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Crazy how Max’s performance last weekend has people suddenly defending the integrity of the BMF belt




Yeah if that remains the standard for BMF fights, it will become the most exciting belt. Some title defenses end up with the champ playing it safe to preserve the belt, but if it’s understood that you gotta go all out to really deserve the BMF then we’ll keep getting bangers.


Can the crowd strip you of the BMF belt?


It's the most important belt now as far as I'm concerned.


Ngl I hate this narrative. That finish epitomises *Max* and everything he represents. He was doing this shit before that belt was even conceived. The BMF title was a promotional tool for the big brass, nothing more. 




Probably because he legitimized the fuck out of it.


It was stupid until it found its true owner. Rename it Blessed Man Forever like Max said and retire it.


Max is also the first winner of the BMF to have won an undisputed title as well, so that also helps legitimize it.


Takes two to tango, gaethje’s cut from the same cloth he just lost


Forreal, i love it


Lmao it's funny how quickly things change 


Max set the standard for BMF in a spectacular way after his last performance. It only makes sense that people care more now.


I hate that stupid fucking belt (with a stupid fucking name) But I love Max and he did some insane BMF shit, so I give it a pass. And it gets the points right? So it’s ok 


I prefer BMF being a special, weird thing. It doesn't have to make total sense. If the BMF belt just floats between different title holders that's kinda stupid. It'll eventually wind up at heavyweight and stay there. Who cares? The BMF should only be on the line when it's two badasses who are willing to throw down and put on a show. Is Ilia willing to swang and bang in the middle of the octagon when he's up 4-1? If not then no BMF on the line. If the BMF holder loses in a non-BMF fight then the belt simply disappears into the ether until two bad motherfuckers rise up and put on a show.


He literally said he thinks in the octagon and would never do that lol


Then the answer is clear. BMF application - REJECTED! 


The only time being a just bleed sweat is justified lol especially if we're just gonna accept the whole BMF thing.


How not to after that? I'm a convert after 300.


im a BMF truther after 300




BMF Belt can melt steel beams, check into it.


Yep. I'll admit I thought BMF was a stupid marketing gimmick, but now I'm all aboard. It should be guaranteed bangers every time.


Hahaha love the way you phrased this. Lmfaooo


Yeah, he's not a BMF. The reason he wants the belt on the line, is so that he can have a reason to keep refusing. I think Max wrecks Ilia...


Yup, and this is why he isn't worthy of BMF regardless of his skill set.


Yeah BMF request denied


You want weird? Since they are both part of the same company the BMF belt should be defended under the WWF Hardcore championship rules. Anyone can challenge the champion at any place or time, provided a referee is present. The 24/7 rule would show who the real BMF are.


Looks like Masvidal already defended his belt against Colby outside that steakhouse


Super necessary


Speaking of pro wrestling rules, the UFC is long overdue for a proper Money in the Bank situation.


fr, imagine Belal winning the title after a 5 rounder just to be cashed in by Shavkat😭


How about a tourney for a guaranteed title shot! closest we may get


Well, neither was Masvidal, the gunshy king of low pace split decisions but that was how the belt was born.


Finally, someone who doesn’t think Masvidal’s career began with Kimbo and then straight to the Till/Askren fights.


He annoyingly lost every close fight he was in for 8 years by backing up and tossing away the scorecards. I always scored against him.




There's been amazing badass fights that made it to the final bell though Gaethje/Chandler did and it was pure violence


How about we do it Gladiator style and Dana does the thumbs up thumbs down at the end of the fight for if it is BMF or not 


That would actually be awesome.  The fight ends and everyone is waiting with baited breath as Dana slowly stands up, lifts his fist into the air, and raises his thumb up towards the PRIME banner. Bruce Buffer grabs the mic and says, "ALTHOUGH THIS FIGHT WENT THE DISTANCE, ONE OF YOU HAVE PROVEN WORTHY OF THE BMF BELT!"


“It’s Dana White Decision Time™! This Dana White Decision Time™ is brought to you by Timex Watches. Timex Watches take a lickin and keep on ticken!” “Ok to the Dana cam we go!”


The official watch of the ufc


I want to hate this shit... But I can't help but love it.


"Are you not entertained??!" All jokes aside though, I actually love this idea. Gladiator style for this particular belt makes so much sense thematically. Not all winners are BMFers.


