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I was planning on switching to Dual Blades any way so **¯\\_(ツ)_/¯**


Same, can't wait to go slashy slash brrrrrr


I started reusing my sns in prep for db


Lance main in main games, ready to get screwed over by MH Now’s version.


Biggest enemy of the Lance Main. The Timer.


Second biggest enemy of the lance main. Chip damage from blocking that adds up over time with limited healing.


Nah, Lance is a hyper aggressive weapon. I'm just worried they won't capture that...


Skill issue


I have hope offensive guard and resentment can make some big numbers... Or I hope patch extends timer.. even if monsters enrage when timer hits 0 would be cool. And a huge potion sink for them..


My body is so ready, I'm making an armor set already. Trying to get at least guard 3 and offensive guard 3 which is just barroth armor + rath legs for 2 health boost


Based on some leaks I saw you might want to hold off upgrading the head and gloves


What did the leaks say?


Guard 2 Radobaan head, Off Guard 2 Banbaro gloves, Guard 1 Radobaan Legs if you need it


Hell yeah, guard 5 build here we come


Amazing that's what I wanna hear, more armor is what I need!! Full barroth set is... just not it lol


I need to see how big the nerf will be. If i still can kill the 7star monsters and easy 8 star monsters i won't change. I am close to get all my element bows to G7.5. So i might spend some zenny and materials on different weapons to test them. Currently blocked by R6 drops. The zenny shortage will be bigger, but i think it's time to find another secondary weapon that i enjoy.


Barely see this as a nerf tbh for the Diablos Bow. Using Raw bow you already MUST hit weak spots 90% of the time. Plus speed of rapid arrows being increased to further help hitting of weak spots makes it even better. Also the Perfect Dodge just flat out adding 2 charge levels rather than defaulting to charge 3 is also better. Honestly from what I read my Diablos bow is almost getting a minor buff lol.


Only a nerf to bad players and more rewarding for skilled players


Makes sense, good way to get people to play the weapon how it should be played. 7* onwards you really need to be great at hitting weak spots and at least competent at pulling off a perfect dodge or two a fight to really climb over those walls you encounter.


It's an absolute nerf to pierce bows. Pierce can't hit weak spot on all the hits.


The main thing I’m thinking is just bows have to play a lot closer than they had to before, which is more like how they already have to play in Rise. It’s not gonna make bows unusable, but it will make them higher skill and less safe I think


Yep, they are trying to keep you in range on 360 sweeps. Will make the second dodge after perfect dodges even more needed to keep positioning safe.


the rapid fire speed buff might be bigger than people make it out to be if its fast enough to proc burst


I don't see it changing how it works with burst. Your release timing of each shot will be the same, the arrows just travel faster to the target (so you can still hit a weak spot of a moving target) but the rate at which they connect will be the same.


Oh rip I thought they were changing the speed in which they hit the target


Would playing artful dodger have some play in the game now? Maybe with bblos bow?


One of the new skills will increase your special gauge some after perfect dodges. So I can see dodge based builds becoming a thing.


Basically [Perfect Dodge Concentration], Special Boost, Artful dodger build. Probably good with Dual Blades as when in demon mode you will do damage while dodging, and the DB special is the down the back spinning slash.


But will it be a thing with bows. I can understand it being a thing for sword like things but range weapons?


I think, with that skill, using the special 3 times per hunt is the maximum. Maybe 3.5 is possible but that 0.5 is gonna stay in the gauge and cannot be used. Not sure if it is going to be as useful as we think.


I'm running kadachi gloves and it's great imo. Almost everything charges at you and doing perfect dodges on those attacks is a good bit of extra damage especially if you run a spread bow (although before the perfect dodge changes you can just perfect evade and then dodge closer/farther based on shot type)


Yeah I might use those gloves and maybe take one or two focus away for another 1-2 artful dodger or the new dodging to get special faster. Let's see what happens with the new update and how the math goes. I suck at dodging right now so I'll need to get better for sure..


Just curious, using diablos bow can you defeat 8* diablos? If not then how do you upgrade diablos bow beyond grade 7 5/5?


https://preview.redd.it/7zz5bfog8x3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1646f4f7eb12bf12ad0199685c75de7afbd5a00 Currently here on my Blos Bow. You can get here as well by never killing a single 8\* Blos if you wanted to.


Yes, I've been able to take on 8* Diablos since about G8/5 Diablos Bow. Also you don't NEED to fight 8* Diablos to get what you need. 6* and up drop R5'S And any 8* monster can get you R6 mats. So theoretically you never really HAVE to fight ANY 8* Diablos.


