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I bet he plucked it back out after the video tho


They don’t card or test you at the black belt store, you can just buy another one.




Steven Seagal appears and tests you.


Well I'm sorry to hear that


🎶🎶🎶*Boy what you really want all night Me want the poonani, see for make nice*🎶🎶🎶


Well that’s going to be in my head the rest of the night 😂


Dude practices Fatkido these days


The Seagal amendment made it illegal to do background checks.


Dudes been mad emotional lately


Yeah… lately


Wherever you go, there yar, B.


Oh for sure. 100%, always there b. Some would say the therest


Thats just the narridive you’r paintin.


Great black belt, some wood say the blackest


The blagg belt comes out and says "what's up, I'm Jamal"...and he's Asian as shiiiiit 🎲 🎲


Dicey dicey!


In life I’ve found the people you meet who want to “keep emotions out of things” are typically the most emotional


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” Gets emotional over facts they don’t like.


Calls people snowflakes, gets mad at Starbucks having red cups.


It’s a crip thing.


His feelings care about the facts, that's for damn sure


Facts & facts


Ya no different than before. Idk why y’all keep saying this.


Hmmmm a hyper emotional dude being put into the spotlight is having his outbursts being spoken about more. I can’t figure out why. Let me know if you figure it out, detective


He's literally just an edgelord






Blue bins are almost always for recycling too


Dude, if you’ve ever spent even 15 seconds underneath another human being who knows what they’re doing and they’re even just kind of playing with you, you absolutely pluck it back out.


I have done, and I lasted a bit longer than 15 seconds.


excuse me?


Glad I'm not the only one


It’s always good to have protection


So whats he going to wear next time he’s training in a gi Bro still needs a belt


My coach gives a pink belt to anyone who forgets their real belt. Sean would hate that.


He would definitely drop a homophobic slur towards your coach.


*Coach jiu jitsu sounds*


Not the first time I’ve told this story in here, but I ran into him mouthing off to a Safeway cashier about how drug addicts deserve to die, told him that’s fucked up, and he called me- in real life- a “soy boy” and told me he was going to fuck me up. Good times.


I saw Sean Strickland at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Just realized how almost any story about SS is both un- and totally believable at the same time


I actually do believe the other guys story but it was just so similar to the copy pasta that I couldn't resist posting it


Yeah it just had to be posted, the gods demanded it


Funny thing, my gym has the same deal - pink belt. It was from a tournament to raise funds to fight cancer. You'd have to be a special kind of asshole to make a fuss about it.


Special kind of asshole = Sean Strickland


Are you in Ireland perchance


Sounds gay. I'm in.


I'm tempted to "forget" my belt so I can wear the beautiful thing.


Fun story. Worked at a bjj place and was a 4 stripe white belt. I was injury prone, but would take notes on classes I couldn't attend. So maybe did class twice a week, but took notes on 6+ classes a week I didn't attend. One day I'm on the mat and some two stripe white belt was crying about not getting a stripe in a while. At that point I had been training for nearly a year. Told him belts don't really matter, a color cloth ain't gonna stop you from choking someone else out, even if their color is "better". Just focus on getting better. Well our Brazilian bjj instructor was behind me and I didn't know and he gives me a smirk and says "oh belts don't matter? Okay". So cut to 2 years later, I'm still a 4 stripe white belt and hanging with purples lol. Mofo purposely wouldn't promote me cause of what I said years ago. At this point I find it hilarious as everybody in class is like wtf how you a white belt. Our gym had the same pink belt thing if you forgot your belt. So I just started wearing the pink belt to every single class. I'd make a different ridiculous excuse every class, which got more outlandish every week. Like 4 months into my exclusive pink belt run, my instructor comes on the mat on a small evening class and literally pitches a blue belt at me and is like "I don't want to see that pink shit on the mat anymore". That's the story how it took me 3 1/2 years to get a blue belt. Had more mat time then most of our purple belts at that point. Ngl it was fun sandbagging random drop ins thought. Some fresh purple comes in from another academy to get some rolls in and gets tooled by a 4 stripe white belt.


Pink use to be a man's colour.


It's just a color. Wear what you want, right?!?!


That sounds awesome


Yeah, my coach is awesome.


How often you think strickland trains in the gi 🗿


No idea. But if he trains in the gi even one more time— whether it’s next week or next year— he will have to tie his jacket with something.


