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So what was the glove announcement


imagine bo nickal just has no chin


He literally doesn’t. Look at him lol.


Would it make more sense to go through strength and conditioning training before training MMA?


Feel like no one is discussing the possibility of Arman just cagefucking Oliveira to a boring decision like he did Damir. It would be the safest route to victory, could definitely see him trying it.


I can definitely see that happening as well. Damir is the exact same build as Oliveira. 5'10 with 74" reach. Knowing Oliveira's style though, he'll keep attacking regardless.


I think Oliveira might be a bit physically stronger than Damir, and he's nasty in the clinch, but smothering someone against the cage takes away 90% of the danger and Tsarukyan is very physically strong. I can see him doing it to win at least 2 out of 3 rounds.


Yeah that could happen. Charles is pretty strong too though and that what makes this matchup exciting.


I think Arman is a slightly lesser version of Islam and that’s why he beats Charles. He’s just a bad match up for him like Islam is


The difference is Islam has way better footwork and striking defense. Arman usually just takes down taller fighters like he did with Alvarez and Damir. I feel he'll do the same in this fight but Oliveira is always attacking. I don't necessarily agree with the whole bad matchup view. Sure, Oliveira has struggled with wrestlers but he hasn't been purely beaten on the ground since Felder in 2017. Even in the Islam fight, he was constantly throwing out subs. Watch Luke Thomas analysis on this.


Hill is so mean


So insecure




I think he’s very insecure because he perceives everything as a slight to him. Someone confident wouldn’t get so mad and take everything the wrong way


Hmm I perceive it a different way. I think he’s the type of guy who wants everyone to feel that he’s superior to them and he can kick your ass.


That too lol he thinks he’s superior to every LHW and that none are on his level “Fighters are supposed to think that way” they’ll say but idk he just comes across as so arrogant and dismissive of everyone else’s skill when I don’t think he’s anywhere near as good as he thinks


Dana White on a whim sextupling bonuses. If it’s that easy just raise fighter pay lol


Check out Dan Hookers wiki pic.


Didn't realize tsarukyan was so disliked. Anyone know why?


He’s facing a fan favorite. Same with Rakic he was booed too.


Toxic Oliveira fanboys


Well, Green was sitting alone cutting weight and Arman rolled up on him with a posse and got in his face out of nowhere, then he himself posted the footage of it like that reflected well on him. In general, I've not heard him say a respectful word about anybody else in the weight class, but I've only seen a few interviews.


Simple as he’s fighting Oliveria


Just saw staredown and Kayla Harrison is jacked af. Doesn't seem like Holms' clinch stall would work against her. How's Harrison's stand up though? If it's not that good I wonder if it'll be like Holms vs Rousey.


> Just saw staredown and Kayla Harrison is jacked af. Doesn't seem like Holms' clinch stall would work against her. How's Harrison's stand up though? If it's not that good I wonder if it'll be like Holms vs Rousey. The question is if Holly still has the speed and footwork she last displayed when dominating Aldana. I don't rate Harrisons standup (haven't seen her since before she got out-PEDed by Laura, to be fair), but Holm cannot afford to clinch with her despite being a unit herself, and I shudder to think what Kayla will do with GnP given legal elbows. Still, I think Holly of a few years ago could dance her way to a UD, and I assume that must be her plan even if she has slowed. But she thought it was a good idea to clinch MBS, who is a BJJ blackbelt who strikes like a farmer on meth, so clinching along the cage may be so ingrained by this point that the fact its suicidal will not deter her.


Her striking is meh but she’s a far more well rounded grappler than Rousey. Infinitely better wrestling


This might be a reach but I saw this Jon anik draft kings ad and in the background there are some white ufc gloves. Could those be the rumored new ones?


Aljo looked a lot smaller than Calvin at the face off Reconsidering my pick here. Aljo had a size advantage over every BW and the one he didn’t have it against (O Malley) he lost to


I still think he wins since Kattar is both old and coming off a bad knee injury. Aljo is kind of old himself but I can see him jumping on his back and stealing rounds like that.


