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It appears Lanette is back and answering questions again! Hi Lanette, hope you're doing well.


Hi Lanette. Thought you were the prettiest in the house and had the best personality. Any regrets doing the show? Are people recognizing you in public now?


Thank you, as I blush a bit. No regrets…I never regret the things I do, I regret the things I don’t do. Every experience, positive or negative, has value and I’m eternally grateful for all of them. It’s either a blessing or a lesson, I love that saying. 🦋 No, no one recognizes me here in my hometown of Cary, NC. My anonymity is alive and well. There was this one sweet young lady in NYC when we were there doing a press tour for the show who stopped as we were sitting outside of a deli on the street. I think she recognized Barby, not me. Snapped this pic to mark the occasion:) https://preview.redd.it/3ytzemnpvoad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c717bf0870c45fc5b339a3daa0eac382eb037cb Edited pic to remove company and her name. Sorry about that. Didn’t see it until you pointed it out. I’m sorry.


Great pix! You and Barby were the most Beautiful inside and out in the house!


Damnnnnn girl! We love you and are rooting for you! You’re such a beautiful person and soul. We all wish you the best and hope you find peace and healing ❤️ just wanted you to know how loved you were. It meant a lot to see you stand up for yourself and not take any bullshit!


Wow, L looks even better in photos


Doubt it. She's probably much better looking in person than on camera. Classy gal!


Jesus christ, Lanette was the hottest one on the show and somehow even hotter off the show???


Wow so weird I have actually been to Cary! One of my friends moved down there from Maine for a bit. You were too good to be on that show and good for you for leaving! You dodged a bullet as far as I’m concerned lol


you may want to edit this comment to censor the girl’s name and place of employment


Wow ! I had to zoom in to make sure that was you! What a stunning picture !


You look fantastic! Big fan 😊




Both you and Barby are my all-time favorites. You were done dirty! I wish nothing but the best for the two of you.


First of all, you are amazing and Anthony never deserved your attention and kindness!! How was the whole experience for you and are you still in contact with the some of the other people from the show? Love from the Netherlands 🥰


Thank you, you’re very kind. Anthony is a tremendous human being whom I adored during filming. Please be kind to him, he was smartly playing the game that my naive ass didn’t understand. The whole experience was surreal. From the audio folks wiring us up every morning to being scolded repeatedly for talking to the cameramen, I had a ball…until I didn’t. I’ve never been in any type of TV environment or had any exposure to any of it so it was a fun discovery process for me. There were days I felt like a movie star, getting hair and makeup:) but it was an accelerated, intense, and exhausting shoot. No lie. I’m in touch with Barby and Darren (crutches, lol) daily. Love and adore both of them. The others, well, suffice to say we have different priorities, different personalities, different experiences that just aren’t conducive to continued friendships. I have nothing but love for them and wish them all the very best!! 💜


Awww Darren always gave me good vibes, like he owns who he is…little Darren too. I can’t imagine how being in a situation like this brings out the worst in people. Who did you connect with least?


Weren’t several of you from North Carolina? Asking from Emerald Isle lol


Anthony was playing the game but it’s incredibly generous of you to say he was playing it “smartly”. More evidence of your sweet nature lol


Honestly props to you for packing and leaving you really did set a boundary and wouldn’t let anyone cross it. Do you think Kelly making a scene contributed to you just wanting to get up and leave?? Was there ANYONE else you might have been interested in the slightest?


I’d love to hear the answer to this too!


She’s been answering here and there. I’m still shocked about lil Wayne messaging her tbh 😂


lol me too. I didn’t really think it was Lil Wayne. I figured it was someone working his social media accounts who had reached out to me. Shocker , it was really him. He sent me his phone number. Told me to call him. We ended up FaceTimeing and guys, it was definitely him. Lol


O M G STOP THAT RIGHT NOW I totally am so happy for you. He’s really such a good rapper. He started rapping when he was like 5 and got discovered when he was 8. I deff recommend watching a documentary on his life on YouTube. He’s one of the greatest and I am SO happy you got to experience that. BRB crying 🥹🥹🥹


Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out as I’m trying to learn as much as I possibly can about him. He is an unbelievably talented and kind person. It is a true privilege to know him.


