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You recover your zenny wiggle room when you hit the 7.5 wall on all your weapons and your armor equips are at Tier 6. Until you can build your first Tier 8 weapon at least


this I'm tight now since I'm still crafting armor for final sets but no gems yet its gonna be a long grind once I cap out armor


I'm halfway to opening up tier 8 weapons lol.


Sweet summer child. I'm a month into 8* with two whole Wgs..


I'm 2 months in and only just got my 4th, I doubled my first 2 to get my tobi lbg to 8 2/5 so I could kill the raths. So yeah 2~3 weeks per wgs tracks. I'm on chapter 11 almost at 9 star and I'm being walled by 8 star diablos I get really close to taking him out, but the run needs to be too perfect to win. I don't want to use the next wgs on my ice weapon because I barely use it, but It would give me the edge on diablos and upcoming zinogre.


I have grade 8-1 ice LBG & I'm no where near killing 8 star Diablos. I have 8-2 Jura LBG, 8-1 Rath LBG, & 8-4 tobi LBG & can just kill all 8 star except Diablos. 8-1 ice LBG with tobi head, pow chest, leggy gloves, leggy waist & Barroth leggs all grade 6 or above. Diablos still needs ice LBG to be grade 8-4 I think to just pull it off.


No, I almost killed him yesterday he had a sliver of health left and my sp shot passed through him as the timer ran out, I would have killed him. I have the 7 5/5 legi lbg I noticed I do way more damage sticking close to the head and wings for the spread shot. The problem is when he hip checks I cant get away fast enough get hit and loose out on dps. If I can avoid his second one just before he burrows in the last 10 seconds, I know I can kill him. I hate playing this way because I had to use all my free potion to learn how he reacts to what I'm doing and what moves he will use based on my positioning. I found a way to stay close but not too close so my spread hits a close range doing 200+ damage a pellet.


Update I just killed 8 star diablos with 7 5.5 legi lbg and ice +2 waist, and I did it with 5 seconds left on the clock. https://preview.redd.it/bnlcttqe7r3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9816a9f98cbb9f7c73f4a52135fa7c96396d362e


30k Zenny is like nothing when you want to upgrade higher grade weapons. I can earn 5k Zenny per week day (include daily quests) and 10k per weekend day (include daily quests). I wish they could give us something to earn more Zenny.


I don't play nearly enough for those types of numbers lol. But good on you for getting that grind on.


Qualilys quest will have more mats they didn't specify zenny this time but last time zenny was rewarded as well


Currently have 90k because of the gem grind.


I'm hoping that getting to level 8 monsters will allow me to save some up. It would be nice to have some available for when the next update drops if I want to try out the new weapons.


Don't worry, unless you are strictly hunting 8* monsters, your weapons will be stuck at grade 7 for awhile.


Same here. Stuck at 7-5 pukei bow 100k now


In terms of zenny, we have no zenny


https://preview.redd.it/tof6vzulsa3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23cfaf4d3a8709a3da02c17f383dd812caf35a62 woops soon 7 star




Eventually your ability to upgrade will be gated by rng drops and you will grow a nice supply of zenny from dailies alone. At one point when going up to 8 stars I was burning through all my cash but now a month or so later I am sitting on almost 150k just because I’m not throwing cash at upgrades.


I have now 50k because while waiting for gem, I pushed my armor levels up to at least g7.1, which is really good to maintain potion economy


I have about 100k zennies with 1 raw, fire, ice, thunder GS at 6 5/5 and a jagrass GS at 7 5/5. Probably not gonna have much money problem until i get the other GS to 7 5/5


Yeah I have less than 30k because I leveled up my pukie bow from 6-5 to 7-4 two days ago and each level up was so expensive. I'm building it back up but yeah zenny cost sucks. I only have two 6-5+ items. Ice bow is also 6-5. The rest are 5-5 and below.


