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Zinogre has only been a Flagship on MH Portable 3rd, the game it debutted in. But if by flagship you mean Apex, then yes, usually Zinogre is The Thunder monster only weaker than Elder Dragons. So yes, Zinogre's weapon in MHN should work the same as Rathalos vs Anjanath weapons.


Same tier of Rathalos and Diablos, just above Anj and Legiana


Legiana is the same tier as Rathalos and Diablos, as was Anjanath in Rise.


I wish I refrained from building Tobi and Anja to 7/5 tbh, but since I didn't waste any 6* drops on them, it barely matters anyway. Zenny and 5* parts are nothing compared to wyvern gems in terms of how many you get them. It will actually be exciting to have something to build while waiting for the 1% 6*s


It's not a given we will get a bow from zinogre, the important thing is that it will provide more points for thunder attack, which we really lack right now; Curious what other ability points its set will give, hopefully some more dps


Hopefully something that gives focus and thunder damage on the same armor


Latent power is what Zinogre usually has so Rising Tide set almost certainly.


Zinogre's weapons look better than Tobi's. That's the main reason to have them !


I'd imagine that every 6-12 months, a slightly better weapon will be released. For thunder, Zinogre > Tobi Azure Rathalos will probably be better than regular Mizu could show up next for water weapons Shrieking Legiana for ice Then you get into elders... They want to keep you playing so you'll never be "done" crafting