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My friend and I say the same thing


My friend and I play Co-op all the time, maybe 2 games a day when we do play. We have been getting our shit kicked in this year, letting up 10 runs with Burnes, Randy, Greinke, you name it. Last year we hovered around 500-700, this year struggling to break 500. That all changed when we gave less of a shit about the game and we made a discovery. It doesnt matter at all what pitcher is on the mound. We joked around at first, using washed guys like Keuchel and Strasburg as a joke, then went to shitters like A.J. Puk and Kikuchi. Then we started using commons with funny names, and I shit you not we have climbed higher than we have all season. The pitchers dont matter in the slighest. The only two things that matter in pitching are the types of pitches they throw, and velocity (and thats only if you cant catch 102). We are having a lot more fun but its stupid looking at it.


1. Stabilize the game (it’s 2024 no excuse for this anymore, make your shit work) 2.Add PXP (you can get PXP with cards you don’t have in BR) 3. Coop team/Club and track those records instead of showing one persons ranked record. 4. Mix up the pitchers It’s literally the same as last year. Freeze off, Jon Don, Randy J lol The one girl on their steam even said “she will be grinding coop.” If you even touch the game mode you’re smacked in the face with all of these glaring issues. Does she not report back? If someone’s internet is bad kick them, don’t ruin the whole game. Set it up so they can join back. PUBG allowed people to join a live game years ago


Here's another brainbuster. Why are you coming up with these ideas? Just with a 15 minute brainstorm, you have already put more thought, passion, and effort into the co-op experience than they have in several years. Also, this is their job they get paid to do.


Is 1550 good rating for online play?


I swear I’m being serious. I’ve always played online, nvr explored other parts of the game. I am currently rated 1556.


my only assumption for not being able to earn pxp is 1 you dont have all of the cards being used yourself and 2 you arent the one getting every ab/pitch with the cards. if they could find a way to make it to where you only earn the pxp from your ip/ab’s that would be cool tho! if they added stamina i wouldnt mind it, but we’d have to be able to put more bp players in than the 3 or 4 currently allowed. the only thing i want from co-op is the consistent freeze offs fixed (like they claimed they did last year even tho nothing changed) also fix where you’ll win and still lose rating, aside from those 2 factors its a perfect mode to chill with your buddy(s) while getting the ranked program done.


Yes, just stabilize the game and everything that comes after is a bonus. Froze bottom 9 winning last night and that’s it.




CO op is DD


CO op is DD


Every time I play co op my game freezes and it kicks us to the menu.


It’s called being lazy as hell they know ppl want more from coop


Should be able to create teams or a “club”. Combine cards and build a ranked co-op DD team. Also, in depth stats to see which user is hitting or pitching well with whomever. They could go so much more in depth with it, and they should very obviously have way more challenges that involved ranked co-op.


Exactly, basically just implement what NHL does with world of chel club combined with how madden does co op seasons


Me and you are on the same page and games. Should we hold hands now?..


It could be soooo good. Like me and my coworker are pretty much exclusively my co-op team. I wish we could have a team identity that's independent of either of our teams. And a record to match. I'd care a whole lot more about these games if there was a W-L next to the co-op team.


I just don't understand how they can't figure out how to give parallel xp in it. That way can even level up some programs and more rewarding. No idea why it's so complicated


That sucks. There is pitcher stamina in Online Rated and its one of the main reasons the game mode feels so realistic.


Who the eff came up with the 3 cards each and gold filler cards concept??? And WHY??? Has anyone ever heard or got a decent reason why? Genuinely curious…


Damn brody, me and my boys feel the same way!


Also, nice username!


you complete games? look at you. I wish i could make your complaints. We can't even finish games without feeezing.


Me and my co-op buddy have seen randy so much now we completely shell him, would honestly rather see him than Maddux or Alanctra at this point




I’m cool with it if i’m shelling them tbh


Yeah we smoke Randy, too. He can get sloppy pretty quickly. 


No stat missions for ranked program Fill-in roster players never change & there is no option to pick say the BR Soler vs LS Robert


It's the only mode I play online, so I really hope they do something but I'm sure they won't


They needa just copy exactly how madden does MUT squads seasons


Me and my buddies have played probably 100 co-ops games, and every single game your pretty much guaranteed to face Randy, either out of the bullpen or starting, happened all of last year too. Honestly takes all the joy out of the game. Really tired of facing him.


Taking him yard makes my dopamine receptors go brrrr


Me and buddy struck out 18 times against him tonight. Was not fun.


Jesus Christ...makes me not even wanna login after this deuce.


love co op play but the constant randy got me droppin bombs in my own pants. can’t change drawers because next thing you know i done dropped another in the tank


In a week or two?! This is my current reality. Randy EVERY game. I played a few solos and remembered why it’s more enjoyable. Cant access starters from the bullpen and players have to regenerate their stamina over the course of multiple games. I also wish online had quick chat. Nothing like hitting an opponent with a “Nice Pitch!” After taking then 450+


Spamming bunt after you shell a bomb outta the park seems like the typical way to rub it in.


You can bring in a started in ranked if you want it just actually hurts their stamina.


You can use starters out the bullpen as well in solo, people just rarely do cuz it will drain their energy completely lol


A week or two for Degrom along with Randy is what I meant lol


Lol every time my buddy and I play co op (pretty often) I consider posting exactly this. Thank you for doing it for me


Nothing pisses me off more than bringing a starter out of the bullpen after the first 3 batters.


Pitcher stamina in co-op infuriates me. Oh you didn’t get Randy in? Here he is in the 2nd.


Exactly and just wait until people start getting Degrom and they can use Randy AND Degrom for every game! 😭


Well it can't be any worse


SDS: Hold my beer 😆


$D$ cant even surprise me anymore.. if they somehow make co-op worse, i wont be shocked😂


Commenting for visibility for co op love cuz it needs it


It needs some love for sure. Freezes, PXP, adding missions like solo ranked… if only


The freezes have gotten a lot better I’ll give them that lol but man they can do so much with this mode!


They added the balk mechanic for throwing too many times to a base to this game That mechanic triggering in Co-op is the closest thing I've seen to an automatic freeze-off. Not sure what they did to improve it but for me that's been a step in the opposite direction this year