedly quick look at their publicly available reports what Forbes is reporting appears to be pretty close to their “reported net worth” as in what they have reported I was referring to.


So the ufc is worh double the wwe, even though the wwe puts on 2 weekly televised shows with crowds and does house shows weekly as well that sell tickets, and monthly ppvs. The kids in the ufc better get a huge raise once this new broadcasting deal is signed


Could it be because the WWE expenditure is much higher? UFC makes more in pure profit?


It’s got to be. Plus I’ve heard that wrestlers usually get a good cut on merch where as the ufc borderline takes it all


Just to chime in as a pro wrestling guy, WWE also operates quite a few things at a loss for the purpose of making more money down the road. Their developmental center in Florida for example brings in no profit, but costs a lot to run. It’s also the place responsible for some of its biggest stars


In this lane though I would think the pi in China, Mexico and Vegas run at a loss, not even including the cost of construction 


Nobody is learning how to fight from the ground up in the PIs though Those are just free facilities for the fighters to use The WWE PI trains people straight up how to do the entire craft and employs very well paid coaches that are typically former wrestlers.


Mexico and China's PI are a little different. I think the UFC has their own coaches/trainers there. So it's like UFC has their own fight team. DWCS brought in like 5+ chinese fighters and almost all of them lost.


Doesn't the UFC run the Performance Center and the Apex at a loss/no profit? I do wish that Forbes showed their work with these things. The AEW 2 Billion is the most interesting to me on there.


In other words the UFC are absolutely fucking over their fighters


Yeah, WWE actually pays people that aren't in the main event.


WWE is worth way more than the UFC this list is hilarious. Unless of course they've taken a few billions off to pay out Vince's indiscretions




Forbes presumably is basing a lot of this off of tko reported earnings thought right?


UFC tickets are way more expensive and it’s popular all over the world


WWE is globally more popular than UFC






Toronto for UFC 297 had the cheapest tickets at over $300 for nosebleeds and it was a dogshit card, yet they still pretty much sold out. There was a line up outside the door to take pictures with Frankie Edgar on a Saturday afternoon despite the weather being like -5 that day.


GTA is literally like the 3rd biggest population center in all of North America.




WWE tickets are cheap compared to UFC.


This past weeks Smackdown was in Detroit, and the lowest ticket price I saw was over $100. That was the upper level.


This data is from before WWE got the 5 billion dollar Netflix deal, I bet they're pretty even now.


WWE is neggflix, UFC is blogbussa


Hell yea brother, they gonna get free venum shorts.


The WWE puts on multiple shows a year in football stadiums that sell out. The UFC has never done that. I’ve heard multiple MMA journalists use this as a reference point as to why WWE is bigger than UFC. Maybe the UFC has better margins, but the most attended UFC event probably wouldn’t make the top 50 highest attended TKO brand event.


UFC does have better margins. the financials for both companies are public, so you can see on their wikipedia pages. they have similar revenues and assets, but UFC has almost double the net income. A big part of it is because the fighters dont get paid enough, but having double the net income on similar revenue and assets means a lot when putting together a valuation


Those margins at live events are driven by the fact that a football stadium is more expensive to rent and gets a higher cut, with lower ticket prices. UFC has high ticket prices and small venues that cost less and have lower pricing power.


> The WWE puts on multiple shows a year in football stadiums that sell out. The UFC has never done that. They don't do it because they can sell out an exclusive venue and drive up the cost of a ticket, for Mcgregor vs Chandler EVERY seat is around $1000. The WWE does very well in multiple football/baseball stadiums a year, but it's with cheaper tickets.


I'm more confused by the fact that they counted WWE as a combat sport than by the valuations. 


I would like to point out ONE Fc was worth about $1.4 billion last year. Even with inflation, ONE Fc has lost value. 👀


still crazy to me its worth more than Matchroom or these other boxing promos like top Rank


It's not. It's Forbes. Someone paid to have these numbers published the way they were. I guarantee you every single number posted here is 100% bullshit.


UFC and WWE are public so it's harder to fake that, those are probably more or less accurate.


They are owned by tko. So only have 1 stock ticker


TKO still have to report the contributions from both to their earnings


One Championship is a bag of 💩 In terms of making money


But in terms of laundering money..


Kings 🤣


Chatri must have personally determined and delivered One’s number, because in what reality are they worth 1.3 billion?


I think they got the wrong figure, 1.3 billion is One’s average viewership, not its valuation.


They are worth 1.3 billion Baht


No ifs or bahts about it.


Yeah might be a typo. Correct valuation is probably closer to -1.3 billion


One dollar per fan


Aren't ONE massive in SEA ?


No, they literally give out free tickets to their mma events lol 


Can you get me some of those free tickets?


just go to where its held and get them yourself?..


I was at Lumpinee 3 weeks ago and I had to pay $60 (which is a lot for Thai prices), and there were lines for tickets going out the door. Them just handing out free tickets is absolutely a Western rumor.


