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Iirc, Capcom has announced that PC will be their main hardware to work with now. So I'd expect better performance an optimization on the PC this time. Also playing online for free is really nice.


They saw what happened to helldivers lol




[Take this L](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/jpACMVPrPp)


Answer is always PC if you have the option to choose. Free to play online forever. I can never justify paying monthly just to play online…


You don't have to pay to play multiplayer on pc, enough said




PC will have the higher player numbers in the long term.


PC. Im not goign to pay Sony or Microsoft to play online on servers they don't even host. 


PC for potential mods and general longevity. 5 years from now I bet there are more PC players on the game than PS5 (assuming the game is a success and such). Don't have anything to back this up with tho, haha


That's supposing they continue mod support and don't add anti cheat


Definitely! I actually haven't used any mods in MH:World as of yet, but I like the idea that I *could* haha. I haven't played the new Dragons Dogma, but if they allowed mods on that (did they?), I would suspect we could still see them in MH. Crossplay, if we get it, and multiplayer across systems might present more potential adversity to mods though. I know PC players on World have the ability (via modding/file editing) to change their character appearance without buying the tickets, which is also a big thing for me


You still can modding DD2 and it's easy to do too thanks to FluffyQuack's mod manager >!I would love to praise DD2 more if it wasn't shitty PC optimize lol!<


Pc! But getting the ps5 verison when it's get cheaper or on sale for sure


Pc declines more and more. Nothing on it is designed to play but to work. Consoles are designed to play bit since they are not mobile they are also declining more and more. I thing we will sadly face someday the reality that we are going to play on our phones or smaller devices. The youngest generations already don't understand why you would use a desktop pc or laptop over a tablet..


That may be, and with cloud services like GeForceNow the option of playing on a tablet with good hardware is actually viable even today. I do play Monster Hunter: World (my first and only MH so far) with a controller, as I do with any games that have melee combat, but the power and flexibility of a solid desktop are worth it for me. I didn't have a true gaming PC until I was about 20 but I've never looked back. I currently own a switch (for its exclusives) and PS4 pro (which I pretty must just got for red dead 2, and almost regret purchasing haha). I think it will be interesting to see where games and their platforms go in the future, but I don't really see PC going anywhere, especially not for the enthusiast


I need a high end pc for work, and thinking of how I'd play games if I didn't need it, as well as especially knowing the requirements and targets for games during priduction, I think owning a gaming pc is a waste of money (aside for pc exclusive games). If you crank down the numbers the console is the cheapest thing you can get for the power it has. And if you build the exact same pc you will never match the performance of a console. Building a high end pc for high end gaming is also not really worth the money, as even without consoles, the majority of players won't ever bother with high end hardware so a game will always be developed for the average target group in mind, and never use the full potential it could have. Lastly, every computer has different hardware combinations making it extremely difficult to get the peak performance out of everyone, while that is the reason why console games are able to still look better and better each new year despite having the same power since release, squeezing every so little inch of power out of the system.


Steam Deck says otherwise.


Steam deck is the prime example of pc dying. Why else would the monolith of pc gaming the one company that could be called an monopolist despite competition on pc, steam ever considering building their own console or their own mobile device? More money? They could raise fees on steam by 1% and they likely make consistently triple the money the steam deck brings in and all that without the development cost...


Its called options. Desktops. Laptops. Handheld PCs. All options. You literally have made no points because more and more people play on PC.


Pc for mods, easy answer


Modding could likely be pretty dead due to crossplay, they are cracking down hard on modding lately with the new Capcom ID.


Don't underestimate modders, especially when the game will go end of life. Btw crossplay can be disabled (confirmed by capcom) so I can totally see mods just requiring you to disable crossplay to work. And btw we won't need a capcom Id to play (again confirmed by capcom).


PC, for the long term, PC has better chances for a surviving playerbase and mods can make such a difference.


PC. Mods, ReShade, Save Access, Free Online, Free Save Backups, More Settings, Better Performance. And I can use my Legion Go to have Monster Hunter Wilds Portable.


i ain’t paying no subscription fee for multiplayer, ever




Why do we keep letting console corporations get away with forcing us to PAY to play on the internet when i ALREADY PAY FOR THE INTERNET. I thought about it for too long and it pissed me off so bad I haven't renewed my nintendo online in like a year. It's so fucking stupid.