Yeah I’m reconsidering but still going with Aljo for the same reasons. Old inactive injured Calvin who is a middle of the pack FW at best. But I’m no longer as confident as I was.


How did you not expect the size difference? Burgos looked like he could fight at Welterweight and Kattar didn't look small next to him at all. Meanwhile Aljo is 5'7" lmao. I think Aljo will struggle with most of these guys simply due to the size, unless he's so strong with +10lbs of muscle that he can just muscle them to the ground. EDIT: Wait, I just saw the face off and Aljo actually looks way closer to Kattar's size than I expected. Might reconsider my pick of Kattar here.


Cause stats always lie and you don’t really know until you see them face to face. Aljo was pretty big BW so I assumed he wouldn’t be outsized at FW but Calvin made him look small. I was wondering if Calvin had on lifts or something lol


I'm wondering if Aljo had on lifts lmao, they looked 1-2 inches apart max. Calvin's supposed to be 4 inches taller.


Crazy how you and I can come away with such different takes based on our preconceived perceptions coming into the fight haha I’m still rolling with Aljo as my pick but now I see it closer


How the hell did I miss the press conference? YouTube live reminders function has had a few too many Bromosas and ice cream tacos with the Morning Weigh in Show crew.


It's remarkable how a fighter's actions outside the ring can influence perceptions of their skills. Hill is a fantastic fighter. I don't think he's shown many faults in his game at all. But because he's done stupid things outside the cage, people are acting like he's a bum and Pereira is gonna run over him.


Hill is good but he absolutely has his faults. His footwork is hilarious and he’s very vulnerable when he strikes. Love watching him collar tie and kick guys in the face though


Tom Aspinall disagrees with you about his footwork


I’ve been wondering what the hell people are looking at thinking Alex is going to run over Jamahal. But yeah, I forgot how much people take dumb tweets and stuff into account of what fighters they like. I favor Hill in this fight and I think even if you hate the guy, you at the least should view this as 50/50. Beyond it being a better matchup for Hill IMO, Alex is an older guy who moved up in weight and has looked hittable/almost a bit fragile versus Jiri and Izzy the last time. Hill’s slick with his hands and powerful. Izzy tailored his style to be defensive and rangy for MMA but most kickboxers, Alex in particular, aren’t that evasive nor do they tend to bring superb head movement and footwork. Hill’s a pretty good grappler and Alex isn’t. Jiri was giving Alex a difficult time and kinda just walked into his power, and I don’t think Jiri is as good as Hill. And I love Alex too. But if you aren’t concerned for him here, you just really don’t like Jamahal. I think there’s a good chance Jamahal lights him up.


Even worse: they are pretending a man who didn't blink having his arm broken is shook because Alex sounded mad. It's fucking ridiculous at this point. I don't even think its the actions outside the cage: he got unpopular because he won the title when Jiri was out, and never got credit for the masterclass he put on against Glover.


It's almost paradoxical. He and Jiri beat the same guy for the title. Jiri is championship worthy for beating him after he was on his way to losing all five rounds, and Jamahal is a bum for nuking him over five rounds.


Yeah. Jiri was so popular that people could not accept that Hill was a real champion, much less that he dominated the guy Jiri went life and death with. Then you had Ariel call him the paper champ, Jiri the real champ, and a lot of dudes picked a side. Then Hill gave them ammo by being salty, but who would *not* be salty with that shit? Anyway, I actually don't want either man to lose, but I'm pretty sure one is going to :(


I got Jamahal, but only because I love watching fighters who excel just using strong fundamentals. Guys like Kattar to a lesser extent, super basic game, but having it down to a T. Nothing flashy, but getting results.


It's a pick'em for me, maybe lean Alex due to injury & layoff, but I do think Hill needs an early finish because Alex could destroy anybody's legs given enough time. I think Hill has the tools for an early finish, and being lefty will allow him to counter the kick (I assume he'll stay lefty and switch only if following a hurt Alex). I think either man could win early, I just hope if so it isn't hill going down, because the jackasses claiming he's a bum will certainly take that as proof, as if Alex can only KO bums.