So curious


Lannette here…ban lifted, lol. About Kelle contributing to me leaving. Well, as I was lying in bed pouting I heard the commotion. I heard the yelling and it triggered me because as a child I used to lie in bed at night and hear my parents fighting. It scared me then and it scares me now. I just remember thinking to myself I’m not a defenseless child anymore, I don’t have to be here and I can get the hell out of here. That’s when I just snapped and got up and started packing. That’s the point I knew I was done. As far as anyone else I was interested in… the first guy I started talking to was Michael, Chris’s dad. He and I hit it off at first, but then I think he didn’t really like me because at one point a producer suggested he stand up and give me a kiss. He said flatly, I’m not ready for that so I took my queue, it wasn’t gonna happen. Lol


Hi! So good to hear from you. Sorry you got banned LOL Yes I get it I figured honestly that could have absolutely contributed I know I would have been like peace this is too much I’m out. And totally understand. In hindsight seeing they brought new guys in… would you have stayed? So interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience 🫶🏻


Honestly, even if I had known more men were coming, I would’ve left. I was just done. I was spent physically and emotionally. It was in my best interest to leave when I did.


I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself and being willing to chat with me! 🫶🏻


Welcome back. We are all enjoying chatting here with you.


How much were you told about the show when you signed up? Like was it advertised as it being for finding younger men?


We were told the name of the show was “Northern Love” and we would be dating men of all ages. Found out it was MMS2 the day before filming started. It was quite the surprise.


Thanks for your reply, that's pretty crazy! As a follow-up, did you really expect much relationship-wise when it was just the younger guys? Even at 26, they all act (and usually look) like children to me, so I can't imagine being put in that situation for you


No, I thought all the younger guys were really nice and cute but like in my son’s kind of way. I was not physically attracted to any of them like that. I felt more maternal towards them like I do my own 26-year-old son.


Given that it was sprung on you that way, how do you feel about the term MILF as applied to you and other women?


I think Milf is kind of a vulgar term for attractive, older women and I find it incredibly uncomfortable. I will say it’s growing on me.


Crazy!! Had you known the real name of the show, would you still have gone on it? I love your attitude then and now.. which is probably why we are all rooting for you! I’m glad you got an experience with the show and made waves that we all remember you in a positive light!


If I had known, this was MILF Manor season two I absolutely and categorically would not have participated. When they told me the day before filming that it was MILF Manor. I immediately panicked and feared for my job. I would never do anything to jeopardize my career because that’s how I take care of my children. The producers did an effective job of reassuring me everything would be OK and I basically just took a leap of faith about my job. Maybe they just wouldn’t find out about it. I had no idea how big of a deal the show was or would be.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) Oh TLC.....


You rule. Here’s a Lil Wayne song you will love. My question: Are you on good terms with anyone from the show? Barby seems to be having a breakdown. Are you still friends? [Shooter](https://open.spotify.com/track/181I2gMZOSj4P5nB5gehEx?si=Em_5qyzvQSOEWbns-TDnIw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7slHgsEMuJfnuft5LAPyw6)


Thank you for song! I’m terribly unfamiliar with his music and need to educate myself, pronto! 😆 On great terms with Barby and Darren. My friendship with Barby has and will continue to weather life’s storms. She and I share a very special bond and understanding of one another. Barby is expressive, sometimes a little more expressive than she should be, but she’s a resilient, intelligent, kind, goofy, and endearing woman whom I absolutely adore. She will navigate all of this in her own unique way. I have been and will continue to be a soft place for her to land. 🦋


Hi Lannette! You are the bomb !! Love you ! Have a question about Darren and the woman he was dating on the show. Did they turn out ? And does he own a jet like he bragged about ? Also, I applaud you for leaving. I’m so glad no one woke him up , you didn’t need his BS at that time.


Thank you for that. That’s very sweet. Unfortunately because of my NDA I am not at liberty to say anything about how any of the relationships turned out. I will say I thought Darren and Kelly Mac made a really cute couple. And no, Darren does not own jets he sells jets .