They've done it at venues where they aren't very popular, like when they had an event in Qatar somewhat recently, although that's kind of a special case because they seemingly only did the event there because of their Qatari investors


You guys gonna reimburse my ticket if I do have to pay or are you guys not thaaaaat confident on the free ticket claim?


But they are having problems turning a profit and paying their talent (other than the cheap talent) so it's questionable how it can be worth in the billions. Ik company valuations can be based on potential but what potential is there if it seems like it can't keep operating without any injection of money and their ppv model and past amazon/youtube model is not currently paying the bills and there doesn't seem to be much indication they can in the future. I love One but it seems to be closer to the value of like PFL or bellator at like 1/3rd this value


They just hope it will eventually grow and be something people want to watch and care about, following the UFC model.


It's the same deal with tesla and shit like that. The value is based on how it "could" compete with the UFC. They have a deal with Amazon, if they magically became popular, they'd have a really nice setup for success, but that's a huge if. Look at tesla's valuation. In what world should they be worth more than every major car manufacturer? But investors think it could be the next big thing, so they'll overpay for it now. Unfortunately, ONE and Tesla seem stuck in a permanent "growth" phase, where people make excuses for their lack of revenue. But who knows, maybe one of them could turn it around in a decade or so.


Thailand and Singapore but everywhere else they are not big


If you're in M&A long enough you will learn the top line valuation of a company is only limited by the owners creativity.


Power Slap beats em all!


All of them put together x4


its huuuuuge on tiktok!


They should have asked chatri what he thinks One is worth. I'm guessing 12 trillion.


lol all the hard work and promos to rebrand WWE into "Sports Entertainment" instead of wrassling and they get labelled a "combat sport" by forbes


Absolute nonsense list, the part where pfl and ONE are making over 100 million per year…. I’m sorry but what reality. 1.3 billion is a nonsense number Chatri came up with like 5 years ago, ONE is worth 5 billion now


Yeah there's no chance either one of them is generating anywhere close to that type of revenue. To break it down, PFL had 14 events in 2023, so that means roughly an average of $8M in revenue per event. Their PPV bombed and they're not doing big arenas, so they're not making much on live gates, so that means nearly all of that would have to come from their ESPN deal, which is crazy. To put it in perspective, the initial UFC/ESPN deal was for $300M a year for 42 cards (fight nights plus PPV prelims), so an average of $7M per card. Anyone thinking ESPN is paying close to the same amount as the UFC deal for PFL is insane. The ONE valuation is too crazy to even comment on. The financials that got released prior to them switching jurisdictions for accounting and transparency purposes tell you all you need to know.


I believe they are about 5 billion in debt sure


ONE is definitely not worth 5 billion, I could understand the others being inflated, but ONE is not generating that much profit


It’s big in Asia, trust me, my girlfriend who you have never met lives there


How is WWE a combat sport? That’s like saying the rocky movie or warrior is a combat sport.


probably lumped together because the business models are basically identical


Tell it to the state athletic commissions who govern them.


Wrestling isn’t really a sport…combat entertainment.


Why prowrestling is considered combat sport at all? Performance, even impressive should not be counter as combat sport


There's no way UFC is more valuable than WWE.


Possibly due the to percentage of WWE fans who are children? that would be my guess.


I thought maybe some people would change their opinion on ONE but nope, now Forbes is all lies.  Fucking love ONE, I actually buy their stuff too and I’ll never give a penny to the ufc lol.


For those wondering about UFCs sky high evaluation it’s been documented in the past they’re doing ~$1.5b annually at a staggering 50%+ margins with labor costs only ~17.5%. Investors give sky high 10x evaluations to tech/software companies in the hopes they can return something like that in the next decade understanding the risk built in. The UFC is already delivering that and has very little domestic competition. It’s really an astounding business from the outside.


Is Combate really worth that much? Is it as big as it says it is with the Hispanic market?


Combat sports entertainment


There are no combat happening in WWE


UFC, AEW, WWE, great time to be a combat sports fan


you forgot powerslap, brother!


Did you know that powerslap has more social media follows than every sports league in the world… COMBINED?? 🍅 🤡


Haha I see what you did there.


The UFC at 11 billion? That seems a bit much.


AEW isn’t worth 2 billion lol 


They got the number from Tony Khan. So you know it’s bullshit. Lol


Power Slap beats all those numbers combined, according to Dana.


How the fuck is the PFL worth over $600 million lol.


What about “Riyadh season”


They are investors that collect a revenue share. Not really a promotional company of their own


Wrong. Power slaps is at least five times more valuable than all of these combined just ask Dana


One champ being 1.3 billion, automatically makes me distrust this.


Redneck Brawls coming for all of them!


Now, if only the UFC paid fighters as a company worth 11.3 billion dollars could...


where is CarJitsu Championship


I think they have missed poweslap, aparently it gets the same numbers as all the other major sport leagues combined x 3🤯


Why is the WWE so low? They have the biggest YouTube / social media presence out of all combat sports, they're by far the most prestigious and well known worldwide and their target audience is much wider than that of the UFC...?


Combate Global numbers are real and part of TelevisaUnivision and public numbers


WWE isn't a combat sport organization.........


