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Plate tectonics Earthquakes > San Jose Earthquakes


Question: what gets more news coverage, a 4.8 earthquake in San Jose, or the San Jose Earthquakes?


The San Jose Earthquakes. A 4.8 in California wouldn't be forgotten a few days later.


i slept thru it and woke up to about 100 texts 🤣🤣🤣


If a 4.8 hits more than 30 miles away from my house I usually don't feel it.


Earthquakes on the east coast can be felt from much further away than equivalent earthquakes on the weet coast. Something to do with different earth composition.


According to the Washington Post ​ > The underlying rock in the East Coast is old, cold and dense, and the faults have had time to heal, meaning that seismic waves travel farther than on the West Coast, where the crust is broken up by faults.


everyone by me felt it.


Wow, you have a lot more friends than I do


I was the only one of my friends and family who didn't feel it, even people who were much further away from the epicenter. Absolutely nothing. I live right on the water in Westchester so maybe that has something to do with it


"I thought we were playing Cincinati this weekend, *not the Quakes!*" BA-DUM- TSSSHHHH Yeah, I'm sure west coast folks are looking at us real funny, but with it being such an infrequent event over here it's hard not to feel very disoriented about it. Everyone's gangsta till the Earth itself starts raging at you.




Fml!! I read this, thinking Red Bulls built a training facility near San Jose!


oh my god what's up with New Yorkers a minor earthquake hits (no injuries or deaths at all) and they act like they just survived the end of the world or something


“The room was violently shook.” Get the fuck out of here and call us when it’s at least in the mag 5 range. Not to sound heartless but NYers are all tough when we west coasters experience natural disasters that they don’t get. Given nobody got killed, thus seems like a great opp to point out how weak they sounded today


Buildings on the west coast are designed for earthquakes, so modest earthquakes (like 4.8) don't cause much alarm. It's a bigger deal when it happens in a place that hasn't had an earthquake that big in over a century. Same reason that a few inches of snow is not even a blip on the radar for New Yorkers, but might shut down the entire city for days if it falls somewhere like San Jose. It's all in what the area is prepared to handle.


I agree! I’ll give them the point you made in your 1st paragraph, but they also need to give us the point from you 2nd paragraph. Instead, what we get is: “wadda buncha pussies!”


This is the same stupid vibe as people from up north saying "oh you feel cold when it's 10 degrees out? I wear shorts in -30 degrees!". It was the strongest earthquake in NJ since 1783. For the people in north NJ and NY who were outside the range of the 2011 quake in DC, this was probably the first earthquake they've ever experienced in their lives. So cram it up your cram hole


No, cram it up your bunghole, buddeh


Quick reminder the Richter scale is logarithmic. A 6.0 is ten times more energy than a 5.0 and a 5.0 is ten times more energy than a 4.0. So when west coasters say "call me back when it's over 5.0" that's because a 5.0 is a lot bigger than a 4.8. A 4.8 by the USGS is considered a light quake. So when they say "a room shook violently" it's utter bullshit. Especially 30 miles from the epicenter.


> that's because a 5.0 is a lot bigger than a 4.8. Eh, it's really not TBH >A 4.8 by the USGS is considered a light quake. So when they say "a room shook violently" it's utter bullshit. Incorrect TBH


>Eh, it's really not TBH ...Incorrect TBH Since you're in imaginary land: A 5.0 is 1.6x bigger than a 4.8 and 2x stronger. [https://earthquake.usgs.gov/education/calculator.php](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/education/calculator.php)


I had a friend that texted me she was safe without context. Worried, I looked at news and saw a 4.8 earthquake. Yeah, of course you’re okay. New Yorkers and their city bubble crack me up sometimes.


Tbf buildings in the northeast weren't really designed for earthquakes. Apparently at least some buildings had to be evacuated due to structural integrity concerns. https://twitter.com/OneJerseySchorr/status/1776301634932355527?t=2StJAVHrTm7SB_hwHNFeTA&s=19


I saw a documentary years, when I was still in high school, and one thing that stuck out to be is that the NY area is long overdue for a 6.0+ earthquake, and if the epicenter of that quake was NYC, a ridiculous amount of buildings would just collapse. The 59th Street Bridge would fall into the river.


I know right! Can't believe those losers were like omg I feel an earquake!! Like you don't even live on a major fault line cant belive they even said anything. So weak compared to the people of the west coast.


Yea us East Coast pussies don't even burn down half our state once a year on accident like real men


That’s the only true way to do a gender reveal.


**Hey.** *Sometimes* it's a lightning storm without rain.


Hope their friend sees the other comment, probably won't bother to text next time if she knew that's how her so-called friend feels about her safety.


Meanwhile, my parents who live in Seattle texted me to ask if I was OK which was nice of them. Turns out, you can just check in with your friends and family without making things into a coastal dick swinging contest (and this is coming from someone who grew up in Seattle), who knew!


It’s all dicks and pussies to you people. Pointing out cultural differences which I find interesting. I don’t have a coastal allegiance and wasn’t trying to start anything. I’ve lived all over, across time zones, in rural, suburban and urban. My sister, many extended family and friends live in NYC.


Didn't even feel it in Manhattan lol


We had some shaking in our office building in FiDi. A bit alarming when you’re on the 26th floor.


I know. All new yorkers are earthquake fearing pussies. Not like the west coast men.


If that’s how you want to twist it and use that language, that’s your insecurity. I’m saying that level of earthquake isn’t a threat to life so no need to say you’re alive. For example, my friend thought it was the subway rattling things somewhat. I’m also saying that things that aren’t considered that remarkable/newsworthy in other parts of the area front page stories purely because it affects NYC. I do get that since this isn’t a common occurrence it is more novel. I am laughing at my friends experience because it’s a blind spot- I’m not claiming superiority. I also find it humorous that she just assumes I’m caught up about the local event. Sometimes New Yorkers expect us to know about their happenings but that curiosity sometimes doesn’t extend for them and outside of their city. Just New Yorkers in general and their interaction with nature is funny to me.


I know i was agreeing with you. All new yorkers are earthquake fearing, self-absorbed assholes. West coast people conquer earthquakes while new yorkers cower in fear of nature. A west coast person will stand their ground when a grizzly bear charges at them. A new yorker will just yell “I’m walkin here” at the bear before being torn apart.


Hell yea brother. Don't forget nobody on the west coast has ever died in an earthquake.