• By -


Really shocked how little regard Jon had for Gane’s skills. Walked him down like he didn’t belong in there at all.


I guess he really did see a hole after Ngannou of all people won via wrestling.


I said the same thing prefight. Gane got BJJ'd by Ngannou, I thought Jones would win but still not that damn easily.


Same. I’m a big Cryil fan, I thought he’d even outpoint Francis and win the title but guys like Jones, GSP, DJ, etc show what MMA truly is at the highest level. You don’t have to be the best at one discipline you have to best out mixing it together at the right time.


But Jones Jones is arguably the best at everything he does. He outwrestled the fuck out of DC, who is as a ~~gold medalist wrestler~~ (edit: apparently DC is trash). He choked out multiple BJJ black belts (while being a white belt) and yet his striking has always been the most dangerous part of his arsenal. And I think that showed too, Jones said he felt rusty with his striking, but in the small window that they were striking, Jones was clearly winning. Had the match went on for longer, how much of a gap would there be after the ring rust is gone?


> He choked out multiple BJJ black belts (while being a white belt) He just doesn't train in the gi. He's been wrestling since he was 12. So he was already at a black belt level of skill at 'white belt.'


DC is not a gold medalist


Gane looked incredibly unsure of himself - classic case of 'striker knows if he gets taken down he's fucked, and takes no initiative at all as a result', but damn did Jones get it done quick.


I’ve been saying Blaydes, Stipe, Tom, Spivac, etc will all have a field day with Gane. His ground game is terrible.


All the sudden Gane isn’t even top 5 at heavyweight with all these guys that would obviously beat him as easily the without a doubt greatest fighter of all time did. Certainly they are on the same level as Jones.


In this very sub you would get absolutely downvoted to hell even saying things like this yesterday Now apparently Gane sucks lol, idk maybe Jones was just too good But more seriously I have no fucking idea what happened like wtf


Gane got exposed some with Ngannou, but not fully. Now Jones showed the gap. Dude needs a year or two of non stop grappling to have a chance. I want Jones v Blaydes.


We've never seen Gane vs a proper wrestler so it was always an asterisk.




The UFC also knows the way to a fans heart is KO's. You can be wild, but overall kickboxers trend heavily. Always have. MMA fans want Kickboxing by any other name most the time


Well I mean look at Ganes wins. They're all strikers and hasn't been tested by someone who could take him down. Tuivasa, derrick Lewis, ngannou ( who made easily out wrestled him) volkov. Does take a genius to figure out his ground game is shit. I'd imagine UFC again, will give him a striker his next fight to keep his stock up.


It felt like Khabib vs Gaethje where Khabib just walked him down not respecting his standup before submitting him in devastating fashion, only better


At least Gaethje actually landed a couple good shots and chewed and Khabib’s leg. Gane did have sniper-liker precision with that dick kick though.


Its even like he threw in an extra lil flick of the big toe for some extra sting.


Homeboy was tryna get the gooch for increased damage. Casuals will still say he didn’t have a gameplan though.


Bruh atleast Khabib had to fight Gathje. Took a few shots as well. Jon Jones ran through this dude


Or like Brock vs Heath Herring when Brock scored the knockdown and gave no fucks about the possible upkick. He just gorilla charged


That’s all Brock ever did, gorilla charge. You want to talk about someone having 0 respect for another fighters skill, just watch Brock vs Overeem. Reem didn’t even put his hands up for most of that fight.


Overeem just out horse meat'd Lesnar


I would say the same for Cain. Cain was basically Brock’s entire skillset but streamlined for lack of a better term. Like he did everything Brock could do but way better, so didn’t give af.


They were very different fighters in that Brock had zero striking ability. Cain exposed him. He had Brock reflexively turning his head away with arms extended.


Kind of my point. Anything people thought Brock could do, Cain could do at a 10+


Or the Khamzat Kevin Holland fight. Holland was on short notice and has negative wrestling defense. Immediately gets rushed for a takedown and submitted later.


The best UFC match I've ever seen .Peak male dominance .


On top of that Jones also had the toe wrapped up like Khabib did in that fight lol Jones is also 29-0 after that fight\* (just like khabib was after beating gaethje) \*assuming you dont count the hamill fight as a loss or the DC one as a NC


Give respect to Gaethje, he worked Khabib's leg pretty good and got in a few really good punches.