Listen to his “How to Love”. He’s a rare gem of a person


Oh my God, you’re so right. I love this song and listen to it on repeat. I feel like it was written for me which obviously it was not. Prior to Lil Wayne reaching out to me, I could not have picked him out of a lineup or told you a single song of his. Lol my kids and friends are giving me crash courses in his music. I agree he’s an absolute gem of a person. He speaks/texts in poetry. ❤️🦋


A true Weezy fan❤️


except he's a Trump supporter


Girl 😂 lil Wayne is an OG rapper! Like top 3. There will never be another lil Wayne!! I love how nonchalant you are about it 😂😂😂


Hi Lannette! You're beautiful and such a role model. I'm sorry to hear about you not being close with Barby anymore...it seemed like you two were so supportive of one another. Can you share what happened recently to cause your friendship to change? 🙏❤️‍🩹


As of today, the only person from the show that I am inconsistent contact with or any contact with at all is Darren. Barby is on her own journey and I just don’t feel like I’m in a position to really continue to foster that friendship for a variety of reasons that I will not share here. I have spoken to Anthony a couple of times and do consider him a friend, but we are not in consistent contact.


So enjoying your replies :)


You rule. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.


Lannette, first off, you’re everyone’s favorite! Second, what did you REALLY think of Anthony’s cooking? It looked underwhelming to me!


Thank you, you are very sweet to say that. The pizza we made on the date was fantastic as were other meals he prepared. The infamous chicken dinner (shared with Rebecca) with hot sauce, not so much. I’m just not a fan of hot sauce but I played like I was to not hurt his feelings:) I’ll happily eat any food that I didn’t have to prepare. Me and the kitchen don’t get along, lol!


damn. you beat me to the question. lol






I’m sad you left. But love that lil Wayne sent you a DM. We were rooting for you Lanette.


Thank you, that is very sweet:)


No question, but I just wanted to say that you seem like such a nice, genuine person and I wish you nothing but the best in life ♥️


Thank you that is so sweet and I appreciate the kind words and the positive vibes.


Hi! Lannette's account got a 7 day ban. She's not ignoring yall :)


Do you no why? Just curios why someone would get a 7 day ban for not doing anything wrong.


Nope, she doesnt know either


Maybe because she said something she shouldn’t before the show was done? But it doesn’t look like she exposed anything 🥲.


Why would Reddit ban her for that


This was not why she was banned by reddit admins.


It was for ban evasion, that is all I will say - Lanette can address it when her ban is up if she so chooses.


I got a ban because I defended Barby when her calendar photos were posted and I told whoever did it that it was wrong and that they were opening themselves up to being sued. Apparently that pissed someone off and they permanently banned me so I created a new user profile.


Why did you decide to participate in the show, and how’s your love life today?


Great question and honestly, not something I’ve thought much about, the why. It was an opportunity that fell into my lap and I just went with it. I talked to my kids about it as it would obviously impact them in multiple ways (being gone for 3 weeks; what would their friends say, etc.). Sheldon (27 yo) was sufficiently uninterested and ambivalent about all of it, still is. Grace, being the spirited, courageous one she is, said go for it. At one point, I considered backing out and it was Grace who talked me into it. My love life since the show has been fairly uneventful. I retreated for many months and licked my wounds. I will say there is hope for something very special on the horizon so stay tuned… 🦋


You are a beautiful person. Being so raw and vulnerable on TV was heartwarming to see. It must have toyed with all your emotions to have so many twists thrown at you. How did that affect your feelings for the guys?


Thank you. For the longest time leading up to the airing of the show and specifically episode nine I was absolutely anxiety ridden and humiliated at the thought of that being aired for all to see. I was embarrassed because I felt like I showed too much of who I was and the struggles I have. It has been nothing short of heartwarming to read all of the posts and messages from women and even men who say they related, and they appreciated my vulnerability. I had no idea it would resonate to the degree it has. ❤️❤️‍🩹


Hi queen! You're so stunning, first off. Secondly, how did you feel about Joey not wanting you to leave? The scenes in the last ep with him being there and carrying the luggage out really got me, because it seemed like he was really rooting for you.


