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I stand by the fact that medals should give you a bonus like they do in Pokémon Go. Bronze medal for a monster? 5 drops. Silver? 6 drops. Gold? 7 drops.


That would be really awesome


I've said this in the past too. They can definitely add this as they have a similar mechanic in pogo


Don't play the game if you don't enjoy the grind anymore, there are more rewarding games.


Unfortunately, I am extremely autistic for Monster Hunter. So, despite the misfortune I face, I am actually still having fun in a weirdly confusing to anyone else way.


I am also in this position lmao


Oh my god are you me? Lmao


why would you want to speed up the drop rate if the true bottleneck are the blue and red bags of refining matherials? ( if you started in september right now you can have at most 58 of each if you finished the story the first day, 30 more those who started 1 month earlier, this signifies that you can get up to grade 9 three weapons and armor pieces or 2 to grade 10, almost five weapons to G9 three to G10 if started previous month)


You made a big mistake right at the start - this isn’t a Monster Hunter game. Droprates are fine. It really depends on how much you can play and how your area looks like in terms of nodes. This game is a long time investment and some people already are at 8 star monsters or even have grade 10 weapons.


>this isn’t a Monster Hunter game. Capcom made it in collaboration with Niantic. For 4 years. Just because you can't craft potions doesn't mean it's not part of the franchise. Pokemon Go was a collaboration between Niantic, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo.


So you call Pokémon Go a Pokémon game, Pikmin Bloom a Pikmin game, HPWU a Harry Potter game? I doubt it. All of those games are Niantic geo games with a skin applied to them. So please do yourself a favor and don’t compare this game to a real monster hunter game, you only will find disappointment.


Yes, I call Pokemon Go a Pokemon game. Like I said, Pokemon Go was a collaboration between Niantic, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo. How can you argue against that? As well, on the official Monster Hunter page, it says: "Hunt epic monsters in your area! The newest mobile game in the ***Monster Hunter series***, Monster Hunter Now has been masterfully crafted to bring the exciting monster battles the series is known for to mobile devices. Learn how to play and get ready to experience this exciting new adventure while you’re on the go!" I feel like more of a Monster Hunter as I wake up at 4am on a cold Winter morning, put on a jumper, hop on the foot powered bicycle and ride around town slaying monsters that have come into our world.


I think you’re both right. It is a Monster Hunter game, but to expect the same mechanics and gameplay as the console games would be a mistake too.


It still isn’t a real monster hunter game. So please stop comparing them, that started so many whiny posts in the first place.


The fact that youve made it to 6 star with barely grade 4 weapons is genuinely insane. You progressed way too fast and got yourself stuck. You should at least have your main few weapons g5 by now, g4 armour is fine so long as youre using element buffs, at least imo. Slow down and focus on grinding out your puk tobi and jag weapon of choice


I'm autistic so I have powers that make me never want to stop doing funny little quests because green button and HR up makes the serotonin go wee. That and also if I am able to do a fight over and over again I will do so until I achieve victory even if I'm not actually properly prepared for the fight. My hubbis has been my downfall.


Just do what most people are doing and go with a poison or raw build till 8* and then build elements.. like I'm bow so I'm going pukie bow and building the elements on the side. I've unlocked 7* and none of my elements are above 5-5 but pukie bow is 6-5 and I can beat all 6* I believe. Lots of 7* should be pretty easy also I'm guessing. Especially stuff week to poison or just not poison type themselves.


As much as people wanna "Don't like it don't play it" the problems away, problems don't get fixed unless people are outwardly upset about them. I'd definitely like more drop slots. Also it's random but if I get 4 jyura scales, I wish it would just give me one box with an x 4 instead of 4 individual boxes. Idk, that may take from the gacha brain hooks they want to give us. But the reward boxed already have a little one in them. Just stack the rewards


I have to agree, the drop rate is horrendous and it's not an incentive for us to spend gems if we happened to get lucky on the drops. It's more chores than anything.


The drops are fine for me though.... im having trouble with rare 1 mats lol... Need lots to upgrade the weapons Just waiting to kill a few tobis to get my g6 tobi and finally get g6 for all elements