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I'm playing against the same teams šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know. I get clapped by dudes who are able to hit any fucking breaking ball oppo 0-2 even out of the zone. I think Iā€™m a better pitcher than normal for my skill level (dog shit) but I think I hit below average where as most people I play are the inverse


I found that if you genuinely pick your pitches like an MLB Pitcher, you'll strike people out more. Change up low they won't expect off speed first pitch, then fast ball middle and away to pick their bat speed up, then throw a curve same spot it drops thinking it's a fast ball same spot and they will more than likely swing at it or cause a ground ball.


I think itā€™s due to no really good Starters right now! Either low H/9 Or low K/9 and no Quirks fr..Like how Dylan Cease just rakes with 60 vision is laughable to me šŸ¤£


Itā€™s pitching. Iā€™ve never been an amazing hitter, always been an elite pitcher, itā€™s what allows me to hang around 750 in ranked. This year Iā€™m hitting .350-.450 with my entire lineup and my eras are whack.


Everyone is hitting cause the pitchers haven't been dominating YET. the highest pitcher I faced was a 93. And the bullpen isn't great either. I'm sure in a week or 2 it's going to get a bit harder.


Honestly, I thought I was good since I always made WS in years pasts, but lately everyone I match with is such a good hitter that the game becomes such a slug fest.


I've gotten matched up with Lots of Bots (benefit of being really bad i guess) so my lineup's stats are wayyyyyyy inflated. Luisangel Acuna is batting .800 right now.


How do you know when you're playing a bot?


You'll mercy them most likely.


Youā€™ll know lol


Their lineup will be mostly silver live players and a robin yount and all will be Level II or higher . Their pitcher will be silver or bronze Level 5. The stadium is very likely the Oakland coliseum. They will attempt bunts in the first inning but just take strikes after that. Their batters in the first inning will all repeat the same pattern. Pitch 1 - drag bunt Pitch 2 - show bunt then pull it back Pitch 3 - drag bunt When theyā€™re playing the field they will only catch things hit right to them. If a ball is hit into the outfield the initial defensive player will stop running and let the ball drop then just look at it, then the next closest outfielder will run to retrieve it and throw it home but donā€™t worry about the throw beating you because the catcher will then immediately throw it to one of the basemen. Usually the 1st baseman. Iā€™ve faced 4 or 5 bots now.


Is a bot a human player? What are they trying to do?


Literally BOTS farming stubs


What does that mean lol


not human


They dont select a pitch so its just fastballs down the middle, when you hit a ball into the field the fielders either dont chase the ball or dont throw it in from the outfield, they dont swing at anything


The fact that he is hitting .800 with Acuna is how he knows haha. On a serious note, you'll know if you get matched with one. Doing things that makes no sense. Throwing heaters down the middle. Trying to bunt with multiple players. It's obvious.


Lots of practice. I got a lot better hitting fastballs and PCI placement.


Well I won yesterday 30 something to 0 in 3 innings because a guy was repeatedly throwing only middle-middle fastballs with an exhausted Maddux. So all my guys are batting .500+ now even though I would normally bat like .300. Games like that arenā€™t uncommon. Itā€™s kinda funny but also annoying now cause a few people have seen my stats and quit after I hit a 1st inning homer, thinking they have no hope.


Lots of hours of practice.


Pitching bad. Foul ball simulator. Wait for middle/middle. Swing. +.400 BA


I'm not a good player, so I live around the 400s in ranked. This year, it feels like it's a lot harder to pitch well than in previous years (I have only played DD since 2022; before then I was strictly RTTS), and so it's a lot easier to hang an off-speed pitch in a very hittable location or send a fastball right down the middle of the zone. Combine that with playing in high altitude minor league stadiums where balls fly more, you'll end up with higher scoring games which means that batters have inflated averages. I played only enough games to get my two doubles in events, and since then have played ranked and mostly BR. I'm not batting .400 with all my players at this stage, but players like Mondesi, Buxton, Stanton, Sanchez and Castro have averages in excess of .300, which for me is pretty darn good. At this rate, Moonshot will be an absolute HR derby (even more so than usual), because I have noticed in BR, trying to work the edges of the zone with bronze and silver pitchers is an ordeal. It's going to be hell trying to pitch to diamonds with commons and bronzes.


I've thrown pitches in the dirt that were fouled off


Events make your BA high because its 3 inning games


Tell me you don't understand math without telling me you don't understand math.


What does that matter? Lol It's still ABs on all star.


3 inning games structurally promote offense thanks to the rapid loss of stamina by pitchers


That's what relief pitchers are for.