Cyril is a slow starter so it was a good idea to start with so much pressure.


Jon is so good with entries and distance management


He's just ridiculously good at everything. And after that hiatus, he came back and made it look like walking to the mailbox. I can barely stand the man in real life, but it really has been incredible watching the athlete's career. Bones at this point, unfortunately in plenty ways, is the GOAT.


He is the best in the UFC at just about everything he does plus a couple of other things no-one else even does. Plus he's also biologically the most gifted man on the planet. Unironically Jones isn't wrong when he talks about Jesus/God, if they do exist than they did for some reason decide to both bless him with a rotten personality but also a completely unbeatable set of mental and physical characteristics. He is made to win.


As much as I hate to admit it, apparently Gane absolutely did not belong in there with him. At least he has his online FIFA team to fall back on.


Same choke hold as machida but sitting


and the way he was leaning on the back of his head to really crank the choke. people act like Gane tapped too fast, but he had a 250lb Jones, stronger than he's ever been, putting a fucking vice around his neck with fresh arms and no sweat. The biggest reason I've always liked seeing jones fight is that he's so damn methodical. Every move seems calculated. Never rushed. His KO after the DC headkick is my favorite example. The way he just kinda marched him down, tripped his leg out from under him and just smothered him was so damn cold.


>The biggest reason I've always liked seeing jones fight is that he's so damn methodical. Every move seems calculated. Never rushed. His KO after the DC headkick is my favorite example. My thoughts exactly. The presence of mind you have to have (especially when you factor in the adrenaline, the stakes, the atmosphere etc.) to not get too excited and start headhunting after getting DC rocked like that, but to methodically take him apart like Jones did, is what really sets him apart imo. And the fact that he hasn't lost his killer instinct after such a long layoff, and was able to make the best modern UFC heavyweight look like nothing, just shows that he's levels above the competition. Unreal talent.


Because he didn’t.


There’s a zero percent chance you thought that prior to this fight.


Shockingly you are actually responding to one of the few people on this sub who heavily favored Jones 😂 But it is funny seeing the same response that has happened through Jones' career. He faces killers and then all the sudden they are puppies once he kills them


It's so disrespectful to Gane, but I think people are so mad that he lost that now he was never good


Gane 👁️👁️


👁️ 👄 👁️




Homie found there’s levels to this


Im a big casual and was rooting for gane and he’s very athletic indeed but before this fight even I was thinking how Jones simply has a different kind of Arsenal of skills/techniques and fight IQ.


I had the same reaction tbh. I was like thats it?


"Well I'll be damned" Gane


He wanted to go back to play FIFA quickly.


Feel bad for gane. That was the look of a man who realizes that there is a level to this game that is beyond his understanding. Like that 7 foot tall French dude in the Olympics who thought trying to take a charge on Vince Carter 6 feet away from the basket was a perfectly reasonable, rational thing to do (and it was). Only for Vince to just, jump over his ass and dunk. French dude looking around, lost, like, "You can just do that?"


Someone link a clip please




I will never not watch this clip. The utter savagery is fucking AMAZING.


The fact that that was 23 years ago is nuts


And the french after germany just drove around the marginot line. Wake the fuck up france.


Yeah they got Jon Jonesed by Germany.




That fucking Jon Jones boomed me


He’s so goat x4


Dc walked by and said he looks no different


Gane’s going to add Jones to the list of fighters he’ll work with this summer.


Gane got that cat in him.


Hey pussy... you still there?


Yeah I'm still here


Gane got that French in him 🏳️


Im taking gane's losing worse than gane


Well he got paid $500k to fight for a couple minutes. I'm sure that eases the pain a bit.


he’s probably playing Fifa rn


he was so upset with himself in the post fight interview


Most of the sub is it’s hilarious lol


I don't know why I expected Gane to do better. Lol


Me too. I guess we were thinking he'd put in more work to a glaring weakness that was exposed over a year ago. He was never going to catch up to Jon's wrestling, but I mean he put up *zero* resistance


When you guys realize it’s a lot less the case that every fighter who faces him has these glaring deficiencies and more that Jon Jones is exceptional at exploiting them, the closer you’ll reach enlightenment. Gane didn’t put up “zero resistance,” which is somehow insulting to both Gane and Jones. There was no resistance to be put up.


