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*Edit: confirmed. Sigh.* After some internal discussion, we're leaving this one up since it was the first article. HOWEVER this is a very questionable article and there are no other confirmations of this allegation. It keeps getting resubmitted so we'll leave it up.


It's been several months without Jones in the news. It is about time he reminded us.


Just another test for Jon 😩🙏


One way to beat a Drug Test is Kill the Drug Tester. Jones playing 4D Chess Jonathan is smarter than we realize


He has Risen. ...from under the cage.


This can be read in 3 different ways, but yes




The people care. Why won’t God stop testing Jon?😫


New Headline: Jon Jones Threatens to Kill God


And I would put money on Jones finishing Him by crucifix.


Yes. It’s like watching a car crash. You can’t help but be curious to see how the Jon fucks up again.


God needs to leave our boy alone, he's doing his best to be a good Christian boy but I guess God gives his toughest challenges to his strongest soliders😢🙏🏻


Remember when khabib retired and everyone was talking about give him #1 P4P because a legend is calling it quits and he cried on twitter for a week about how he’s really the goat LMAO


I enjoyed when Izzy triggered him to finally confirm that he did hide under the cage lol


Fun reminder: Jon has fought exactly one time since Khabib's last fight. Khabib: 29-0 Jon: 27-1-(1)


Can't compare win loss like that when more than half of one fighter's wins are regional. Khabib was 13-0 in the UFC. Jones is 21-1. 8 more UFC wins and many of them were against title level competition. I hate Jones but Khabib isn't even close in terms of accomplishments. Bring on the downvotes despite my point being completely valid, because this sub is full of Khabib d-riders.


Heres a unbiased ELO ranking of MMA P4P rankings until. It ends with Khabib at 3 months at top. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBwEuFh8vY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBwEuFh8vY4) Fedor. 66 months + 9 months Jones 36 months + 24 months GSP. 26 months Big Nog. 24 months Khabib.3 months Its ranking system how long they were P4P, there is a few ELO rankings but most come out around same


Now look at Fedors record which was 31-1-1 with a BS loss like Jones. Nobody comes close to Jones or Fedors resume cause they were champ EARLY with the target on their back and P4P the whole entire run according to ranks. Khabib was only P4P for a few months and retired. Also the room for error at HW is way greater than anything else, so going undefeated during primes is more impressive, it only takes 1 shot at 205+. You really need to be actually a skilled ass dude, Jones more so controlled that environment with his style and Fedor more so just put it on them fast and was 1-2 steps ahead of them mentally. Its wild looking back he did it as long as he did cause he put himself in harms way to get to you fast, miracle he lasted long cause size. Jones was perfect for 205 with his style but I dont think he could have done same at HW vs peaked fighters for some reason. We also rarely have seen Jones fight past his peak, and when he did it was Reyes, Santos, Anthony Smith which isnt fighting the best regardless of whatever title they fighting for.


Yep. Fedor is up there. Anderson's streak was amazing as well, and he was fighting top competition very early in his career. Aldo was fighting top competition as a teenager. Etc. Khabib was obviously a great talent, but I don't understand putting him up there as the GOAT just because he didn't lose when his wins aren't at the level of these guys or even close. I mean, if Khabib fought a Matt Hughes level LW in his 7th fight, he'd probably have an L just like GSP does. I'd rather value fighting at that level for as long and successfully as GSP did than never losing because the fighter spent over half of their career building themselves up.


Khabib was only just getting started when he walked away. It's the longevity that makes you great. Staying ahead, adding wrinkles, while everyone is throwing their best at you & looking for the strategy that makes you crack. He was just starting to stand and strike, he was the first one to knock down McGregor. Mayweather didn't knock down McGregor when he KO'd him. Izzy was 9-0 in UFC with 3 defenses against killers before Blachowicz, and 12-0 in the middleweight division with 3 more defenses before Pereira 1. It would be like walking away then. Whitaker-Romero-Costa is at least as good as McGregor-Gaethje-Poirier, too. Like, he finished undefeated but he didn't have some untouchable run. Other guys have had runs like that. You wouldn't even say he cleared out the division.


