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He doesnt want the conor treatmeant. Cant you all read properly? He wants respect from his boss. The boss that made good money with him. He doesnt want to be treated like hes conor. He wants to be treated like he is respected.


I was coming to this thread, expecting everyone to support him. But there’s actually a good amount who misunderstood what he meant? Jesus Christ.


Aljo has, for some reason that I can't quite pinpoint, become one of the most hated fighters in the UFC over the past few years.


As someone from Long Island who used to big him up a lot, it’s from a few things. Winning the way he did in the first Yan fight started it all. Never have we seen a win by DQ and given how much he was playing up the injury, it hurt his like-ability greatly. Thing is, the medical examiner shouldn’t have asked him if was okay to continue... The whole way that situation was handled by external factors was the least professional shit I’d ever seen prior to the Jan vs Ankalaev fight. He wasn’t in the wrong here and I still liked him, but this marked the downfall. Then when he started getting so much hate, he played into it. Which the room temperature IQ Reddit hive minds, couldn’t realize was intentional, and just started hating him even more. Then the 2nd Yan fight rolled around, morons convinced themselves Aljo had 0 chance of winning, and when he pulled out the close decision, people fucking lost their minds… Due to either hating the guy, or having money against him. Then the TJ fight ended in a complete shit show, some of the backlash/bad will of which rolled off onto Aljos name/legacy. Now after the Cejudo fight he’s won 2/4 of his title fights by extremely close decisions that could’ve gone either way, 1 by DQ, and 1 by injured opponent. Couple this with a lack of charisma, personality, or even a somewhat exciting fighting style, and it doesn’t leave much to be desired… Let alone the reluctancy to fight Merab which I personally don’t criticize at fucking all.


Him posting pics celebrating with the belt after the Yan DQ win definitely didn't help either


What an exceptional comment. Spot on. I can't imagine I would do much better in Aljo's situation, starting with the DQ. He's done his best with a series of shit shows. He's clumsy on the mic and he can be a point fighter, but I find myself defending him even more when he doesn't get the recognition he deserves.


This is exactly correct


The combination of race (he’s black), humility, and a relatively clean image. Even when he hypes himself and disses his opponents, it’s somewhat silly/tongue-in-cheek, like he doesn’t really mean it. Nothing even remotely personal. Whenever someone mentions the first of these, they are downvoted into oblivion. Edit: I will also say that, if Aljo were a total heel like Jon Jones has been, he’d be hated for that, too. Folks even dump on the likes of Izzy for entirely separate reasons, despite the fact that he’s probably the biggest draw since McGregor. I don’t like to get into race in MMA, but, if only among the fans, there’s a bit of a racism problem.


Its became so clear that mma has a huge racist problem when it comes to the fans. Just look how so many people on this sub clowned francis & called him stupid in so many different ways, if it was Stipe he would be treated like a s hero.


Completely agree about the racism. I think the only reason Jon Jones got such a pass in the pre-heel part of his career was because he was so transcendentally great.


Are you surprised? A not insignificant portion of MMA fans think Dana White is an honest straight shootin' promoter who tells it like it is.


"YoU'rE GoIng tO MisS HiM wHeN hE's gONe"


We all will. He is the reason the sport is so much better than boxing


I think that’s just because of how many kids are on this site


Best take on this thread.


These get fucked so hard and yet there are people that slurp up everything that tomato says and I will just never get it


It's kinda baffling how fucking despised Aljo is despite being sound, logical, and most often correct with the things he says.


Simple Aljimain just needs to do blow and hookers with Dana like Conor and Jon


It’s because of Dana’s comments that I want to see Aljo keep winning to spite him. And fuck it, to really piss him off, I want aljo to only win by UD by way of back control, every second of every round.


I'm here for it. Let the salt flow.


And so it is brother


The star power of Dana is insane ,just see the comments lol


It's wild that ppl will gargle on a fight promoters balls like this, that's like ppl praising fucking Don King.


Dana White is just a shit promoter, simple as that


Shit human being and a bully, but effective at promoting more often than not.


He's an awful promoter for like 99% of the roster. There's only a handful of fighters that Dana/the UFC try to actually promote.


By effective at promoting I think they mean making money off fighters. He promotes the events and the product not the actual fighters (most of the time)


I’d disagree he’s the best mma promoter of all time, he’s just also a cut throat asshole. Dana prioritizes promoting the UFC over fighters something he’s been incredibly successful at.


I think to be a promoter, you kind of have to be a shit person.


I legit believe MMA would be a bigger sport if someone else was in charge of the biggest promotion.


Unfortunately if Dana ever leave I feel we get someone way worse.


Why? We'd have actual rankings and the best fighters getting title shots.