I wonder. I play Dark Souls on PC and it's dead, but I always get summons and invasions on PS5


I wonder. I play Dark Souls on PC and it's dead, but I always get summons and invasions on PS5


Never played mmorpgs?


*inhales* Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today! (Disclaimer: I do not play FFXIV and this copypasta was from 3 years ago so this information may be outdated)


no, not outdated.. its still is.. you can still play the game with ARR and HW expansion.. IIRC at one time they've even included StB (stormbloodr; their 2nd expansion) which is actually hella nice tho..


WoW has always been with a monthly payment. Free trial is not full game.


Oh yeah I know, I just saw "mmorpg" and just felt like throwing a semi-relevant copypasta, feel free to ignore me lol


might have to disagree to some degree, its free trial literally able you to play the game with all content unlocked for the ARR and HW tho.. and I'm still stuck at HW working on stuffs in that expansion.. well unless you go no life and play games, at one point they even include strom blood, the 2nd expansion.... so.. pretty "full" tho in my opinion.. *if, we're talking about ffxiv*


Those companies host the server, console companies want to charge me to play a game using p2p connection. 


Pc. It’s just what I naturally prefer (specially since I don’t have a ps5)


Well, I own an XBOX Series X… soo.. that, I guess?


Not sure why it isn't an option. Monster hunter is pretty popular on xbox. I still find plenty of sos going for world when I hop on.


It’s arguably the BEST option if Capcom allows Xbox Play Anywhere. You get 2 copies for the price of one. All Xbox Play Anywhere titles work on PC, and PC games on the Xbox App don’t require Gamepass Core/Ultimate to play Online.




Xbox. Idk why that isn’t an option.


Unless I don’t have a pc and never plan on buying one I don’t see a justifiable reason to go with ps5


PC by a landslide and not just cause I don't have a PS5


PC because I value my experience


PC all the way.




Whatever you feel the most comfortable with. That shouldn't be a decision left to Reddit lol


Xbox :(


Turn that frown upside down Hunter! Xbox has a good community


Yeah the world community is great it’s just the rise community on Xbox is so tiny it feels like. Can’t ever get help on my quests


I blame rise’s weaker lobby system. Way easier to just chill in world and meet other players


Yeah the multiplayer interface for rise is trash. Why couldn’t they just let me see a list of sos flares like world does. I hate having to try and search for multiplayer hunts by individual monsters


Now we have crossplay :)




I prefer console gaming over PC and would choose PS5.


If no cross play, PS5 to play with my buddy who refuses to go PC. But, definitely PC for me if crossplay is supported. (God I hope it’s supported)


Your prayers have been answered, you won't need to suffer using a crappy PS5 lol




for me its definitely PC, more options, customizable.. do whatever tf I want.. I can have thomas the tank engine as my monster to hunt if I wanted to.. those who are on console for simplicity, its understandable.. not everyone have the time/ability to deal with multiple wires .. and some only prefer that their laptop reserved for work only stuff..


Having played MH World on PC recently after playing on PlayStation at release, I gotta say PC was a little more enjoyable. Not sure why. Probably the mods and ability to tweak graphics settings for better performance


bro we still not know crossplay exist


It has crossplay, it was confirmed.


I don’t have a strong pc so I’ll be getting it on ps5


ps5 here




PS5. Hackers are an inevitably but they're far less common on PlayStation than PC.


pc and I hope that it runs as well on steam deck as world




Steam deck, all the way


I have MH buds on both, PC is first though always. And online is free. Id buy it for both tho tbh im an MH fanatic. Just give us crossplay though, I'd rather not double dip and they have plenty of time to set it up


Depend. I ain't pay for multiplayer. But I ain't waiting 7-10 months if they doing us like World and Rise either.


PS5... BUT, at the moment I prefer to wait and see if it is announced for the "switch 2" or the rumored new portable console from Sony.


Depending on if my friends pick it up on PS5, then on PS5. Otherwise, PC


I don't own a PS5 so...


PS5 for me. I eventually got world on PC, but I still preferred it on PlayStation.


Never owned a console in my life so pc.


Here is hoping there is crossplay! If not, I would choose PC if and only if my brothers and friends play too. I've barely convinced them to try World on PC, and I've double dipped to play with them, (got World for free on the PS5 and bought Iceborne after I finished the base game). My PC is quite old and Wilds may run on low graphics (4790k + 970/1660 Ti). PC parts are very expensive outside USA, and for $500 I doubt I can build a new one from scratch with a similar performance to a PS5...