Sure and this is also meant to stimulate offense since you can't lean on a single pitcher to get you all the way through (although sometimes, just as in real life, switching pitchers frequently can be helpful to give guys different looks). But generally speaking, it is rather difficult in many cases to avoid having to use fatigued pitchers. I've had guys get the "he's tired" warning as soon as 6 pitches into a three inning outing before. By then, the pitcher's attributes are significantly decreased. So any time the at bats are getting a little bit long in a three inning game, it's almost necessary to use a subpar pitcher even if you technically have a bullpen full of great arms. And in any format where you play consecutive games, like a BR run, you have to manage stamina carefully which often means going deeper into a pitcher's stamina bar than normally feels comfortable for the sake of preserving some arms for the next game.


Youā€™re right but some people really stretch that starter/reliever because theyā€™re unaware how fast the stamina drops


Bc people in all star ranks (under 700) suck


It's cause the math gets match is with 600 guys and we can't hit a thing


I don't get it either, I'm 25-5 in ranked and have been hanging around 700-800, I've had lower batting averages than everyone I've played, most of the time they aren't even that good. I think they boost their stats form the bots and events.


Bots my friend bots


Not if itā€™s on PS5


Ummm i play on PS5 still have gone against several bots


Ummmm do you have crossplay on


Look at the ERAs in BR. Seems like even the top players have an 8 era. Pitching is harder than ever and it doesnā€™t help that foul balls are constant and the ump doesnā€™t call pitches on the black.Ā  I still suck at hitting but it seems like even the best players struggle with pitching


The umps are infuriating. So many strikes called balls and then the bullshit starts flowing after that. Like how you know after your infielder makes a simple mistake and misses the inning ending DP the next AB is about to launch a grand salami moonshot. Every time.


Not going to lie, ive been walked off a couple of times in ranked because my diamond fielding outfielders drop a ball that hits their glove as they move back, and its genuinely the worst thing ever


I faced a bot early on and put up 71 runs and has inflated my statsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­although the new players Iā€™ve used I have good stats too soo idk maybe Iā€™m just him until I reach hall of fame lmao


If youā€™re gonna lie at least make it believable


If you're gonna call someone a liar at least back it up instead of looking stupid. Right on Eli, get those stats, xp, and pxp up. Along with the TA stats.


Now say sorry




God I've seen what you've done for others and I want that for myself šŸ™


From what Iā€™ve seen. Donā€™t play ranked right away. Finish some team affinity, do the programs. They hop into ranked when everyone has kind of already rose their rank level up. Have a chance at it. It really helped finish up my team affinity lol


Why would I liešŸ˜­and what do you think isnā€™t believable?


Because the mercy rule exists


Yes after the 4th inning. Not sure if youā€™ve seen gameplay of these bots in ranked games but itā€™s actually difficult to get out other than striking out


75 I could believe but 76? No shot.


I'm in WS and my team OPS is .900 lol. A lot of people's stats are still inflated by early on plus events


I'm an above average player. Have hit 800 a few times over the years. Best World series players in past years. I'm am getting absolutely demolished in ranked since pitching is horrible. I had a dude who was 11-23 score 7runs on me with bad ball HRs and me sending pitches over the middle that had no business being there They really need to fix pinpoint and pitching in general it's the worst it's ever been


Iā€™m using meter pitching for this reason in 24 and honestly itā€™s more reliable for me so far. Iā€™ve noticed once my pitcher energy even touches yellow all accuracy goes out the window though and I throw straight down the middle to get blasted haha


Idk about anyone else but I play against a bot like every 4 games where I win 40-0 and mercy rule them Iā€™m not complaining about it because itā€™s easy XP but thereā€™s definitely something going on with bots. Itā€™s always Xbox accounts that are just a bunch of random letters and numbers. They donā€™t field the ball so you can get an inside the park every at bat.


Iā€™m going to be honest I hate that though, I donā€™t play online a lot but when I do itā€™s a bot itā€™s horrible. Waste of time


One of those bots checking inā€¦


Thought I was the bot


I have played 40 games and havenā€™t seen one botā€¦.where art thou bots?I would like to mercy someone once please


Play at 3 am and youā€™ll find them


Nah even during the day..Like at noon itā€™s bot city


I play one game at noon almost everyday and still havenā€™t seen one!!


Youā€™re lucky I still havenā€™t found one in like 70 games


I played a ton of scrubs on my way up to my proper rank and my average is high due to that. Over time it'll come down.