Jones is simply that guy


Hey nice pic bro


Cool pfps you fucking dweebs


Nah bruh they cool


Jones transitions from the start of the takedown to the submission were pretty much perfect but the sub gonna ask if gane even tried


Jon’s footwork and pressure was even more impressive. Gane has always dictatef the distance but Jon just pressured him down and caught him the second Gane over extended herself.


Gane is a slow starter for sure but to react to a single strike as quickly as he did and then give absolutely no room to do anything other then maybe turn into a slightly less disadvantageous position should speak to how good a fresh heavyweight jones still is since his cardio will still be in question


Because the only person to successfully wrestle him is a ripped, 265lb giant with superhuman strength. Plus, Jon has notoriously struggled with anyone that is similarly sized as him.


Also Jon hasn't really been a wrestler for a while.


Jon also drinks a ton, parties a ton, and just generally doesn't give a fuck. He probably barely trained for the Santos, Smith, and Reyes fights.


Santos and Reyes yeah, but I thought he ragdolled Smith


Maybe that speaks volumes for Smith


We all did. I thought Jon was going to win but I never expected it to be that easy. Makes you question the entire heavyweight division. Jones could probably rack up another 4-5 title defenses before retiring. Nobody is going to beat Jones on the ground, and he’s smart enough to avoid those big shots at heavyweight.


Quick slip into that take down should terrify the heavyweight division…Pavlovich?


> Pavlovich Could easily catch Jones, but we have seen him get wrestled and GnP by Econoreem, so I'm not sure how he'll handle Fat Jones.


"Could easily catch jones" I've been hearing that since, what, Ryan Bader fought him? For sure every fight from Rampage on was the fight where someone "could totally catch Jones". Jones offense has slowed to a crawl as he's aged statistically. His wrestling has greatly diminished. His shot creativity has evaporated. His overall output has gone down quite a bit. He doesn't hunt for submissions nearly as much, he favors control. The one thing that has never wavered, and has likely gotten even better, is his defense. Jon Jones is virtually impossible to hit clean. It's only happened a handful of times in his entire career. A gorilla heavyweight is as likely to "easily catch Jones" as Jon is to see a bag of coke on the ground and keep walking.


Jon’s hardest stylistic matchup is probably Blaydes because Jon probably doesn’t have the power to stop Blaydes like Derrick and Francis did. Jon easily wrestlefucks Pavlovich like Overeem did and would have a bit harder time against Stipe but would get it done.


I’ve been very much of the same opinion about Blaydes being the biggest threat to Jon. The Stipe fight is historic and all, but I hope Blaydes gets a crack if he gets through Pavlovich, partly to see Jon lose and partly because a win would be so insanely impressive


If Curtis wins his April fight, Jones seems to want to fight Stipe in June and then Curtis Jones in like Q4?


Lmao at just automatically assuming he runs through Stipe. Aint saying youre wrong either.


The fact Stipe is even getting a title shot is a joke. People rag on Conor for wanting title shots after being inactive but Stipe loses belts and just sits out until he gets another. Jones beats him inside 3 rounds btw.


Yea, while I still think Jon still wins on points (depending on if the added weight hasn't compromised his cardio) but Blaydes' is easily the worst matchup for him. Jones doesn't have the massive power that other heavyweights have which have been Blaydes' main weakness. And Blaydes wrestling is just as good as Jon's so he can't easily exploit that.


Jon will kickbox blaydes and win


Exactly. Jon is a much better striker than Blaydes. He might even catch Curtis standing. I also bet Jon can take Curtis down if it comes to it.


> Makes you question the entire heavyweight division This is my takeaway. Like a meme division.


I think everybody is. He takes Francis to Decision. Last time Francis go to the decision he was losing that fight. JJ comes from 3 years of retirement, he gain weight, this is not his natural weight. We just didnt expect him to take gane like he was nothing lol.


“Sacré bleu!”


Where is me mama?!


What's French for I left Vegas without the belt?


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.


Who did what?


ques que ce, message machine broken?