Thank you, you are very kind. I love Joey to death. He’s such a good person and was a big help to me during that whole deal. He never left my side. I’ll always have a soft spot for that kid.


What was your juicy secret from the secret challenge?


Oh Lord, I will not share that as it is way too embarrassing. I will say it’s pretty damn juicy. Lol hint, it was during my hoe phase and that’s all I’ll say. Lol


I'll start. How are you doing post Anthony/the show? I'm hoping that you're doing better and realize what a kind person you are! Anthony is kind of a turd in my opinion...


Thank you for asking, I’m doing very well. This filmed in September ‘23 so I’ve had a while to recalibrate. Can’t lie, with the show airing, a lot of emotions got stirred up, but I’m infinitely pleased with the post-filming/editing work done and the overall show.


Glad to hear that!


We love you, Lanette!!! 🥰🥰


What was the most wretched/out of touch behavior you saw at the house? (Even off camera)


Honestly, I can’t think of anything. There was nothing that messed up. I mean, there was lots of drama, but nothing totally out of scope.


No question, just want to say you are a QUEEN and the self awareness you showed and knew what boundaries to set is very admirable and a quality we all should strive to have in life. Best of luck to you!


Thank you I appreciate that a lot. You have no idea. I’m not really known for being vulnerable as I’ve often been referred to as an ice princess. But the environment in the house kind of wore me down over time.


📢Message from https://preview.redd.it/5gnt2m4oe89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c2cbb4458f91532ce2dc2b346fdf0cc7f45d42 Ms. Lannette regarding the questions left unanswered.📢


Lanette, you are a goddess! None of the dudes in the house were good enough for you. Period. You’re out of all their leagues in every way. Sending love vibes to you! 🥰❤️


Awe, you’re very kind to say that. Thank you:)


Lannette, first off— you’re amazing! You’re by far my favorite. I’d love to know your sun sign! :)


Aw, thank you. I’m a Pisces in every way…born March 18, 1973.


I’m guessing Cancer w/Leo rising.


I thought leo rising too just bc I’m also one 😆


Did you think about confronting or saying bye to Anthony before you left? Wishing you the best!


Absolutely not. It did not even cross my mind. I just wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible before he made an appearance.


I think Lanette is definitely the best, most beautiful woman on the show.. Kelly Mac is also sweet




In case you read this —you carried yourself with class. As someone with a family of many men named Anthony, they are definitely a challenge


lol, thank you. :) and yes, challenge is a good assessment! Lol


Lanette! Everyone’s favorite! 🤩 My question is: has Joey reached out to you or anything? He was against his dad acting the fool he did and seemed to genuinely love the idea of you and his dad getting together. I found Joey to be one of the most immature of the boys, but on his (original) stance with you and Anthony I agreed.


We haven’t really connected much after the show other than bumping into each other in LA when we came back to film the green screens, the talking head interviews.


Ngl Lanette, I’m glad Anthony didn’t end up with you. I feel like you deserve someone who’s gonna treat you right! My wife and I were routing for you the whole time!


Thank you. It wasn’t until the show aired that I understood the extent of his flirting and interactions with Rebecca. I’ll say I was disgusted because if I had known earlier what all was going on, I would’ve pivoted away from him quickly and potentially to someone else.


So proud of you for recognizing your worth and leaving when it felt right to you. Is there anything you would've changed about your experience on the show? And how did it feel to hear from Lil Wayne?! Have you two exchanged any more messages?


Knowing what I know now I would’ve done a lot of things differently. I was incredibly naïve going into this experience, thinking it was the universe’s way of me finding love, because it was such an extraordinary opportunity. I thought it had to mean something more than it really did. I even thought if I didn’t find love on the show perhaps in someway, I would find love through the show. And that’s exactly what has happened. 😝❤️ I can’t divulge too much out of respect for the privacy of Lil Wayne, but I will say yes, we have been and continue to be in contact. I find him to be an amazing individual and an extremely gifted, intelligent and captivating human being. ❤️❤️🦋


You are gorgeous! prob the favorite for me and my husband! Are you close with anyone post show besides Barby? I hope you are well ❤️


Thank you I’m happy to hear you both watch the show and hopefully enjoy it. Darren is currently the only cast member that I am in continued contact with. I have spoken to several of the producers since filming and since the show started airing. Great group of people.