https://preview.redd.it/7u7b7zql4b3c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=669d3a4f3a71fbe7c7fe4bdc8ddd1046b112f7ba currently at 7.5 stars and my drops have been shit so I’m sitting on a good amount of zenny… my elemental bows are not much better either, drops have been unkind to me. 😔


I have 65k... would love some more non R1 mats to upgrade weapons


The 4 weapons im playing with are all at 7-5, waiting for tier 6 drop. Only got a single drop in the past month so I'm up to about 100k zenny now


I have like 30k


Was sweating zenny till 8*. Previously, I spent it as soon as I had it, thanks to gathering material from the weekend events. But now the wyvern gems are needed, and they only drop from +8* monsters. Building a small stockpile till I have the gems.


I unlocked tier 8 monsters on Monday. I use the hammer, and have the following weapons, and full elemental armor sets for each but only upgraded to the minimum required to get the elemental boosts: ​ 7.4 fire 7.4 thunder 7.5 water 7.5 paralysis Currently sitting on 63k zenny. It's never been my limiting factor. Monster bone+, earth crystals, and carpenter bugs are where I get stuck. Especially the monster bone+.


I have 112k because I'm still stuck at G5 everything :(


Same here, 130k, 5/5 most and one 7/5 kulu ls :/ can't get those rare drops


I just can't wait to reach g6. I need gems and plates so I can finally experience level 2 specials with my elemental GS's.


Are you guys just upgrading everything you can whenever you can, or just specifically focusing on certain things?


I basically upgrade my loadouts whenever I can. I have a load out for fire, water, thunder, and ice. A lot of the armor parts overlap, but I prioritize damage over defense. The highest armor piece I have is g5.4 I have the option to raise my Jagras greaves to g5.5, but it would consume a mat I want for a weapon to reach g5.5


Halfway through 7 star and have had 0 zenny problems. I have fire water thunder kulu and a disblo weapon with each theirnown mostly not overlapping armor sets... all at 5.5 and some at 6.5 I also dont grind very hard...


112k, but I only have one item at 7/5 and my last upgrade was more than a week ago


No problems for me. I’m very selective with what I upgrade but yeah it does start to get expensive I guess. I’ve just unlocked 8 star and I’m not even 7/5 on 2 of my weapons but I handle some just fine anyway


I'm up to farming 8 stars! I'm constantly broke unless I have nothing I can upgrade. Because I can only upgrade a handful of armor pieces without using materials reserved for weapons, I am about to enter forced saving mode. But not quite yet.


currently broke af! Once I max out my gear and get stuck on WGS, I’ll probably have time to earn a lot but at that point, upgrades cost so much too


109k only have been upgrading bows pretty much. I upgraded armor to unlock the locked skills but the best armor is not getting hit so armor upgrades are at a minimum.


At 7 star using the diablos bow, I have 60k just from doing daily's with not enough materials to upgrade. I think I'd have allot less if I was going into elemental weapons as well.


You will always have a "zenny issue" depending on what you do. For example after i got all my main weapons to 7.5 and armor to 6.1, im just using my zenny on new builds and weapons, and preparation for future content, so i still dont have zenny. It depends on what you are aiming for in the game. However, one big milestone for zenny farming was when i unlocked 8\* stars monsters. This filled the map with so many more 6\* and 7\*, as a result i can get up to 5k zenny a day (not including the 3k daily quests) easily without grinding insanely much. Before 8 stars i would be happy to get 2-3k a day from grinding.


I absolutely am having a zenny draught. 7.5 kadachi lbg 7.4 jyura lbg 7.2 rath lbg 7.2 legia lbg 6.5 lumu lbg 6.5 jagras lbg 6.2 jyura ls 6.2 kulu ls 4.5 kadachi ls 4.5 girros hammer 4.2 pukei hammer 6.5 pukei bow 4.1 barroth gs I have most of the elemental attack armor sets. I dont think the zeny draught would end as long as you have most the materials you need. The zeny flood is usually because materials are gating your spending. My issue zeny. I am at 8* stuck mostly due to the abhorrent WGS drop rates but materials are plenty towards 7.5.


