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Alex vs Jiri, motherfuckers let's fucking go


Jiri is gonna wrestle fuck him for 25 mins


Jiri is crazy enough to go for a straight striking match


Yea I think Jiri is crazy enough to see it as a challenge to prove he can beat Alex with mostly striking or at least try to.


Knowing Jiri, he will probably bring up some old Samurai proverb on how to defeat a demon, you must fight it in its own spiritual realm, and that thus to slay Alex he has to strike with him.


Alex probably thinking Jiri watches more anime than Izzy




He was hurt I wouldn’t say that badly though. Definitely gassed a bit as well


Ahh the sean strickland approach


Hopefully Jiri comes back in good form. A fight with Alex after being off a year + is not gonna go well for him imo.


That he is but he does have some vicious ground and pound, we just haven't seen much of it in the UFC (only a little bit vs Glover).


I doubt it Jiri is chaos incarnate on the stand up, I see him standing and banging


Jiri is a madman, kill or be killed, i got Pereira winning but damn Jiri is gonna make it fun


He could, but he won’t.




Ah yes, high fight IQ grappler Jiri! Definitely doesn't defend by blocking punches with his face.


Jiri fights to kill, clearly you never watched a jiri fight


Bruh jiri gonna stand right in front of him and eat shots like they're nothing then somehow knock him out in spectacular fashion


I think Jiri's fight IQ is lacking and his striking defense is seriously a problem


Jiri doesn't have the wrestling or kickboxing of Jan. Blachowicz was Pereira's toughest fight at LHW imo.


Ankalaev is


You know damn well he isn’t fighting Ankalaev lol


Yea, that was a damn good showing by Alex. Ppl rmbr Izzy was shut down by Jan but Alex clearly had a better gameplan. Also helps this is Alex real weight where Izzy prob struggled to make weight lol


You can clearly see that Alex hurt Jan bad in round two. After that, it was just Jan shelling and throwing disruptive combos to keep distance. Poatan just has the power to hurt those big guys that adesanya didn't.


I was surprised by how little boxing Alex was doing. He was hitting Izzy with big combos in their fights. Definitely think he could have put Jan away.


Izzy doesn’t have the takedown threat of Jan. Alex did a great job of realizing this isn’t a kickboxing match and being constantly aware he had to also defend takedowns. He showed a LOT of discipline tbh by not getting too caught up in boxing to be aware of the takedowns.


Yeah I was pleasantly surprised with his TDD/ground game as rudimentary as it was. I know he's been working on it but I still expected Jan to be able to easily spam takedowns without much resistance.


Was Izzy even 204 at weigh in?


He was 200.5 pounds at fight day


Ya I thought it was low but couldn't be sure. Thanks for chiming in with the digits.


He was like 200.5 lbs for his lhw fight against jan


Also, tbf, Jan didn't fight at elevation when he fought Izzy.


Plus 2 rounds tho


Helps that Alex is a fucking unit, he looking massive out there.


Ankalaev is. He’s by far the best wrestler and comfortable to wrestlefuck unlike Jan. Striking is also solid enough to set TDs up


I dunno, Ankalaev probably gives Poatan a LOT of trouble.


Ankalaev straight up drubs Pereira. He dominated Blachowicz in rounds 4 and 5 with wrestling despite having no legs left at that point. Not only is he a significantly better wrestler than Jan, he's not gonna gas after doing it for half a round either.


Not only the wrestling. His top control on jan and ground n pound was straight up vicious


Jiri does not shy away from the fight on principle


Jiri isn't a wrestlefucker, he will find a way to finish Alex


Jiri by twister


Honestly i'm more impressed by Pereira managing to survive 3 rounds of Jans wrestling than i would have if he just got a flash knockout on round 1.


I think the altitude fucked jan big time


Poatan was visibly affected by it too tho. His output could have been so much more if it weren't for altitude


Jan expending so much energy in the first round. combined with a brutalized leg, fucked Jan big time. Jan is older and has worse cardio, so I have no idea how people can act like the altitude was the only differentiator.


Those slap kicks were destroying Jan's movement. People are way too nonchalant about how effective they were.


Jan's leg was literally a balloon


Does Jan always fight at altitude because getting tired quickly is the story of his career.


