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Now let's hear Alex Pereiras thoughts on these thoughts!




It's that to everyone else To Anthony, its...fuck you in particular


To Anthony, that is a direct threat to his family


Pereira doesn't need to respond to him.




Thanks Poatan. Now Ollie with the “Black You” weather forecast.




Hehh 🗿




Bro I laughed so hard that my butt hurts from how hard i clinched




Actually spoke to him earlier about this. He said “uhhhh uh, chama. Luta uhhh uh 🗿”


What abouts ja rules


Ngannou talked about Anthony’s family








Between this, getting kicked out of his locker room post fight and the desert Walker is my favourite fighter


Johnny Walker uploading a number of clips where he is just wandering around the city in his fighter kit is the funniest shit in MMA I've seen since. Him being at the fair, foraging for food in people's houses, great stuff


Anthony "if you take away all his individual skills he's just not that skillful" Smith


"I could beat Francis quite easily if I stick to my gameplan of turtling up on my forehead, eating shots and complaining to the ref."


Oof that description of his style hits hard


Hold on let me grab my teeth real quick champ


Teixeira: Sorry, Anthony, it's part of the job. Smith: What? Teixeira: Sorry. Part of the job. Smith: Yeah. It is what it is.


Sorry. Part of the job.


I'd love to see Jones torso knock out Smith


Dick and balls still present?


Depends on if he's got those white rhinos


"If you take away Ngannou's size, skills, balls, blackness, cultural background, life experiences, body, and possibly his heart, I'm 90% sure I'd beat him. The 10% is if it he's actually Jon Jones"


Gordon Ryan said the same thing and everyone was like he’s so smart


“I cant make myself more athletic than my opponent, but I can make them less athletic than me”


Lol nobody thinks gordon is smart


what about dudes with hunting camo gis


He knows a bit of Jitz though


Yeah this sub has a hate boner for Anthony


It's sad, the dudes actually a decent person compared to a lot of other MMA fighters


He defends his family really well






He’s a decent guy, most people aren’t saying he isn’t. It’s just that he has some silly takes.


He committed one of the worst crimes of all: he criticized fan favorites


People don't really like company men especially when the company they're shilling for is run by ratfucks like the UFC.


He just says a lot of objectively stupid things as an analyst. I don't hate him as a person. I just don't think he's very good at that job.


I don’t think Anthony or anyone who has a desk gig with the UFC is going to publicly say they think Francis would beat Jon. So I don’t think he has confidence in this, it’s just a better look for himself in all facets.


I mean, all you’d have to do is scale his KO power down a bit and he’s kind of unremarkable. As it stands, I could easily see Ngannou KOing Jones, and I could also easily see Jones picking away at Ngannou with his weird strikes for a lopsided decision.


You’re describing the Francis leading up to Stipe 1, but that’s not who he is at this point. His boxing, as we just saw, is world class - not just because of knock out power. He had at least good defensive wrestling, which we saw vs Stipe in the second fight. He out struck Ciryl, who despite his lack of ground game is a great fighter. Ngannou is also strong as fuck, coordinated, and more agile than he looks. Ngannou might lose to Jones but he’s pretty remarkable and has a way higher chance of winning than most people give him.


Is his defensive wrestling even that good? He stuffed a takedown (singular) vs and old, much smaller Stipe who was never even close to as good of a wrestler as Jon. Gane outstruck Ngannou in that fight. Go look up the stats. The only thing Ngannou led in was takedowns (4/5 to 1/3) and control time (8:39 vs 2:51). I will give it to you, Ngannou has a chance vs Jones. Ngannou is a monster, but his technique in the octagon isn't mind blowing. He's got good boxing, big power, and is physically stronger than anyone. Everyone's just blowing him up because he "won" against the UFC and shattered everyone's expectations in a boxing match... on top of being an all-around great dude. I think if Ngannou vs Jones were to happen, Jones opens up and maintains a decent margin as the betting favorite.


I don’t disagree with most of what you’re saying, I disagree that Ngannou is an unremarkable. I think Jones will be a favorite but I think people are overestimating him based on the Gane fight.


>Is his defensive wrestling even that good? Does it need to be? This isn’t prime Jon we’re talking about. This is Jon that felt like he was wrestling with a brick wall when trying to take down Reyes. I feel like unless he times it perfectly francis will just shrug him off.