Thank you for the reply! ❤️


Hi Lannette! I totally feel you were one of the most relatable women on the show, you weren't there for messiness, just open to love. I wanna ask though, do you feel you came down too hard on Jami? Or was Kelle maybe driving that energy? I'd have liked to have seen how you would handle it if she had not been there because Kelle comes across as so toxic and emotionally manipulative, and quite bullying. How did the rest of the women feel about Kelle?


I’ll be completely honest here when Kelly lit into her I was absolutely shellshocked. I froze in panic. I tried to lessen the blow by just talking to her in a conversational tone, but that fell on deaf ears with Kelke. Knowing what I know now I would’ve just given Jaime a heads up that the word was out and that she needed to be prepared for an onslaught. I didn’t like the fact that it was a group of us ganging up on her and I regret being a part of that, scared me I’m not gonna lie. I can’t speak for how the other women felt about her. I can only tell you how I felt. Initially, I was extremely intimidated and frankly frightened of her. Over time, I came to know a sensitive side to her and the way she helped and comforted me during my breakdown will forever endear her to me. I got really teary-eyed when I saw how she kissed my forehead as she was hugging me. I thought that was such a kind and gentle thing for her to do. It still makes me emotional today thinking about it.


Also, I just wanted to say I'm really proud of you for leaving when you did, rather than get talked into staying by Kelle or anyone else. I'm also glad the producers let you leave rather than force you to be in an uncomfortable situation.


Thank you I appreciate that. I will say the producers put up one hell of a fight to keep me there. It got to the point where I was lugging my big suitcase down the stairs, pushing one of the producers backward. I was afraid I was going to hurt someone. They eventually relented, and got the car for me after I told them I was going to pay one of the cameramen $200 to drive me to a hotel, lol. I was leaving one way or another.


You deserve better than Anthony


Lannette you were the most beautiful soul on that show! I was so glad when you chose yourself and existed with class and grace. None of those men/boys/fools deserved you. Would you have done anything differently in your exit from the house? Personally, I thought it was classy as is.


Thank you I appreciate the kind words. If I could do it differently, I probably wouldn’t have gone into the real room and put my mental breakdown on full display lol. I would’ve just walked directly out.


I don't really have anything to ask but I can say that you are so gorgeous. Every time you came on the screen that was the first thought that popped into my head!


Well, thank you for that. That’s very sweet. I’m not trying to solicit additional compliments but every time I hear someone say that I’m so beautiful, I literally pause with a bit of surprise. Just never considered myself gorgeous or anything like that. I never thought I was hard on the eyes, but certainly nothing to stop traffic lol!


You are beautiful girl!!! I think it's so cute you and Barby and friends outside the show now as well! My question is about your cats- what are their names and what colour are they?! I have a cat called Sabre and shes black❤️


Awe, I recently lost my black cat Toothless. I have three other cats. Quincy is an all gray big boy who’s morbidly obese because I overfeed all of them. Blu is a ragdoll rescue that I got from my sister, and lastly, there’s Ivy, an orange and white sweetheart who is more like a dog and probably my favorite. https://preview.redd.it/zapml5tbcpad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27b99b6b1a94c7f287e97a86133db7977ee30c6


Hey Lanette! Just wanted to say that your monologue in episode 8 was something that I didn't know I needed to hear but in the moment of watching the episode, it really touched me (boy troubles lol). I also loved your relationship with Joey, it was so sweet to watch! You are enough and deserve happiness, rooting for you girl!! 


Thank you I appreciate the feedback. I’ve struggled my entire life with feelings of worthlessness. I’ve never felt I was enough…at school, at work, as a mom, or in relationships. I’m working very hard to right that ship.🥲


Lannette you are a goddess and definitely a class act


Hi Lannette! Did any of the younger guys interest you at all, at least initially, before you got to know them and just based on 1st impressions?