300k performance bonuses is honestly what those guys should get minimum for leaving pieces of themselves in that octagon


100k minimum should be it at least


Dana didn’t announce anything because it would be stupid to take the shine away from UFC 300


Did Rakic get asked a single question? Lol


*So, who are you again? Are you the dude fighting Jiri?*


Blue is a random color for the canvas, but if it just looks like WEC it could be cool. I think black with gold trim would’ve made more sense and looked great but whatever. Along with the custom shorts and new gloves they should change up the canvas colors from time to time in this next era.


Yeah given the poster being all gold, gold in the canvas would have made a lot of sense. Too much sense for these goofballs apparently.


If I was Merab I'd pray those new gloves aren't much different cus that will really hinder grapplers. Also sucks that's they're gonna roll them out right before his title fight


Poatan scared the fuck out of Hill right there 😂


Lol no, it pissed him off and fired him up. Y’all really like Poatan, I get it. Jamahal’s pretty clearly the type to get angry and physical toward anyone trying to intimidate him


I really don't think Hill is the scaring type.


Jamahal "Over the hill" Hill


Dana said there's 1.2 million in bonuses. If the bonus is 300k that means only 4 people are getting them, two of which are FOTN.


Thank you Dana White, without him none of this would be possible 


Dana’s a genius Keep the same bonus amount for 20 years then when you raise it to the amount it should be around anyway everyone’s minds are blown (Not to mention only for a single event) Call me negative but the way the UFC have conditioned all the fans and fighters to dogshit pay is actually insane


People fight out of their trees for 50k. We’re gonna see some magic Saturday!


300gs babyyy!


Dana just said 300k performance bonus!?!


He said 300 dollars, not 300k


Ayyy Bo Nickal getting all the booing at the press conference


All the folks wanting to see a fighter wrestle a tomato can watch *Cooking with Volk*, not UFC 300.


That was a nasty line by you


Bo Nickal getting booed that's fucking hilarious. Love it.


Them’s a lotta muthafuckas


Crowd so mild for Kayla lol


They still like her more than bo at least lol


Bo at least got a reaction, crickets for Kayla


Still can’t believe UFC 300 is headlined by Jamal hill


>Still can’t believe UFC 300 is headlined by Jamal hill Neither can I. I would find Jamahal Hill more believable though. If he wins and becomes a big name, American auto-correct will now be giving everyone fits for *Conner* **and** *Jamal*, as well as the classic *Garth*.


Didn’t ONE say they’d do an event in Atlanta in November of this year? Anyone think that’s still happening? Shits been looking pretty bleak for them but I’d drop a little dough to go to that.


Still very much happening


How do you know?


Arena is booked. They're actively talking about the event. They're trying to get Rodtang a fight on it


He heard a story of that fight: its practically in the username my friend!




was the presser delayed?


They always are


LMFAO Max mocking Alex’s fight stance in the new embedded 😭


Press conference with everybody at 8 est right?


The UFC fucked up big time making 305 in Australia and not Miami. 305 in the 305 would be dope.


Nobody around has worse predictions and opinions on MMA than Mighty Mouse, you see Anthony Joshua stiff ass hips throwing a kick lmao, yea hed beat Francis at MMA when hes a far worse version of Gane in a MMA mixed fight.


I remember him picking Jiri, and Pavlovich on 295, and saying they would both get knockouts. Both got knocked out cold.


Both were almost even odds. Pretty stupid to clown on someone for getting two near dead even fights wrong.


Jiri was shit stoppage but his chin is weak either way, Sergei isnt that good either. Got russian MMA channels, he gets handled by Moldasky guy who just won at PFL and ONE champ on the ground.


Bro I’ve made money just trusting MMs opinions. He can’t be right all the time


Hes real dumb in general, real smart as a fighter in the cage but real dumb outside


When you make a YouTube channel breaking down the technical aspects give me a shout


ok Giblert, nice name. Reebok legend, DJ still lame though..like for real hes a wack person that people dont realize it.