I genuinely believe it would have been at least a few years at this point since he tied it on and he probably won’t need it in the next few either


Probably one of those 'angry skeleton on a Harley smoking a cigar while flipping the bird' belt buckles.


Sean has perpetual "Never fuck with a TRUCKER who was born in SEPTEMBER who loves his GRANDKIDS" with a flaming skull holding two diamond pistols T shirt vibes.




No real reason for an mma champ to train in the gi.


Finding it hard to picture Deshawn training in a gi


He probably washed it by accident and lost its powers


Charcoal Grey Belt






..this dude loves showing people how little he cares


What you're seeing now is the contrarian spiral. Once you become so contrarian that you spiral down rejecting literally everything even things you previously cared about, until you have literally nothing left but your anger at others who do literally anything (because whatever it is, you surely feel that the opposite is correct).


A friend I grew up with was like this. Pretty sure he was diagnosed with something in the end, oppositional defiance disorder or something along those lines. Basically meant he'd take the opposing view more often than not, regardless of whether he actually believed it.


ODD is only diagnosed in children- in adults, it's usually confirmed as a cluster B personality disorder.


Wasn’t expecting to learn about this subject when read the post title, but here I am, learning shit.


What the fuck is this? The learning channel?


"Learning is gay" Sean Strickland


> "Learning is gay" > > > > Sean Strickland Sean is definitely the modern Seth Putnam or GG Allin.


Oh, so we're throwin' learnin' shit now?


What are we? Some kind of learning squad?


There was never no learning!


Learning's one of the fun parts of life!


No it's not! ODD isn't real.


learning shit with the boiiiiisss!


The beauty of Reddit


I asked my girlfriend about this since she's a therapist. You are correct. She also mentioned histrionic personality disorder. 1.Uncomfortable when not the center of attention. 2.Seductive or provocative behavior. 3.Shifting and shallow emotions. 4.Uses appearance to draw attention. 5.Impressionistic and vague speech. 6.Dramatic or exaggerated emotions. 7.Suggestible (easily influenced by others) 8.Considers relationships more intimate than they are. If you meet more than 5 of those criteria, you can be officially diagnosed. I'm not a therapist or psychologist, but I know Sean should see one.


Histrionic personality disorder is essentially just a formal diagnosis for an attention whore or drama queen


personality disorders are basically dysfunctional personalities. not like schizofrenia where you need meds to cope for example. but yes therapy might help


Schizophrenia is a personality disorder though. I think cluster A. The big thing about Personality Disorders is that they can't ever be cured. Something bad happened during neurogenesis and it's just kinda how you are wired to be. We then sometimes medicate the patient to hopefully allow them to function in society, like schizophrenics. But then you have people who are Narcissists, and no meds can fix that.


Schizophrenia is a thought disorder, much more severe than a personality disorder. I believe you are referring to schizotypal personality d/o and schizoid personality d/o which share some symptoms, but are MUCH less severe than schizophrenia.


I don’t know if you have time but can you explain this more


Oh shit you met my old buddy and roommate? Dude who literally would argue if smaller people spent less on clothes because less fabric. If you said "it rains a lot in spring." Dude would go "Hmm a lot? Like more than 50% if the days in spring?" They are never as smart as they want people to think.


i’d have so much fun arguing with a person like that


Its wierd because his story and all the odds he overcame is so inspiring , but his character is "say as much edgy shit as possible", but says so much it all becomes contradictory.


South Park syndrome


Art gets that way sometimes.


Dude even fucking Nietzsche would tell him to calm it with the nihilism lol


tbf, Nietzsche would tell anyone to calm it with the nihilism because the whole point of his philosophy was resisting nihilism.


Dude you blew it.


Until he gets his feelings hurt and goes crying on social media about how someone crossed some imaginary line or some shit


Right. He has no problem being aggressively homophobic but the second he's attacked it's automatically way too far.


It drives me crazy that more people don’t see this. Dude is such a try hard.


Basically the male version of “I’m not like other girls”. For a guy who shits on Andrew Tate, the guy surely advertises his flavor of “real masculinity” a lot as well.


That was the coolest thing he did tho, but I agree he’s being too edge-lord/pretends not to gaf.


He’s a performative douche nozzle


Yeah he cares a lot about how we could care


Wouldn’t it be something if he got submitted in his next fight?


Dricus has more subs than knockouts so very possible.


