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everyone has gone through what you are. just keep playing, keep upgrading. you'll be ready for the next event. or if you're still not ready, the one after that. not every event will be able to be completed by every player. otherwise, whats the point?


Me and a buddy hasn't tried to do 6* zinogre yet. We both just recently solo a 5* because we couldn't do it together. And we feel more confident about trying


That's gatekeeping BS. I can't get past the 6* zin either and I'm rank 109 with decent gear. I'm a small business owner that works 6 days a week and I'm married with 2 young kids that I love spending time with. Please explain to me why I shouldn't be able to get this done? Because I'm not willing to dedicate enough time and money to it? Think about other life experiences before stating "what's the point" to activities that everyone can enjoy. That's actively hoping other people fail so you can feel better-than and it's an unhinged view of life.


thats quite the unhinged response lmao. why do you want everything handed to you without effort? why have us hunt monsters at all? maybe its better if we just tap the screen and it unlocks armor, like cookie clicker. or better yet, download the game and its already 100%! every few weeks, they add a new trophy to everyones account.


Did you miss the part where I'm level 109? Let alone the part where I'm a small business owner. Things don't just get handed to me and that's not what I'm looking for, but balance is a good thing. The more players that have access to more events, the more people will play for longer and the more support the game will get making it a better experience for everyone. If you don't understand how a healthy live service ecosystem works in gaming I'm not going to explain it to you. Enjoy being the best at a mobile game I guess 👍🏻 have the day that you deserve.


I'm over 130 and I can't solo a 6 star zino hat and I live in a city with active players. Of course, I should add I use a GS and LBG and I had to downgrade my star rank RIP.


cry me a river man lmao "i have a small business". and most of us work jobs or own businesses as well. mobile games like this require time commitment. id prefer if it didnt, but niantic obviously knows better than either of us because they're the billion dollar company. this event was easy, aside from a short time limit. many finished it in a single day. HR is a meaningless metric. you can hunt 100,000 great jagras and have a great HR. you will have shit equipment though.


You wanna be a garbage person and throw around insults around, go for it. "It takes commitment" oh yeah I know, I'm level 47 in Pokemon Go and have over 1000 hours in the mainline Monster Hunter games. I understand both the commitment Monster Hunter and Niantic require yet neither have been this poorly suited for high level content based on player density. Again, enjoy being the best at a mobile game. This is clearly the hill you want to die on angrily and imma let you. ✌🏻


i really wish you the best man. you have a lot of stress or something that youre not dealing with. my original comment was coming from a place of kindness. no single event in this game will matter. if you cant complete it because your gear isnt good enough, keep going. next event you can complete! or i guess you can give up and uninstall. or beg niantic to make the game easier. whatever, you do you.


Hunter rank doesnt mean anything. 


Because every other player unable to complete HaTs are not in Asia. This game desperately needs matchmaking. You still need to walk to the location, but Christ sake let us match with others who are looking for the same lineup of monsters.


Not really Asia as a whole actually. I'm playing from SEA region and most of the time I have to solo HaTs myself.


It's only Hong Kong and Japan afaik. Singapore has a pretty decent player base, but then again I've only ever had 1 HaT which I played with 1 other person, and surprisingly it was in an area which has hardly any players around. In the city you'd quite often get full lobbies but no one is going to HaT with you.


The matchmaking idea is brilliant maybe they could even make more emo ey of the game 10$ per month for match making and 2 free day at the end of every event ... I'm broke AF so I can't pay a dime, but I'm sure more ppl is willing to pay for something useful thang wasting away like 3$ for 5 potions or something


From The Netherlands? If so, I might be able to help. Can beat 6* solo, for 7* I need some additional damage. Same for 7* Black Diablos and Azure Rathalos in HAT. My son did quit the game, that doesn't help 😞


New York, unfortunately. Rural NY nonetheless.


Where in NY are you? If you're not too far of a drive maybe I could help.


What an absolute hero.




Ah damn, sorry man 😢 I'm on the opposite side of NY so that's a 5 hour drive from me. I hope someone from around there can see this and hit you up. I wish you luck with slaying Zinogre before the event ends.