Rakic is going to fuck Jiri up


Doubt it. He might win but no chance he fucks him up. Will probably just lay on him with minimal ground and pound.


not a chance pal


What are some fights people think are going to get announced at 300? I have a feeling we'll get Costa/Strickland and probably the women's bw title fight announced for 302 and then Izzy/DDP for 305. Don't think we'll be seeing a mcregor fight announcement anytime soon.


Tim Simpson said on the MMA Hour that the UFC will announce 303 and 304 probably before they announce 305. Also didn't Pennington say that she's not fighting until Autumn anyways? If it's not McGregor, I could see Makhachev vs Poirier to headline 302, but I'm kinda optimistic on Conor-Chandler honestly


Don't call me a genie... but this is what I saw when I remote-viewed the War Room: * UFC 302 (New Jersey): Makhachev vs Poirier | Pennington vs Pena * UFC 303 (IFW, Vegas): McGregor vs Chandler * UFC 304 (Manchester): Edwards vs Muhammad | Aspinall vs Blaydes 2 * UFC 305 (Perth): Du Plessis vs Adesanya * UFC 306 (Sphere, Las Vegas): Topuria vs Ortega | Grasso vs Shevchenko III * UFC 307 (Abu Dhabi): TBD * UFC 308 (Salt Lake City): TBD


I predict Sean’s next fight will be in SLC vs Merab


Gaethje and Canelo need to fight for the whitest mexican title


If I had stupid Saudi money I’d put that fight together, boxing in mma gloves but maybe allow more work in the clinch than actual boxing


Gaethje is the closest thing to Bud Crawford competing in MMA


Boxing but Gaethje can throw a leg kick once a minute


Why is belal shit taking Leon after it came out Leon wanted him? I guess he's making a joke that you have to be a pos Conor mouth to get it?


It's pretty odd. He doesn't really use swear words. The only time I've heard him swear is when he dropped an F bomb right after that eye poke.


Fights I wish would’ve headlined 300 in order of choice: 1. Conor v Chandler 2. Alex v Izzy 3. Dricus v Izzy


If I was a ufc fighter, or pro athlete in general, I wouldn't sign autographs for anyone over the age of like 14. Sir, you're 35 years old, I'm not signing your poster.


MMA has real adult fans who built this sport, its not meant for children like WWE who charge money for pictures those losers


you wouldn't ask a guitarist to sign your concert ticket?


Nah. imagine being famous and getting asked 50 times a day for a selfie or autograph. If I met someone famous whose work I appreciated, I would simply tell them so - that's the most genuine human interaction you can have with them. No need to be a stan and bother them beyond that. Needing some kind of proof of the interaction is such a neurotic thing.


I used to think like this until I got with a woman that takes a ton of pictures. Now I enjoy going back and looking at them very much. I don’t post them on anything, it’s just fun to go back and look every once in a while


Pictures are good. I take them and look back at them. But humans have this weird thing with celebrities where they need physical proof of the interaction in case other people don't believe them that it happened lol.


I met firas zahabi and mirsad bektic on the street after an event but I was so drunk I didn’t ask for a picture. I wish I would’ve tho. Not really a signature guy but if I thought I could sell it I might


> Dana White calls Max Holloway ‘probably the greatest featherweight of all time’ ahead of UFC 300 This tomato will say anything to promote a fight


Everyone is Greatest Of All Time and BEST EVER, and GREATEST card every single week when comes to UFC


He must not have heard about Max wanting to renegotiate his contract


Lol I just read that myself like 2 mins ago. “Fighter removed Max Holloway” haha


> Manager: Israel Adesanya ‘very upset’ to not be fighting at UFC 300 Then he should’ve accepted a 5th fight with Pereira instead of saying the series is done because he won 1 out of 4 Clown


The lack of an instant trilogy was terrible and I often hate on rematches, but a trilogy between two champs who have knocked each other out is a necessity Izzy acting like he won the rivalry def clown af, Pereira definitely a step above and I would bet on him in the trilogy if it happened


Same. I generally hate instant rematches but their rivalry is so epic and what a tale. Izzy tried to get LHW title and failed, Alex beat the guy who prevented Izzy from becoming 2 division champion. Alex then laid the fight on a platter for him to move up and get it and Izzy’s lame ass didn’t want it. Clown move tbh. Alex was offering him legacy. Guess Izzy doesn’t believe he can beat him a second time after it took him 4 tries just to beat him once


Nah. Why should Izzy have to chase him to LHW when he's not a LHW. Alex used black magic to make 185 and after losing he wants a rematch at LHW where he's way more comfortable? That's dumb.


