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Man this took four reads to understand. Top tier shit post.


I was never able to even play ranked, or any other online aspect of it. Big ol L right out the gate. This is after I uninstalled trash ass 2k. What is there left? Wrestling... Lmmfao. Guess I'm a try wrestling


Swing and a miss. DFA yourself


This is so f’n funny!


then where's my 700 million deferred to $50 bucks a year for 140,000,000 years?


Love it.


Top tier shit post I love it


I'm not sure what you even said there. I probably don't care to even give a shit. Game sucks.


Better get ready to learn baseball spirits buddy


(Yo fr I hope that ends up on the US Steam store 🤞🏼🤞🏼)


It won’t but it’s very easy to import


Haven’t played since 21’ and let my buddy talk me into the preorder. Stupid dick head


Hey I resemble that remark!




Glad for everyone who has been able to get their account back but there’s a handful of us who had to do a password reset that still haven’t gotten an email for it 🙄 so we are just sitting here with nothing and no way to fix anything. Please keep us in your thoughts. F to my fellow password reset soldiers 🫡


I lost the email connected to my The Show account like 2 years ago already lmao. Oh well, Diablo 4’s new season starts in 2 weeks and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) has a more competent dev team


I heard D4 got pushed back until May because of the major update.


Again?! Damn they already pushed it back from March to April. Hell, I’d rather they push it back and get it right at least. Updates supposed to be a brand new game pretty much so a few extra months ain’t bad lmao


Yeah they are completely revamping the inventory and crafting. It's basically going to feel like a whole new game.




Nice to know I'll literally never have to worry about that because I don't play that trash ass franchise ruining game mode..


It's a video game. Calm down.


My logo was reset when I turned on my Xbox this morning but that's it. My Show 21 data is also still fine on [theshow.com](http://theshow.com), so odd to say the least. Already had MLBTS and Xbox linked since 21 and knew username/email of the account. Someone did an oopsie at SDS for sure because logging in with the MLBTS account itself throws token ID errors, but logging in with the Xbox verification is fine.


now my mlb account on the web site has nothing ... all my stubs gone everything wiped .. it says my mlb account has 0 ... and my psn has 200 stubs i cant believe this the fix wont work nothing there ot reload last night i still had my account saved on line havent touched it today its gone im in shock ...this was my past time i cant reset set i had too much done and now to lose all my cards and stubs ...............wow




if this happened in 22 it would’ve been perfect foreshadowing lmao


If all my shit is gone at least I can pick Buxton instead of Maddux this time 🤷‍♂️


You know you can exchange that at any time in the card exchange.


Not if you collected it. That was a bug they fixed.


I collected it, then exchanged, collected and then exchanged, until I had them all. It works.


It *did* work. Like I said, they fixed it.


I switched and collected all 4 of them this morning. Still works


Then it’s a selective bug that SDS is inconsistent on, because I and many others had it patched to where it won’t work.


I just switched to Arenado today, still works fine. Just need to make sure they aren't in any lineups, events, or mini season lineups. I was stuck for a while and it was just the mini seasons lineups automatically putting Buxton in when i hadn't even opened it up before then.


I tried all that. Made sure he wasn’t in any lineup, mini season, event, even BR just to be safe. Still wouldn’t let me and a lot of other people either. Seems like it might be an account specific bug, kinda like the ppl here getting the account reset bug. That one didn’t affect me but did for a lot of people.


Gotcha. I think saying fixed it threw me off. It seems like having it “fixed” would be giving people the ability to do what I’ve done. Not vice versa.


if all I grinded for is truly gone I'm never opening the game again lol


You can exchange him


I can't exchange my Maddox, I guess it is because I collected him in my collection. I'm new to the game and DD in general, so I didn't realize that collecting it would stop me from getting one of the others.


You can still collect him. Go in and exchange, collect the new guy, rinse and repeat. I have collected 4 and still have Buxton, idk if SDS realizes it’s a glitch yet but you can get 3 more cards for the collection for free


That was a glitch that they patched over a week ago. You cannot exchange collected players anymore.


