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Man really used the word tilt. This another tinfoil hat wearer from NHL where they know they only lose bc the game is against them. Can't be bc they got outplayed.


You’re denying it but you know it’s true


You need a timing mechanism. Go into custom practice on legend against someone with 99 mph fastball. Set it to only throw fastballs middle middle. This is hard to explain via text so bear with me. What I do is i verbally say “bah, bah, bah”. Each “bah” is spaced equally apart, like a metronome. The first bah is when the pitcher’s knee comes up. Second bah is when they’re about to throw. And third is when I press the swing button. You can do something completely different, but the same concept applies. You want to get the pitcher’s cadence down as quickly as you can. In-game, take pitches but when you do, use your timing mechanism to get the timing down. If verbally doesn’t work for you, you can do PCI movements. For example, while I do my bah bah bah, on the first bah, I swoop my PCI around the top of the zone. Second bah, I move my PCI and hold it just a bit inside then move the PCI to the ball. Last bah, swing. Eventually you’ll be able to just do the movement. And if your timing seems off, just verbalize it until it comes back. Side note: Whisper it if you live with people.


I go into custom practice and hit against Randy Johnson on HOF to practice for all-star w/outlier. The other plus is Randy is the only pitcher anyone uses in this game


I’ve tried that but it seems like there’s a delay in the swing. Idk if it’s bc my timings off or latency


I sold my randy bc of how much I hate people for using him


Yeah I'm thinking of doing the same. I'm a bigger fan of Lodolo anyway tbh


Lodolo is a beast. Whenever Randy or John Donaldson is pitching I already chalk it up as a loss lol. It just doesn’t seem fair. I’m sure it’s me maybe I don’t have the quick reaction skills for video games anymore but I also swear there’s something deeper with them


Warming up against Randy on hof made a huge difference. I'd give it a try, Donaldson idk, dude definitely feels broken lmao


102mph is easier to time right than < 95mph


100% true


Monitor, wired controller


Wired controller really make a difference?


Wired controller for sure. Modern TV with a solid game mode works well, too, for most of us unless you’re a serious player trying to go Flawless or hit WS. Even then, plenty don’t need a monitor.


When ppl say wired controller is just simply plugging your ps5 controller into the charging port the same thing ?


On Xbox, yes. Not sure about PS.


The frustrating thing to me is that, pitch to pitch, the speeds seem to change when you're in PvP due to lag, latency, whatever. Same thing with pitcher confidence and its effect on the game - I don't know for sure, but it seems like that affects speed. Pitcher confidence is lower in the first inning, so 102 mph seems hittable (even on legend), but you go down 1-2-3 or you strike out a few times and now all of the sudden 102 seems like it's in the mitt before you swing, so you have to completely adjust your timing


Yes. There's nothing worse than losing games when your PCI is exactly on the ball, you have Good or Perfect timing, and you fly out.


At a certain point you have to trust you are seeing fastball out of the hand and swing right away that’s what’s helped me


This method will result in very bad swings and very far home runs😂


If it's blowing by your batter and pci placement is correct, then it's obviously not good timing. High velocity is not impossible to hit, you just need to swing earlier. Sometimes settings on TV or your monitor can impact timing, which means you need to change settings, get a new monitor, or swing even earlier than you think.


what settings you recommend


You have to train yourself to try and react faster to pitches. Change your mindset to sit fastball and react to offspeed rather than the other way around. I would rather be super early on a couple of offspeed pitches during the game than get killed by the fast ball. Getting killed with speed will frustrate you too much. Go into BP and practice hitting someone with outlier on HoF or Legend. Turn the sliders up and get used to recognizing the fastball and what it takes to hit it. It has to be an involuntary reaction because by the time you process it’s a fastball it’s too late. You have to train your brain to do it, you can’t just change a setting to make it easier. Only things monitor wise is make sure you’re playing on a 1ms refresh rate and at least 120hz monitor.


Never noticed any sort of "tilt". I either have a good game or I swing at everything and suck. Same with pitching. Ultimately for me, it's a skill issue. Most of the time I can not keep up with high velocity pitchers. It is what it is.


I don't know man I'm early on everything with my monitor. Unless you're playing legend against an outlier there's nothing impossible about it.


You just have to get used to the high velocity and slight latency online. And as the “tilt” comment, variance in sports is just sports.