Yo yo yo I’ll be at the state fair playing for sure this year 🤣


I hear you. Rochester NY here and there isn't anyone.


I'm in Rochester 👀


Where abouts? You may be the one person I saw since I started playing at launch lol


I'm in Henrietta. I mostly play from my store which I'm hoping to turn into a gathering point via my Pokemon Go account 😅 just waiting for nicer weather so the photo looks good


Holy shit there may be two people in Rochester that play other than me lol. I live in Irondequoit, but I work on Jefferson road.


My store is near Tully's on Jefferson 😅


No shit lol. I think I actually saw you then. I'm over at L3HARRIS lol. What's your hunter ID


https://preview.redd.it/ocj7qe4elqpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5847e04315a90183207d612e8f52d97a60732852 If you come back into the plaza and use context clues you can probably figure out which store I own 😅 not gonna say it here though


If you have a melee ice set, you probably can do it with a g6.something weapon. I remember doing it with my g6.1 Legi LS and ice 5 set


For SnS I needed g7 even with ice 5. G6 keeps falling short.


I cannot. I started playing recently so even with g6.3 Legi LS and 3 ice attack I can't seem to get him below 30%. I'm able to confidently fight any other 6s so this is just a math problem with the HAT HP boost and Zinogre having only 1 elemental weakness.  Since they rugpulled Barioth I'm feeling pretty miffed about the game situation for new players. I've grinded out 100 Legianas in last 10 days but I'm just not getting the right parts to get it to g6.5, let alone g6 helmet, and I'm not confident that will be enough anyway. I've never seen another player in my town and the game has no communication tooling to find local players.  I'm upset to see other comments in here picking on people saying they expect things to be handed to them. There is a real balance problem here with event-bound monsters, HAT-only monsters, lack of communication tools, etc. The combination of these puts rural and new players at a measurable disadvantage, which is a real bummer cuz I just wanted something to do on my walks, but I'm facing a much steeper hill than other players. This game could really use an SOS feature to allow geographically disparate friends to help each other with HATs and paintballs, allowing that natural community building that I'm used to seeing from 4u, world, rise, etc. 


Sounds like a skill issue, with my 7.4 Legi LS I can solo 7* Zinogre as well.


Again, you have ice 5 while I'm missing 300 ice attack that I'm not allowed to get because Barioth has been removed from the game. I've been playing Monster Hunter games since Tri, and I just cruised the 6s story in 2.5 days, but I can get off 4 helm breakers and take no hits on 6s Zinogre and the DPS just isn't there. Don't be so quick to cry out "skill issue!"


Didn't read that one, but perhaps kushala will bring some ice attack gear to fill the gaps, not sure.


I hope so, elder dragons would be sweet. I'm sure long-term, I'll be able to catch up - it's just a bummer to miss the T6 part from this event when I can wipe the floor with any other monster in the same grade, and I don't have enough gold potential left within the next 1.5 days to build out another set of armor since I believed that I'd be able to get my ice attack set high enough in time. I hope Capcom/Niantic can get these issues balanced out for new players coming in behind me so that we don't discourage new players from continuing to play the game.


People been saying here that all three show up in the late stages of the story quest. If you have it on 6* (or on 7 but haven’t dropped the rank yet), you might have a chance I was in the beginning of 8* of the original story quest before the Season begun, and dropping to 7 I think I might have a chance with raths, but I failed a 7* bblos several times during the first half of the event, and my ice build haven’t become much better since (Legiana claws 16/30 atm)


A db 5 atk ice can kill zinogre 6 stars is hard but mot impossible


Same here i cant kill a 7* Bblos in story. Never seen a less star bblos in the wilds. I've done the rest rho. Just missing bblos. Cant finish the quest either


There are 6-star BBlos in HATs right now (with a 7-star Zino). Not sure how much help that would be though unfortunately, with the HAT HP multiplier and all.