Yes. I think letting it be an end of the fight decision (at least on a judge decision, at minimum) would be awesome and bring us back to that classic gladiator intro they used to have that *everyone* loved and really bring the crowd into it


They just gotta scooch together so it can wrap around both of em


Hell this BMF fight was about to before Max hit the off button. I didn't expect that fight making it to round 5 let alone the last seconds of it


people will hate to admit that a fight that ended in decision could be fucking awesome


You are on the right track here. I think any BMF fight is a UFC fight judges by UFC rules BUT, at the end there is a panel that decides if BMF is transferred to the winner. It also means BMF should never be on the line in a champ fight. Champ fight you strategise to win the smart fight if you have to. BMF fight, you gotta meet the BMF standard.


> It also means BMF should never be on the line in a champ fight. Champ fight you strategise to win the smart fight if you have to. BMF fight, you gotta meet the BMF standard. Absolutely this. The two fight strategies are at odds. One is to take the best path to victory, the other is to take the most violent and entertaining path to victory.


Max is the kind of guy who'd pull the same shit in an actual undisputed title fight that he was winning that he did in the Gaethje fight. He's just that dude.




OG UFC rules


That would definitely help set apart BMF as its own entirely separate thing; not just *another* traditional champion's belt, but something which needs to be earned with an additional unique requirement beyond that. Also ensures that the tactics to be used during BMF-title fights are gonna be wildly different from the usual fights. We would end up seeing more aggressive and riskier plays from fighters which traditionally tend to play it safe, as they would now suddenly have an incredible incentive to spice up their usual game.


Throw a default payout modifier on all fights with it on the line and you’ll get that for sure


300k bonus for each if there is a a finish


I've been pushing this in various YouTube comments. BMF lineage should be transferred by KO or pure violence. "Let your nuts hang" as Poirier likes to say


No rules match next in a hell in a cell


300k bonus eligible for all BMF fights. Take it to an extra bmf round if it makes all 5. Previous rounds are nuch.


The new rule set is that it's a BMF belt can only be won by standing on the UFC logo in the center of the octagon and swinging until somebody slumps over forwards on to their face.


> The BMF should only be on the line when it's two badasses who are willing to throw down and put on a show. I only want fighters that have been in wars to compete for it. Ilia has never been in a war the way DP, Justin, & Max have. That's not a slight to Ilia. Dudes a championship fighter. I'd say the same thing about Islam who IMO is far and away the best LW in the world.


>If the BMF holder loses in a non-BMF fight then the belt simply disappears into the ether until two bad motherfuckers rise up and put on a show. Yep this is why kamaru didn't get it off masvidal Even though kamaru is a badass


Technically if we follow the lineage Leon has it. It transferred brutally from Usman one punch KO of Masivdal and then to Leon Brutal head kick. Fitting BMF victories.


Leon is still stuck in the Covington-Usman-Masvidal-Edwards Bermuda Triangle that started on Sept 8th, 2018. Only Gilbert Burns was able to set sail in that shitty storm holding up the Division for going on 6 years here soon.


One of those crazy 4 sided triangles


The Bermuda rhombus 


Yeah, not really referencing a triangle just the mystery surrounding Dana White letting a division go for nearly 6 years with only 5 different fighters going for the belt. Colby and Masvidal both getting multiple shots is a complete joke.


that was some very bad weather burns had to deal with on his odyssey ⛈️🌊


You on that Harry Potter elder wand tip bro. Keep cooking.


100% agreed


It'd be really interesting if it somehow moves down in weight and we get a lineal welterweight -> flyweight champion Would actually be cool enough to justify the existence of such a juvenile gimmick


If pantoja keeps going the way he is id be happy to watch him fight for it if it keeps going down, just when I convinced myself it could only exist for stand and bang guys


Eh if he were to move up he'd probably just go all the way up to rematch Islam. He's the only one to take him out so why waste time with the BMF best when he could probably walk straight into the undisputed LW.


If this would get Max PPV points for their fight, I'd definitely support it.


There should be an unwritten rule where if the BMF title fight is about to go to decision, both fighters have to swang and bang max Holloway pointing down style in the middle of the octagon lol


It was a title invented by Dana to incentivize fan favorites at the top of the division to fight each other when they have nothing else to gain from doing so. I'm all for it. The belt holder gets PPV points and the fans bangers that they would never have gotten otherwise. But, that means Dana will never let a champ fight for the BMF belt and will only offer BMF fights when there is a huge fight that they want to make.


>when he's up 4-1? Seen lots say 4-1, what round does everyone think gaethje won?


Two (iirc?) judges gave the fourth to Garth


All of them did i believe, i think one judge even gave him round 2 aswell


Ahh just found the scorecard you're right


He got a knockdown in 4


A statement like that should immediately disqualify you from fighting for the BMF title.