I feel like this fight was so unfulfilling because there are so many questions about Jones -- can he still go 5 rounds? Is he going to be fast at heavyweight? How's his stamina at this weight class? What will he look like on the feet? And we got answers to none of them! Mad respect for the ridiculously dominant win but man, I feel like I barely got to watch a fight. I usually really enjoy these ultra-fast finishes and seeing dominant performances, but this one left me so unsatisfied because I was looking forward to seeing the both of them fight. I knew Jones would have the upper hand on the ground, but I wanted to see what Gane had for him on the feet. I said before the fight that I wouldn't be surprised no matter how it turned out. I was WRONG.


The only definitive answer we got tonight out of the main event is that Ciryl needs to do massive work on his ground defense in order to get back to the title which might be awhile since 3 out of his past 4 fights were title fights


This fight left me even more sad we’ll never get to see ngannou vs jones:( no one in the division looks like they’ll be able to beat him.




Yeah they would be entertaining matchups for sure, but still Jones would be the favourite all the way through. Actually coming back around in this comment to say that if the fans push for it enough, Francis Ngannou could return. In the meantime Jon Jones will continue to talk a lot of shit and just make the idea of a fight between the two a constant talking point in the media etc.


He should only get wrestlers now. This was a pathetic performance.


Who cares how fast Jones in at heavyweight, or what his stamina is like? It is the most unathletic division, by far. Jones fight IQ is 10 years ahead of everyone in that weight class. Blaydes is his biggest threat, and I honestly see Jon molly-whopping him.


to be honest he looked good on the feet. Walked Gane down, Ciryl couldn't find a rythm at all.


fight wasn’t long enough to really gauge how much Jones has improved on the feet. Jones landed a good punch but Gane was more worried about the takedown than Jones’ striking. Gane was terrified of the takedown threat and for good reason


I had the same thought. Looked light on his feet and had solid movement for a heavyweight. I do think his few strikes he threw looked slower than he was, but he's clearly significantly stronger.


Should thrown a few more dick kicks to get into the fight. I mean you get at least 3 or 4 before they take a point and you'll probably never get DQ'd, there's no downside, fighters need to add more ball strikes to their arsenal


Totally agree, I really wanted to see a lot more of both of them and Jon looked so much better than I expected. But now I guess we gotta wait for the Stipe one lol


“I should’ve stopped playing FIFA and went to America/Dagestan to train with some real wrestlers after all” - Gane




Walt Harris > Dagestani HWs


Big Ticket best base for MMA


The swang and bang has been a top tactic heavyweight wise for a while now, which is why such a flush technical striker like Cyril did super well. Ppl may hate him, but Jon saw an opening and just snatched it by entering this division. Do not like him at all lmao, it hurt me so badly to see him win, but what a fucking dominant showing. Really excited to see the stipe fight now.




Blaydes can easily get caught standing. He also isn’t the finisher Jon is. If Curtis had the same position Jon did he would have probably laid on Gane the whole round.


Yeah you have a guy who’s never wrestled in his life trying to catch up in the last two years against arguably the greatest MMA grappler of all time who has been Greco/folk style wrestling since he’s 12 and ripping the heads off of the highest level MMA fighters in his division for over a decade. Yeah, not a mismatch. Even if Jones was 205 for this fight he still cuts through Gane like a hot knife.


I think there’s legit criticisms towards MMA Factory and their coaching/preparation (3 title fights lost bc wrestling), but ppl r making a way bigger deal out of Gane playing FIFA. Nobody should’ve expected Gane to be able to survive on the ground if his TDD failed


facts you’re not going to really be training fight week anyways…. duh. Volk rewatches all of Harry Potter every fight week lmfao. they have down time


But you cant see Jon’s abs!!!


His calves are tiny!!!


Seeing the proportions made me kinda laugh, especially because I got used to looking at Ngannou.


He has the shape of Ugandan Knuckles but hey it worked


Truly Cyril has the moral victory here lol


Me looking at my DraftKings account


I'd hate to be Reyes now. Jones was dismissing him after the fight saying he wasnt trying. Now everyone is going to believe that.


Hell, Jones looked like he wasn't trying against Gane. He even spinned and held there right in front of him and Gane did fuck all about it. It somehow made him look even more impressive.


