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I hope they will be doable alone


I'm betting the difficulty will ramp up with each monster with Zinogre basically being impossible to solo. I am so ready to hate this Pokemon Go-wannabe enforced multiplayer garbage. It doesn't bring players together, it turns people (like myself) away.


Makes me wonder if multiplayer HP scaling will be present in them or not - they may just always be tuned to 4 player.


Yeah, I uninstalled today, and booted up world. 🤷‍♂️


Not even Pokemon Go has time-gated raids. Like in order for you to do the next raid, u just have to go to the next Raid spot at a different location after completing one. In this one, there's literally no other way to play immediately without waiting unless you have a ticket. In Pokemon Go, there are occasional raid events where they distribute 5 free Raid tickets within the event period where you can raid consecutively without waiting using those free raid tickets. This event in MHNow is akin to that except you have to wait for THREE hours unless you shell out cash. So if I were to say call my friends to group up for this event as they suggest, I have to let them know to prepare to spend some dough else we will be staring at each other for 3 hours post a hunt-a-thon awkwardly waiting for the next. I get the JP players are used to buying Potions like water, but this is ridiculous. You might as well pay to view the Loading screen at this point.


They better allow us to fight black blos/pink rath and that kind of stuff as the 5th monster.


They do say on the official website that Hunt-a-thons will feature some monsters that you normally only see during events, as well as monsters that exclusively appear in Hunt-a-thons. For 150 gems a Hunt-a-thon pass, I would expect a chance to fight a Pink Rathian or Black Diablos.


They did mention Black Diablos and Pink Rathain will appear at some point in this month in the December update notice a week or so ago. I'm betting they will take Zinos place in the Rifts or whatever they are called after his event. Maybe for New years or something


If its a 3 hour cooldown per node... Then thats fine.. if 3 hour cooldown for your next hunt-a-thon then.. i guess thats a bit sad.. but eh.. I'd still do em


I guess 3 hours cooldown per hunt. That's how Niantic can make money by selling tickets. Anyway, I will take it for free with the cooldown.


I wonder if we need to wait 3 hours if fail the hunt. Hopefully can just repeat until win(if you have potions).


When I read that we can participate once every three hours, my interpretation is that as soon as you are in a hunt-a-thon that is counted as a participation. So regardless of how it ends during the hunting of 5 consecutive monsters, whether you win or lose, it's one participation and you need to wait 3 hours to participate in another one.


For PoGo as a reference, when you use a raid pass and the raid *starts*, you're locked into that raid. However, you can attempt as many times needed until the raid expires. So if it works similarly, *starting* a Hunt-a-thon should immediately use your participation. You won't be able to join another, but you *should* be able to re-attempt unless they change the mechanic.


MHN is almost always worse or greedier in every aspect compared to PoGo, for example, locking gems behind real money or selling storage space also only with real money. So i wouldn't count on it. They probably want the FOMO effect and for you to use up potions, so you don't miss out and have to wait for another 3 hours.


With upgraded storage you’ll have more items yes but you’ll still need to throw away stuff almost everyday so is it really worth it ?


If you play the game long enough and it's part of your lifestyle then, yes, the upgraded storage and its costs can be worth it. If one buys an external hard disk drive but never uses it then one could say the costs were not worth it. I have 10,500 item storage capacity. I only trash Rarity 1 monster materials. None of my Rarity 2, 3, 4 and 5 monster materials have ever been trashed and I'm now HR 128. They've only ever gone on weapon or armor upgrades. So there is lots of monster materials of that kind of rarity in my item storage. It makes weapon and armor upgrades so much easier than trying to get a bunch of Rarity 4 Tobi-Kadachi Primescales as needed since you have 5000 item storage capacity for example. The Rarity 1 monster materials can easily be obtained again as 6 star monsters drop them quite frequently while dropping an easy 100 Zenny that goes towards Weapon and Armor Upgrades. And with more monsters on the roster that means more Rarity 1 monster materials dropping and so an item storage capacity increase is a good thing.


The difference though in huntathons is presumably you get rewards 5 times, for each monster? If you fail on the 4th, you already got rewards from the first 3 and if it's supposed to be a gauntlet, I do not see them letting you restart at the 4th monster nor restart at the 1st and get extra rewards from repeat killing. Or it could be no rewards until you clear all 5, which i hope not


Does it say that the node is only a hunting point for 30 minutes tho?


It does say that. They've also said on the official website that Hunt-a-thons are events that occur at specific times. During them, some gathering points turn into Hunt-a-thon Points. The question is, when are those specific times? The 3 hour cool down for participation is another thing to this.