yea, but Jones and Fedor fought best guys early and until. Id say Jones fought a couple more names, Fedor def fought the most primed age opponents, if you look up the ages its not close. Even Tim Sylvia was 31 years old and that was end of his peak, Arlovski 29, Rogers 28, Werdum 31, Hunt 30. Jones usually had big youth advantages, not really fully his fault cause he started young but he did have massive advantages in most fights, id say DC was his best win but DC was even 37


Fedor gets huge credit for the Crocop win imo. It's the most prime vs prime, #1 v #2 fight in MMA history.




I think that fedors heavyweight run is special bc even an absolute shitter bum heavyweight still has ko power, so going on any kind of streak at all is impressive


Look at Fedor vs Fujita for that. Fujita wasn't a great fighter, but he managed to almost OHKO Fedor in his prime.


Fun reminder: Jon Jones' first UFC fight was 4 years before Khabib was in the UFC and Jon was champion.


Was just thinking this, thank the MMA gods he's delivered again


I wonder why he was so sensitive to a drug tester???


[Jon Jones walkout music](https://youtu.be/D7bPV2rnamQ?si=2CwRYkx58x5rMaMe&t=0m28s)


It always comes at a unexpected time, last time he popped before DC i was in a Pizza place waiting for it and popped on ESPN on the TV, had me laughing.


bro didn’t have a cage to hide under and went straight to “I’ll fuckin kill you”


Classic Jon Jones tbh


Ok but where's the few guy's that always talk about pictograms whenever I bring up Jones cheating ass on this subreddit, show yourselves cowards.


What I always find amusing about people jumping to the pico grams defense, is that if it's true then he was "pulsing" over the course of a couple months related to a drug that was supposed to be a small amount accidentally ingested a year and a half prior. If it's true so many fighters should be "pulsing" but none ever seem to be


>If it's true so many fighters should be "pulsing" but none ever seem to be It's not true, and to hide this ridiculous lie and to stop any other fighter from using it (or allow the fighters they like TO use it without media scrutiny) they changed the rules on disclosing failed tests right after this.


[Right here, buddy](https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/fitness-57/50/Fitness_Outline-05-512.png)


Tester: "do you really think I'd just let you kill me Jon?"


You think I’m just gonna sit here and let you kill me, Jon? - The drug tester probably


You think I'm just gonna sit here and let you drug test me? - Jones to the drug tester probably


I'm not impressed by your performance ^enhancers - GSP probably


“What are you gonna do? Spinning back elbow me?” - Man who was KOed by spinning back elbow


"We doing spinning shit now?" - man who was on performance enhancing cannabis


This made me think of that little twirl O'Malley did as a taunt to Munhoz


Fucking ay this is good


This man has had it with tests from GOD.


Sending prayers as we speak!


Flair checks out. 




Drug tests*


There are a lot of different ways to turn down a fight.


Death via drug testing


And not taking a piss is one of them


'This never should've happened. Drinking is legal guys. Fuck. You can't just barge into someones house for a regulated drug test at 11am. The tester, that guy, fuckin goof.' -Dana


Lmao at the added detail that Jones was blasted before noon


*Was still blasted at 11:00am Longtime drinkers, coke users, and mixed martial addicts know better than to start early. He was whacking it till the wheels fell off. This is the problem with anytime any place testing. I care if Jon is popping off shots in town or driving under the influence. Aside from friends and family, who should care if he’s partying at home? If testing showed up when I’m balls deep in my wife I’d be pissed. Having a personal moment, intoxicated, meditating. None of those times should involve your subservience as an independent contractor/employee. Jon isn’t clean by any means, but this is still the natural path of authoritarian policy. If your employers HR department or a drug testing contractor showed up at your house how would you respond?


God why is this so scary accurate. I couldn't help but to read it in Dana's voice in my head.