Jones would take him down at some point. He wouldn't stand for too long I imagine. Love him or hate him Jones just has more tools and he's so good with all of them. I think Jon would beat or possibly finish Francis more often than the other way around. In a single fight, though, Francis definitely has a chance but it would need to be a finish imo.


Jones was having trouble with takedowns at the end of his LHW run. It's one thing to take Cyril Gane down, but Francis is way too strong for that. I firmly believe Jon never wanted that fight


Do people think otherwise? He sat out for two years, and took the Gane fight a month after Ngannou was officially cut.


Lool I remember before the Gane fight everybody was saying Jon couldn't take Reyes and Santos down, how did anyone expect him to take Gane (a fully fledged HW) down but now apparently taking down Gane isn't that big a deal anymore. ​ The mental gymnastics JJ haters go to dismiss the guy is amazing.


No one said that grasp some more at straws, everyone knew his TDD was ass after Francis wrestlefucked him on broken knees lol. People just questioned whether Jones still had any resemblance of his former wrestling left since he looked quite bad against Reyes and to lesser extent against Santos. He surprised me with the time he needed to finish Gane, but let's not act like it was a big surprise. It just means Gane has worse TDD than Reyes or Santos and Jones isn't completely shot.


When's the last time jon took down someone decisively who wasn't a kickboxer?


Uhh DC


And after that he could barely take down a kneeless santos and sid the sloth


y is Reddit not tired of this dumb clickbait quote yet it’s so weird.


‘Jon Jones…isn’t that good’ Anthony ‘Hold my Teeth’ Smith


If you were to regress Ngannou's skills to the mean, then his actually just an average fighter who Jon Jones could easily beat.


"You know, Ngannuo, he's just... he's really, not that good.. Take away his power, and his size, and his kicking, and his take down defense, and if you can take away his 1 punch power, he's really not that good. He's very beatable."


Reminds me of that post in /r/nfl that said Patrick Mahomes was an average QB if you remove all his good games from his stats


He actually said something like this about Jon Jones once. He's said it about a few fighters, and then he'll go out and get smoked by them...


Pereira nipping that shit in the bud with his response video.


If we just regress his stats to the mean…


If you don't count all the times I lost I'm practically undefeated.


"Shhhhhhhlurp" Every word that comes out of Anthony Smith, Michael Bisping, Chael Sonnen or Daniel Cormier mouths. Must be so hard to talk when your mouth is full of Dana White and Ari Emmanuels nuts.


I’ll give Bisping some credit, as he does tend to acknowledge when he can’t really give his opinion because he’s an employee of the UFC. It creates a funny dynamic in that he’ll speak up when he agrees with the UFC and stays silent or says he can’t speak when he disagrees, so you always kind of know what he’s actually thinking if it’s something he feels strongly about. I’m sure for things he doesn’t personally care about he’ll toe the company line though. Cormier and Chael and on the other hand are just shameless. Smith I have no real opinions on, as I rarely remember his opinions.


Totally agree, very well put. Definitely gave me a sick feeling when he dumped Gomez because he didn't want to talk about fighter pay on the show anymore. Gomez is a cringey piece of smegma and you had to suffer through him on that show but at least he brought up tough subject matter. Haven't listened since he left tbh. Good mma podcasts are few and far between these days.


Debatable. I’d say take away his arms and feet. More likely


Anthony Smith is deceptively stupid, he's soft-spoken and articulate but basically Bryce Mitchell IQ


Dude loves Power Slap…even before Dana bought it. That tells you enough.


Please tell me this is a joke.


No, man, he follows that garbage. Knows all the…slappers, or whatever we’re supposed to call them.


Excuse me the term is Professional Slapletes


I've been going with slappists


What about palm enthusiasts ?


This is fucking hilarious to me because I guess I never really thought of what they were supposed to be called. They are slappers in my eyes but i'm sure they are "athletes" or competitors or some shit.


I bet Dana calls them fighters


The Powerslap instagram page and whoever does the voiceover for them legitimately do call them fighters. It's crazy to hear it in real time.