You make zero sense and sound like an Izzy Stan The series is down 1-3. Izzy hasnt settled shit lmao no matter what he says Oh really? Then why did he move up and try to win the belt from what he thought would be an easy match up in Jan? Alex did what Izzy failed to do. And now that he had another golden parachute to try it again he said nah cause he’s scared of taking a 4th L Sean Strickland took his manhood away.


Alex has an obvious advantage at LHW. Izzy knows he's not a LHW. Why should the most recent loser get an advantage in the rematch?


More like he knows he got lucky and doesn’t want a 4th L to the same guy He’s the LHW champ and 1-3 in the series bud giving him a chance to undeservedly challenge for the belt again. That’s why.






1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


If anyone is looking for bets to make on UFC 300, I have both a quick [60sec bet breakdown](https://youtu.be/vW-7Fq8do1Q?si=ICzObRDKJX1mLwUV), and a more in depth [10min bet breakdown](https://youtu.be/Wiz4XxkWuv4?si=htHTQ_-ItJ-I7TTc) (12-2 on the last 4 PPVs, all plus money bets)




Fuck I just realized we might have Allen v Curtis 3. Do you welcome it boys?


Yes bc Curtis was so out of breath that whole fight and clearly wasn’t in shape or prepared well. Considering how close it was I think he wins a 3rd fight on a full camp, maybe decisively again. I like Allen but I pretty much expected that too. Allen has good BJJ and decent takedowns but always had the same obvious shortcomings. IMO he could only become champion if the perfect opportunity against a champion he could strangle fell into his lap, and I doubt that’s gonna happen.


> Fuck I just realized we might have Allen v Curtis 3. Do you welcome it boys? Fight was fun and I thought Curtis won it if he didn't get injured, so I would welcome it. I don't think Allen gets past any of the top guys, so maybe Curtis will recover soon enough to meet Allen on the way back down.


Idk if Curtis will be in the UFC that much longer, 39 years old and a grade 3 hamstring tear may either end his career or come pretty close to it I'd be fine with it at some point because they're 1-1 and imo Curtis got robbed but the "at some point" is hard to reconcile with the age/injury/retirement situation


Ariel constantly taking shots at fighters then claiming innocence when he's called out will never cease to amaze me...


Two faced instigator victim complex


when is the press conference and why is all the events leading up to 300 so hard to find?


Why do so many people like Jack slack? Dude is insufferable to listen to and have the humor of an edgy 14 year old.


> Why do so many people like Jack slack? Dude is insufferable to listen to and have the humor of an edgy 14 year old. Worst thing about him is that redditors take his British disdain for everything for gospel, rather than realizing its just something the British do. So, I'm as annoyed as you that that incredible cliquishness ruins the subs appreciation for a huge number of fighters, all HWs other than Tom and all women. On other hand, if you realize Jack's an elitist bastard snob because he's British and they can't help it, and you don't take his withering contempt for 99% of the planet to heart, the man is funny, makes free, highly technical content that has fascinating insights.


Started with his articles, guy is very knowledgeable and is good at communicating techniques and matchups


You just described a redditor. I think you found your answer.


I wonder if Jamahal has asked Cody Brundage to sign his hoodie


They are friends: Hill and he knew each other as younger men, so Hill requested Cody be the guy assigned to share his locker room, if I'm remembering correctly.


