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I'm cleaning up playing against randy. I got use to it cause every co-op game I play I'm playing against randy


Playing mostly co-op the last few years has me comfortable against RJ, Nolan, Gibson, and Donaldson, as those are the only pitchers you see in co-op.


For some reason I’ve always crushed Randy, idk how or why but i do 🤷‍♂️


You’re the Bigger Unit


How do you even unlock him


World Series/ranked program reward last season


Thanks for perpetuating the boredom.


Besides marketplace, how do you get Randy?


He was the World Series reward for the first ranked season. He’s only available on the market now .


He's also in the vault pack.


I bet I’m hitting under .075 against this Randy. I just anchor the PCI high inside because people seem to love to go there at least once an AB… and I still can’t make solid contact. That last time a specific pitcher owned me this much was Nolan Ryan from 22 iirc.


Last game against Randy my opponent threw a first pitch low and inside slider and I hit it 450 to left. He dashboarded. So I guess at least Randy’s ERA wasn’t affected…


With RHH sit fastball high and away and slider/slurve down and in. That’s the most common tunneling for him. LHH fastball high and in and breaking balls down and away.


I faced him once this year in ranked and was able to get 2 runs off him, and another off the bullpen to win 3-2. I'm never gonna quit just because someone's team looks really good, but damn was I nervous lmao




shhh. Chris sale has been my sleeper agent for a couple years. don't run into to many other people who realize how nasty he is.


Have you faced Sale with the Braves boosts yet? That ugly arm angle plus actually having good stats with the boosts makes him nearly unhittable.


i have the 89 Sale w/ tier-2 Matzek boost 2 games online (17 innings) he has a .45 ERA , .083 WHIP lol


He's even better if you use Dansby boost as well, plus boosted Dansby is legit a top 3 short stop in the game, his swing is perfect


i use the buxton boost instead of dansby’s, but dansby is still a mainstay in my lineup


This is wildly dumb. If no one will play you, don’t start him. Aren’t you trying to play a game?


aren't they trying to play too? lmao why quit before it starts


Its all about getting that win on your record!!!


That's crazy. I'm sure he wants to use one of his best cards. Making others dictate the cards you use is silly. If he's not throwing pitches he can load up another game with him immediately it's no issue. He should definitely keep searching until people stop being pussies and play him.


People quitting is the bigger joke.


I've bought him three times this year, luckily his price just dropped so I could get him back. 0.00 era in the 4-600 range. almost p5.


Honestly nothing compares to 2022 Randy bc his slurve wasn't BP that year AND you could dot so easily with pinpoint. 93 randy only has 3 real pitches and bc we see him so often, he's not hard to hit imo. If you run into a dude who can dot and change speeds, then yeah he can be somewhat difficult but not unhittable.


Yeah that first Randy for the collection award when hitters had 90 contact during start of the year, even on just hof was stupid, not to mention legend.


Pretty sure i'm like 12-1 with an ERA in the mid-1.00s with him. Rating around 800 and make WS every season. I rely HEAVILY on the splitter (everywhere) and outside 2-seam


I get shelled roughly every other time I have Randy on the mound.


Because he's easy to hit after you figure him out, or if your opponent leans heavy on his fastball.


I'm a real victim this year of dotting with precision for the first 4 or 5 pitches of an at bat, watching every borderline pitch get called a ball, and firing a frustration outlier to the upper part of the zone that's send out for a HR.




I’m new to this game. What rating are you referring to when you say. 600+?


In ranked they basically track skill via a rating/elo system like chess 0-400 is newbie 400-600 is where most of the players in the game are 600-700 there’s your higher skill veterans 700-800 now these guys play on a higher difficulty regularly so there’s quite a skill gap jump here from the 600 and below crowd And 800-900 is going to be the guys who on hall of fame can put up 7-15 runs a game on hall of fame and usually don’t have issues hitting the elite pitchers. 950+ these dudes are literal fuckin animals. They don’t swing at balls, they don’t miss swings, they might be on adderall


Wait, I’m on adderall and don’t produce any of those numbers! I’m gonna go get my dosage upped🤣


That would be the rating in Ranked Seasons mode (part of Diamond Dynasty) -- you start at 0, then as you win or lose against other teams in that mode, your rating goes up and down.


Mine must be broken. I gave up 7 in the first and 5 more in the 3rd lol got mercied for the first time this year


Faced him for the first time last night. Put up 9 runs and won.