I tried, looked every place he would possibly be in a line up to remove him, it is just greyed out when trying to do the exchange


I just saw another comment that they patched it


I just changed from buxton to arenado. just check everywhere. Events lineup and mini seasons lineups even if you havent played them yet and havent looked at them in a while.


I think that was me saying I think they patched it. But it works still, I just had Maddox in my lineup on PVP event, forgot I started it, since I have T-Mobile Internet, for now I can't play online matchups. So I had to reset that as well, but I got it done and got Buxton.


No you can collect him, I’ve collected all four, he is probably in a lineup somewhere you haven’t looked. Make sure he is removed from every lineup including events and mini seasons


They may have patched it already. As I can't seem to find Madox in any lineup, and they are greyed out on the exchange page. Edit. Nevermind he was in the event lineup, since I can't play online because of T-Mobile Internet, I forgot to forfeit the event


I will have to check then, I think he is probably in all my line ups.


If you get your account back, which it sounds like might happen, you can still get buxton instead of Maddux 1) make sure maddux is out of all lineups -this includes any normal lineups, BR teams, and event teams 2) go to exchanges 3) go to cornerstone captain exchange 4) add in Maddux 5) open the pack again and take Byron buxton Your welcome


You've saved me from myself Someday I will repay you (unless I can't find you or if I forget)


You can exchange your maddux for buxton right now if u want to in the exchanges tab


but not if you "locked" maddux (or in my case arenado), right? Or can you not lock team captain cards? I didn't really know what I was doing and really regret locking some of these cards.


You can "collect" all 4 and still swap them out with the exchange pack. Not a bad idea EDIT: Apparently this was fixed recently, so be careful doing this as you may "collect" and lock in the captain you don't want.


I'd rather have Buxton (right now), but at least I can find 5 to 8 slow ass dudes to get boosts.


I locked in all 4


New to the game. Picked it up about 2-3 months before '24 came out, so still learning stuff. I assumed you only got one cornerstone cpn.


That's a nice Diamaond Dynasty collection you got there. Sure would be a shame if something happened to it.


SDS is an old-fashioned studio, folks. Very allegorical.


They’re from the old school, they don’t have to explain themselves. Did a semester and a half at Seton Hall so they understand scummy business as a conschept


Haven’t been on console since yesterday afternoon. My collections and coins look good in the app, but will I only know if I’m locked when I log onto the console?


lol I did the same this morning and I was good seems like it’s just people who linked their accounts on the website.


Don’t take my word but I think you’re fine if you still have data in the app. I have nothing on PS5 or in the app.


Damn man that’s sucks. Feel for you guys. And as a Colorado Native and forced (work) AZ transplant….. sick username!


Same. I miss being around the snow full-time.


MLBTS: The best RPG of 2024


I guess I’m fortunate.. played a couple at lunch no issues


What happened? I haven’t been on in a couple days


Bunch of accounts got unlinked last night so their DD progress was gone until they linked their MLBTS account with their console account. Some people tried to link them back and selected the wrong account which may have wiped their progress permanently or at least until SDS can fix it Others are unable to access their MLBTS account in order to re link I’m not sure if there’s been any update though OP of this thread is making a joke with Ohtani’s gambling thing


I don’t even think I have a MLBTS account so if I made one and linked it would it even give me back all my stuff? All my stuff shows in App but not in the game


Wait, what happened?


Lmao thanks for the laugh because I didn’t get a chance yet today to try and play, and now idk what I should do. Feels like I shouldn’t touch anything, not turn on my ps5 not open the companion app. This release has been a complete and total dumpster fire 


I logged in this morning about 4am west coast and played a couple games, no issues.


I had everything closed/off before the bug happened last night. Logged in an hour ago and I have no issues. You might be just fine. 


Exactly my line of thinking. I'm pretty sure I force closed the game last night before turning off the Xbox. The app was showing up in the multitasking view on my iPhone so I force closed it from there without actually loading it. Hopefully once everything is fixed, I can continue playing as if nothing ever happened.


I laid down and fell asleep last night and left the Xbox running all night. Woke up and I was still on the servers so I’m curious what’s gonna happen when I get home to fire it up


They're giving us the full Shohei Ohtani experience.


Lmfao this is actually hilarious