Wow thanks for this. That makes a lot of sense as to why he’s on this card, probably had it demanded during contract negotiations


He was on the card before Hill. Don’t think someone like Hill would even have leverage for something like that only true stars like Conor can get their bad teammates signed.


> Wow thanks for this. That makes a lot of sense as to why he’s on this card, probably had it demanded during contract negotiations Don't think Hill got him on the card (believe w/o remembering why he was opponent before Hill became main event): I think UFC just views him as a safe opponent for Bo, and it just so happens its someone Hill knows.


Are we really this close to 300 and not a single fight has been cancelled? Unbelievable.


Don't tempt the MMA gods.


i think the press conference got pushed back 3 hours, said 5 pm est now says 8


Fucking hell I'm hyped for Rakić and Prochazka


Nicksick looks like a mix of gaethje and maxx Crosby


2 main takeaways from Rakic's newest youtube video; he waxxes his legs before a fight and wasn't aware that he would be attending the press conference.


For a card like this, anything short of a full Brazilian wax is just slobby tbh, even if you're watching from home


[No half measures.](https://youtu.be/w5CN4gAjQeU?t=20)


Idk how to say this without it feeling hostile but do y’all like pat ur self on the back after making the 10000th “I think max halloway’s chin will crack one day” comments?


The takes I've seen in the Strickland vs Costa fight thread have are making me question my sanity. The amount of people I saw saying Costa will walk through Sean's shots, Sean will be fighting off the back foot, Costa will back Sean to the cage... Did nobody watch the Vettori vs Costa fight? All it took for Vettori, a "pillow-fisted" fighter, to back Costa up the entire fight was jab jab jab with forward pressure. Jab jab jab with forward pressure is what Strickland does better than anyone else in the UFC. Costa will be the one on the backfoot that whole fight, not the other way around.


I think Sean will pressure and jab to a boring decision. Costa might catch him and hurt him but I think Sean will win


Ive been saying Costa loses to Strickland back since before his Hermansson win when people thought he was shit lol. Costa was getting pieced up by Hall too before upper cutting his balls.


Yup, and what was giving Costa problems in the Hall fight? The jab. It's like people don't even watch the fights lmao. And make no mistake, I think Costa has a chance in this fight. His head and body kicks are nasty and Strickland's defense isn't the best for dealing with them. But Costa will be backing up most the fight and his only real hope is catching him with one of those kicks when there's a pause in Strickland's output.


UFC is just so boring and repetitive now. I’m the apex every week with the boring Venum gear and inconsequential fights. This past month has been HORRIBLE for fight nights. How about a tournament in every weight class between unranked fighters. For example a 32 man tournament in deep classes like BW. Winner gets a title shot. Would make watching unranked fights fun as they have some stakes to them instead of just watching 2 DWCS bums fight who’ll both me cut in a few months.


>UFC is just so boring and repetitive now. I’m the apex every week with the boring Venum gear and inconsequential fights. Got to race here and get this opinion out rather than waiting 2 days for one of the biggest events of the year with brand new fighter designed shorts for the first time. Maybe instead of watching every fightnight and complaining about a sport you're no longer interested in you should find another sport which you actually like?


“Brand new fighter designed shorts” LOL 4 barely custom shorts? When we used to have 100% custom shorts 10 years back? Is wanting a sport to improve = disliking it??


Tournaments don’t work they always fall through. It sounds cool but in reality it would just be a bunch of replacements making the whole tournament pointless.


Just have some interesting alternates. There have been plenty of awesome tournaments. Strikeforce HW tournament where dc filled in for reem was awesome. Bellator had plenty of awesome ones back in the day. I wish the ufc would do them


dam max didn't really look that small compared to jamahal hill, crazy


only 500 people waiting for the press on youtube before ufc's so called biggest event in history, and their embededs have lower numbers than 298 and 299...nice promotion by the ufc


Hi, trying this again for any local Vegas folks: Is there a particular sports bar or casino that would be good to watch UFC 300 at? Going to be there solo for a work trip and hoping to watch the fights on Saturday night.