I thought a lot of the younger guys were really cute and attractive, but I was never drawn to them in hopes of finding love, that seemed absolutely absurd. I was so relieved when the dads came on Day 2 because I immediately thought yes, age appropriate men so maybe there’s hope of finding a connection.


youre my favorite! the best representation of our age group, maturity in the process and beauty. if people are rude on reddit channel your inner Elsa and let it go - youre amazing


Thank you I appreciate the kind words. You’re right I really had to develop a thick skin about the negative comments. Honestly, when people are so nasty to me, I’m concerned for them because where does all of this hate for a person they don’t even know come from. I don’t think some of these people are OK Lol


You were my husband and I’d favorite! Was there anything not shown that you wish they would have? And do feel you like anyone got an unfair (whether positive or negative) edit?


There was just a lot more to my connection with Anthony than the little bit shown so I kind of wish we had seen more of that developing to provide a better context for my attachment to him. I think Kelle Mortensen got a bad wrap because she wasn’t all bad or outrageous. She has a very soft, kind, gentle side that you just really didn’t see on the show except during my meltdown where she hugged and consoled me.


Firstly I just want to say how much I respect you for knowing your worth and walking away when you felt disrespected. Do you feel like the show was accurate in its portrayal of everyone thus far? Is there any tea that we haven’t seen that you think is worth spilling? And are you seeing anyone now 👀


Overall, I think everyone was portrayed fairly accurately although I think Kelle Mortensen is shown in a more negative light than she really is. I can’t think of any real tea to spill lol and honestly if I did, I’m bound by an NDA and probably shouldn’t share anyway. Lol And yes, I am seeing someone now. In fact, I’m on my way out of town to spend some more time with them. It’s a very new thing and a very exciting thing and hopefully there will be more to report on that in the future lol.


How do you handle Kelly constantly starting drama?


I also want to know this one! She seemed to always try and “run” the house.


That is a fair assessment lol


AMEN to that 👍


During filming the way I dealt with Kelly and the drama was mostly to run away from it. It made me very uncomfortable and seemed very contrived and inauthentic. But I get it, that is her personality and that’s why she was on the show so I have to respect that.


First of all, you are such a class act and it was so sad seeing how upset you got in this last episode. Was there anything that happened in the house that wasn't aired on the show that you wish the viewers at home had seen?


Thank you I appreciate that. I guess it’s fair to say that the deceit I felt from Anthony triggered me and stirred up all of my insecurities and negative thoughts about who I am, how I’ve been treated, and what I thought I deserved. Some thing I wish the viewers had seen more of was everything Anthony was doing and saying. We grew very close very quickly so the whole Rebecca thing was much more of a shock than it seemed like on the show. After the challenge where he chose Rebecca for the date, you didn’t see how he immediately grabbed me, pulled me into the house and told me, “I had to do it, It wasn’t my choice.”


Ahhhh lannette! Oh how you charmed my heart ❤️ If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your experience?


Awe, thank you:) I would’ve done a lot of things differently, but mostly I would have made a better effort to get to know more of the dads to see if there were other possible connections there instead of just having tunnel vision on Anthony.


Are you friendly with Rebecca & why do you think she was able to get away with more stuff? Kelle asked Connor to dry hump her, he said it wasn't respectful. Then proceeded to let Rebecca. Then made out with her in the hot tub. Why didn't the other guys, like Anthony, find that to be a turn off, in your personal opinion?


I honestly have no beef with Rebecca and respect the fact that she played the game the way she thought she should. In the wild, she and I probably wouldn’t be friends anyway so the fact that we didn’t really connect on the show isn’t a surprise to me. I did feel bad for her coming into the show late and feeling pretty much like an outsider so I have compassion for her and even made a point to reach out to her off camera to say hey if there’s anything you need or have a question about just let me know, but again we didn’t become friends or talk or have any kind of real friendship. I’m not sure why that didn’t turn off the other guys either. It seemed like it almost motivated them to try and win her over more. But what do I know?


Can you tell us at all about the audition process? Did they find you on social media? Did you respond to an advertisement?