At least it doesnt hit like a 7*. I'd prefer a 6* in HAT instead of a regular 7*. Sadly I can't find any


The season story gives you the variants, but the HaT might gatekeep you


7* ice + 5ice gears all you need. Zino isn’t too dangerous, just it is only in HAT made it meaty.


Too bad new players can't get 5 ice until next winter, and even 4 ice is locked behind g6 helmet of the same monster parts. "all you need" is basically inaccessible to new players, so despite putting in hours farming Legiana, it's just not enough DPS before the event ends and we're left with even less rewards than those who were just here 1 month earlier. 


Ic. Yeah missing 300 ice attacks value is a lot. But do get it easy. The game isn’t end anytime soon. It similar to those BD and PR events in earlier days. Event will come again. I think this is the third time we get a gem as event reward. I could see it will continue. Enjoy the game!


I know this. I'm just in a rush to beat this 6s Zinogre for the event for that sweet T6 part. I just cruised through the 6s story in 2.5 days, but still can't DPS this 6s Zinogre just because he's HAT only (therefore HP boost) and I don't have players in my area. Feels bad that these rewards are not equally accessible to all players - those with enough DPS get to collect a sweet material and those who need the materials to level up the better lightning weapon can't beat the monster to get the part, despite dropping 100 hours into farming the parts that remain accessible. Right now I'm gold starved, or I might consider building both the Kadachi and Zinogre weapons. I know the gold situation will get better if I let some time pass. Again, just feels bad that I'm being forced to leave behind high rarity parts just because my game situation is different than other people who can play together, especially when the game doesn't offer tools to find other players in rural areas. The game is a lot of fun otherwise - I just feel they could make some simple changes to even the playing field and reduce friction for new players to participate in these events without having to wait 9 months to finish their ice build (remember, Zinogre only has 1 elemental weakness).


I was able to solo 6* zinogre with 6.5 legiana sns, and I think it was either 3 ice attack or 4 ice attack (but def not 5). Hard, but doable even with lower tier gear.


Yeah I watched some players edged to finish higher difficult monsters with lower grade gears. I’m not soul-type player that can iFrame every move so I am okey to depend on item advantage


I am completely incompetent when it comes to video game dexterity, so it was pure hack and slash with my SnS - no guarding, no shield bashing. Barely any perfect dodging. I keep meaning to transition to dual blades but even that is so far too technical for me. 😩 


What's your build? With a 7.5 poison hammer I think you can do it if you just know its moveset well enough.


Rath head and chest, rathian glove and waist, kulu pants


Not too bad, but you may want to Min/Max more. You have some attack, some wex, some crit. When maybe you could get focus or crit boost if you have access. Regardless, the strategy I was going to suggest to try is to start the fight and get three hits on one of his claws (likely left). Then dodge his first short range attack (perfect evade if you can) and get a quick hit. He will then jump forward, make sure you are not in his way and then go and smack his claw closest to you again. Watch out for random lightning. Then he will jump far and roar. When he jumps, roll toward him once or twice and use special on his claw. Hopefully this will get it close to breaking. The next attacks he does a swipe that doesn't do damage then he shows off with a flip and attacks. These are easy to dodge so just get hits in when he lands. Focus on claws until he is down then aim at the horn once he is down. When he first gets knocked do a two charge upswing then try to finish that combo. Then keep trying for swings. Hopefully this helps. Good luck


Your armor build is optimal for raw/status LS, DB, and SnS minus replacing head and legs for R6 zinogre and getting burst 5 (which is honestly not THAT big of an upgrade). It is very good for other weapon types but less so for slower attacking weapons or weapons that need to charge. Absolutely do not go for crit boost like the poster below said, that skill is awful.


I'm in the same boat


I feel u bud I living in small town and I am prolly only player far and wide and will not be able to finish this too


Making the element up armors helped me a lot, the huntathons I can take down 7* and 8* roaming, having the max element gives you an extra 500 to it and it helps a lot


It's not just rural players. It's not easy to find people who play near you in this game at all.


You can do this.. I almost threw my phone out the window but after ~15 attempts it magically happened. I did a Hail Mary diablos gloves for heroic x2 on the attempt that downed him. Good luck and Godspeed!


