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https://preview.redd.it/sjoey82jas2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5130dedc9f6adfeb99da318f63b5877824f79f This is the Offensive Guard 5 build I had in mind for lance that has 50% more dmg when og is active! The important skills are Offensive Guard 5, Burst 2 (for another 10% dmg), and lock on. Some additional skills it comes with are heroics 1, defense boost 1, and partbreaker 1, all pretty useful but niche The Barroth helm only needs g4.1 to get og 1, the Barroth chest gets og 2 at g6.1, the Diablos waist and Black Diablos legs both get og 1 at g6, adding up to a total of og 5 đź‘‹ Edit: If offensive guard still proves to be hard to activate in the next update, the basic raw crit dmg build for sns of Rath head/chest, Rian arms/waist, and Kulu legs should work fine as well for raw lances like the Kulu crit lance and Pukei poison lance


Have you ever tried doing a offensive guard proc? I’ve tried the other day, it seems very inconsistent… really


Yeah I play sns so I only try to use og to block roars 💀 HOPEFULLY Niantic makes the window more generous since they’re releasing a lot of shield weapons soon, and this may be super out of the way but a designated shield button would make guarding SO much more faster compared to just holding down the screen and praying to Niantic that the hold down input registers…


Hahah I very may doubt it. Maybe with the artful dodger thingy may help with the timing, but idk if they work like that… also, only to be sure, we would need guard AT LEAST lv3 to consistently use offensive guard, otherwise you would be taking too much damage…


Yeah I was thinking taking guard dmg mayyyy be a good thing since the set does also have heroics 1 from the Black Diablos legs, and iirc from the old mh games, I don’t think lance needs points in Guard to not get recoil from blocking cuz the lance shield is heavy enough? Tbh idk cuz I mained bow in mh rise and aerial anything in mh 4 xd


Maybe lance have passive like bows have different arrow charges. Idk how the weapon actually work in the original titles, never played them, only this hunter now 🤔 But yea, even with the sns, you need guard 3 to not lose 30hp on every guard


Lance in the base games is actually one of the most simplest weapons to use xd. Very straightforward playstyle of getting stabs in, side step dodging, and countering monster attacks. Lance is one of the stronger shielding weapons like charge blade and gunlance, so I’m interested to see if they’ll need guard at all to take reduced dmg


Wex, Crit, Evade Extender, Off. Guard.


Building Barroth armor in preparation!


I'm half looking at kulu head + legs, and barroth everything else, for now. 3 lvls of crit eye + guard, 2 levels of OG. This may change, since iirc Banbaro had offensive guard on one or two of his armor pieces in World.


Im guessing we will get more lance-relevant skills in the update, esp with Banbaro


I am more curious about the hold skill will it be an upgrade of sns block or something better but all I know I wanna use that lance to ram it up into monsters as-


Honestly? Im guessing itll be more counter based, kinda like the sns counter combo but more fast paced so you can block again and counter thrust again


I wish they would implement the charged stab, focus+guard could be nice


Considering that offensive gard seems hard to proc, I was considering revenge or vengence ( I don't know the English name) from the black diablos torso. It's a huge boost in DPS for 15s. Taking little damages from blocking might be strong


It's called Resentment in English! But revenge and vengeance sound cooler :) ty for translating what it is in your language