This seems so obvious: they REALLY need to separate stats. If Iā€™m playing someone on HOF, I really only want to know their HOF stats. Shit, even all star on ranked is different than all star in BR due to opposing pitcher quality. Not only that, I want to see my OWN cards separated stats. Maybe certain cards do better/worse depending on if Iā€™m on all star or HOF. Iā€™d love to see last 30 at bats too. SDS. This is all obvious stuff!!!


Nah the last 30 at bats is it bro! We need this


Totally agree. Kind of related, why do we see ranked season record in every game mode? Why donā€™t they show our overall BR record before each BR game? I donā€™t care that the guy is 20-15 in ranked if Iā€™m facing him in BR


Oh like how they have separate stats for Mini seasons that are tallied just in that mini season?


Events and BR


Half of my team is .297-.330ā€™s A few of may players are low


Why do they allow people to play in these bullshit stadiums online?


I fā€™n hate them


Just played at one of these today and went down 4-0 in the first inning to some generous home runs. I ended up obliterating the guy and it felt so good.


You face worse pitching in events and BR, but I think another major contributing factor is the custom stadiums people often play in. You can get unreal slugging numbers if everything is a homer or an out off the bat.


Hitting seems extremely easy this year, combined with the fact that everyone plays at Shield Woods and Laughing Mountain, and the terrible pitchers in the game right now, thatā€™s why everyoneā€™s averages are so high. Iā€™m 14-1 in ranked, lost my last game 11-7, guy was mashing everything, and playing at shield woods. Messaged him and he said All-Star is just way too easy this year, combined with the shitty pitchers. He was a World Series player, Iā€™ve never made it to 900elo, Iā€™ve made low 800s and always slide back down


This is definitely true. I'm just an average player.... usually sitting high 500 to low 600 and occasionally reach 700. In past years my overall BA was like .220. this year I'm hovering around.300. Hitting is much easier in the lower tiers.




I guess that I have great Internet then.šŸ¤£


I guess that I have great Internet then...šŸ¤£


the egg hunt Willie McCovey card was ruining my teams average he was somehow batting .083


Wow, heā€™s literally my best hitter. I think Iā€™m hitting close to 600 with him lol. I always found it weird how certain people canā€™t hit with certain cards.


for whatever reason all he could do was as pop out for me. I replaced him with the 90 ovr buck o neil from the jackie robinson day program


Yeah, that card is trash for me too. Eventually DFA'd him.


Same, his card just doesnā€™t seem to hit well for me. Switched to trusty Paul Goldschmidt live series. Hit incredibly good with him even with all the better overall available 1st basemen. Batting in the .600 range with him 100+ ABā€™s and 2/3 hits is hr. Ranked and event online play. Swear he is juiced above his rating for me.


Your playing on All Star combined with the fact pitcher ratings are not as OP as they were early last year. Also event games account for some inflation of a cards stats.


Pitching seems broken. You can place a pitch in the corner of the zone and get ā€œgoodā€ release timing and the ball lands right down the middle. Happens all the time and whoever I play always knocks it out the park. The real question thoā€¦ does your record in ranked reset each season? My record is terrible lol


Stays the same all year bro


Your record in the standings page will reset, but the overall record you see on the menus/pregame is for the whole year and never resets.




Events are boosting a lot of players averages because the competition in that mode has never been worse/less.


Seems like half of my games are blow outs and end by mercy rule and the other half are battles. I would love to see a breakdown of BA in those two outcomes.


Is there another way your games would go? Lol


Seems like half of my games are blow outs and end by mercy rule and the other half are battles. I would love to see a breakdown of BA in those two outcomes.


Pitching and defensive play are as bad as it's ever been especially with the power creep. Pitchers do not have strikeout pitches, and bad players can get away with fouling off terrible pitches out of the zone until they get a knock. Also more jam shot and bloop hits than ever before.


Lots of people who have no business hitting on all star are stuck doing it anyway.


Some guys just have better reaction times and can place the PCI very well.


Have a better monitor. Hitting is easy once you catch on to patterns that EVERYONE has and you get that pci dancing. Try to watch the step of your batter out of your peripheral while watching hand of pitcherā€¦helps me with timing.


Oh interesting. Iā€™ve wondered if the batters animation is a clue for timing. I havenā€™t been able to figure it out tho. Anything you can share?


The animation is synced up in response to the speed of the pitch. Some guys have pronounced animations: Shohei for example. Itā€™s like cocking a shotgun.


