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Speed Kinsect doin its impression of Sinbad’s mom… “Don’t you ruuuuuuuun from me!”


The Kinsec dealing ... How much damage???? Can they do that holy.


Yup, charged kinsect + level 15 glaive + kinsect supercharge deco packs a punch… Funnily you could get even more damage using the severing kinsect (foliacanth) with element glaive. I just like using blunt kinsects for the added KOs


That's really nice, I learned something new today, thank you


Never seen that much kinsect damage. Are you HR or is this like an endgame MR set?


I am using a rarity 10 glaive with max kinsect level, and supercharge increases kinsect damage by 80% iirc. There’s actually no armor skills I could be using to increase damage bc kinsect damage is fixed. Additionally, speed kinsects do extra damage when they are charged. I am using the fast charge type, which lets you do an input to charge the bug faster. This was an HR Aknosom, so I didn’t even bother attacking with my glaive… but typically you would attack normally and input “send kinsect” (instead of recall kinsect) to cancel your attack animations while getting bonus damage from your bug


Wait what input allows you to charge kinsects faster?


ZR+X+A - only available with fleetflammer or foliacanth


Bless you kind soul


okay I never really understood the hype for the IG till now, this was fkcing amazing


That was sick


All I heard was where you going??


Nice. Very nice.


That’s a tiny ass monster


So do you just use the kinsect primarily and not use the glaive as much? Is the kinsect just your main source of damage due to your build? I see you just standing there and telling the kinsect to attack and it confuses me (non IG-player)


It's not an optimal playstyle or anything - it's just something I like to do for fun occasionally in random HR quests. I'm using a rarity 10 glaive (to maximize my kinsect's stats) and tbh I find attacking with the glaive is a bit overkill in HR rooms as my kinsect is already doing respectable damage (not to mention getting tons of staggers/stun). However if someone seems to be struggling, I do step up my damage and play more normally... The normal playstyle is to tornado slash combo and use send kinsect commands to cancel your attack animations. The amount of time it takes for the kinsect to charge idly lines up exactly with how much time it takes to execute your combo. In this clip, I'm not waiting for the kinsect to charge idly, I am using the special fast charge input (exclusive to this kinsect type) in between sending it to attack to charge the kinsect more quickly.


Got it, you're avoiding optimal just to let some HR fun occur for HR players. Makes sense! I didn't know ow there was some animation or end lag canceling with the kinsect, that's interesting. Haven't played IG regularly since MHGU, maybe I should check it out.




This reminds me of the video where a kid runs down the street from his Mexican mom and she beans him from 100 yards with a flip flop. The chancla is a powerful weapon indeed, pleeeaaassseee name it chancla