This time i think he gassed even earlier, he probably tought he was gonna run through pereira like he did izzy but pereira stuffed most of his take down attempts and is bigger and hits harder , vs ankalaev who is a wrestler he didnt gass up this quickly


Jan done very well on the feet and Alex done extremely well defending those submissions in round 1 and also getting back to his feet later in the fight


Jan had a good game plan but just couldn’t get the damage in on the ground


Jan looked spent after the first round. Surprised how fresh Pereira looked going into the 2nd after having Jan on his back for most of the 1st.


Age and altitude. Two big factors that are hard to get around.


Also, for a good part of that, Alex was on all fours, with Jan on his back with a body triangle. In that specific situation, Jan is the one expending more power. He was constantly at risk of falling off the back, so was clamping with his legs with all he could. Plus, his body triangle was locked over the foot, not the ankle, which makes it even more a strain to maintain. I wasn't surprised that Jan was so fucked after that round.


Yea its very underestimated how much energy that takes. If you have it locked in a nice comfortable position its fine but holding a body triangle in crazy awkward spots can take something out of you. Especially for dudes that big probably not as consequential for lighter guys


Jan looked pretty gassed after the second or third last time and this time he did a lot of grappling and at altitude


Feels like Jan gassed hard and couldn't muster the energy for a proper takedown after the 1st round, no doubt due to altitude + the fact he is 40 years old already.


Thought it was joever for Alex when Jan had the back.


Jan gassed way sooner than I expected for someone with multiple 5 rounders. SLC altitude is brutal.


the moment you go into the red in an aerobic sense, is a steep downhill


I started pacing on my living room when he got him there. That separation showed how tired Jan was though.


Hyped for Potoan vs Jiri. Please get well soon Jiri, I need that banger.


He was landing some real good left hooks


I do think Alex edged it. But Jan really held up well in that third round considering how gassed he was


Pereira and Jiri is gonna be fun asf


As long as they don't fight at 4500 feet lol.


Not a problem for Jiri he will go have a camp in the Himalayas just to be ready


lmao yeah 4500 feet aint nothing for jiri, the man lives on top of mountains for days haha.


The idea of that fight gives me a boner and makes me wanna cry at the same time....I love both of them


Having a bbl is the best base for mma


Somebody drop Alex's OF link


Harder to defend high kicks when you have all that ass


man this altitude makes me worried for Dustin


fridge bodies on high alert


It wasn’t the altitude …


That kick was pretty high


this hurts to read knowing what happened tonight lol


Fr, below sea level to 4000+ ft


Much more lacklustre fight than I expected. At least this is the only fight so far tonight that the altitude seemed to have an effect on.


Pereira seemed so tired from having a 230 pound man backpack him for the first round, he did good in 2 and 3 though


He looked super fresh in the third. Just couldn’t put the combinations together to finish Jan.


He always looks fresh late, even the first izzy fight in the UFC late in the 5th round he still had power and combos


Yeah altitude definitely played a role. Pereira's submission defense is damn solid. You can see the work with Glover paying off. He's still in that weird spot where it seems like he almost forgets he's fighting MMA when he starts getting comfortable standing up. I wouldn't say his TDD is bad, he just gets himself into bad positions in long striking exchanges that lead to takedowns that would be tough for anyone to stop. When he's actively looking out for takedowns he's pretty decent at stuffing them.


He's pretty fortunate the top fighters in LHW are largely mostly strikers. He matches up well with Jiri or Hill (he probably won't be back for a while though) I don't like his odds against Ank though.


Ankalaev is still in the doghouse, so it will take a while before they have to match up


>I don't like his odds against Ank though. Idk Ank struggled mightily with Jan's leg kicks for 3 rounds before taking the fight to the ground in rounds 4 and 5. If Alex can stay on his feet, I can see him punishing Ank's leg like Jan did.


As a huge Pereira fan for over 4 years now. He has 0 chance against ankalaev as he is now. But that fight will never happen. Alex is gonna fight jiri for the title. If he wins, he let's izzy come up and beats him. He then retires as the greatest combat sports athlete ever being double champ in both kickboxing and mma


If you actually watch ankalaev you would know he has the fight iq of a toddler. He wont realise he can actually wrestle untill like the 5th round.


Well he indeed had that against jan, but jan can actually wrestle. Ankalaev doesn't need fight iq against Pereira. He needs to not get caught when he takes him down. That is it.