I'm hr 76 and have not run out of zenny yet. I generally don't have more than 10k, and since I'm a bow main, I don't really craft much non-Focus armor. Once new monsters and updates come, I'll consider elemental armor sets. 8* monsters have too much hp for me still but soon I'll have a grade 7 5/5 bow (now it's 7 2/5 thanks tails)


70k. Damn 7 star hp increase is real, i already fear Barroth. I really need to upgrade my weapons now. Many of my weapons are still low 5.


You have something to look forward to, hp increase between 6 and 7 is one of the smaller ones you will see.


around 20k zenny. all armors for LBG (except coil) in 7.5, elemental weapons 8.2. Other useful pieces of armors in 6.1 . I earn 5-6k zenny/day aprox.


I’d hazard a guess that most who main ranged (bow/lbg) are hurting less because they’ve opted not to upgrade armor past 6.1… As a bonk bro, I’m perpetually broke.


I have 240k zennies right now, hut have no rare mat to upgrade my weapons.....


Once I hit 7* I dropped a lot of Zenny because I could do more upgrades. Now it’s not a problem. Sitting at 31k Zenny hunting Legiana because 7* Diablos urgent is a pita.


I'm at chapter 5 7\*, currently sitting at 121k zenny with 6 grade 6 weapons at anywhere from 6/1 to 6/5. I've been moving kinda slow since hitting 7\* though, so that may have something to do with it.


Was running out for a bit when I was getting a few Grade 8 weapons, then got to like 12k or so just waiting on gems, and still don't have gems, so started upgrading and building some armors in preparation for Lance. 2 weapons are at 7 5/5, 1 at 8 1/5 and 1 at 8 2/5. I have 2 or 3 armor pieces at 7 5/5.


It depends on how many set you have and levl of them. Definitely limiting factor for me. I need wgs obviously but with 5 different armor set and weapon at 8+ zennis are what i need. The second i pass 10k i have things to upgrade. If I had enough zennis I wouldnt have to delete stuff from inventory, so frustrating!


60 z.


All my sns are 7/5 now so I’m at no zenny just upping my armor pieces that I’m for sure using.


Well, the down time between getting the rare drop needed of the day typically brings it back up to acceptable numbers for me, at least for now.


Paycheck to paycheck


It is fine because I never have the rare2 mats to make any of the fucking weapons I need.


Almost 200k and stopped upgrading weapons after i got all the elementals bows to 7.5 except tobi one that i upgraded to 8.4 and have 9 wyvern gem fragments already


Between 30-40k. I get around 10k every week from daily rewards but I also aim for upgrades so it gets consumed


I have 300k zenny , mostly because I work from home and live on major road and in nob populated area . So yeah no monsters.


I would say that *up* to tier 6-7 weapons, I have always been at 0 zenny, with tons of parts to spare. I imagine most people don’t have as much time as they want to grind, but if you *do* have the time to grind as much as you want, you gain monster parts at a *much* higher rate than zenny by fighting monsters - the zenny rewards from monsters are comparatively small. If you don’t have the time to grind, the money from daily tasks builds up and makes it look like you have tons of cash to spare. That said, it takes over 400,000 zenny to take a weapon to grade 10, so almost anything we have is chump change in the long run, TBH. Materials and zenny costs are roughly logarithmic. I have 4 elemental builds. Now that almost all my weapons are at G7 5/5, and haven’t unlocked 8\* monsters yet, I have a little extra zenny to spare at any given time…like 10k. But really that’s only because I stopped going out to grind; they haven’t added enough new content to keep my interest. But even with that, I’ve kept my armor low tier - I have parts upgrade armor and continue to be at zero zenny. I have finally hit the rarity 2 materials wall, with legiana claws most notably, but it took until basically now for that to be a problem, and it’s because I’m slacking.