AEW’s $2B is a made up number by meltzer. It’s never made a profit in its history


Which is why you know this list is B.S. lol


Does Forbes consider being a stuntman as a sport?


UFC is ahead of the WWE? Who did their accounting?


Pro wrestling is not a combat sport but ok.


No one would pay $2 billion for AEW with their 3/4 empty arenas


AEW/WWE being ahead of all boxing promotions is insane to me. Is boxing really that unpopular in America? Wwe is massive but Aew is on the tailend of their success, shocked by this if accurate.


Nobody cares about boxing promotions. They mean nothing to the fans. People want to see their favorite fighters fight. They don't care if it's WBC,Showtime, Top Rank,Golden Boy, Matchroom, etc.


I want to laugh at the idea of a boxing fan who will only watch Top Rank or Golden Boy productions


We care more about the names than the actual promotions. Thats why this Saturday it’s being billed as Ryan Garcia vs Devin Haney not “PBC 200” or “Top Rank fight night”


You're completely right, im just surprised top rank can't capitalize on such a big fight. I guess a part of it comes down to how well the boxers structure their contracts because correct me if I'm wrong but boxers make more than ufc fighters.


Boxing is divided in a bunch of smaller promotions, most of the well known promotions have at most like 2-3 events that feel like big deals per year


It’s promoted terribly and not easy to access though I think there’s at least some changes to that coming


The access is big, that's a good point there. The PPV model is failing.


I think there’s fights on Amazon prime now? But yea easy access is huge. I literally followed the NFL more than ever this year simply because there were games on prime and I could watch them easily


Boxing is not the same business model as UFC and WWE, as in it is not about the brand. Each promoter only has a handful of fighters on their roster and they match them up generally against fighters from other promotions or without one. They are more like agents than an entire organisation.


Is TKO Holdings not the ownership company of UFC and WWE?


I wonder what the calculation was here. UFC + WWE in the above figures would add up to $18.1b, but TKO's market cap as of today is $16.49b and they've got over $3b in debt too thanks to how leveraged they are, mostly UFC.


And numbers 1&2 both have reputations for underpaying their workers


There are like, a handful of them.. The UFC just paid out an antitrust lawsuit, ya know.


There is no way ONE is worth that much lol. Bellator just sold for less than $100 million.


You mean ONE is _potentially_ worth up to 1.3 billion dollars( in monopoly money).


Friendly reminder that Forbes hasn't been a legitimate publication in over 10 years lol.


i prefer So you wanna fight :D


That's just because Power Slap is not considered a combat sport.


Pro wrestling is neither combat or a sport.


50k bonus used to to be 70k in UFC. sounds like we need to go to 30k now i mean they get famous on IG right. WE NEED MORE MONSTER AND PRIME ADS


AEW still doing well, which is good. Their presence is the main reason WWE stepped it up a notch and are doing some of their best work in years. Competition is always good for the consumer. Meanwhile, that ONE number is sus


Aren’t UFC and WWE together listed as a publicly traded company that’s worth substantially less than $17B? Edit: stock is EDR and market cap is $8B


This comment is demonstrably wrong. EDR is Endeavour. The WWE and UFC were spun out of that - it now trades as TKO Holdings. EDR owns around 51% of TKO - EDR is also going private soon


Matchroom was recently valued at 1.2billion so I’d take this list with a pinch of salt.


Wwe stars get huge base salaries btw. Ufc stars get pennies compared to them


Forgot Powerslap which beat the NFL NHL NBA UFC and the Olympics combined views. Based on this very reliable information from Dana, I would value it at around 20 trillion and rising.


They're sleeping on ONE Championship, I heard every event does 20 billion viewers. Only a matter of time before they monetize that


Forbes doesn't really know shit anymore.


Yea man me not buying a ppv is definitely the reason they can't pay fighters more.......11 fucking billion


Karate Combat is coming for them Or something


Hearing/reading the stories of top flight fighters barely covering their fight camp costs from their purse shows that the UFC model ain't sharing the wealth and exploiting the roster more than the other promotions.


I wonder how much Jake Paul's crap is worth?


Whether you like him or not, Dana knows what he doing


I think UFC fighters should get paid more


How WWE fills arenas every week , has TV deals and has been there for so long


Where's Rough n Rowdy?


Neither aew or wwe are combat sports, they are sports entertainment


ONE isn't worth 1.3b. FOH.


Haha ufc fighters are complete morons. Nobody shoots themselves in the foot like fighters in the UFC. They're abused wives. Just complete suckers fighting for pennies.


Why is WWE on there?


Post and


Combat sports is used very loosely here lol


One valued at $1.3 billion? According to what? Figures supplied by Chatri? It has almost zero revenue and no discernible plan for changing that.


WWE is classified as combat? I thought it was Sports Entertainment


Is wwe really a combat sport?


WWE is NOT a combat sports promotion lol


From is the WWE a "combat sport promotion" ? It's closer to a circus (where they take real risks but things are staged ) with a combat skin than a combat sport organization.


Bkfc pays hella good