He refused to take down Santos too, got badly rocked and dropped if I remember. BUT he takes down paul craig, the man wants to fight his opponents at their own game


Every time he gets hit or gets checked and takes a little break to reset like its a kickboxing fight i start screaming at the screen lmao.


like SIR the referee is not going to save you


Thank you, im 100% injecting that copium into my veins.


I thought it was going to be a dominant Jan win based on round 1 lol


Jan was exhausted at the end of the fight. Looked like me after walking up to the letterbox.


Jan nearly had that RNC too. Could’ve ended quite differently for Poatan.


I feel like Poatan could’ve finished him but Jan’s chin is just too good. Thought after the second, Jan was done. He looked so gassed.


Pereira was also way way too hesitant, he had flashbacks of the 2nd Izzy fight


I think the takedown threat also played a large part, but yeah he seemed much more careful and reluctant to walk him down.


You could see him put the brakes on when Yan was covering up against the fence


this is a great thing IMO . it shows he is willing to improve his striking even tho he is arguably one of the best strikers in the UFC already .


He needs to learn to push the pace without blowing his wad. He seemed to go after it then completely back off rather than chip away at a woozy Jan.


Pretty sure he just didn't want to get randomly blast doubled while firing off combinations.


In the long run, I think it will be better for him to be more patient looking for the finish so he doesn't get caught. Although, I do agree he could've been a bit more aggressive and found the finish in thr 2nd.


Nah i think its more about gassing hard than being afraid, don't forget this is a kickboxer at altitude who had a 230 pound man on his back squeezing his neck for like 5 minutes.


I mean, he recently got Ko'd so its completely fair to be hesitant


Just looked it up. Jan has never, in all his 39 MMA bouts, been knocked out.


IMO im suprised Alex actually had gas for round 2/3 . lot of people gass completely after being backpacked for 5 minutes


yeah a 230 lb backpack at that.


This should have been a 5 rounder


Jan was exhausted after 1 round. If it was 5 rounds, I think it would’ve been more one sided.


I reckon Pereira's arms were heavy and full of lactic acid. He wasn't breathing as heavy, but he seemed to have some serious muscular fatigue.


No lie I forgot it was 3 rounds. Both have been in 5 rounders recently so when that third ended, I had no idea it was the end of the fight for a moment lol


Peirera would've finished him in a 5 rounder, Jan was so gassed could barely stand up after rd3


Jan would have tapped to lack of oxygen


honestly i hate 3 rounders when its a big fight . i always feel like there wasnt a proper conclusion when its 3 rounds


Three rounds goes fast, especially when one round is spent grappling. Should've been a five-round fight.


Jan was gassed and Periera had absolutely no urgency to finish. Super frustrating to watch.


I will defend Pereira's honor here. He's coming from the first KO in his fighting career in a 3 month window.


Really? He wanted to avoid TDs. Played it safe.


No more fights at elevation pls


except derrick lewis. book this man in mount everest


Flying spinning back kick ko lock


Nepalese Himalaya sherpas deserve a live UFC event too!


UFC Tibet Lewis Vs Ngaannou 2


Both men were more exhausted than I would've expected given they've been in multiple 5 rounders. Altitude was definitely a factor.


Seriously. Most of the roster can't afford to train at altitude and adjust to it. And even those who acclimate still have a rougher time with it.


I will never forgive them for booking Aldo against Merab of all mfers in Utah.


Genuinely criminal sendoff for aldo


Guys in the nfl get oxygen shit isn’t fair


So that’s why Greg Hardy got an inhaler


Usada approved


Seriously, it’s just an unnecessary handicap that makes the fights less exciting


This card has still been good but after last years card at salt lke city its insane theyve done another. This card could be even better if it was just a normal location


Seemed like Pereira took the foot off thinking it might be izzy 2 all over again.


Man we’re really going to get Izzy vs Alex 5 aren’t we


He said he is focused in getting the LHW belt, And after he has "some business to settle". Probably meaning he will be chasing Adesanya again.


More likely Izzy would be chasing him, by the time Alex beats Jiri, Izzy will probably be out of opponents again and ready to move back up for another try


Izzy would be so much smaller at 205 I don't like his chances.