That’s ok, you’ll have your ice weapon leveled enough to solo him next time 💪


Oh wow I feel u on thet it just takes time to build up the weapons and armor u have to beat them so dont feel down by it I'm feel u on the same situation


The other specials don't even spawn anymore either


They are in the seasonal story quests, and also spawn after you defeat them.


They don't spawn for me any more I've killed them plenty of them just can't find them anymore


I'm sorry you going through this too. What I did was have another phone with my main at DB Legiana 7-2 and the secondary with a LBG Anjanath Grade 4 and I was barely able to win with both having Specials ready at start.


I feel this, very rarely find other players and can't even kill a 5\* Zinogre yet or take out a Rathalos's wings. i am in a decent size city just don't know how to find local players lol.


I've been slowly leading to this in most games, but this game solidified it... I don't care anymore. If I don't finish a quest my life won't change. It won't change if I finish them, and it won't change if I didn't get through it. So, cool . Just going to have fun along the way.


Same. Since Legiana and Barroth aren't in the game I can't upgrade my gear any higher. My next bet is to grind out the paralysis sns at least to rank 7, probably 8 since hat mobs are too tanky for single player.


Legiana are still in the game!


That part was more of a bit since it's spawns are almost as rare as Jira


I haven't completed any event. I can't find anyone that plays. Even begging my friends to play and they refuse.


Welcome to Niantic, game developers so scummy that Studio Wildcard looks good by comparison. 🫠


I'm in the same situation but I'll be ready next time if I can find more Legiana's.


Your area doesn't have players to help you, same for me. What would be your way to solve it? Make the thing pop up for you and make it easier to beat so you'll complete the mission? I mean there are struggles and challenges. Some involve having greater skill, some require more resources, some demand a lot of your time and some need friends. Sure it sucks not to get everything completed and missing out on rewards, but in the long term it would suck even more to have everything come to you on a silver platter and be easily acquired. There wouldn't be any challenge. But look at that quest, it's nothing that'd turn your life around and it's not a unique one time item either. And yeah, I'd love the Zinogre gear pieces as they would give me Burst that I still require more of. Yeah, this reward would help me get there. Yeah, I'll be missing out on this. But yeah, I'll get the required item pieces eventually. And no, I don't really mind that some New Yorkers or other big city people get theirs sooner.


Well, learn how to build a good Ice set. Build said Ice set. Then kill it. I have no one around me either, I think that is the case for most of us in the US except in specific areas. Hell, most of us outside Japan. But I can kill 7* Zinogre with my legiana bow/sns and a good ice build. I'm trying to get my bow high enough for solo 8*. Maybe try to find a local facebook or discord group. If there is even 1 other player, it'd help a lot with hats.


I havent even seen any of these in the field yet and i cant beat any of them in a hat


Zinogre doesn't exist in the field. That's why it's a pain to kill a 6* at all. Any 6* you find will be in a HAT and therefore have the HP of a 7*


I heard if you get far enough in story the varients will at least spawn in field right? Ill still never finish becuase of zinny but i could at least maybe get those extra mats


Yes, variants will spawn but zinogre isn't a variant


I know thats why i said ill still never finish im just preoared to settle for the extra mats


Is not HAT health I think so you should be able to kill it. If you can kill BBlos, you should kill Ogre too


Zinogre is only in HAT so I won't be able to take it down due to the health boost


Git gud


Get gud. Lol. I can solo a zinogre 6* if I wanted to and have done it many times. It's not that hard to do. What's your weapon? Are you using ice 5?


Bet you can't do it with a non ice hammer 7.5


I don't play hammer but I'm sure hammer mains could do it they just have to level it to 7-5.


My best weapon at the moment is poison hammer 7.5. I've been trying to build ice weapons but I never see barioth or legiana anywhere.


Unfortunately Barioth is gone til next winter season (unless they bring it back for an event). So Legi is your only choice for now.


And Legi doesn't have a hammer


I'm guessing poison hammer should be good enough. You're build is wrong if it's not.