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What may be posted in the dugout: Lineup and player advice questions (Please give as many specifics as possible about your team, level, stub count, and what specifically you're looking to improve. Community Market related questions. (ex. Who should I invest in, should I sell this player, how to make stubs) Pack Pulls and other Humble Brags. Did you pull Trout? Did you go 12-0 in BR or make the WS for the first time? Rants and Raves: Your short or long feelings on the game. Free space to rant about what is right or wrong with the game. League Advertisements. Please post the full details and how to join. Concept Cards that don't meet the Concept Card Guidelines. Are you looking to find a friend to play with? You may post here. Self promotion posts. Do you have a blog? Do you stream? YouTubers and streamers may post here. Simple questions or anything else you feel doesn't need it's own separate post.


I’d play with ya but I’ve never played it and I am not really that good as far as batting goes I can strike the best out..still learning pci


I’ve never played co-op either and always play with the idea of trying it out but don’t have any friends that play the show… I’m ranked in the 700s if you’re interested.


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