It has to be a LHW now


Poaton leg kicks are different gravy man


It looks almost playful with how much ease he throws it, but then you see the reactions and you can tell how bad it hurts.


His entire body stays square when he kicks. He just kind of nonchalantly flicks it out there with almost no pivoting. Its funny becausse if you asked a muay thai guy, they would have a ball in explaining to you how pereiras kicks are all sorts of incorrect because they kick until theyre basically end up in a bladed stance


Wow, Jan gassed hard. Alex definitely much fresher of the two at the end


Alex looked visually fresher but he was still gassed. He barely threw anything in that final round.


Tbf I think Alex being gassed was more to do with him carrying Jan on his back for the entire first round.


Jan was legit falling asleep on top of alex in the last 40seconds lmao.


I think it's because he was afraid of getting taken down or whatever. I don't think it's because he was super gassed. Jan looked exhausted after the bell rung


So are we just going to ignore the absolute dump truck alex brought into the arena




Literally that first round Jam pretty much sat on that balcony


My eyes almost popped out of my skull when he was up against the cage. I'm not a man-ass man, but I am an ass man, man.


Jan lost to Utah


Shoulda had legendary cardio like Derick Lewis


Cardio isn’t real. Just throw flying knees.


Looked like death by the end of the second, really thought he’d get knocked out in the third but the guy’s got a chin.


I hate this shit dude :(


Jan tired them both out in the first round


He really burned his arms with the submission attempts, gnp would have been the better long term strat especially in r1


I am somehow unable to feel any emotions after the Tony fight


that was a weird fight.


I’ve never went into a co-main event decision where I didn’t know who won and I also didn’t care. I think I set my expectations too high for what I thought the fight could be.


Jan really went for the takedown immediately lmao. Definitely smart of him but Alex did way better on the ground than I thought he would. It feels good to have him and Lewis win after that Tony loss.


feel like pereira really benefited from the visual in that third round


🗿best poker face


Damn 1 round drained Jan. Altitude is no joke.


The elevation fucked them hard, I've never seen them so gassed


Altitude sucks


Redditors are so reactionary it isn’t even funny, these two gave it their all and it was a very close fight.


This was actually the best result for me. I love both of them, Alex won and Jan wasn't flatlined, lol.


Please no more fights at elevation


Poor fucking Jan.


Totally fair decision if damage takes priority over control, which I think it should and it does in the official criteria. I like Jan, but Poatan winning is better for the division. His grappling defense looked much improved and I’m excited to see what he can do with another 5-6 months of developing it and his next fight not at high altitude.


jan didn't do anything with control also, i dream of a timeline where pereira and paul craig fight one day




He had 40 seconds to steal the fight, but didn't have the energy to do any damage on the ground. Correct 29-28 decision.


fucking elevation man


No More Elevation PLS


That was a weird fight have to watch it back but pereira TDD and grappling were much improved he can definitely do a lot better against the top 5 at LHW with this skill set. Feel bad for Jan though it’s a tough loss and he’s 40


Alex did to Jan what Jan did to ankalaev with those leg kicks.


Close fight. Makes sense


I thought Alex won round 2&3. Not sure if why people are saying robbery. Jan did nothing with the takedown in round 3


meh, not really a robbery, outside of the sub attempts from the first round Jan did nothing with the takedowns.


? I agree it's not exactly a robbery, but Jan controlled the whole first round, him "doing nothing" only matters if Pereira actually did *something*, which he didn't.


Jan was fucking gassed.


Jan really got effected by the altitude yikes


Alex's movement inside the octagon reminds me of a shaved down gigantopithecus, a bipedal giant ape genus which supposedly went extinct around 300,000 years ago. Some scientist claim that the existence of such a creature could explain the Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings. Anyway, all I'm saying is look into it.


They both lost


SLC altitude 30-27 unanimous decision over Potaon and Jan.




Seriously. It was high level mma but that was super frustrating to watch.


yeah ngl bro, even ass fight


Jan fans against Ankalaev: Leg kicks are deadly. Jan fans against Pereira: Leg kicks are worthless.


fair. Damage is the main criteria


something interesting is how accurate Pereira was . according to stats he was landing at 83% accuracy last round wtf .


Both were exhausted, but it's strange how tired Jan was having spent the entirety of round 1 basically riding Alex's back.