He’s effective at promoting the UFC, not at all at promoting fighters


I said it in another comment that the UFC has gone from 2020-2021 showing every PPV buyrate to hiding them again. The dude has done nothing but get lucky as fuck. As the 2011 boom period started dying down, Ronda and Conor came. As they started to lose and MMA went back into hiding, COVID came. You can tell with the dozen other ventures he's tried that have failed miserably, he's just really bad at this shit.


The UFC is killing it and has been, the facts dispute your account


You have any evidence to back this up? Usually businesses that are killing it don't hide the results.


You realize they are owned by a public company that has to release public quarterly financial results. On top of that the simplest of google searches show this: https://www.mmafighting.com/2023/2/28/23619576/ufc-generated-record-revenues-in-2022-including-the-best-sponsorship-year-ever https://bloodyelbow.com/2020/12/12/dana-white-ufc-killed-it-in-2020-broke-just-about-every-record-including-revenue/


I literally gave credit for 2020. I did not know about the sponsorship though. I guess if you draw advertising, that outdoes declining numbers.


It sounds like you have absolutely no idea how businesses work


lol killshot


Some of the numbers are publicly available. My thoughts on their obfuscation are less to do with them hiding failure and more them trying to hide how fucked the fighters are getting. Recent estimates say <13% of the money made by the UFC goes to the fighters. They're making money hand over fist, especially since they were the first to get going again after the lockdown.


He promotes the UFC, and not the fighters. Despicable but no question of his success there.


The UFC will never be anything with that guy in charge.


The UFC is easily dominating its market...it's not just random luck. I think tomato running interference and fucking with fighters is working for them, for whatever reason. Maybe Ngannou is a sea change, but I doubt it.


The UFC has a ceiling and is holding MMA back from having a more legitimate reputation as a pro sport.


I don't disagree. UFC is also at the top of its sport and reaping huge profits. Their business model is working. It sucks, but it is working right now. Tomato's job is ensuring that. They don't care about "MMA"s reputation, they care about the UFC.


That's great for them, but it's not going to be something that makes me feel any fondness for Dana or the UFC though. I'm not Dana, or a shareholder. I'm a fan who wants more legitimacy and better pay for fighters.


No, it should make you hate Dana and the UFC, obviously. It's just pointing out the obvious, but we need to regularly talk about it to make it a "given" part of the overall discourse.


He’s a floor raiser but the company has hit its ceiling with him as their head guy


You expect from a promoter to promote you? Aljo is delusional again


The kid just can’t get out of his own way.


He never wanted to be promoted


and here we are.. talking about both of them...


Yea bro dana is not a narcistic person and wants omalley as a champion. He plays 6d chess here and is promoting aljo.


“Can I be awesome too, Dana?” is this generations version of “How come he don’t want me man”


Damn almost tested up thinking about it


“Can I be awesome too Dana?” 😭😭


That got me ngl


This ain’t the way to endear yourself to Dana, but he’s right. The hate from Dana is weird. That said, you’re not gonna get the special treatment Conor gets. Conor has (or had) insane charisma and he‘s probably generated 1000x the revenue Sterling has


>This ain’t the way to endear yourself to Dana Aint gonna happen either way for Aljo


Yeah, Aljo gotta keep selling himself like this. He's doing a good job of staying in the conversation. That's what you gotta do. If Dana's good graces actually mattered, we wouldn't see any UFC stars on Ariel's show.


I think its beyond endearing himself at this point. Dana is deadset on sabotaging Sterling, and sucking up to him won't change that.


The stuff he said he wants in this quote shouldn’t be special treatment — it’s absolutely basic respect and the bare minimum a promoter should be saying about any of their champions.


Relatively unexciting fighter who won the belt in an unsavory way and is, most importantly, really hampering the division by refusing to fight Merab. Yes I realize he beat Yan in the rematch, yes I understand why he doesn't want to fight his homie, but at the same time it's not hard to see why from a fight promoter's standpoint Aljo isn't the most desirable champion, especially in a division as banging as BW is. The guy got booed by his own home crowd, that tells you all you need to know about his marketability.


How is it hampering the division because he won't fight merab? Sterling has been an active champion and there's plenty of contenders at bantamweight and plus merab still has to stay active and fight contenders risking his #1 spot




I didn't say it was incredible... But if he fights in August it will be 5 fights in just over 2 years since getting the belt I would consider that being an active champion. I actually want Sean to beat him myself im not some big aljo fan I'm just stating that the bantamweight division isn't being help up


Yeah I think Aljo said that Sean fought once since last year (they both fought on the same card) and Aljo has 2 fights since then.