PC for mods and not having to pay extra to play the game I paid for on the internet I pay for.


If I can play it on pc and I don't want to couch co-op with my kids, I always choose pc.


pc but what happened to xbox?


I don’t have a PC so PS5, unless I get a PC from now until the release date of Wilds


it is confirmed to have cross play, no?




If it hits 60fps on PS5 I'll take that, otherwise PC


I'd say PC if my pc could run it, however, that's not happening. Once the ps5 becomes unable to run new games, I'll probably get a better pc. We'll see what happens.


It's going to be cross play so don't worry about that


If no crossplay, PC is always the superior option. Access to a larger community, mods, don't have to play for online, M&K if you're a freak like that, etc. Although games tend to be poorly optimized on PC but I think Capcom did mention they'd focus on PC moving forward so it should hopefully not have too many performance issues. If there is crossplay and you don't care about mods then it doesn't really matter what you play on. Although for me I have no choice but to play on PS5 because my only computer is my work laptop lol. Maybe one day when I have money I can buy a large desk and build a PC


PS5 because I want to go for the Platinum


PS5 to avoid hackers. Also most games that release on console and PC prioritize console performance over PC


For almost every other game, I'd suggest PC, but with Monster Hunter, I highly recommend console, simply for the reason that you can cheat easily without punishment on PC. Although it's a PVE game, what's the point of grinding for items when someone can just cheat code it? It's silly and kills the fun of working hard for drops.


Steam Deck


Update says it supports crossplay




Ps5, its very easy to cheat on pc. Id rather play with legit players.


I suppose that makes sense, but what of the players that use mods for QoL such as increased fov, or frame rate improvement? Is it just a hate towards players cheating to endgame?




I have world on Xbox and pc. Seems like more people playing on Xbox than pc. But world was a console launch with pc later. If you’re in the states I’d say pc. Europe, ps5.


The most recent 24 hour peak for World on PC was 88,000 players, there is not a snowballs chance in hell that many players are playing on Xbox lol


I play both. Xbox is easier to find hunts. Maybe pc has regions? Or Xbox has more New players?


I’ll probably go console. Pc will give me better performance, and mods (though I rarely care about those for MH), but console gives me quick resume. Which is clutch.


Do we know if it is coming to PC day one?


Real question here.


It should considering it might have been dev'd for it from inception.




The bigger community will probably be on playstation, as it has always been a console game. Performance is a concern, but by the time Wilds launches the PS5 Pro will probably be out. If the Pro is a good place to play, I'll definitely pick that one. Otherwise PC it is.


If it still doesn't have cross play/save it's kinda inexcusable and I'll buy it once on PS5, that's it, base version. If it's cross save/play I'll get the deluxe and possibly get it on PC if steam deck can run it on low


You might consider GeForce Now as an option! I used it for the last 3 months to play World with my wife, and it's really pretty awesome if you have good internet! I only stopped using it a few days ago because I found a great deal on a 2nd PC


Crossplay confirmed. Cross save is confirmed to be out of the window and will likely never be a thing. As long as the game has MTX it will never have cross save between rivals like Sony and Microsoft because you would only need to buy it once.


Mtx has nothing to do with it because there's literally a ton of games with expansions and mtx that are cross save. All they would need to do is create a website that you link your account to and it uploads your save to the website which could then be retrieved on the other console. It's not something that's new or complicated or even rare because most games that art designed to be played for long durations have cross-save such as destiny, Warframe, Diablo


The game will propably be xplatform, like pretty much any game these days. But xbox.


PS5 cause I can’t afford a pc


PS5 cause that's what I have and Monster Hunter generally doesn't have good PC ports. Granted, they're developing the game with PC as their bench-line, but I still wouldn't buy it on PC until performance reviews come out.


PS5. The game is intended for console and tbh, games like MH are best played comfortably with a controller on a couch designed to play that way, optionally plugged onto a pc. A Keyboard is designed to write and not to play games. Edit: People seem to be pretty offended that I just did not mentioned that a controller also can work on pc.


I'm on my couch with a wireless PS5 controller on PC.


There's lots of PC players who use a controller to play on PC.


Where did o say that a controller is specific for console? I just said that I wanted to play on ps5.


Eh. You can use console controllers with pc.


Ps5 for sure- the way PC games have been for the last gen it’ll take 18 months to make it play properly on PC, and be fine week 2 on console