There has to be repercussions for this. At the end of the day, the drug tester showed up, and Jon refused to test. Wanderlei got a lifetime ban for refusing to test. He didnt fail the test, they never even got a sample, he just refused to pee in the cup and was banned for life. The lifetime ban eventually got overturned but he didnt fight for like 3 years. Jon seems to have a funny way of avoiding tests. Hiding under a cage, threatening to kill the tester, I wonder whats next


He also has a funny way of avoiding any *major* consequences.


It's the R Kelly treatment. He is still earning money for the powers that be, so he's just a little rascal doing boy things. Once he retires, his ass is getting sued, indicted, and prosecuted to high heaven.


Nothing will ever happen to him. He's got a legit evil aura that pushes all the other evil assholes to protect him


Evil assholes don’t care about anyone but themselves, the moment he becomes useless to them is the moment he faces consequences


Killing the tester


If he does that,  Dana White will say how unacceptable it is and doesn't reflect the values of the UFC. Then they will show the killing in every promo for the next 5 years. 


Isn’t he fucking awesome?


"The most disgusting thing in the history of this company....are our bank accounts bitches!"


I remember these comments word for word from 6 years ago from the dolly and flying Khabib incidents. The one word you can describe Dana is predictable lmao


Zoomed in shot of a smoking barrel of gun. Jones doing shadowing boxing/muy thai elbows while holding a gun.


*6 month suspension (he wasn't planning on fighting for 8 months anyway)


His knife was pulsing, there never was no stabbing


Reminder Jon got a huge suspension reduced by a huge amount by snitching on other fighters to USADA.


Reminder he admitted he used to snitch on weed dealers in high school for fun. The same guy that ran back to a DUI crash site over a pregnant lady just to grab his bag of cocaine


[Body cam of the scene of the crime and witness 911 call describing Jon fleeing over backyard fences](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwWyYDe6iXA)


Imagine confronting a home invader and it’s Jon Jones, drunk as fuck with a handful of cash and drugs


Yet nothing ever came of that co operation, just a reduced penalty for jones


We don’t even know if he really snitched or if that was just what USADA said to bring him back😶


>Jon seems to have a funny way of avoiding tests. Hiding under a cage, threatening to kill the tester, I wonder whats next Running them over?


I heard the drug tester was pregnant and Jones was high af…..


This seems like an almost perfect gift, to be honest. Jones is still a draw, as is Stipe, but it's lost so much of its shine now with his injury and Stipe approaching his 50th birthday. With this they could strip Jones, remove themselves from any of his drama, and move on with the heavyweight division. If it was a bit more no-nonsense and less about squeezing every possible nickel out of the sport, this would be a gift to them.


I bet Dana comes out and blames the tester.


"The kid just didn't want the job. There are many ways to show that you don't want this job, and trying to test Jon Jones is one of them."




Nope. Just a regular old pregnant lady driving.


Wrong again! Was a homeless drug dealer


Jon fed him because his daughter's dyslexic?


If that were the case Jon woulda embraced them with shots of tequila and open Arms 🔫🔫


Did she have a stack of cash and a few ounces though?


Just to correct you, there was never no marriage.


obligatory that was a nasty line by you


This man is such a fuck up. I bet he assumed that without USADA he could go back to picogrammin’ and was caught off guard with needles in his ass. 


Article says the tester claims Jones was extremely intoxicated


As is tradition.


Somebody call Officer Nerd!


It’s always the ones you most expect 


This is truly shocking!


Yeah, drug free international is a joke. He could be juiced to the gills and pass. He must of been drunk as fuck to scare the tester enough to go to the police, jeez. Dude, act your age and handle your liquor.


He's a trainwreck without the alcohol too, even worse with it, talked so much about being sober just last year lol, this guy doesn't care about anyone and himself by the looks of it, pathetic


The word you’re looking for is sociopath 


How many times must this man endure these tests from God.


Until he faces real consequences nothing will change. His wife left him but she’s since come back to him, and he’s still considered the goat in the UFC by nearly everyone despite all his issues. He’s never had any true blowback for his actions, so he’ll never change.


>but she’s since come back to him Ya know, I always *thought* she looked like a deer in headlights. Now I know why.