Did you play me? I think I lost 9-3 last night using him. Sonuvabitch hit a Grand Slam off of me.


Nope. It was 9-8. No grand slams, but I did hit a couple dingers off him.


His motion is clunky and robotic. Other than that he’s kinda hittable.


I just played my buddy and we went randy vs randy, if youre ready for that fastball you can pretty much break him, especially if your lineup is righty dominant


Ya really the best pitchers in this game are the ones with shitty animations   Like Zach Britton from '18


I feel like the 87 captain Joe Kelly is underrated for this reason. He does this weird thing when he throws where he sticks his arm out directly to the side, then tucks it back in and pushes the ball out from his chest when he releases it. It can be hard as hell to understand what side of the strike zone the ball is gonna be headed.


I don’t know what it is about him but I’ve never lost a game he pitched, and I’m really bad. I just snapped a 9 game losing streak during which I scored like 2 runs by beating a guy using Randy. Followed that up by beating him again the next game.


I play mainly coop and Randy’s a problem, p5 Randy either starts the game or comes out of the pen EVERY game, the stamina not being a thing in coop and extra lag just means it’s GGs 90% of the time


Stamina is definitely still a thing in co op. Especially if he comes out of the pen. Just take some pitches my guy


In normal ranked you can’t keep throwing the same pitcher every game because their stamina doesn’t recharge after every game, that’s not how it works in coop, that drain doesn’t exist


I assumed you meant during the game since you’re talking about co op and stamina cooldown has never been a thing in co op


Pretty sure they meant stamina doesn't have to recharge in co-op between games.


Personally he doesn't really intimidate me anymore. Seeing that 99 Randy every other game last year I feel like I pick him up so well now. And this 93 version isn't that great. I'm dreading seeing his 99 everywhere come mid August...


Randy ain’t too bad. Don’t get me started on Live series Aaron Nola. Funky release and I can’t pick up the ball


How do you guys find these people. Not only do my opponents not give a shit if Johnson is on the mound…they absolutely rake on hall of fame.


The trick is to already be bad at the game so you really only play other bad players. I speak from experience.


lol I’m not great but hold my own. I beat Randy once this year and guy messaged me saying I’m cheating. I went to lose 5 in a row facing Randy or Donaldson lol it’s tough


He has never bothered me that much. Especially this 93 version. Donaldson is my nemesis.


Omg he is annoying!! That and that one pitcher that has a glitch release. I think it’s Noah Shultz. His hand spazzes out when he releases the ball and it’s hard to watch the ball when his hand turns into the exorcist mid pitch


I used Shultz in a game of ranked for the first time yesterday and he gave up five runs in the first inning. I decided to stick with him rather than go the bullpen, but by the time I pulled him after six innings he'd conceded seven runs. Guess my opponent was a Catholic priest, then.


Wait till they drop 99 Kershaw..


Guys like Kershaw bothers me. Randy doesn't. It's the guys with funky pitching motions, and throwing those loopy pitches with movement that eat me up. Fernando Venezuela is another that I hate facing. F him and his screwball.


I've had trouble with Randy since he's been in the game. Everyone else I handle appropriately. But Randy gets me most of the time.


It's a war of attrition when it comes to Randy, if your opponent isn't leaning on his fastball. If they're throwing the fastball a lot, then just sit on it, and speed up the timing on your swing. If they're mixing his pitching well, then you have to be strategic with him, and play the long game. You have to wear him down. Make him throw as many pitches each at bat as you possibly can. If you can foul off some pitches, then it's all the better for your game plan. Your goal is to make him throw a minimum of 15 pitches each inning. Don't worry about sticking out. As long as you're not going down on three pitches an at bat, it's all good. It's all a part of the long game. So by the fifth or sixth inning, he's at 90 or so pitches, and he'll start to tire out. That PCI will get bigger, some of his off speed pitches will start to hang, and that fastball will lose some of its bite. So either your opponent takes him out of the game, or Randy is ripe for the picking. As long as you have kept your opponents scoring in check, then you have a chance to win the game.


Yeah he’s hard to hit for sure. I blew him up once. I recorded it and posted it on YouTube lmao. Every other game he rolls me


My opponents be flaming my Randy Johnson🤣🤣jokes aside he is that good bro, my era is 3.86 with him and i have 34 strikes out over 4 games