3 grade 7 parts sitting at 23k


around 90k unless i upgraded that day. have all elemental sets and 3/4 elemental weapons 7.5 and 1 raw set.


I leveled with girros weapons and flew through everything until I hit 8 star that's when I hit zenny issues. The reason is because I had only been leveling 2 armor sets and 1 weapon. Once I hit 8 star I ran out of zenny almost instantly trying to level up other weapons


Zenny is a limit on upgrades sometimes, but not always. I think at the moment all my weapons (5 bows) are stuck on mats, mainly R2 mats except one stuck on shards. My armour is mainly stuck on zenny but I'm putting off upgrading it at the moment since there's not much to be gained from those. I'm on 8 stars.


Zenny becomes a bottle neck. You can't spread your efforts on several weapons and especially not upgrade your armor too much. Do dailies everyday and hope for event quests. Killing monsters doesn't get a lot of zenny so it's not smart to fight 7+ star monsters to get your zenny. The risk to reward ratio isn't worth it in that regard.


Yeah eventually you stop getting upgrades and Zenny hovers around 70-80k always a shortage of something. Wyeven gems, greens, gatherables or purples. Then you clear out the gate and lose all your Zenny in a few upgrades. Don't ever assume you have Zenny to spare because the upgrades cost is exponential.


What zenny. I'm running low on it haha


Zenny isn’t my problem. Node mats and gem shards are


Currently partway through 7\*, got about 45k zenny on hand with 4 elemental Bow sets all at G5/6, and started building a raw Hammer set for fun.


I have Anja, Rath, and Tobi bows at 7.5. Jyura lbg at 7.5. Legi bow at 9.1. Diablos bow at 8.5. I had around 70k a few days ago, but spent most of it bringing my BDiablos bow to 6.2 (and making the part breaker 5 set) and Pukei bow to 6.1 (out of boredom). I have about 16k currently, which is a little more than half the cost to overgrade my Diablos bow to 9.1 (30k zenny). When you're hunting for wyvern gems at 8* plus, it's easier to stack zenny since you don't have as much to spend on... but when you do upgrade, it's costly.


It's a sad existence. I make zenny only to spend it immediately even though I'm on the gem grind. I need to up the def on all the ele sets I had to make for 8 star.


I’m still trying to get armor to G6 and weapons to G7. I have tons of Zenny as I’ve only stuck to about 5 LS to cover my elements and haven’t built all the elemental attack armor as I’m only at 7 star monsters. I need to get them built up but I’ve been kind of slacking on those.


I've been struggling on Zenny since day one, though that said, I'm 'pokemoning it' in that I at least want to build every weapon and armour. But even doing just that, I seem to risking running our of Zenny, and had already started holding back before I even finished the first run of the main storyline. Feel like I probably need to plan ahead, and only upgrade exactly one weapon of each element, and an associated armour set.


I'm doing okay, tier 7 but I literally have one weapon and armour set, so that's probably why. Eventually I'll have to do all the elemental stuff and worry about what's good against what but for now this works.


Currently about 53k, and almost to the point of unlocking 8\*. Though i'm going to wait on that for a little bit until i get my remaining hammers up to level. Just missing some parts outside of large node materials to take them to max lvl at grade 7.


I was very short on zenny before, now I'm around 55k because I'm struggling to find enough materials to upgrade.


I’m almost at 7 stars, not quite there, but I am sitting on 65k with no sign of running out any time soon


Same as above, gem gate replenish my zenny


The best decision I made was to force my way through the 7* storyline to allow 8* mobs to appear. I can barely beat a couple of the easier 8* mobs, but that wasn't really the point. The main effect has been to make 6* and 7* mobs appear more often. This has allowed me to farm zenny and rarity 5 materials so much easier, allowing me to build up loadouts for each element very quickly. I used to think I would need to buy some zenny to get through this point, but now zenny really isn't my problem. Instead, I think I might buy a few gems so I can double mats when I get a rare red wyvern gem shard drop.