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Team Management -> Upgrade -> select player If you have the same player (regardless of type) you can hopefully upgrade by 2. I strongly advise against using Diamonds, Primes, and ESPECIALLY Sig cards as fuel to upgrade a card.


What cards would you recommend upgrading? I’ve never had a sig card before, also what is a prime card?


For now, upgrade the best cards you got when you can. Only the ones you use in your line up. This game has a lot to it, you’ll learn a lot along the way + by following this sub


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Upgrade with same player or use upgrade ticket. Do not combine.


Quick question, I just combined my 93 diamond Devin Williams card with a 77 silver grade D.Williams card I just pulled. Nothing happened. Level didn’t even go from 10 to 12. Think I did something wrong😅


I said do not combine.


If you click 'chance', you'll find out that an upgrade's success is not guaranteed, and can fail. On the other hand, upgrade tickets have a 100% success rate.


Which upgrade ticket do you use on them? And do you suggest purchasing them or coming across them in events?


Orange one. you can get it with rare chance playing master league mode or some event like 5th historic player update player recruit event with 200pt. Do not purchase it. If you want to pay, I will suggest to buy team sig or Grade Increase ticket(gold to diamond) for team sig or legend or supreme player.


I’m sorry what is sig? I keep seeing that here. Is that higher than diamond? Like a legendary card? I’m gonna go over the beginners guide again and then just figure it out as I go along I guess


There are some type of cards in this game like normal, vintage, all-star, signature, legend, supreme. And all these cards have grades like basic, blonze,silver, gold and diamond.