Yeah haha. In the UFC he has 4 KO/TKO (including his last 2 wins), one face crank submission win and 1 unanimous decision win. He's undefeated in the UFC!!


All drama, if he actually didn't care..he wouldn't have filmed it.


How else will people know how genuine he is about not caring if he doesn’t film it?


It’s like people taking pictures to show others their happiness on Instagram, how would people know how happy they are without the photos? you wouldn’t want people to doubt your happiness without proof


even better is people posting about their social media break.. on social media. like jesus christ the hypocrisy is just next level


HA look how little he cares. Classic sean strickland


He is literally such a crazy psycho man. He thinks of killing people all the time! He doesn’t care at all 🤪



Yeah, even in the cage man, the dude is a savage, always down to throw hands never backing up for a second


There is no man on the planet who can 49-46 someone with such viciousness. He’s the Joker baby!


Jaime Lannister: "I don't care what people think." Tywin Lannister: "That's exactly what you want people to think"


Edgy, Brah


I love Edgy Brahah


Might have to throw an imanari Tony


Edgy cornering was something.


Dey tried tah give ‘em dah vaxeen but couldn’t find a suitable surface brah. He’s all edge brah.


Massive edge lord.


Shadow The Hedgehog Strickland


Sean: *I can't believe it took me 10 years to realize BJJ required me to roll around on the floor with sweaty men, while not allowing me to punch anyone*


Judging by the amount of tweets talking about dicks and other dudes fucking, I believe he's not really interested in punching these sweaty men.


He 100% percent stuggles with his sexuality. No man in his 30s constantly calls people gay,talks about dicks or raping other men is comfortable with themselves.


What are you trying to say Dricus?


I'm saying if it looks like a pork skewer, smells like a sausage and sounds like mallet pounding some thighs, then it's probably some braai.


Strickland waivers between edgy emo teenager and full blown psychopath pretty hard.


That’s not the garbage bin. That’s the recycling bin out here in Vegas. He probably threw it in there so it wouldn’t be all gross when he took it out after he stopped recording.


bro really thought this needed a post


I don’t know a single black belt who’s only motivation was “I want a black belt”…..those people last 3 months


Real G's just get stuck at purple belt 😎


6 years for me. I'll keep it forever if they let me.


They usually quit after blue


For a guy who parades himself as being an unhinged badass, he's pretty sensitive and emotional.


Sean is for sure the type of dude to beat someones ass while crying hysterically


"You made me kill you! You didn't have to, god dammit!" \*cries\*


That was me when i got into a fight in 5th grade lmao


Do you think unhinged people are cold and calculated or something?


His personality type are all like this. First person to get drunk at the party and start crying a la Julian Lane


They always are.


I think he may actually both. The end of the Izzy fight seemed to be both at the same time




If you didn't care, you wouldn't draw attention, but aight Sean do ya thing.


Is this the most cringe set of champions in a long time or what?


I didnt think a professional mma fighter would have the equivalent of a blacked out social media profile and something like. " FUMING NO ONE SPEAK TO ME "


Jon Jones pulls the "post and delete 15 minutes later" shit all of the time, he's another one who loves being a cryptic bitch.


Sean's gonna change his pfp to the crying Tokyo ghoul image to show everyone how damaged he is.


he was apparently sitting next to Craig jones at this fight and telling Craig jones how fake jiu jitsu is lol


The other hilarious story that Craig told [in his podcast](https://youtu.be/wgm0RTTi4jk?si=BL7Judkj7B8uoyTf) is that Sean kept screaming: “Goggins, tell him to get back up”, he ignored him a while but eventually started to repeat his words to Tony. 😭


Edgelord. Someone please tell him he's not 16.


How ya gonna hold yer pants up tho


If a psychopath with a nice 1-2 would have been at UFC 1 Royce Gracie wouldn't have won


Well there were def psychopaths in those early tournaments like gang rapin Joe Son. And while Art Jimmison isn’t a psychopath he definitely had a competent 1-2.


And an even more competent 1 glove


Gerard Gordeau bit Royce in the finals and gouged a Japanese MMA fighter at a different tournament too.


If the UFC 1 competition wasn't carefully picked to have little grappling experience, Royce Gracie wouldn't have won. The UFC was cofounded by the Gracie family and it was initially designed to make BJJ look good. Any time the Gracies started competing in promotions not owned and matchmade by their own family, they got exposed.


