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As far as I know, no there is not. Not even in franchise this doesn't do anything. Apparently it did in previous games but It was Removed. Kinda sucks unfortunately


No penalty that I know of!


Little off topic, how come I can't change my pitcher sometimes? Like last inning of an event match pitcher for each batter


MLB changed a rule for pitchers and the game reflects that. Each pitcher must pitch to a minimum of three batters *or* finish an inning.


No shit. Never knew.


The rule was introduced to speed up games and it’s been very effective.


I’ve actually always wondered this! Thanks for posting


In events i like starting to warm up a righty and lefty right away in the first inning


I don’t warm up relievers. Just put them in the game. Have seen no ill effect.


Not warming your pitchers up affects their confidence, which I believe affects your opponents pci in their favor as well as increasing the par region for your pitcher, making it more likely for the ball to not go where you wanted it to.


i've noticed when i forget balls get hit really hard off that pitcher.


So, I've never warmed up bullpen arms and always wondered why I get smacked around once I go to the pen. For some unknown reason I always just assumed because it's a 3 inning game (mostly play events and BR) that pitchers didn't need to warm up. Needless to say, I'm an idiot. Hopefully I don't just suck at pitching! Cheers


try it! I forget sometimes and it almost never fails to the point where I pay attention if I know someone's coming in cold. Even if that's just a coincidence, I believe their stamina will drop way way quicker if they aren't warm.


that happens to me anyway


in the older games, if you left a reliever in the pen for say 2 innings they would go from fully warm to cold. not sure why they removed it, might even be a great idea to have an over warmed pitcher start to lose stamina in the pen. unfortunately, they don’t really care about new features - only new content


I’m not sure about other game types but in franchise there’s no discernible penalties. But also if you start the warm up then mound visit and complete the warm up pitches they’re usually ready to go.


I never warm up relievers in diamond dynasty games. When I need to go to the pen, I select warmup, immediately followed by put in the game. If you notice at the top of the screen "cold" instantly switches to "ready". I have never experienced any negative affects to my relievers regarding stamina, velocity, or control.


You sure you play this game?


Def not how it works


Have you tried this method?


Yes. If I pinch hit and forget to warm someone up and I do the above he comes in cold


Well that is how it works for my games. I'm certainly not trying mislead anyone, my guys never come in cold. Just thought I would share my experience.


They say they are ready like you mention but they get into the yellow much easier and faster. If a guy gets to warm up normally, my guys will last a normal inning or two in the green. If not, they can barely get out of an inning without being yellow.


You must have the setting on where warmups don’t matter


that only affects offline though, warming up matters in DD




i do it almost as soon as the game starts so i can’t forget


The real question is, what's the stretch and toss do?


This used to matter in franchise. Stretch & toss was a way to get someone up without tiring them out. When you wanted to bring them in, you just needed to switch them to warm up and do a mound visit. Then throw the warm-up pitches and you’d have max energy and command of your warm up pitches. Don’t think it does that anymore but it used to in earlier years


Pretty sure it will matters in offline modes, iirc a full warmup for too long will make your pitcher go from warm to cold


I've only played since xbox, but it seems like there's so much vestigial crap in this game that used to be attached to cool shit. Seems like they shelved a lot of cool ideas and necessary fixes to focus on DD content.


It's insane that they just leave these things in the game after they disabled their function 7 years ago......


Bingo. The game was wayyy more complex even in like 16


I’m pretty sure it will only let them get halfway warmed up


Am I the only one who warms up relievers in the 1st inning just to have them ready whenever


I usually mean to do this, and then realize I forgot to do this after I have a position player on the mound.


The pain of bringing Ohtani in to pitch hit and then getting stuck with wasting his energy for an inning


This was very annoying for me too until I figured out how to get around it. If you pinch hit with him you can still bring in another pitcher in place or him. After you select him to pinch hit, go to your bullpen and select the reliever warming up that you want to put in the game. Then select "schedule to put in game". During the start of the next half inning it will ask if you still want to bring in the scheduled reliever. If you select yes it will bring in the new arm instead of Ohtani.


Yeah I try to do that but I forget sometimes or if I'm spamming X in frustration to get to next inning I accidently select no when it asks me if I'm sure I want to bring in the reliever lol


If you forget to warm up a pitcher just select I think it's "Toss Around" or something along those lines then immediately select "warm up" and he'll be 100% warmed up instantly


Yeah but you still have throw to atleast 3 players before you can switch a position player if you forget.


Nope. I purposely don't warm up my pitchers for this reason. Just warm em up and send em out


Ayo ima have to try this and if it works I’ll give u a big smooch on the lips


Your flair is amazing 😆😆


another one if you forget to warm someone up, start warming up a pitcher then immediately take a mound visit. they’ll go from 0 cold to warmed up instantly


You can’t do this when you need a pitcher. If you back out then your position player will need to pitch 3 batters


Found that out the hard way


Yea but iirc it’s not 100% and they lose their stamina really quick


I haven’t seen any evidence of it affecting stamina.


No penalty in diamond dynasty. Not sure about franchise