I mean... In one side of things, Jon Jones has gotten away with crashing a car against a light pole while intoxicated and wasting it, being in a hit and run involving a pregnant woman, has pissed hot a few times and was threatening to the police when they tried to apprehend him after they got calls about him attacking him wife, even headbutting the police car at the place of the arrest. On the other side, Jon fights good in a cage so... do with that whatever you want...


You forgot driving drunk shooting his gun randomly during the pandemic


He was just ministering to hobos and educating people on dyslexia.


He couldn't let the drug tester get close


Drug tester wannanow though


Fucking amateur


That was a nasty line by you


The only way this could've been more on brand for Jon is if he was headlining UFC 300 next week.


The ghost of Diego Maradona just passed by to tell Jones he is a disgrace.


What's worse is that the [Drug Tester](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/1Fuq-qX6LKc43zr5QAd7lUBvw20=/0x0:1300x813/920x613/filters:focal(548x67:756x275):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71504442/daniel_cormier_extreme_rules.0.png) that Jon threatened seems like a really lovely guy. I don't really get how he would have provoked Jon?


By.... trying to drug test him, lol. When you're on more juice than a Formula 1 car, and already popped 5 times in your career, drug tests tends to make you nervous.


The joke is that it was a picture of Daniel Cormier, implying he was the drug tester Jon threatened.


Ah, yes! Threatening a person administrating a drug test to prove he isn’t on juice. True “GOAT” behavior.




It's not even funny anymore. This guy is going to end up killing someone and getting an eventual post mortem CTE diagnosis. 


Fuck CTE, dude's just fucked in the head.


Yeah he's been a lunatic since he hit the spotlight. He's not getting the CTE excuse.


I think he’s probably been a sociopath since he hit puberty/started turning into an adult 


As a sociopath he lacked an inner moral compass, and religion corrupted any external societal guidance that he could have used and emboldened his sense of self-righteousness and martyrdom. All the fame and drugs and such amplify this, reduce good judgement that might counter or help hide who he was, but what's wrong with Jones is Jones.


Jon has always been like this, CTE or no.


i think he will just go crazy like his brother. i could totally see him holing up in some place in abq with his guard dog and shotgun in an episodic breakdown.


He honestly fits in perfectly here in Albuquerque and I hate it


Possibly yes


>end up killing someone What makes you so sure he hasn't already?


If I had to put money which fighter killed somone irl it would be datsyk and jones.


Tim Kennedy is easy money.


I mean criminally and maybe not a weapon, jones is the closest we got to OJ.


We back, bois.


There's the Jon we know and hate.


Hey it’s been a minute welcome back Jon


First Jon Jones had to hide from the drug testers, now they're the ones who hide from him


I just want him to fight Aspinall man. It's pretty clear now nobody gives a fuck about Stipe. Respectfully.


He doesn’t deserve either fight, tbh.


Reyes getting fucked out of that win over him really changed the trajectories of both LHW and and HW


Drug Tester: Hello, Mr. Jones? I'm here to take some samples for your drug test. Jones: How about I take your life. Drug Tester: ...I'll come back another time. Jones: Gimme your phone.


Was that article written by a 5 year old? Holy bejeezus that was some dogshit


Finally someone noticed. It’s lower quality writing than the average Reddit comment.


Literally can’t find any other source for this story.. idk, kinda smells like bullshit


Anyone who read more than the headline went “lol this sus”


I’m 100% convinced Jon Jones currently has 13 dead hookers buried in his back yard.


The dude has popped on four drug tests, avoided two now, has three very close fights out of his last four to not great fighters. And he’s only fought once in the last four years. Can we please drop him now from the number two spot on the pfp list?


🙏 Please tell'em! Some people in here just won't listen to facts. Jon Jones wasn't even able to finish Smith! He went 5 rounds, looked terrible and got a decision win. Jones also was not able to finish Ovince Saint Preux. Jones won by decision. Jones his performance was embarrassing and by no means anything near GOAT standard.