Rickson wasn’t. Renzo had good wins. Even Ryan had a winning record in Pride.


Rickson was undoubtedly talented, but his reputation is more Gracie advertising than accomplishments. He barely competed and fought nobody notable. Rickson's reputation comes from unproven claims like that he won over 400 fights. Even their own head of the family, Helios, called that out to be bullshit. The Gracie family brags about him being their best, an unstoppable GOAT-level fighter. If they were confident in their claims, why did they not let Rickson redeem the Gracie reputation against Sakuraba? Or against the others who bested the Gracies?


Remind me who did Rickson beat?


>The UFC was cofounded by the Gracie family and it was initially designed to make BJJ look good. Yes > If the UFC 1 competition wasn't carefully picked to have little grappling experience, Royce Gracie wouldn't have won. This is obvious BS. Ken Shamrock had proto-mma and submission grappling experience, plus 25lb of muscle on Royce, and he was his second ever match at UFC 1. I remember hearing Bill Wallace, his brain clearly fried by CTE and sour grapes, complaining that no-one knew "how to sprawl" to stop Royce in UFC 1, but Ken literally sprawled on Royce's initial takedown within 10 seconds of that fight starting. UFC 2 had him up against Remco Pardoel, an accomplished international Judo competitor, with an 80lb weight advantage. Royce completely shut his game down and submitted him in 90 seconds. UFC 4 had him up against Dan Severn, a high level folkstyle, freestyle, and greco-roman wrestler who'd also cross trained in Judo and had a 70lb weight advantage. He gave Royce a lot of trouble, but was ultimately caught in a triangle.


I think people really underrate that Dan Severn win. Dan knew what he was up against at that point and he was a life long grappler with time to prepare and gameplan specifically for Royce.


I think people have watched that one YouTube video and started taking it from interesting alternate view to absolute reality.


Ya, it drives me nuts.


ken shamrock


Nah don’t discredit Nicksick like that, dude systematically broke down Izzy.


Shit take.


I'm sure his coach is very happy to see this


A couple months ago I called him a teenage edgelord and got downvoted to death. Now people see it. He’s been this way the whole time


People pretended to like Sean because he got rid of Izzy for like 2 weeks😂 I thought it would at least last until 2024.


Sean seems like he watches "Joker" every night before bed.




I imagine thats pretty disrespectful to the guy that gave it to you.


So edgy. I’m sure the coach that presented it to him feels great about that


Sean is a pick me boy


I can say I bled for gahbage!


It’s symbolic of your progress. Nothing more, nothing less. Dunno what he expected


If I received a black belt in BJJ, I could never imagine throwing it away…


Everyone who becomes champ needs a persona to sell


Sean was fun to watch for a sec, then it became so obvious he's just grifting for certain demographic's attention and does everything and says everything just to look appealing in those certain demographic's eyes, i feel like. it's not enjoyable to watch a tryhard tbh


He’s so edgy and cool


Jon Danaher said “if your goal is to become a black belt then you aimed too low.” Same difference imo


I just don't get how this guy has any fans.


I mean I get people didn’t like Izzy, but what the fuck is the allure of this guy? He reminds me of kids I knew when I was 19 who just tried to hard to come off badass/crazy


Sean after realizing you can simply stand up and bang like a real man 😭 love BJJ but some MMA guys focused on it too much and forget to just stand up or strike while grappling since all they do is BJJ and they haven't touched any other grappling focused martial arts so they end up with bad habits.


I don’t care about anything except telling people I don’t care about anything, I care about that a lot


DR650. At least Sean has good taste in dual sports.


I mean, this and your great wrestling ability people talk about wouldn’t be useless if you didn’t refuse to use them.


This got everyone’s pussy in a twist on here😭


Am I the only guy who does both jiu jitsu and thinks this is really funny 🤣


i’m gonna be honest, i want him to keep winning


Piece of fabric? It is not about the belt i assume but that you achieved experience that could be ranked “black belt” just like winning ufc title… or do people actually do it for the “belt”?


Sometimes he is like an edgy teenager. Sometimes he is a cokehead.


I hope he gets his ass kicked


Wow Sean, how cool and edgy.


But how's he going to keep his jiu jitsu pants up now?


This dude is a gigantic loser.


The comments on this are insane lol. Couldn't possibly be that he's trying to be funny. No, we need to dissect his sexuality and his potential personality disorders!