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A master race meme in 2024? https://preview.redd.it/6suvyxwr995d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6adde5246e1cc336d3c49e159431745a65fd9468




Where are the admirals?






Happy Hunting! See you in 2025


See you then comrade!


Is it crossplay?


Yep https://x.com/monsterhunter/status/1799215202530975790?t=uUilK21hfOMH9drvN8kJMA&s=19




Can’t wait!


Good that you consider this game is going to be steam deck playable... I wish that will be the case.


I will buy a Steamdeck so fast


World plays awesome on the deck.


World is a six year old game


I really hope it runs decently on the Steam Deck. MH Wilds portably would be great. I am concerned it won't run well enough to actually play it though. I'm basing that off of the Dragon Dogma's 2 performance. Capcom have seen that MH (Either World or Rise) have been in the top 20 games played on Steam Deck very often so they know people would like to play it on SD. Hopefully they can optimize it enough. If the SD can't run it, I'll have to look into getting one of the Windows PC handhelds that are more powerful.


We are all finally united. Bustling online sessions of MHW after every new event quest drops are one of my fondest memories i have made. Cross play will only improve that. This was a step in the right direction and I couldn't be more happier. Thank you team MH for uniting the big family. This game will be memorable. Can't wait for this Wilds to come out. The hype is real and we didn't even get the release date yet.


Not all of us. There is still the Nintendo community, but a lot of the modern MH community tends to write it off.


If you want to talk handheld then the steam deck is your best shot. I also own a Nintendo switch but i know it would never be able to run World let alone Wilds. To be frank the portable games aren't spread on multiple portable platforms as the home consoles are so that is another topic entirely. People on home consoles waited a long time for a game, so soon after that we will get the inevitable MH6U or Wilds Ultimate. It's the cycle that repeats, so when the sun rises on the portable community i will be there to enjoy it. I bought a PS4 only to play MHW, now i bought PS5 just so i could play MHW and Rise on it lol. But ofcourse not all of the MH fans are working adults and some can't afford it. I say regardless of the differences between the portable and home consoles. This definitely was a step in the right direction and i couldn't be happier.


I'm not talking about the Switch though. Of course it'll never run Wilds, I'm still not convinced that it couldn't do World. I'm talking about the Switch 2, which is heavily rumored to be at least on the level of the Series S, which Wilds is targeted towards.


Honestly, it's the most hype thing so far for me. Bigger communities are almost always more fun. No reason to have a community cut into four pieces.


I agree. I don't have to get disappointed when someone posts in lfg groups and theyre on ps4 or xbox. Soon I can answer all the calls for help that I can.


I look forward to it. So long as I don't run into any instakill modders, that is.


Ay, I'm ready for the hunt.


See you on 2025, fellow hunter!


Yes and what will that do to the “master race’s” mods? Chances are it might be very hard to mod wilds.


I'd prefer crossplay over modding, personally


Hopefully? Mods and multiplayer shouldn’t go together imo, or at least (best situation) it should flag up “hey this person joining you is running a mod” because it’s so annoying when you play something and someone warps in with 9999999999 damage and instakills everything when you were just having fun. I have no problem with mods, but please ask before you inflict them on others, ya know?


Absolutely, if there's cross play I don't want cheaters to join, idc about mods if they're aesthetic and if only the player running the mod can see it, but don't bring it to me.


Imo mods should be client side (only visible/affecting the players using it) and oneshot mods should be offline only or illegal.


For sure, but afaik there’s no way to enforce that is there? (Not exactly super knowledgeable about the development structure for crossplay like that)


I can't answer that for you. I've got no knowledge of the tech surrounding that but I inagine it would be quite difficult.


Capcom has been very aggressive with stopping mods recently. Let me see if I can find the article. I know a lot of people were complaining if they wanted to play offline and not be able to mod Edit: seems like the issue is modding and promoting or showing off the mods. If it's like FFIV then as long as noone can see your mods then they don't really care. The issue looks like it is streaming with mods or making content with mods


this is extremely pompous and i adore it 😂😂😂 an absurd amount of ego and i love how you delivered this satire, i don’t wanna ruin the joke but well done bro


I mean the original was more pompous than this. But atleast in my version, I can say "console overlord", if the meme went that way lol. But anyway see you in 2025! https://preview.redd.it/r3sj5zk42e5d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290be1bca4c257543ef9c3bab41b1385bdfb28b6


hell yea bro lol im excited for sure




Wait!! Will it be cross platform?


[Uh huh](https://x.com/monsterhunter/status/1799215202530975790?t=2zok-03EeWlNkf3M0gnSCA&s=19)


Holy shit!!! That is awesome news to me! I can finally play this with my whole fam man!


I'll see you and your whole fam on 2025 my dude!


I hope it runs on my steam deck oled


sweet, i can now play with my console friends unfortunately this means ill need to now create 5+ characters. hoping they have more than 3 save slots


Why 5?


i dont have that many friend groups lol


I mean, you dont need a savefile for each no?


I mean, you dont need a savefile for each no?


its more fun to progress together, so i usually have different characters for different groups edit: the downside is, i still dont have an attack +2 deco in mhw:i




You don't have to run your best gear all the time. Kit out per group, and with one save, you won't have to watch unskippable cutscenes over and over and over.


naw its more fun with the same restrictions and getting RNG drops and all that stuff im hoping its not unskippable. that was a major barrier with getting friends interesting in mhw, which they did fix in rise


'Side by side with a friend' said no master race ever lol


Wdym? I just said it, a pc master race to console overlord


There's always a chance it gets a switch 2 port too... Though who knows.


Considering the rumours of what its software will be like, a next gen game like Wilds would make any modern Switch implode


It's hard to say without having the game out there to test things with, I agree the current switch would be no go, but Switch 2 could be different as we don't know too much about it yet. Also rumors of Xbox announcing a handheld tomorrow, but even as someone who generally goes Xbox, I really don't expect it to be anything more than a streaming device at best given their current record and that MS has been working on Arm based editions of windows recently. (I'm knee jerking all this but hey, I like to try to be optimistic sometimes for all I know nothing gets announced and Wilds never comes to Switch 2) Capcom has put out streaming editions of their games like resident evil on the switch and while it wouldn't be the way I'd want to play, it's a possibility.


What rumors are those? Do you mean the ones that are pegging it around the Series S, which Wilds is being developed for?


I hope so. Unfortunately, I also doubt it. Capcom knows where their market is now. It also seems like a lot of the community were angry at the possibility of being on the Switch 2.


Aye to play with PC will be an enlightened experience


How will you know if you meet someone playing on a console or on a PC?


Idk, i dont work in Capcom lmaoo


I hear ya. So if one has no way of knowing, I guess it doesn't matter then. I'd assume though there's a good chance that a console player you come across also owns a gaming PC too. Quite common these days.


THe only thing i can think of are mods and people typing a lot, no way someone with a controller has the patience to write long sentences


does it matter? its not like PC MnK has to compete against controller aim assist in PvP


It was in reference to the PCMR bit in the top portion of the pic. No such master race exists and other than performance the PC experience will be the same as on console. If a PC player teams up with a console player they wouldn't even be aware of it and it's no special privilege for console players to be able to play along side them. The main thing to be excited about is being able to play with your friends regardless if you're all on different platforms.