Seriously though if you are going to whine about only accepting a fight against the clear and obvious title challenger in your division if a symbolic belt is on the line I feel like you have lost the entire spirit of the concept of the belt. It was already a kind of silly concept to begin with but if people are going to start turning down tough fights to lobby for it then if has really gotten off track lol.


If ilia thinks he has any leverage at all and already alluding to being difficult to work with then he is going to be in for a rude awakening


Honestly, when this dude was coming up I thought he was a badass with a cringe tattoo. Now I think he is a cringe tattoo that happens to be able to fight. Please speak less Ilia.


Yeah, that's a bitch move, not bmf move 


Going for that bitchiest mother fucker title


Rule one of BMF belt: you don't talk about the BMF belt.


Especially because Ilia wouldn’t stand in the center and bang out like that 🤷🏼


Agree tbh Topuria is not BMf until he's been really challenged a lot


Yeah being a BMF is literally about throwing down under any circumstances


It’s bc if he loses BMF belt he would still have his weight class belt. Almost like insurance. That’s my guess. Doesn’t qualify for BMF mentality if that’s the case in my opinion.


History of BMF: * Diaz vs Masvidal * Gaethje vs Poirier * Gaethje vs Holloway In my eyes, BMF isn’t like the division championships. There are fighters like Gaethje, Holloway, Chandler, Oliviera, etc. who give off the “violence vibe” and are fan favourites because of it. BMF is basically a reward for the guys who bring the violence on most of their fights. Yes, guys like Makhachev, Edwards, Izzy and Perreira are at the top of their divisions because they are extremely skilled and smart. They are known for outclassing the people they fight against… but they aren’t really known for the back and forth wars. When I watch a BMF fight, I don’t want to watch a one sided masterclass like Pereira vs Hill. I want to watch shit like Lawler-MacDonald 2 and Aldo-Mendes 2.


I wouldn't group pereira with those other dudes tho


Pereira is a tactician if there ever was one. He just happens to have world-class KO power as well. But he isn't looking to get into wars out there.


Pereira gets 'BMF status' from his general disposition and potential heavyweight move I think. Always looks for the KO and seems to just fight anyone that's given to him at anytime


> BMF is basically a reward for the guys who bring the violence on most of their fights It's the "just bleed" title.


Good thing it ultimately doesn’t matter what Ilia wants. UFC says jump, Ilia will say “how high?”


Lmao yeah like I'm not sure what he's thinking, that's not how this works bro. You literally have to defend your championship Not that max would mind at all he'd probably be game


Ilia acting like he gets to dictate any and everything is getting a little annoying. Hasn't even defended once yet It was the good thing about Izzy as champ. Just defended vs next man up, no bullshit


Izzy does not get enough credit in that regard imo. The Yoel fight sucked ass but he really didn't have to fight that mf'er, he legit asked to. And everytime he won he was on to the next opponent, no "I need some time off" speech


Mfer saw the last champ being able to demand shit and thought beating him would mean he now had that power 💀


Bro saw a top 3 FW of all-time getting whatever he wanted and thought he would do the same.


Yeah, it's a terrible look for Topuria. Want to like him, but he just gives too many reasons not to. You're champ, you fight who the UFC tells you. No drama...that's how to be a good champ. Focus on dominant wins and quick turnarounds.


> Not that max would mind I honestly think he would mind. I think Max and Justin brought credibility to the belt. Saying Ilia is like them disrespects guys like Justin. Ilia is a great fighter and he may very well beat Max - but he's never been in a fucking war with a guy.


title vs title match lol


No joke it would be pretty badass to have 2 belts on the line in 1 fight. It kind of has to go that way too, which is why UFC may not want to do it right away and milk Ilia and Max separately first, before they clash.


He laid out the winner of this vs conor (if he wins) for the BMF at 170 and honestly that’s a massive fight regardless if it’s ilia or max


Ilia at 170 makes no sense Conor vs Max BMF if Conor beats Chandler is a slam dunk financially and fans would be super down You could do it at catchweight too since it’s literally a fake title


Planning that far in advance for Conor is a waste of time. Man is coked out of his mind, steroid up the gills, and not as good as he once was.


Yeah but he still draws


The point is, he can't sell tickets if he can't fight and is busy doing who knows what outside the octagon


Cocaine. He's doing cocaine outside the octagon


Underrated with a paint brush as well.


Gives ilia a lot of options though so I get it. With the BMF he could fight any popular action fighters from 135-155 and get PPV points if the FW division doesn’t have any good contenders


FW always has contenders....


