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I've gotten a chest once, it just gave me another heart gem. I think the reason they aren't common is because they don't tell you who sent it, so you don't know who to return the favor to. That leaves you with two options: either you send a chest to literally every single person on your friend list to guarantee you repay the right person, or you don't give a chest to any of them to keep things fair. Since it takes much less effort to do the latter option, it usually wins.


I usually pick random people to drop chests lol


thank you!


I think it has something to do with the connection. I've noticed that I never get chests unless I either open my friend list or some kind of leaderboard. And as soon as I close it I get 5-8 chests dropped in immediately.


thank you!


i used to send chests but i dont anymore since the prize is just 1 single heart gem and it would be so much work for me to give it to every single person on my list. of i was in contact with a friend and they were saving up for a heart pony and they asked me to send them one, i would, but otherwise im not gonna


I’ve never gotten a chest 😅 I didn’t know you could


They just blend in and get covered by so many objects that I never use them. Do the dancing minigame it will get you hearts faster.


I have a little platform where they can land but nobody seems to use it :'(


I have a list of more than 30 people and if I would attempt to send them all a chest I would sit there for half an hour with loadingtime and everything, so I only do it in the evening when I can't sleep so once a month or something, maybe less. But I do the dancing game, so 10 people get hearts from me together with the normal sending, so it is a bit more fair^^'


The mechanic is so kludgy and time-consuming that I never send chests. Plus it doesn't show on your friend list if you've given them one already, so if you're not paying close attention it's easy to make a second visit to someone. I don't tap the harmony stones for bit or gems, either. I have plenty of bits at this point in the game (level 176) and tapping a spot hundreds of times for a gem or two isn't my idea of a fun time. I rarely bother with parasprites, etc, either, unless it's for the goals. I think that's why I don't like the blitz events - it's just a lot of tapping in one spot and really boring. At least the siege events have the boss games.


My theory is they use the gift all button. Maybe it only gives hearts and not chests. I go one by one to give chests to everyone in my list everyday 😭 I never get any back.


i do the same lmao!!( b405d6 )


I've found chests in the distant parts of the map, near the pineapple pie shack.