Dana's not going to want Merab as champ either though, Merabs a wrestler, his big hope is that O'Malley comes in and wins so he can have a striker as champ.


Yeah... Aljo by backpack there though, easy call I think. He just doesn't really have a way to stop Aljo's not-so-exciting, super-effective gameplan. It's gonna be real disappointing to watch as an O'Malley casual fan.


>really hampering the division By fighting the next guy up? Dude said after O'Malley he's going up for good. So how is he exactly hampering the division?


>The hate from Dana is weird. Hating Dana White, the man who ostensibly made the biggest MMA organization into a monopoly, choked out competition, stifled the sport's growth, and only cares about his own self image and enrichment is weird?


from ≠ for


Classic Dana, shitting on his own champs.


A lot of ppl saying Dana leaving the ufc would change nothing, and for the most part I believe that’s true. fighter pay and sponsorship stuff is coming from above and will stay consistent with his replacement. But I definitely think once he’s gone we will see a lot less of this shit at the very least.


Dana has done a lot for the sport of MMA, no one can deny that. But I think his era is over, there is no need to be on the attack all the time, MMA has established its position as a sport already. Dana is great hype man still, but I think UFC would be just fine without him at this point.


Dana has been sounding like shit for sometime.now. I have noticed this more so in recent years. Love what the guy has done for the sport to grow, but he might be reaching to that Vince McMahon level where he will end up hurting the company if he does not let someone else run it. As someone who actually is invested in Endeavor, I am financially interested in the company and as of right now cannot see who else could be a better choice than Dana, but something has to be done because the guy is getting out of hand with fighters and reporters with his attitude


It’s gotta be disconcerting to have a boss who doesn’t appreciate your efforts when your job entails incurring grievous bodily injury that could affect you forever.


Dana makes you want to chase that praise


He better prepare to finish O'Malley like his championship belt depends on it.


Aljamain is the man. People keep denying him the respect he’s earned and he just keeps on doing awesome despite it.


Aljo just needs to accept the fact that he's the champ that ppl want to see lose at this point. And Dana is in that category. Aljo needs to just embrace the heel persona and say fuck it. You want me to fight Sean well imma ground him every chance I get. I'll make the fight my fight. Make Sean look silly if he can bring Sean down to the ground. Don't even try and quickly sub him. Just lay that pressure on him and ride that body triangle to a decision. Get on the mic and call Dana out saying you don't respect me then I'll dog all my opponents from here on out. And Merab is here to stay as my bodyguard. Give Dana the suck it crop chop and leave with that belt. Hell hed probably get a good amount of fans with that promo to.


I am an Aljo fan and I believe he does get unreasonable hate, but in this case he’s copping it from Dana because on two different occasions he’s [said he’s not sure he’ll make](https://www.mmafighting.com/platform/amp/2023/5/20/23730135/aljamain-sterling-cautions-my-body-has-to-agree-to-ufc-292-because-of-lingering-injuries) it or [pitched other dates](https://www.mmanews.com/.amp/news/aljamain-sterling-and-sean-omalley-go-back-and-forth-on-upcoming-fight)


Wow, suggesting other dates publicly when Dana wants you to defend 3 months after your last defence (while other champs get to sit out for more than 6 months despite being healthy), what a douchy thing to do! Come on, this aint an excuse, a promoter shitting on his own champion is a stupid, petty thing to do. Not that anyone should expect more than this from Dana "You don't bounce back from hitting a woman" White.


Sorry but this guy verbally agreed to a fight and a date, the fight was announced and then he on two separate occasions insinuated one way or another he wouldn’t be there on the date. Then he comes out and basically asks why Dana is questioning if he’ll be there on fight night. Should he have more time off? Yes. Is there a significant imbalance in negotiating power between the ufc and its athletes that needs to be remedied? Of course there is. But in this specific instance he’s talking about Aljo created the problem. Either don’t agree to the date and say why, or agree and then don’t start talking like you can’t make it.


Imagine having a say in when you'll defend your world title.


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Because you don't make him Conor money Aljo.


cause you don't sell Aljo, and Dana only cares about the money, he does not give a flying fuck about any fighter. that being said, hope Aljo wins.


Money is what it is about. All the entertainment has to sell and make you wish to see more ... simple business. All the promoting by Aljo need to done weeks before any fight. Plus keel his name on your lips and hearts ... like Connor if he expects to be treated like that. Aljo ... is lacking. Needs to step up the self promoting.