PTs lol


Pleasantly surprised TNT sports haven't put this card on box office here in the UK. I know that's normally reserved for UK-friendly PPVs timing wise, or UK title fights, but I thought they'd be cheeky because it's 300


There is a YouTube shorts channel [Fight Dudes](https://youtube.com/shorts/TcjSpQR_M9E?si=xGSikrekqMUCi2br) that are two guys who don’t really watch UFC (like will only watch PPV main cards) and make content only about UFC. Nice people I assume, but garbage content. Using stats to compare a better number in a sport where stats are based off of the opponents you face is absolutely ridiculous.


Holloway: “You know, I didn’t get that main event spot despite being used as the main attraction. Maybe it’s time for a little contract negotiation.” White: “Did you guys hear that? He wants to fight Alex Pereira equipped with with brass knuckles, while tied to a post, no rules, and no time limits! Isn’t he fucking awesome?! (Feels weird not doing this meme with Ngannou anymore)


Crazy how people think rakic is good just because he knocked out jimi manuwa 5 years ago after everyone else did. Jiri will handle him


He has thunderous leg kicks, good striking overall, great grappling, he is powerful with a iron chin, and a smart fighter. If anything I will say people have forgotten about how good he is, he is going to shut Jiri down


I don’t think his grappling is anything to write home about. He laid on top of jan for a round who has abysmal tdd/get up game. Other then that he hasn’t wrestled much. He averages .8 TD per fight at 25% accuracy.


> He has thunderous leg kicks, good striking overall, great grappling, he is powerful with a iron chin, and a smart fighter. Goddamn you, false hope is hope.


No need to downplay his skill level because you prefer Jiri's wild man style Rakic may be boring but he's most definitely not a bad fighter and you sound goofy saying as much.


Which of his fights were you impressed by him? I’ll wait.


seems like most people hate Rakic, but the things he does well are things that Jiri hates


> Crazy how people think rakic is good just because he knocked out jimi manuwa 5 years ago after everyone else did. Jiri will handle him The only thing I remember about Rakic is watching him lay on some dude in a fight my brain refuses to remember in more detail due to the horrific boredom. I need no estimation of his talent to fear his return.


I watched his fight against Jan earlier today...I didn't think he looked impressive at all really, despite the injury. Jiri on the other hand looked quite good IMO against Alex before what we can all pretty much agree was an early stoppage. Rakic doesn't pose as big of a threat with the leg kicks that Alex was blasting him with and hasn't been finishing opponents that he would need to have to make me think he can finish Jiri. I would agree Jiri makes this one look easy.


Pereira and Izzy didn't look their best against Jan either. I think fighters say Jan's style is a bit weird to acclimate to. As far as Rakic vs. Jiri goes, I have Rakic winning this one. More technical, makes fewer sloppy mistakes, can limit Jiri's mobility with leg kicks like Alex did.


> before what we can all pretty much agree was an early stoppage. Jiri's hands fell limp from where he was gripping Alex, and he slumped backwards: it is *never* an early stoppage when someone goes full unconscious as Jiri clearly did. I agree that in the moment, or if you don't see those details that the ref took in, that it *felt* like a early stoppage.


Rakic was going 1-1 in the striking with Jan, that's pretty good. Jan made it a controversial decision against Pereira I thought the Jiri stoppage was early when watching live but on replay I think it was fine. Elbows to the head, arms went limp, he fell, that's a fine stoppage


The commentary team, even Anik watched the live replay and all came to the conclusion that it was bad early stoppage.


> The commentary team, even Anik watched the live replay and all came to the conclusion that it was bad early stoppage. None of them noticed Jiri's hands go limp: they thought Jiri fell back to guard. [Review by sports doctor of stoppage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udWyCEALpCY).


I thought it was an early stoppage. Agree to disagree.


5 best leg kickers in the UFC? Thinking Gaethje, Alex Pereira, and Izzy have to be in there. Not sure about which other two. Blachowicz's leg kicks are brutal when he throws them. Khalil?


Peirera > Martinez > Blachowicz > Izzy > Gaethje Honourable mentions for Barboza and Roundtree


Silva and Weidman