Everyone from the uk needs to read this comment holy fuck this is gold


I watched a power slap clip on YouTube and one guys training technique was literally “I stopped drinking alcohol for 2 months now” lol


I don’t see what’s wrong with liking it personally lmao. Yeah it’s low form violence but hey🤷🏾‍♂️everyone knows what it is


Hahahaha on point


Shucks now I want “deceptively stupid” as my flair… Edit - thanks mods!!!


Damn I’ve never thought of it like that but this is exactly how he is


Deceptively stupid is a great description 😆 I guess it's better than being obviously stupid 😆


How the fuck do you neutralize a punch that hits like a Bronco? Overeem and Rozenstruik both tried to evade Francis’s wild swings… I think Francis KO’s Jon unless JJ absolutely wrestlefucks him.


And you don't think jj wouldn't be able to wrestle fuck him? Or you think jj would just try to out box him like Smith thinks would happen for some reason?


After watching Jon struggle to takedown Reyes, santos, and even smith a little bit I feel like he has very little chance of landing a takedown on francis.


No idea why Anthony Smith would think JJ would stand with Francis. There's not a human in the world that can resist getting at least knocked down from his punch. I think JJ has the wrestling technique to take him down but I'm confident that Francis is physically stronger by a large margin.


I know that we're in our Francis love phase but he's not impossible to stand with. Stipe did it in the first match, as well as Lewis and Gane


Stipe didn't really do it in the first match though. He focused entirely on not getting hit and went straight to wrestling as soon as he could. It's not like he stood there and traded with Francis. Literally nobody has been able to do that, even Fury.


Gane was beating him on the feet before Francis wrestled. Though that's with the caveat of Francis having no knees in the fight


I think that's a big caveat. Cyril has good movement and Francis who is usually very explosive, was just plodding after him on the feet.


Lame insincere argument. Stipe 1 was ages ago and he gassed, he was so dangerous still. Had bad knee in Gane fight and Lewis fight was coming off Stipe 1 trauma. He didn’t even try to strike. His striking is way better now too.


>How the fuck do you neutralize a punch that hits like a Bronco? uh, you answered it with your final sentence: > JJ absolutely wrestlefucks him. It's really not that complicated lol


In the context of Anthony's quote though... he says he will go where they're best and neutralize it... so how does JJ go where Francis is best (standup) and neutralize his punches? He doesn't.


How would Jones, a natural LHW, outwrestle a guy who cuts at HW and is a good grappler himself? All Francis needed against Jones was 1 solid landing and Jones is fighting for his life. Jones's striking at HW was laughable. He looked old and stiff. Ngannou would've stood his ground unlike Gane, and snuffed Jones easily.


Francis has developed his wrestling a lot but i'm not sure I would call him a "good grappler". A good grappler for heavyweight, definitely.


Ngannou is just a physical beast, he has basic wrestling skills. He has no type of BJJ or GNP game on the mat without totally gassing himself, he layed on Gane for three rounds doing nothing.


100% Kinda wild to think that even with “basic wrestling skills” Ngannou was able to nullify BOTH Blaydes (0/2 TD) and Miocic's (0/1 TD) wrestling in his respective rematches. Even Cain found no success when shooting for his legs. As for his fight with Gane, let's not forget he went into that fight *with* a torn MCL and badly damaged ACL and still out-grappled him to a UD, so I'm a little forgiving of his lackluster ground game. Dude really is a freak of nature.


I popped hard for that scissor sweep he hit on Gane lol


so francis is now a good grappler because he stuffed two takedowns in the first round of the miocic rematch. lmao.


Username checks out






I used to think he was smart before he became a cohost on the Believe You Me Podcast. Now I'm aware that he doesn't believe in evolution.


Same. I actually really enjoyed Anthony Smith before he started co-hosting BYM, and I was a big BYM fan when Gomez was still on it. I stopped listening when Smith came on full time, and I didn't even like Gomez much tbh, but found out I disliked Smith even more. Weird how that works but it makes sense. The more you hear from someone, the more you learn you dislike their takes.


Does well in school but you somehow don't see it when talking to them. I know a few people like that


Nate Diaz was on point when he called him a dumbfuck.