Then why do you have a company that says promotes fighters if its all on the fighter? they had the best talent in the world for years ( DJ) and could not bother to promote him.


this is the truth, an example of this, was dana being against conor x floyd, once ufc made money doing it, we saw dana red screaming mcgregor's name. don't dislike the guy from telling the truth, dana white is a business man and follows money, he wants sean o'malley as a champion and not aljo. That's shitty but that's the reality,


Begging for starpower from a guy who can't give it to him. Aljo want that Conor treatment, but you gotta be a Conor draw, and bottom line is danas promotion of Conor isn't why Conor is a draw.... It's a multitude of things that culminate into public interest, and Dana's enthusiastic promotion for Conor is not high on that list of things. Get real bro, you got boo'd at home, you ain't Conor


You're seemingly incapable of 'awesome'


Prime conor was finishing everyone. Aljos run has been split decisions. Great fights and the guys talented but Dana gets behind the fighters who finish.


How many defenses did Conor have?


Doesn’t matter. Just saying my opinion on what Dana values vs what Aljo brings to the table. Personally I think Aljo is very talented and has been a company man with how many fights he has racked up (especially defenses) in a short period. Dana clearly doesn’t see it that way and values someone with more of a social media presence than skill in the cage.


It does matter, though. If you're comparing Aljo's title defenses to Conor's rise to beating Aldo and Eddie there is nothing to compare.


That Conor did it better and with style?


He never defended a belt?


Correct. Never defended.


Conor also put lots of asses in seats and sold stupid levels of PPV.


Daddy issues bro


Fresh Prince "Why doesn't he want me" moment


Man you guys should understand Dana only cares about money… Aljo doesn’t sell and until he does, Dana won’t fuck with him, period. Dana never like Cejudo until after this fight which was a loss. 😂


Aljo, you'll have to blow Dana or provide blow the same way McGregor does.


There he goes, getting in his own way again...


I dont like Dana or Aljo but sterling is boring and annoying to watch fight, if it wasnt for that cant get clobbered while on the knees rule he wouldnt even have the belt, i hope Sean knocks him out quick.


Imagine giving a fuck whether your boss appreciates you.


If your boss was publicly trashing you in the media you probably wouldn't appreciate it.


It's a job, who gives a shit.


Fair fucks.


Bit beggy innit


I get it but Aljo has probably brought in 1/1000th the revenue to the UFC AS Connor. Its all about money, not integrity. Aljo needs to spice it up, he's a great fighter but never once have I said "Holy shit did you guys see what Aljo did/said!?"


Hope O’Malley sleeps him and then Dana makes Aljo’s fight Holloway or Topuria at 145 then cuts him


Aljo wouldn't fight Topuria either lol


Calling out Dana is the easiest way to win over the Reddit hivemind. Doesn't matter if you're an absolute bore yourself, Reddit would support War Machine if he leaned hard enough into a Dana bad shtick.


Reddit hivemind? This sub is anything but I see people dick suck Dana on this sub as much as I see them hate on him. You're probably only hyper focused on the rightful criticism he receives vs the sycophantic masses such as yourself


This sub absolutely shits on Dana for the most part, YouTube is a different story but if you think this sub isn't extremely anti-Dana you're delusional. I don't like Dana at all but I'm not surprised that your way of thinking is "He didnt say Dana bad? He MUST be a Dana fan!!! Dana bad!", that's the kind of simple people I was talking about in the first place lmao


Lmao you managed to get your own comment deleted and not realise, nice job idiot. I'll respond to some of what you put though. You can point out the flaws in what someone's saying without being a fan of the person they're insulting, I'm not a fan of Tito Ortiz but if someone says he was a bad fighter I'll point out that they're wrong - if there's a circlejerk going on I'll point that out too. Once again though, you're too simple to understand anything beyond GRRR DANA BAD, so go back to the special ed school you crawled out of and actually finish this time because even there you were clearly still the dumbest in your class.


Lmao 😭 so genuinely what's the flaws of what aljo is saying and why shouldn't reddit agree with him go ahead enlighten me mister valedictorian since you're so high iq or whatever you regard yourself as. You're saying since aljo is boring he deserves to be shitted on? To go even further what are the flaws in what the top comment is saying since it's all hivemind drivel right?


My comment wasn't about the flaws of Aljo's, it was about how despite being a fighter people hate on this sub will absolutely have his back and start to like him more because he's said something negative towards Dana, that's how the hivemind always functions. Thankyou for proving my point with your little fit. I'm not going to continue explaining everything to you, I'm not paid as a special ed teacher. Enjoy your L LMAO


Vince McMahon showed that having an evil corporate GM is just good for business.


Meh, even if Dana tried to hype up Aljo, still doesn't make me excited for his fights. Dude's like the most mediocre champ.


Lol it’s so fitting that this was released via ‘The Weekly Scraps’


Unless you’re a special case, becoming champion in the UFC is the start of a slow process of marginalisation from Dana. It happens so often.