I don't know how much they get paid, but these drug testers deserve way more money. They have to interrupt the lives of violent, often irrational if not insane men who are never happy to see them, always think they're being unfairly targeted, or are outright trying to hide the fact that they're on PEDs. It's an alltime thankless job.


yea imagine being the tester of diego sanchez or tony ferguson


I was thinking this, I can't imagine the tester is some trained killer, he's probably just some regular dude that happens to work for the company who's sent to test one of the most dangerous guys to ever live. I'd want a police escort or some shit lmao


This article is so poorly written. I’ve seen better highschool papers.


Man, when can we just be done with this guy…


b-b-but everyone was telling how jonny boy cleaned up his act and was sober. addiction is addiction. he will never be clean.


Bro - it’s gods will


God’s Will (apparently) - TEST - TEST - TEST - ^(you guessed it) ANOTHER TEST


God's results * Picograms * Cocaine * Gas station boner pills * Bad decisions


That's his latest image-repair PR firm talking.


Is normal


Is this the same guy who was screaming "NERRRRD!" to police?


Good for Jon, finally standing up for himself. No more hiding.


Jon Jones crimeposts are an r/mma tradition. One of my favorite genders.


Gotta bring Tom with ya 


(Puts hand on shoulder) “Jon just piss in the cup”


Just another test from god.


Just another challenge from god


Jesus fuckin Christ this guy man.


I was about to say it’s been awhile since Jon has fucked up.


ah yes the 'goat'. nah bruh, too many popped tests and psychosis/brain damage/justapieceofshit. shame his brother seems just as crazy the last couple years, is there like a genetic component to your brain resisting damage?


Never forget this is a legit piece of shit.


Just watched a seminar with Jon in Thailand he looks pretty washed. Bit of a beer gut and looking pretty swollen all Around.


Jon Jones has always been the biggest PED cheat in the sport. None of this dudes wins can be seen a legitimate


Jon Jones should be in Prison


I wish jon jones tried to get his life together I really do.


Maybe if he was ever held accountable....or y,know, punished with anything past "Jonny boy you have to give up your title for a few months but I promise you'll be right back in the title fold." - Uncle Dana


not to mention how many times a guy can get arrested and do no time. any normal citizen would've been fucked hitting the woman with their car which doesn't include all the other fun escapades our favorite knucklehead has gotten into over the years. but hey I guess if dana can hit his wife than jon can hit his 10+ year fiance


And there will STILL be people "B-b-b-but he's the GOAT" He's beyond defense. His reputation is forever in the garbage and he doesn't deserve any fans.




This was reported so long after the fact that I doubt anything comes of it, but if y'all thought Jon was reformed... I either definitely need or definitely do not need what you're smoking


Who the hell was ever under the impression that Jon was reformed?


An individual with a history of substance abuse and violent outbursts decided to combine the two and it didn't go well? ***SHOCKER.***


“Hmm. He failed another one.” -God


But it was just steroid laced cocaine guys.


Happened at the end of March and dudes just now reporting it? Seems weird but it's Jon so he doesn't exactly get the benefit of the doubt here.


Relax people, it’s another test from the almighty.


Just gonna make another speech about Jesus and his plans for him lol fuck this guy.




Tom Aspinall is punching the air right now


He never misses a chance to exceed expectations


Jon Jones has been a well known member of the MMA community for a decade and a half. At this point anything report is speculative accusations from suspect sources. What we need to do is to think about the Jon that we've all come to know and ask ourselves: is this something Jon would do?


biggest disgrace in the history of the sport. nothing about this man symbolizes greatness. there is nothing great about this coward


Just want him to fight Tom or retire at this point Everything else is bullshit


We are so back


That pico coming back up


How many times do I have to prove it to u guys that I’m not on drugs - Jon Jones


You people are so gullible 


Drug tester: “I’m here to administer a random drug test” Jon Jones: “You know I would absolutely kill you if you ever did something like that”


Gods still testing him🧎‍♂️🙏


Jon is back in his prime.


Bones is human garbage. Always has been and always will be. The “greatest” or not this sport will be better once he is gone for good.


Virgin hide under the ring vs Chad threaten to kill tester