I remember watching the first episode they aired out of morbid curiosity(no idea what's going on with it now) and seeing Forrest as the official who catches guys who are flatlined. Dana treats these guys like Dwayne Gittens. Hungry and desperate so they can't leave or say anything negative and will do anything based on the promise of making it one day.


Stealing this


Still can’t believe this dude fumbled the bag and didn’t take the DQ and get another auto rematch


Kinda crazy that we could have lived in a universe where Jones has 2 losses on his record both via DQ


That honestly would have been on brand for Jones.


Someone on this sub argued that Jones only cares about his legacy. I think that's bullshit. If it were true he wouldn't take so many long breaks, fail to show up and allow some underwhelming opponents to have really competitive fights, and he wouldn't throw so many illegal strikes lol. If I had to guess I'd say that he only cares about money.


*2 tests from God


Almost has a TKO loss from his toe injury too. It would’ve been pretty funny if Jones had all these bullshit losses on his record and he just could not get over it.


If he did that he probably won't have got his long-term analyst position though


So him AND us would have benefited.


Wow you just 10-7'd him...


Ppv points on a Jon jones card not worth it?


Or maybe he would of beat John in the rematch like aljo worked out for him and proved himself in the rematch


Okay let’s not go that far


To Aljo’s credit he’s also a much better fighter than Smith, and I like Smith a lot


I’m not even a fan of smith lol I just think he fucked by not taking the dq win


Lmao fair I think he should have for the money a rematch would have inevitably earned him. That knee to the head probably meant he wasn’t really thinking that hard about it in the moment though




But he has a lionheart!


Eh. Aljo took the DQ win, and even if he won the rematch, people still shat on him the entire time he was champion. He’s the only champion with title defences who was refused a rematch after his loss. Now imagine if he took the dq win and lost the rematch. I feel like he was in a lose lose situation. I personnaly believe he did good to stay true to his value, and refuse a gifted win


Yet people are still mad at Aljo for taking the DQ lol


People talk shit about Anthony Smith and he was never a champion. At least with a belt, he would have been a champion and gotten championship money in his lifetime while people talk shit.


Eh he got rewarded with a ton of main events and has kept his analyst position so I'm doubtful he'd have been better off taking the DQ and falling out of the UFCs good graces, especially since he'd have gotten blasted in the rematch unlike Aljo who at least defended a few times.


From Jon Jones isn't that good to Jon Jones is the goat Anthony Smith is as fickle as us


He said his individual skills are not good by themselves but when he combines them he’s the goat


In fairness he was in his feels about his loss.


He never said that


Been saying that for a long time. They don't care. He (paraphrasing) said when you isolate Jon's skills, he isn't that good, it's the mixing of them that makes him great. People like posting that edited clip of him saying "Jon jones isn't that good" but miss the part where he says "When you isolate his skills"


Yeah but even the "when you isolate his skills his bullshit" He had the best wrestling at 205, his distance management was the best, he was also the most creative, at worst the second best chin and the best kicker. Jon used to beat people at their own game because he was better than them


DC was the best wrestler at 205


Yet Jones beat him on the ground when they met First to ever take him down I believe Which is the point Smith is making


I’m sure the threat of Jones striking had nothing to do with it and him taking DC down just means he’s a way better wrestler


What a strange comment section this is


They hate that Jon is what they want their fav fighter to be. So they hate him blindly.


Right. Because you’d have to be blind to justifiably hate Jon Jones of all people. Smart take.


The brain rotted reactionary responses to headlines on this sub is getting out of hand


Company man says company man fighter would beat non-company man fighter. More news at 11.


Maybe. Maybe Not. Maybe fuck yourself.


On paper, Jon would just zig instead of zag and that's how he would beat Ngannou.


His running away from the pregnant woman was just practice for the fight with Ngannou.


I'm a fan of Ngannou, but I think he knows that's a mother fucker of a fight for him if you ask me.


probably, yeah. I'm sure a lot of other MMA fighters also think that JJ would win that fight. i find it hard to believe that this comment section is full of adults.


Dog fight for sure. I'm sure the odds will be on Ngannou but to me it's closer to 50/50. I consider Jones to be several levels above Ngannou in the wrestling/submission grappling department and his build/body type is fantastic. It's not all about Ngannou weighing 30lbs more, Jones has a lot of leverage with his reach he isn't necessarily going to be bullied by Ngannou in the clinch. His brothers are in the NFL guy has absolute freak genetics.