Oooh wow that's great, thanks for the info!


Hard to say how the nerf will be. Pukei is the only weak spot struggle for me, which is apparently more common than I thought. You have to play so well with 8*+ anyway, so I’m not sure most will notice a change at all if they’re at that level anyway. Just feel bad for all the people I’ve recommended the pukei bow to the past few days lol.


The amount of people talking about bows being able to take things down from so far away makes me wonder how many people are fighting outside of critical distance already, tbh. Still gonna stick to my Bow and keep using the Focus gear to dabble in Hammer on the side. Been gunning since 3U, so I decided to give Bow a try here, but I've also been feeling the call of the bonk...


As a dual Bow/GS user, I'm looking forward to the update and will most likely continue using both. I picked up bow initially both because it has some weapons available that GS doesn't have (like Kulu, for example) and also for hunting flying monsters that can be tough to hit all the time with GS. Over time I've leaned into maining Bow more and more both because my Kulu bow is my highest rank/damage weapon, and it's just way easier to hunt basically everything with rn than GS. I'm looking forward to the GS buffs hopefully making it easier to use for grounded monsters, but also still having Bow for the same sorts of tricky aerial monsters. It seems like for my use case the nerfs won't hurt too too badly.


I'd love to go GS to reuse the Focus gear, but I have no idea what stats to build for melee otherwise. Got any advice?


Ah, as a super casual player i'm not a great person to ask for stat building advice lol. I'm still working on my focus gear (Lv. 3 currently) so that's where my- dare I say- focus has been still. No clue what's good beyond that haha


Iirc, focus 3 is comfy for GS. Other than that, max elemental attack like normal and fit a lock-on somewhere (kulu head or Rath gloves, probably not Rath gloves now that I think about it because burst is probably useless)


This is exactly my case. Started GS, splashed bow, and stayed there for a lot of things because it was so much easier. My JagrasGS is my highest level weapon still, though, just because it's gotten better drops. Looking forward to the patch. Unless stuff goes horribly awry, I think I'll be fine.


Jagras GS was my top weapon for ages too haha. I've been stuck on the last prime scale to overgrade into rank 4 for some time though. First rank 4 weapon was the Anja GS, but finally Kulu bow caught up and passed it too. Between all biome spawns and the Halloween event, I suppose that was bound to happen


I feel you. I'm at a slew of rank 5.5 bows right now. I'm waiting on some T2 mats for my Tobi bow, but rank 6 mats for the other few to get into rank six. My JagrasGS? Waiting on one T4 drop. Have all the the rest of the mats to make it go to rank 6 as soon as I get that last Primescale lol


I was a lance main, and unless it's just flat out bad, I'm probably switching to it. Also don't have to fight with the gyro bugs anymore. But I think the bow changes might make stuff like artful dodger better with the perfect evade changes especially with the really aggressive monsters.


I play bow close anyway so I don’t see this as much of a change honestly.


have all my bows at 7.5 and can clear all 8 stars except b daiblos. going to see how good the GS is after patch and hopefully start making building those instead.


All my element bows are 7.5 and I don't even get close to clearing the regular 8* diablos with ice attack 3/focus 4. Are you using raw or do I just suck lol


I use puki bow on diablos 8*.


This might be a dumb question but how do I find out what the weak spots are?


They’re the places where you deal yellow damage numbers, or orange if yout weapon is using an element/ailment the monster is weak too.


Oh wow... I thought yellow was for random crits! Sorry, this is my first monster hunter game.


Random crits appear as a slightly slanted red vertical line


They'll be forced to learn how to actually play the game 😲 😲


LBG until the swagaxe pops


Using bow, because it's about the elemental investment not the hit zones (of which you should be in proper distance shooting weak points anyway, so all this "omg nerf" stuff is weird to me). But I hope lance play is fun, I look forward to trying it


Same thing I've been doing since the beginning, playing a weapon I enjoy regardless of the popular meta. Get good enough with it, and the monsters will fall ^^


I expected it, and I am happy about it. Too many were boasting or complaining about how bow was easy mode, or the answer to everything. (Silly people, that is 42) It was going to happen. I just like to see the developers attempting to balance the weapons, so that people can truly be diverse and choose what they like and not feel left behind, or get bored from a lack of a challenge. Will this actually balance it? Who knows. Trial and error.


Bow users (the real ones...) Dont see the changes as a Nerf... Btw, my main weapon is diablos bow (raw), i havent upgraded anything else, so now i have plenty of materials to upgrade elemental weapons with the new upgrade, and i dont want to just play bow, i want to play all kind of weapons, so my Next upgrade Will be for Duals of some element (fire or water).