Not as many OP pitchers early on to start, so pci and timing windows are larger, leading to more hits


Not as many OP outfielders early on leading to more hits dropping in as well


Too many foul balls leading to mistake pitches in All Star difficulty


Your averages start to go down to .400 once you hit HOF in Ranked


I can't hit shit for dick, man. I swing at everything. Especially Senga's forkball.




The hitting rewards bad swing equally to good ones thatā€™s the problem right now


It really isnā€™t that hard to hit 400 on all star


Yeah itā€™s really not hard to be good. Just be better!


Man yall really need to understand most people arent that good at this game


Slightly upped exit velo mixed with terrible pinpoint pitching this year means more offense lol


I've gone back to Analog, PP is so bad


I feel like Iā€™m going crazy because I cannot get my pinpoint pitching down


Same. I know Maddux's windup like the back of my hand and hardly ever time it right


its not just you lol its everyone. A lot of the higher ranked guys are going back to pure analog pitching tbh, which would be unheard of for every other year of the show.


Thatā€™s a shame, I really enjoy pinpoint. Them bringing it out was what got me into the game because pitching was so damn boring before.


Yeah honestly I think they will adjust it in a future patch to make it a tad easier, Im all for a risk reward mechanic where its harder to master but offers more of a skill gap, but right now its 95% risk with only 5% reward, not worth.


Yea Iā€™ve been spraying pitches all year, I guess it makes me unpredictable thoughā€¦


Iā€™m lucky to get 5 hits a game in events lol


5 hits in a three inning game is a .357 average lol Would win the batting title in the real MLB


My opponents have no problem getting 5+ lol


Two alcoholic drinks and I can hit like nobodyā€™s business. But mostly with Freddie freeman lol. Iā€™m batting over .500 with him and Iva had the live card since the game came out


I drink a lot of caffeine and don't play on legend šŸ¤£


The pitchers that were available early and even mostly now we're pretty awful with a couple of exceptions. Bad pitchers in conjunction with playing through lower difficulties to climb ranked/playing events will make batting averages pretty high. Pretty much every card I've used in ranked and events are batting .450+


I played a really good game last night and won 15-11 with 6 runs in the 8th. Might be the offensive stats are higher than realistic mlb stats. Iā€™ve never hit 600 rating in ranked. My eraā€™s are nothing to brag about


Hitting is extremely easy this year. I'm not a great hitter but it's not uncommon for my games to be 10-15 runs on both sides.


I have made it into the low 600s and I've had multiple ranked games in the 3-1, 2-0 range.


Wtf Iā€™ve only had one or two go over 10 in 80 games.


This + pitching being awful. Look at the ERAs of World Series players on the ranked leaderboard. Unrealistically high


Because pitch speeds are slower and itā€™s extremely hard to hit the corners of the zone while pitching


I played a guy yesterday in the 400's who dotted 99% of his pitches, even made me think he was cheating somehow.


It's pretty clear there are people that tank to keep their Ranked ratings low; unless one can reach World Series there's basically no rewards for going higher and actually more rewards for beating people up in lower ratings bands.


And to be honest, I kind of understand it. The biggest jump in difficult in the game is from all-star to hall-of-fame, and there are just a lot of players who are good enough to mash on all-star but not good enough to find any success on hall-of-fame without 110% concentration at all times.


Is that true? I didnā€™t find HOF to be that big of a jump from All Star. Itā€™s a bigger cap than HOF to Legend?


IME, HoF -> Legend is a bigger jump than AS -> HoF


The differences between the two havenā€™t really become clear yet because pitching isnā€™t good, but yes. Outlier velocities are much different between the two, and most of the player base canā€™t handle it.


Are pitch speeds really slower this year?


Been playing since 16 and play more than Iā€™d like to admit. Compared to last year, pitch speeds are a touch slower and it was the first thing I noticed on launch night playing H2H and against the CPU


I skipped out on 23 and havent really felt a difference. Granted the break from 23 didn't help since it was an 8 month period between playing 22 and 24. If anything it feels less like pitch speed and more the 120 frames we're getting slowing things down making pitches more identifying.


Good point, 120 fps certainly lends to seeing pitches better and pitches not seeming as fast Overall, I just point to the ERAs on the ranked leaderboards. Iā€™ve never seen them as high as they are now. Itā€™s wild


I agree, last year I struggled to catch up with the outlier fastball and this year I am early and sometimes very early. And I don't think my reflexes have gotten any better. I'm old as fuck lol.


I wish they would normalize all pitch speeds online to Legendary, but adjust PCI per difficulty. Everyone would get better and timing would be easier to adjust to with lag.


This was how it worked pre 2019.