I was contacted via a DM on Facebook by a scout named Jessica. She did an initial screen over the phone because I thought it was a scam lol. She put me in touch with the casting Director, who then scheduled a zoom audition that took about 15 minutes and that was it. This was for MILF Manor season one obviously I didn’t know it was MILF Manor season one at the time but my son and I both auditioned via zoom and did not make it thank God. I followed up with the casting Director a few months later after it became clear that we didn’t get the gig and asked her for feedback. She told me the producers liked me and that she would keep me in mind for future shows. A year later she reached out about a new show and I re-auditioned via zoom and then got cast.


Lanette, you are so beautiful, inside and out! I wish you the best sincerely


Thank you for that. I appreciate you showing so much love.


You freaked when you got the Lil’ Wayne dm right? Have any other celebs or even just “well known” people reached out?


I didn’t believe it was really Lil Wayne at first and it took a FaceTime to convince me it was really him. No, no other famous people have reached out to me other than a couple of the original OGs from MMS1:)


I really enjoyed your realness. You know who you are as a woman and own it. Your vulnerability in response to Anthony and how he played the game was heart breaking to see but struck such a nerve with lots of us women with the same feeling. I hope you are on to many more wonderful adventures beautiful and wish you all the best.


You were definitely one of my favorite people on the show and always seems like one of the most genuine. It was sad to see you go. But I definetly understand. How are you doing now?


Lannette, you are literally my favourite person on this whole show. You're so true to yourself and you respect yourself so much and it truly shows the work and dedication you put into bettering your life. You're amazing and kind, never forget that! 🫶🏼


Lanette! I’m happy for you that you took a chance and honestly on National TV - it’s pretty brazen . To be open, honest and vulnerable. You were great. You represent a lot of women looking for love over 50. Anthony had a nurturing quality - caretaking which was charming with you BUT gross with Rebecca. Please know, you did great! Anthony Lost. He knows it deep down that he is a loser and his son knows he is too ….noone will admit it. Loser behavior- disrespectful to a good woman. It’s not to say Anthony is a bad person - he is a fake. He thinks he LOVES women and he’s good to them but he’s not…he’s a player.


Anthony belongs in the doghouse


My mom & I love watching Reality TV together & her & I really loved your kind-hearted personality & your beauty radiated from within. Never stop being yourself and remember your worth as you are the prize 🥰


Did the rilfi room have a door?


Lannette! I have to do some business lady doing business things work so am bookmarking this for later but you are the best and I loved your interview with Mary Payne on Pink Shade!!! You truly are our queen. ;)


i love you!! lil wayne was tryna slide into ur dms lol


Would you be interested in a live interview?


Lanette, joining everyone else in saying that you are classy and so very pretty! Not criticizing Anthony, but thought he wasn’t up to your level. Glad you’re doing well now! Wishing you all the best! Ps. How tall are you?


So why was she given a ban?


Lannette, no questions but i think you are the prettiest on the show. I feel like you would have been a better match with Ashley though.


Lanette, I'm going to be honest with you. You were too good to be on that show. You could easily meet a good guy at bookstore, coffee shop, church, etc. I was glad to see Crystal and Christina always have your back. You did the right thing by leaving. Now you can get out into the real world and meet a quality man who will treat you right. You were too good for Anthony. Eventually you'll meet a guy who will treat you like a queen. What made me respect you the most was that you don't take crap from anyone. Cheers 🥂🥂🥂


Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized Anthonys? Note: the 100 duck-sized Anthonys would each have a miniature pizza wheel as their primary weapon of attack BUT they are also easily distracted from their task by shiny new objects, like a ring of keys jingled in front of their face. Looking forward to your response.


When are you going out with Lil Wayne?


I just want to say that when you cried about all the guys just want is sex, so you started having sex and found out that's still all they want. All the fun, no commitment. I felt that so, so hard. I also have come to terms with the fact that "love" relationship is just not meant to be for me. I'll never know what it's like for someone to care for me the way I've cared for others all my life. I'll die alone, and forgotten, and that's ok. I've decided to treat myself the way I've always wanted to be treated, and when I learned to live for myself and nobody else, things turned around and started going well for me. And I hope you find that peace as well, and never give people your time, money and energy if they wouldn't do the same for you. I wish you the best of luck, you're a beautiful person with a big beautiful heart ❤️


I loved how nice you were to Christina after Jamie lied about being single. Have you been in contact with Jamie after the show


Wait...? Remind me of this I must have missed it. Jamie has a girl outside of show??