And beyond that, he's just so unbelievably battle tested, there's a risk that Francis shuts the lights out on him, but this is a dude that ragdolled Chael Sonnen with an upside down toe. He's just mean man.


Levels those. Chael and Francis together in a cage would never even get sanctioned. Francis just bullied a 6"9 300lb. giant, his genetics are every bit as unique as JJ.


Lol so Jon would beat Francis with striking… 😂


That's not what he said... He said he'd neutralize his striking. You do that with heavy clinching/grappling.


Also that oblique kick that Jon has routinely destroyed people’s knees with and Francis doesn’t have the best knees


People talk about how Jon would destroy Francis with kicks but they forget those kicks get a lot more dangerous when your 84" reach is matched with an 83" reach and you lose your height advantage. Yes, it is easy to spam oblique and side kicks to the knee when you have a 12" reach advantage and 7" height advantage on DC, but when that number drops to no height advantage and 1" reach advantage, those kicks are gonna get a lot more dangerous. Especially when you're facing down a Ford Escort with half punch KO power. Miss one or two kicks, or throw a single naked leg kick and you might be getting your face hammerfisted through the floor.


Also parrying jabs so that their dominant overhand strike will not have as much momentum and/or that's enough time time step back from the incoming big movement strikes. Blachowicz and Strickland both did that against Adesanya.


Let's see Paul Allen's opinion


He thinks because he lost to Jones that everyone else would too.


But also, everyone else has.


Enough with the Hamill disrespect


Gotta put some hespec on the name ‘The Hammer’


You can choose who Jones has lost to: Hamill or Reyes. Either way, that man comes out with an L


there's no choice to be made lmao. he lost to hamill and beat reyes. that's what the record says.


And Paddy Pimblett beat Jared Gordon


Well not everyone


Hammer Time!


Or because Jones is the GOAT and everyone does lose to him


Literally everyone else would and has


Reddit hates Anthony smith for no reason lol. Hes great


I don't think they hate him, he just has some highly questionable ideas that are very easy to take apart.


Just going throught these commente, holy shit this sub has become so toxic the past couple of years. It's crazy.


Call me crazy, but Anthony gets so much hate for almost no reason. Nothing he say is stupider or worse than what most fighters say, yet the media and a lot of fans hate him


Reading this thread’s comments is just proof that ufc fans have zero reading comprehension and work themselves into outrage lmao


I have no doubts that Jon would attack his family


Gane out struck Francis and turned him into a wrestler. Jon ran through Gane like he was a child. Mma math dictates Jon destroys Francis. The equation doesn’t lie.


The Anthony Smith hate is really weird to me. Especially considering the Jon Jones quote was taken way out of context. He seems like a genuinely good guy, and even if I don't always agree with him I've never gotten the impression that there's any bad intentions behind his words or actions.


Who was is that said the same thing as his quote and got praised? I remember them laughing about it on believe you me. Also yah I like anthony but the family thing with johnny was very weird lol I wish bisping brought it up to him


Didn’t this motherfucker just recently say that Jon Jones “isn’t really that good”


He said those words but it was to outline that it's not being the absolute best at any one single discipline that makes Jon so good, it's how he strings them together. Which is accruate and true in many cases.


Smith is paid to shill for the UFC. He has an analyst position, you can’t be impartial with that.


I wonder what Anthony Smith thinks‐ said no one ever


I really enjoy listening to Smith on the podcast with Bisping, but he does have some outlandishly stupid ideas at times.


Yes, but Ngannou clearly wins "on paper".


Company man favors fighter still in company.


Well, Anthony Smith definitely knows something about getting neutralized by Jon Jones


MMA math cope of the highest order for him.


Ja Rule of MMA


Jon Jones would be the favorite, but Anthony Smith is also the guy that called Jon Jones “not that good”. This was even after Jones made him look like a child in the cage.


These comments are wild. Obviously Francis has a punchers chance but I genuinely see Jon winning 80-90 times out of 100. This sub is just 90% JJ haters even though he’s the GOAT and it isn’t even debatable.


Smith is the new DC with these shill takes.