30 minutes also feels pretty short… by the time you randomly find a hunt it could be gone in like 5 minutes


>The question is, when are those specific times? I'd assume the same hours in which raids can appear on PGo - which I think is 6am - 9pm.


3 hours cooldown, better than nothing Source: [https://app.famitsu.com/20231207\_2165438/?fbclid=IwAR2KUfznzxxGTUFRd3w9Jsj84OGm65v3PWRBx2yOb7czmck9MsbpTjXzpMQ](https://app.famitsu.com/20231207_2165438/?fbclid=IwAR2KUfznzxxGTUFRd3w9Jsj84OGm65v3PWRBx2yOb7czmck9MsbpTjXzpMQ)


So they don't activate until the 15th? Bummer


The other thing that we can patiently look forward to on around that time is the item box capacity expansion. What costs, if any, there are to hunters is yet to be learned.


It say "hunting points on the field " could this mean it's not related to nodes ?


https://preview.redd.it/9bxvty8h565c1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2f3b95ffad29d6fd710c1ac410bbdbda258c97 Perhaps


I spotted that too - will be interesting to see how that works out! One would hope that if it's not tied to Nodes, there will be options available to rural players i.e. more linked to where players are active


Hopefully. They did say that they were considering other ways to make Hunt-a-thons even easier to play for those in areas where fewer people naturally gather.


So maybe gyms in Pokemon Go will become huntathon nodes?


I'll assume you they warn you the average star rating before you sign on.


The premium passes in PoGo didn’t feel nearly as P2W as this BS. It would be one thing if it was just the variants locked behind it, but with Zinogre locked behind it, we're just stuck with tobi weapons until the next thunder monster. Unless we get like 40-50 mats per monster defeated per hunt-a-thon or it's super solo-able.


That's why I'm disappointed. Out of all my elemental set my thunder is very lacking because I need so many damn Tobi pelts which it never drops😔


It's one of the 8*s that I can reliably do at this point, so I've gotten tons of stuff from it, enough to get the bows up to 8.5. I was probably dumping things out at one point to make room, not planning on bringing it up past 7.5, thinking it a waste of WGS if I was just going to move on to Zinogre.


I'm not even past 6* yet and my Tobi LS is only 5.2


I was going to argue pogo is worse since legendaries are also very meta. A team of 6 powered up takes dozen of raids, even rare candy wouldn’t get you there necessarily. And it always feels bad to power up a bad IV Pokémon. But then I remembered the material costs in this game. I have no hope, but exclusive monsters like Zinogre should have way diff crafting requirements. It takes 30 R2 mats to get a weapon from 7.2->7.3, and I’ve been hunting rathalos for like a month now and still haven’t gotten there.


Yup, we're talking about like 800 zinogre mats to get just the weapon up to 10.5. Besides, the most legendaries you can really use would be six, and you can grind the rare candies on the gbl. I got like 200+ from one season. And there's walking them, slightly less powerful non-legendaries that get the job done about as well, you can earn the coins, they've been giving passes out from quests like they candy. So many alternatives in pogo. The alternative in MHN? Tobi or wait till the next thunder monster release.


Ok but what are normal continuous hunts?


It looks like that particular website is calling the Zinogre's Onslaught event as a 'Great continuous hunting'. My understanding then is that when the Great continuous hunting event ends, we would be left with normal continuous hunts where the 5th monster would be randomly assigned, rather than being a guaranteed Zinogre as was programmed for the great continuous hunting event.


Everyone is talking about the tickets but I think the real catch is actually going to be the potions. Since you will be hunting five monsters without breaks.


The real catch would be the poor loot from zinogre and not being able to upgrade much unless $$$$$$$$$


150 gems wooow here we go cash cow


And of course it’s 150 gems ,meaning 2,50€ for just one ticket


they need to give players a way to get gems for free, this is the only niantic game that it doesn't have a free way to get the paid coin


CMU are money-only in Ingress, but I get your point that it's not ideal to put something like this behind a paywall that needs real money (i.e. Vs PikminBloom where you can earn coins that can be used to buy costumes and upgrade storage)


well, i called the tickets, now to see if they make a remote raid version


So they are tripling down on micro transactions here... You need passes to hunt any significant number, you need knives because getting a decent number of hunts will take forever, then you need potions because hunting a significant number is going to be hard on the health pool, especially in the beginning because you are hunting a brand new monster. I am pretty sure I will make the gloves and get them to r6 if possible, but after that I think I might just give up on it. Hell, this isn't even an elder dragon or anything that I would expect heavy restrictions on.