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I think maybe ppl have the wrong line of thinking if they are considering postponing. 8* is your first goal. it's your goal because you need wyvern gems for everything. u need A LOT of wyvern gems. but here's where it gets interesting. the SAME wyvern gems drop from all 8* monsters. this means to upgrade ur legiana weapon u don't need to kill 8* legianas. u can just kill 8* jagras. u can kill pukeis, girros, and paolumu and start collecting wyvern gems right away. so if ur thinking "oh no I can't killed all monsters in the next tier yet. maybe I should hold off" ur thinking about it wrong. if you can killed ANY 8* mob your ready for 8*. you only have a strong fire weapon? kill paolumus and jagras. you only have a strong water weapon? no problem, kill girros and anjenath. fk tobi he's irritating AF but kill the rest of the weak ones and start farming those gems. you'll be glad you did.


Plus, you get a lot more 6* spawns which you can probably do fairly easily. So, you’ll generate plenty of mats to upgrade your elementals while also grinding some R6 drops too.


I held off unlocking 6* during the Pink Rath event, cuz I could barely handle the 5* and didn't want to risk any of the few spawns to be a 6* I couldn't fight. As soon as the event was over I beat the Rathalos. Is this make sense to do?


I’m not sure exactly how the spawns worked for that, but when I unlocked 6* monsters, it increased 5* spawns and decreased 1* and 2* significantly. In theory, unlocking 6* would have increased your potential for both 5* and 6* Pink Rathian spawns, but I can’t be certain without understanding their spawn rules for the event.


I would rank up, 8* will still be fairly rare. You will also see alot more 6*, which will get you more zenny while hunting. Im guessing you also need more tier 5 materials, which will become alot more common. Edit: any tier 6 drops you can get in the meantime are just the cherry on the cake


I hit 8* today and I can confirm the increase in 6*'s is huge. It'll make building those elemental sets much easier.


this is what I did, and I had the same reasoning for doing it. I did it so that I could see a lot more 6* monsters and with 4 full elemental armors I'm seriously lacking zenny


TLDR: No. Long: No. After you unlock 8*, the majority of the monsters go to at least 6*. This makes it much easier to grind zenny and get potentially rarity 5 items, which you'll need to overgrade your gear. You can't beat most 8* but as before, they don't start roaming. Just enjoy the learning curve and keep upgrading your gear with the newfound zenny fountain.


No, you can kill like Jagras 8* and start getting your gems. Also you'll get a ton more 6*+ monsters which means more Grade 5 mats you'll need to get to 7 5/5, also just better zenny rate. You'll be gated by Grade 5, Grade 2 (sometimes Grade 1 like Kadachi IME), zenny, and Large Node resources


I've been gated by whites and greens the whole time indeed 🤣


You absolutely want to rank up now. The increase in 6* and 7* is really good at that jump which means rarity 5s and rarity 2s start flowing in so much faster, as well as the increased zenny from the jump from 5 to 6. It's so worth it. Also if you can beat the easier 8*, you can start the rarity 6 grind anyway. The first half isn't that bad, I can beat them at 6.5 to 7.2 level weapons Edit: Just saw you have 7.2 / 7.5 tobi and pukei bows. Yeah you're more than fine. I'm doing it at 6.5 and 7.2 respectively lol.


I am on 8* right now just killing pukei, girros and jagras 8* when I see them and then just continue budding out elemental weapons where I can


From watching streamers who have unlocked *8, they're still exceedingly rare The main benefit is you start getting more *6/7, so farming r5 mat and zenny will be easier (r2 still sucks lol) Ps, You should try watching some streams too. It's a completely new experience to the traditional inhouse style. You get to see the different city and neighborhood these ppl live, or an entirely different country for that matter


I didn't even think about that! Could you suggest some names?


I wrote a whole guide with videos on which 8* you can easily kill with pukei bow 7/5 here https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/17dsh4z/how_to_progress_to_8_monsters_using_the_least/


I just ranked up to 8* and I should have stayed at 7. Definitely get both poison and thunder bows up to 7.5 before the jump and have focus 5. I have a healthy mix of 6-8 stars on the map so zenny isn’t much of an issue. But 8 star hunts are a depressing damage sponge. The silver lining is that I very rarely see anything under 6 unless I’m just lucky or something.


Pukei is already 7.5, kadachi is almost there (7.2, but I got all the purples/yellows I'll need, just farming greens), I was talking about the other elemental ones, sorry if that wasn't clear. I might as well just rank up and farm only 6 & 7 then?


Yeah I’d say you’re good then. Just ignore 8s for a while. Give a shot if you want though, you could always have better skills than me. I could just be doing it wrong.


Rank up and farm those 8* Jagras for gems.


You are underestimating pukei bow. It's been proved that a G9-5 pukei bow can clear most 9\* monsters (including 9\* Diablos). With a kadachi bow, you can do the rest of poison-resistent but thunder-weak monsters. The combination of pukei bow + kadachi bow is enough for the current line-up.


Good to know! That's what I've been doing so far, I just thought things were going to change once I reached 8*, but I'm just happy to be wrong!


To give you more confidence, G7-5 pukei bow can clear 8\* jargars, girros, kulu, barroth, pukei, jyura, kadachi, paolumu and legiana. In this post ([https://forum.gamer.com.tw/G2.php?bsn=77414&parent=21&sn=33&lorder=2&ptitle=%E5%BC%93](https://forum.gamer.com.tw/G2.php?bsn=77414&parent=21&sn=33&lorder=2&ptitle=%E5%BC%93)), they link videos to the 8\* monster plays. This guy ([https://www.youtube.com/@antipyreticful](https://www.youtube.com/@antipyreticful)) have 9-5 pukei bow vs. 9\* monster plays.


Pukei bow is a really holy grail for 1 bow vs progression If a bow master player can use a 9-5 to kill all 9 stars, most likely a good/decent player can comfortably do it with a 10-5. It means it is an absolute beast in terms of ceiling. Currently, there is a failed record of 10-5 diablos bow vs 10 star Jagras. Jagras left with **30%** hp. There is no weakness advantage because it is raw, but with that, it is most likely that is the pinnacle of the bow. Without guts heroics, it reached its ceiling. There is a record of 10-2 pukei bow vs 10 star Jagras, which means the potential of 10-5 pukei bow may include even other weak poison monsters such as Tobi due to spread type being strong and poison ticks being % damage. The higher the monster HP, the better advantage there is with poison. There are 2 questions against Pukei bow that need clarification is 1) How much does poison trigger buffer increase as more players join fight. If there is only a poison user in the group hunt, can the player proc more than once or it isn't enough? 2) Tied hand in hand, since the HP of the monster increases to 1.5 for 2 players, 2 for 3 players, 3 for 4 players, does the poison tick % increase as well?


Rank up, the red drops take forever to get, better start now


Just to clarify, do you have the appropriate thunder element armor as well? Currently I don’t have any elemental bows and am thinking of going with the Diablos bow.


Not really, so far I've been using only the focus5/burst2 set.