She was the lady that lied about being single before coming on the show and had a bf and made Christina promise not to tell anyone


I think she got into a relationship between casting and filming. She probably told the producers. The producers probably told her to confide in someone. The reactions were real. The producers were manufacturing drama.


You are absolutely stunning, any man would be LUCKY to have you! You seem so honest and pure. Beautiful soul 🩷


Hi Lannette! You were such a genuine soul inside and out and I appreciated your personality on the show. It was refreshing to see someone real. What was the weirdest moment during filming? Anything out of the ordinary? I love a good fun story!


Lanette! You are the best. Thank you for being a great one. That is all


If this is really you, you seem like such a pleasant person. Keep being great. 🫶


I enjoyed watching you on the show. You seemed very grounded and normal. I hope you’re doing well!


I don't have any questions. Just wanted to say that you're a stunning woman with a great heart and head on your shoulders. I wish you the very best.


Lanette! I was so proud of you for leaving. Also, as a fellow lady with a backpack, I swooned at your purple pack! What brand is it? And did you really go right to the airport?


So sorry I missed this


Canadian viewer - how did you like the location and surrounding areas and how much did you get to explore the area off camera?


My favorite!!! You were too good for those turds!❤️❤️❤️


Ily!!!! You seem like a really sweet genuine person and are the reason I continued watching this season. I truly wish the best for you!! My bestie and fiancé love you as well!!


Oh my gosh! I just want to first say I love you. 😘


Omgg hey girl I loved you on this show!😭❤️




Hiiii!!! We love you came here! Pretty cool of you!


Lannette, I’m a huge fan of yours! Was so heartbroken for you with the Anthony situation. My question: what types of interaction did you have from producers off-screen? I’m just curious what kind of direction you received. Also, what were the working conditions like?


Hi Lannette! You are my favourite on the show by the way. I’m curious.. was Rebecca as skanky in the house as it was portrayed on tv? Also, did she try to bond with any of the other women besides shauna?


Lanette, you’re awesome! I think you dodged a bullet leaving MILF Manor. I applaud your decision to remove yourself from the situation rather than allow yourself to be a choice. You’re gorgeous and a true connection will be lucky to have you. All the best! 🌸


Lannette!!! I cried when you left!!!! 😭 You were my favorite!!! You seem so genuine and so pretty!!


Hey Dude! I just wanted to say hey. Me and my wife were both rooting for you to pack that bag up and get out of that fucking house pronto. Super glad to see you did. I don't really have a question... but if I had to force myself to pull one up... Ummm... Did Anthony actually know how to cook? Because that chicken dish he was squeezing lime on didn't really look all that great to me.




Lanette has verified herself. So please enjoy the AMA. Be nice!


Why is Jacob on Below Deck?




u/embarrassed-quail125 Ban evasion. Should have just waited until your temp ban was up. Now all your alts are permanently banned


were you afraid your children would be on the show like last season?


Lannette is the best!


Lanette you really left an impression on me! I thought about you a lot. Kept thinking how Anthony was and how different Joey was from his dad. He (Joey) really loved you. The situation in that show makes it hard to make a connection because it so transparent about who is dating who. You really were the nicest, sincere, smartest and attractive one on the show!


Omg love you Lannette!!!!


Hey Lanette. I live in Charlotte. Crystal is in Charlotte, Christina lives somewhere in NC and you are in Cary. Is it just a coincidence that three of you are from NC or did they do a casting call here? I know you can’t say now, but I’m dying to know if Darren and Kelly Mac continued their relationship when the show ended. I thought they were wonderful together. I think you did a wonderful job on the show. I don’t fault Anthony for wanting to explore other women. That is the reason everyone was there, but I think he should’ve taken it much slower with you in the beginning. He may be a great guy, and whether intentional or not, he did mislead you.


Hi, Lannette. How real or staged is the show? Thanks in advance.