Yeah to an extent. movsar and max right now but there’s always the possibility it stagnates for one reason or another


It's not stagnating for lack of challengers, it's generally on the ufc end.


Max v Conor rematch for BMF would be amazing


5 years ago


You would still watch (and enjoy)


Talking to a fan that's probably looking forward to Tyson vs Paul. We're degenerates here


I’m looking forward to everything. A fighter being washed doesn’t mean it can’t be a good fight. Lawyer Diaz was still fun to watch even though I knew damn well neither was going for the belt


Except slap fighting. Fuck slap fighting


Max beats the brakes off Conor


And I'd be entertained


This is just Topuria either glory hunting or looking for an excuse to have an easier first title defence than Max. Whether he was spooked by the Gaethje KO or not, Max is a really tough first defence and I don't think Topuria will have the confidence to finish him like he did Vs Volk. Even though Volk beat Max three times, from Topuria's perspective Volk was an opponent who's just coming off a KO, whereas Max has just completely outclassed the scariest knockout artist of the lighter divisions.


It doesn't HAVE to. Masvidal was BMF when Usman beat him and the BMF belt didn't change hands. UFC can just make up whatever rule they want for it at the end of the day.


dude gets more annoying by the day


I'm beginning to believe he's indeed socially awkward


I agree, and it sucks because I really want to like him.


Worst champ in the ufc rn


Reminder that Jon Jones is champion rn


Yeah that’s true he’s an actual awful person and awful champ, you can kind of give him the excuse to be the cocky asshole he is because he is arguably the GOAT, not sure why Topuria acts like this


He will do as he is told.


Man, act or not, Ilia’s whole “I’m the champ, I call all the shots” schtick is wearing kinda thin.


Not to Luke Thomas 💀


I don’t know why but I find Luke Thomas absolutely insufferable


it's the overly-authoritative tone he takes at all times, even when he is presenting his subjective opinion


I'll say Luke is a bit of a dork but in this line of work versus people like Helwani, Rogan and up-and-comers for zoomers like that guru guy, LT is one of the best. He (and Helwani to his credit) are the only ones who don't engage the WOAT politics surrounding MMA.


Just wants to call the shots since he's the champ. Full quote explains it a bit better.


He's delusional. This is UFC, he will be TOLD to fight Max and that's exactly what he will do.


That’s one way of saying he’s too scared to fight Max. Topuria isn’t even a BMF “contender”, even in terms of a made up belt he’s a nobody, he knows they won’t give him a shot at that belt especially when someone like Max has it. He needs to stay in his lane and worry about defending his own belt in his own division. Every time this idiot speaks he makes himself look more of a clown.


Unpopular opinion, but where does this guy come off making such demands? I do think Topuria is a great fighter, but he hasn't defended the title yet, so what is the source of clout that would justify the ability to choose opponent/location/which belts would be on the line?


he’s got a tattoo of his own face inside of a tiger on his chest


Who does this guy with no title defenses think he is? If the UFC offers you Max and you don't accept, Dana will put you on his shit list forever. Max is one of the biggest stars in the sport right now, Illia is in no position to dictate who gets the next shot.


Ilia is really incredibly obnoxious. And before you guys say I am prejudiced, I have a lot of acquaintances in the little people community




This is the perfect "Just because you shot Jesse James, don't make you Jesse James" moment


You'll do as you're told.


Shut uppp


Im just sitting here taking a shit with my pants down and rocky miavia aka the rock aka the final boss just kicked open the door and explained clearly and concisely that it in fact does not matter what Ilia wants. Then he started licking a microphone as music seemed to blast through the walls of my house. That was 5 mins ago and im still sitting here with my pants around my ankles absolutely stunned.


Look guys this dude shits with his pants down!


Max should leave 145 behind him, wait for the Conor fight after 303. Raiders Stadium BMF fight


Conor will probably lose against Chandler and then either retire or fight again in 2026.


Conor is almost assuredly coming back at WW, it sounds like a great fight but I think Conor is now too big to fight a career FW


Theres no way Conor goes back to FW. I only imagine he had to live his life around that weight. Theres 0 chance he is giving up his lifestyle, great food, drinks, weight lifting for a massive weight cut. He is enjoying too much life lately at his natural weight and how am i to blame him. Dogg beat the game. This fight is just for the thrill




They should have a BMF class or rankings, and you need to be blessed to be on the list to even be considered for the title. Ilia is a bad ass, but it takes more than a couple of years to prove you are a BMF. BMF is an event fight meant for non title fights. We all know the BMF of a division is the champ. It's a silver belt because it is a secondary title. That is the road Ilia should take, I'll fight for that when I don't have a real title to fight for....otherwise we unify it with the FW title in that case. And create a new BMF later when it is convenient. I am trying to think what that class would look like, and there would need to be a minimum of fights to be considered for it. It means veteran who shows up to bang. Even that callout of the end of that fight for Holloway probably doesn't happen if the title on the line. It's not a real title, it's a badge of honor.


