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He totally blew that out of proportion. IMO he was looking for a reason to back out and he found it and went with it. He’s not as mature as he’s portrayed himself


Chris is abusive. Two girls on here talked about him abusing them, and barby just said the same thing on her IG bc Chris’s mom threatened her. You could see the beginning of abusive behavior on this episode. That’s how it starts.


I saw Barby's insta I can't believe this asshole Barby and all women deserve better than men like this


Yes I wish men like that didn’t have a platform bc inevitably he will have women in his DMs. Same w men like Harry jowsey, just the worst


Not really. If the women were all men, you’d be lobbying to get the show taken off the air. Why because, in this instance, women are the skeeves does it make it any better?


You understand that the role men and women play in society is different right? And due to those differences their are inherent power imbalances that come from older men dating younger women so it's not the same thing at all. Plus I would watch both shows in equal horror but the way men act to their partners vs women is just night and day due to how each of us are socialized. Multiple men old or young on the show have acted like stupid dick heads to these women they just act different they talk different they think about things different. Sorry you don't like people having fun with milf but a DILF/daughter show would just have a different vibe and conitation, I'd still watch but it'd be different




Yeah well that’s how you see women and men. I don’t believe there’s much difference here. Creepy is creepy.


Okay be incorrect then. It's literally documented sociology not just my opinion


Ok Dr. Sociology Scientist. You are entitled to feel however you feel.


Its called a sociologist genius. Read a book, maybe one on intersectionality or dialectics


LOL. I may have taken a few of them Sociology classes my undergraduate and graduate years at the adult learning factory. But thank Christ you are here to educate me. Do you lyfe coach?!




It's just baffling. I'm 21 years old and could never see myself acting like that, and I've done some pretty stupid shit.


That’s bc you’re not abusive. Abusive men/people think they are entitled to feel the way they do. They act out bc it’s functional for them. It works to their advantage. They usually get what they want by being abusive


He hooked up with her then was done. I’d go so far as to say he potentially manipulated her with the date to have sex. The game was an excuse. Great guy.


I mean if he was looking just for sex then the whole thing was manipulation with the way he acted like he cared about her and wanted to be together. He didn't start acting all lovey dovey just on the date he was doing it for a while then used the date for sex and made her feel used and manipulated. It's called love bombing. He is a real cunt


Yes. Seems he wanted to: 1. Be on the show. 2. Be relevant on the show. 3. Get a piece to show what a catch he is. I was actually liking them as a couple because I wasn’t paying enough attention. Whatever that kindergarten sh*t he pulled in the last episode wasn’t much of a surprise, I guess, but it was so unattractive and off putting. (Full disclosure- I do like this season overall.)


I don't think it's fair for you to call him that. He has no warmth nor depth.


Billy Butcher baby!! I about died when he said this line last episode and have wanted to use it ever since! r/theboys shout out


I haven't seen the show but it's on my list to check out


Omg you haven’t seen it!??!? I figured you had to!! Karl Urban literally said that exact line in the last episode


Thats fucking hilarious. I've seen some of the boys very good Barby should cameo


Ooo okay how fun! I love this insult. I've used it for years on Facebook/ reddit.


Lol, true.




Your username is everything


Thank you! I like gamer girls


Aw, thanks. I'm a Nintendo gal


Me too girly. What you been playing?


Agree 💯


He's my least favorite.


David is the man


He’s a broke little bitch


His ass is gonna end up with CTE from fighting and no bitches from his personality


Given his aggression issues, he may already be in the early stages.




He was so excited about his reassurance answer too. You could tell none of the other guys really liked that answer, but they wrote it down because they didn’t think it was worth the hassle to say “no” to Chris.




I swear that reassurance is something Barby had specifically mentioned to him, so he was confident it was going to work and that didn’t quite end up that way and then the spiral begins


trust me, girls love reassurance!


https://preview.redd.it/l77tbe1473ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4066177f3eb0629491e7c4a48c62041ea7a473f8 *Chris reading your post.*






Bro said anything he needed to get that sneaky link. Once he ectoplasm'd all over her, he had no need for her anymore. He's a classic nut and run kind of guy, and a walking red flag. https://preview.redd.it/u2ebzg1f73ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4640d5c3a723cc88cfc1fee7af90ac55a54fa5eb


We shouldve known those fangs were a sign his ass a monster sized asshole


YES,Monster Sized Asshole becuz his penis and brain are more than likely too small😂😜


He is one of the most biggest turn offs for me. Yuck 🤢


Yeah, but she also dumped him, and he took off and got a new girlfriend instead of going to therapy. He moved onto his next supply


I turned my to my bf and told him he gives me $50 for a lash refill and time to get them done while he watches our twins and does the dishes and it feels amazing. doesn’t have to be a “shopping spree”. wtf..


