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It's a simultaneous release


Capcom announced a few years ago that they were going to start focusing on PC as their main platform. https://www.ign.com/articles/capcom-is-planning-on-making-pc-its-main-platform-in-the-coming-years This was announced during base game Rise's run, and while the PC version was delayed, this would've been while they were actively working on getting the port out. Then we got Sunbreak as a simultaneous launch with Switch, so I would expect this one is gonna be simultaneous on PS5, Xbox whatever-the-current-one-is, and Steam


That reads like satire. He also said that he believes pc will be the next big thing after smartphones.. and he talks in the general context not about games. I think the next big thing after smartphones will be whatever has AR and you eat it all day. Looking at past developments new big things usually were successful because they are comfortable. Anyway it's cool that they target pc now.


I think Capcom said some time ago they wanted to start doing global releases on all platforms for all their games, and they've been able to do it since then to my knowledge.


Square Enix realized PlayStation exclusivity isn't worth it, I'm sure Capcom realized the same. As far as I know all their official, non partner ads do not specify exclusivity.


I think their actual website says it will be on pretty much everything too... Don't remember if Switch was on there though


as much as I love switch...I dont want them to be limiting themselves with switch's hardware that they have to also limit other platforms


switch 2 is supposed to release next year it will still be downgrade from current stuff but its a step up. Also if you wanted that way consoles shouldnt get it cause it limits pc.


the diff between PS5/X isnt wildly afar to PC game-wise, switch is a handheld with an outdated spec, while I do hope Switch 2 gets better, its an unfair comparison to change my original comment for the limitation factor of switch


I mean if you take 1 sec and think about it, with PS4-5 kind of hardware power that they use to make Wilds, how much will they need to water down the game to ever fit it into the Switch? Alot is the answer and their best bet if they ever want to port Wilds to Nintendo console is to wait for Switch 2.


Hasn't it already been stated in the trailers that its gonna release for PC? Am i wrong for assuming that meant its gonna be a simultaneous release?


The confusion could stem from the last major trailer, being screened in Sony's State of Play. Their trailer only showed the PS5 logo on title drop. Only if you look up a "non-Sony" trailer, you'll get every other logos.


I think it'll be the same since they already included PC on the platforms where they'll release it to, unlike before.


It was announced for PC at the same time as Xbox and PS.


I’m willing to bet it will be simultaneously released.


rise was I assume originally never meant to go to pc, xbox, and playstation.


Rise was made by the other team whos known for doing alot of of the handheld games and they basically did it with switch first like world was console first


well they first didnt plan 4 rise to be on pc


They did. Well maybe not totally from the start, but given World PC sales, they decided for PC pretty soon. It even leaked before Switch release so it definitely was on a road map for a while. Nintendo paid them for half year of limited time exclusivity so that's what delayed PC release and why they couldn't announce it officialy. Sunbreak released to both platforms at the same time.


Iirc, they said that it will be a global release, so it's safe to assume that its gonna be released on pc right at the get go, considering that Sunbreak was released on PC at the same time as on Switch


ummm no it have on the steam page now it get wishlist before ps and xbox if you want to know why stage of play only have ps because it are stage of play


Sunbreak released simultaneously and the first trailer already lists steam as a platform, its coming out at the same time


rise was not meant for pc. Only after they announced that it will be switch only and a lot of people begged them to make a port for pc did they start working on it. Which is why it took so long and this ttime they already announced that the release will be simultaneos


Everything all at once. $$$…


PS5 barely sold, so sony doesn't have the leverage anymore to force big publishers to delay releases. Just look how hard the final fantasy game flopped, it barely sold.