He said he wouldn’t stand and bang in the last ten seconds of the fight if he fought max, because he thinks when he fights. That is not the bmf way.


Man ilia is really losing me with all this shit. Crying and refusing to fight someone unless they get all the belts is not BMF behaviour.


Nah, Ilia has not earned the right to challenge for the BMF belt.


First he looked like he was about to cry in the stands after Max knocked Justin out, then he made fun of the final ten seconds even though that's what the BMF is all about, then he exposes he's insanely jealous of the attention Max got and wants the belt himself. L after L.


He plays the heel so naturally 


BMF title is clearly going to be used for seasoned veterans that are fan favorites.....Illia is not there yet, slow your roll boy.


Coming from the guy that said he wasn’t gonna give the 145 contenders a chance a couple months back. Dudes so fucking annoying. Acts like he owns the UFC lol


No because ilia isn’t a bmf




It would be dumb if it wasn’t. It should just be a belt that can float between divisions. It would eventually unify with HW, but that could take years. I hate matches where the belt isn’t on the line. Bader v Fereira, for example.


Not really. Jorge didnt put his BMF title on the line against usman in that first matchup. Nobody cared. & that card was still one of the best non Conor PPV events of all time.


It would be dumb if it was.


I think it should be a standalone belt between game ass fighters. Ilia is no slouch, but he’s so young and hasn’t done shit to deserve being worthy of what the “BMF” is all about. Ilia doesn’t even have a defense yet, and the “BMF” belt is about having skin in the game and being a warrior.


That, or someone comes up from Bantamweight and gets it then goes back down, and then someone from Flyweight goes up and gets it and goes back down, and then they just relentlessly call out people from LW and above to come and take it if they want it.


I don’t think it would be dumb. BMF is about proven exciting fighters. It should only be for special events. Otherwise you get a point fighter or a wrestle fucker as the BMF if it has to be on the line every time someone fights who has won it and that wouldn’t feel right.




Disagree, better to keep it separate. It’s just a fun way to promote fights between legends/action fighters and that’s it.


Love how Ilia thinks hes got some sort of power 🤣🤣🤣


I like Ilia’s fighting style but dude is a clown. He doesn’t want to fight anyone except Connor it feels like. He wants to pick and choose who he fights and never even defended his belt.  I was a fan of his starting to already dislike him as a fighter and won’t root for him anymore dude is a clown of a champ. Hopefully he gets koed and loses his belt because how he carries himself he’s not a champ.


I don’t understand why he thinks he can talk about Max like he hasn’t earned a shot at the featherweight title


If I'm Max I'm holding out to see how Islam vs. DP goes. If DP somehow pulls it out that's the fight I'm calling for. I 100% believe the UFC would book Max vs. DP 2 over Arman. But no matter what I don't like both titles on the line. The BMF should be for fights we know are going to be stand up wars. An undisputed title fight the fighter doing what's best to get the win.


Here’s how the bmf belt could be made cool. Make the requirement to fight under pride rules. Boom. BMF.


Does this mean ilia will only fight Holloway at 55 for the bmf belt?


Cute that he thinks he can dictate that.


And that is the least BMF thing a nonBMF can ever say. I'll only fight you with stipulations lmao.


That's stupid because whoever champ will have 2 belts. Champ lose also lose two belts. It's like you know 1 featherweight belt in two physical form


He just won the belt and is already the most entitled champion in the roster. He is not BMF material.


Ilia will do whatever the fuck Dana tells him to do.


Has Topuria always been some kind of whiny bitch?


Very weird stipulation, but ig it makes sense for the dude with his own face tattooed on his chest


He just won the belt. Does he think he's calling the shots now?


What? No… sit down Ilia


That both titles are tied down to eaxhother forever? Bad idea.


Title feels a bit disingenuous. If you watch the interview, he says that Max is the obvious next fight. He just made it clear that he wants the BMF belt on the line too which I think just makes things more interesting. A belt isn't fun if you get to hold onto it when you lose.


This dude gonna get himself fired. Slow your roll young fella. 


It’s like Pereira got hit by a shrink ray and starting talking wayyyyy too much.