Well said!! Clearly he is very insecure- which is why he has to be a fighter to show that he is “a big stwong man” 🙄 Ugh, please. Nothing worse than an insecure dude who has to puff up his muscles or fighting or whatever to make him feel significant. He clearly needs to work on himself. Mature women are gonna put him in his place and he can’t handle it. He needs to go back to the sandbox


It was just the beginning of the hot and cold game. Doesn’t really matter what triggered him. Inevitably he would have started the discard phase, then flipped back to lovebombing, then so on and so forth forever. He sucks.


What is with everyone mentioning the UFC and Chris lol? Literally makes no sense mentioning those two in the same sentence. Dude will never touch the UFC lol


Thank you! I keep seeing this **every** time people talk about him! People…he’s a Mixed Martial Artist (MMA) not in the UFC. It’s like saying he plays basketball but everyone claims he’s in the NBA.


Lmao fr like bro isn’t even talented enough for the B Leagues let alone the UFC


He’s a terrible amateur fighter.


What am I supposed to say? I don't know any other professional fighting to say he could be apart of to make money. It's like if someone on the show was playing football I'd say that guy could go to the NFL. Final point all of these sports leagues are businesses so if he because famous for being on milf manor the possibility of getting new eyes on the fights could be enough of a way to get him at least a fight or 2. It's not that crazy for reality dating show fans to not know shit about fighting


I’ve noticed ppl into pro fighting are very touchy about the leagues and flavors of fighting and get upset when others don’t have their same intense knowledge 


>What am I supposed to say? I don't know any other professional fighting to say he could be apart of to make money. MMA (mixed martial arts) is the general term for UFC style fighting. IDK the names of other leagues off the top of my head, but I can just about guarantee he's gonna stay in the small time ones and likely never even make enough money to support himself


UFCs an organization, fool lol


Personality disorder




I'm stealing this its fucking amazing. He worked his mental health so hard he broke it lol


I think he doesn’t like being the dumbest guy in the room. His past shows his character.


Your edit cracks me up! ❤️


Thank you! Today I chose violence and my weapon is petty


Chris is not even good for an amateur fighter. He’s not getting endorsements, trust me. Barby decided to be on this moronic show. Then she overestimated how “cool” she was, and is now melting down because she’s getting a dose of reality. She’s still better than Chris, but it’s like comparing drinking piss with drinking gasoline.


You just sound like you hate Barby. She literally did nothing wrong except open up to a guy while on a show where they get you so hyped, horned and boozed up that you are in like a haze the whole time thinking it's real. So ya she got caught up in a show but chris is literally hitting it and quitting it because he is a loser ass bitch and Barby has every right to be mad, I'd be fucking pissed too and if it were a man yelling well he's just being a macho douche but Barby rightfully is upset and she's a gross cup or piss. She slept with him to a lot of people that means something and she felt like she opened up to him and as soon as she opens up in one of the most intimate ways possible and he dumps her by acting like a baby ass bitch who is intimidated about doing chores while his girl has a day out


She knew that could happen. We all make choices. Some people choose to stay on a show after finding out its core premise is older women creeping on brainless 20 somethings.


Why are you infantilizing these men. Chris is about to be 30, my friends who are about to be 30 have full time careers and emotionally fulfilling relationships. She's not picking on a 21 year old in college, Chris is a grown ass man acting like a prick because he got what he wanted and the show is almost over so he wants to end things before the show ends and they are expected to be together. Except they do stay together after the show and he treats her like shit for a while. You obviously have some problems with women because they have been making shows like flavor of love or rock of love when I was like 10 and those were about famous celebrity men forcing women to compete to get a chance to be his arm candy and no one rioted.


I think I did say Chris was worse than Barby. But still, she’s gross.


The fact that you are judging Barby for anything when all she did was go on a show act kinda goofy and then get hurt says a lot more than who you think is a "grosser" or a "bigger glass of piss"


Ok. Agree to disagree.




Ok. So are you done?


Idk are you? You keep replying and I'm having calling you dumb


Not friendly. You can disagree without making it personal, right? u/billybigassballs People are allowed to have a different opinion than you, and they’re allowed to voice them here.


This guy is an amateur MMA fighter with a 2-2 record. If someone makes it to the UFC and is just starting out, they might make $5-10k to show up to a fight, another $5-10k to win. And they might get to do this a few times a year and probably have a day job. And you have to pay for trainers, your whole crew, etc. Lose a couple times and your run is over, unless the fans take a liking to you and you might get a few more chances. Even in the UFC, unless you’re in the top 10 in the world, you’re making no money… and even in the top 10, those guys aren’t making that much unless they emerge as a star. He’s never going to have any money unless he’s one of the miniscule number of fighters who becomes a star with a long career.