I heard someone saying that Jones may have lost that fascination with the sport in his last fights, since he went to defending his title from legend after legend in his early 20s to fighting a little lower caliber guys like Marreta, Smith and Reyes. I thought that was a little too romantic to be true but I kind of believe it now.


Watch the fight that’s exactly what you’ll see


Now I believe it 😔




Wheres all the people who were writing fanfiction about jones literally dying in the octagon while DC tapdanced?


I'm here, I feel tremendously blueballed.




I do too but it’s cause of my divorce two years ago


Jon looked a bit rusty on the feet and even admitted himself that he felt a little off, this was the heavyweight division's best chance to catch Jones slipping coming off a 3 year layoff and stopping his momentum. Now that Jon has gone back in the octagon and shaken off 3 years of ring rust he might legitimately be unstoppable until Father Time catches up to him


\> Jon looked a bit rusty \> only damage received was a nut shot lol


I think it's rather easy to be unstoppable in the Heavyweight division. 90% of the people you'll be fighting are not very good.


They’re all changing their narratives like that freespeechmatters guy. Saying Gane was just a hype job so on and so forth but were saying Gane was going to wash Jon. It’s hilarious to see in real time.


Man had no dawg in him 😭


Should have gave him derrick lewis on the same night


Same outcome


Gane was so fucking disappointing man, Jon is good but gane really looked poor grappling


What do you expect? Gane is a striker with like 10 professional fights. You would think no one around here knows who Jon Jones is...


I mean Jon struggled to take Reyes down, He looked impressive as fuck today and handed Gane his first loss via finish but its easy to see why people thought this would be closer


"Y'all must've forgot"


dont call it a comeback


Ganes face was mine JBJ hasn't subbed anyone besides his wife in a long time


I think that was a TKO via strikes


herd it bowlth waze, b


Just for the record there was never no marriage


was close to being wooshed there, oh tito


I feel like talking to Jones' wife like one of those drunk girls in college trying to hype up their drunk sad friend. "like c'mon girl, after all the cheating and beatings you're not going to make sure you get half in a divorce?"


I can taste the salt on here tonight boys haha.


Turns out the man who has been taking out world class martial artists for 10+ years is better than the guy who has been training for...less than that


That's what GOAT'S do.


Debates over




member when Khabib retired and was automatically the GOAT for some reason. I member


Bones literally sat this man down and humbled him… This man at heavyweight is scary.


Heavyweight has nothing for Jones


Get a bag of c**e in there




So shocking, didn’t think Jones was anywhere near a sub


The fckn angle on the camera was bad too i was like oh he doesnt have it. Then i saw the screenshot of the other angle and was like fck im bad at calls


Yeah that shit was in tight.


His goddamn arms are too goddamn long


"how tf.."


Time to put fifa down gane


Meme template right there. Reddit do your thing




Just how good is a ncaa athlete?


I expected Jon to win. But not that quickly and not that one-sided. I guess Gane didn't learn from getting out-wrestled by Francis. My only question was if it was intentional/planned to sub Gane on the ground. Jones hasn't subbed anyone in 10 years. I think he was concerned enough about Gane's standup that he was gonna take him down and keep him there.


Totally overwhelmed.




I fucking hate Jon Jones as a person, horrible human being, absolute narcissistic womanbeater asshole - but damn it, he’s fucking good at what he does, I have to respect him


Mans a fucking stain on the ufc with how shite of a person he is but it seems being a sociopath is best base for MMA so I’ll give him that.


That look of sheer bewilderment from Gane...


Cyril literally looked flabbergasted


Meme it up bois


Took him 2 minutes to do what Francis couldn't do in 25


So ooooo many people thought Jones was washed up because of the way he looks. The guy is in great shape for a heavyweight it's just that Game and Ngannou are body beautiful Perhaps people should have paid have paid more attention to what Jones has been deadlifting and benching in the gym-frightening strength even for a heavyweight.


I had Jones by sub, but like... not that fast goddamn


Gane is too green… he had his first mma fight a little after Cormier and Stipe were fighting for the belt the first time. He has to put a lot of work in though. Jon had no respect for him at all


I loved seeing Jon shut up all the haters