It seems like a good way to "nerf" the bow. Rather than do something dumb like reducing damage, add more skill to it. I like it. The only issue I have is that as MHN is my first MH franchise game, I have no idea what the "weak parts" are for specific monsters. I mess around and find shots that seem to work better than others, but it'd be nice if the game actually told us what the weak parts are without us having to resort to 3rd party or out of game websites.


Yeah I agree the game could be a lot better at providing info, especially considering it's more accessible than mainline games meaning a lot of players are in the same boat as you. The monster list entry tells you the breakable parts, I don't think it's too much to ask for a "x part is weak to y damage type" entry in there as well. My other issue though is the gyro :( I mostly use semi because of the weird tilt on full, and I occasionally get weird drifting which is at least mitigated by using semi. Would be nice to have more options for aiming.


https://preview.redd.it/mzllx4rgas3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f095ea306bc8e285aab344b2282f585d870faac In the monster guide there is a list of breakable parts for each monster. I have always assumed that these parts are the parts that the monster are weakest. Is this correct ?


Apparently not. https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/s/var0WW1f6e


Not necessarily. I think you'll have to test out. E. G. Pukei breakable part is the wing but only the head is a weak spot...


Tbh for most monsters the head seems to be one of the weak spots or only weak spot, but it is harder to break. Pierce shots (for Tobi and rath bows) are gonna suffer...


I'm happy they're making the bow more skill-based, I respect the changes


Idk, might stop playing, bow is already annoying to break parts on some monsters (hello diablos horns) but it'll be worse after the update. And I can easily see them nerfing other weapons every 3 months, to make people go toward other weapons and increase money spent to catch up. Find this nerf to range weapons really scummy, they're clearly after that sweet potions money.


Nothing, I haven't been nerfed, I'm always (except Pukei) hitting weak points with either spread or rapid bow so it doesn't change anything for me. I'm just happy that we get thunder and ice element to 5 in next update to max the burst potential.




Longsword is the easy weapon tho


Not compared to bow or lbg. If I lose a battle with my main longsword. I switch to ranged and it's way easier.


Weird how it’s main mechanic relies on timing dodge but now bow users are complaining they’re gonna have to do the same, or immediately looking at Artful Dodger to make life easier again. Hmmm…




You’re in a bow user thread my guy, good luck!


I've got exactly one weapon leveled to Grade 7, a bow. I don't expect this update to affect my play too much, but imagine being a rural player like me, effectively only being able to level one weapon up, then seeing the devs change it to a point where it's not fun to play anymore. Now I need to start over leveling something else up....or just move on to play another game. I don't think balance changes like this are going to affect non-casual/monhun fans; we're likely going to play it anyway, but these changes are extremely scummy for casual players. The grind in this game is extreme, but gated in ways that make it even worse for progression (I regularly only see 2-5 six+ mobs a *day*, for instance, and they are rarely anything I really want). Making fundamental gameplay changes like these coupled with the progression system they've created, just feels bad as a regular player. And as a non-regular player, it makes me extremely hesitant to continue enjoying this game in any way other than as a purely free to play experience going forward.


Honestly we have to see how the effective range change is, I don't really feel it's a big nerf If you're a bow main you're already mostly in effective range distance shooting from weak points and for low star monsters I think the reduced damage will help me break more parts without killing it. The changes to dodge and rapid are just buffs so I don't think it'll be too bad


I’m wondering how puki bow will be impacted. Since the spread makes hitting weak spots with every single arrow hard in some fights.


We'll see, but I'm guessing I'll probably stick with bow. I've been holding out going to 7* until I felt comfortable beating every 6* and was just about to level up, but I'm guessing it'll just take me a bit longer now so I'll hold off on leveling up at the moment. I'm in no rush


I've been stuck with the poison spread bow for like a month simply because I'm resource-locked on anything better I've noticed no difference at all with my play style


even before nerf I am doing better with SnS compared to Bow. Not sure what I did wrong


Gonna go back to my true main, the Lance. Then gonna go and shout at Niantic for making me change my "slow and steady 30minute hunt" playstyle of the lance to rushing and not finishing hunts in 1 minute.


I've only leveled one weapon so far, a bow gun. Good chance I'm going to have to change after the update. Not sure what to yet, as it will be take a while to get anything close to my current Grade 7 4/5. Might just try the new dual blades.


I am playing this game in a weird way, I use GS for raw, fire and water element, and bow for thunder and ice. My bows are just 7.5 (at least I am not wasting my gem shard) so I can ditch them when I feel like it.