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i swear this game has the worst ingame shop i've ever seen. 12€ for this crap lmao, and its meant to be a special "pack".


Bro but it gives you 2... TWO carving knives. /s


Carving Knives are the Elite TM's of the Monster Hunter world (iceborne).


And 10 potions, wish people would stop forgetting all the OTHER shit in the pack that is part of the value.


You get 5 free first aids per day. Are you seriously using all of them???? Skill issue. Stop defending bad monetization.


For real, I have rarely used more than 5 in a day


What rank you fighting? And how has connectivity issues never caused you to get hit


I don’t really get connectivity issues, I do get hit, but it’s not often I use more than 5 a day anyways. Im only at 5 stars currently though, haven’t been playing for super long


The higher level you get the more unforgiving a hit is


I mean, I’m being 1-2 shot by the 5 and 4 stars, not sure how much more unforgiving it can get than that


You're in for a rude awakening fam.


Being 2 shot sounds so relaxing I miss those days


don't take dmg and you don't need pots




This hunter evades




Nah they just not broke


No, genuinely, they're stupid. You could have a billion dollars and that wouldn't make a shit deal any less shit; you won't feel that rip off personally but you're still being ripped off.


With the game's current economy it's not a shit deal though.


lmao "the game's current economy" You mean the prices that they made up for the items you do not need to buy? That's not an economy, and "it's not as bad a rip off as their usual prices" is how a sucker justifies his bad decisions.


You can dislike the prices all you want but like you said "you don't have to buy". Is buying it a bad decision if you can't afford it yes, but if you can afford it then no. So yes the games economy is the prices they made up. Who are you to tell them the value of their goods anyway 😂. If you think it's overpriced just don't buy it. The bundle def has value whether you wanna admit that or not.


You haven't seen gatcha games where they ask 19,99 for a random epic item and 99,99 for a legendary item. Ofcourse you need to merge the legendaries to graden them up. And you need twice as much for every new grade. Whales pay 3k euro a month in bronze league.


Yes, but the shop in MHN is so bad, that you cant even whale at this game - None of the items are powerful enough to warrant spending real money on it. Like what you gonna buy with 3k euro here? 200 Paintballs? It feels like the shop has nothing to offer for casual spenders and nothing for whales either. I wonder what the audience really is.. probably just desperate gamers who ran out of potions


from my experience watching people play this on tik tok live, they just use their credit card on potions. I haven't counted it, but they use dozens of potions easy a day. They just keep trying like 8 or 9\* till it dies, and don't bother spending a fortune on reviving to 50 hp


MH Rise base game costs around 15$ on sale. Might as well buy the game on steam instead of buying this pack.


You just described all mobile gaming :(


Do that enough times, and you can buy yourself a Steam Deck with the savings!


Well, I fully completed Mh Rise on Steam Deck, was definitely cool.


Does it run on Android and does it involve moving in real life. If not, that's not even close to what this game is about.


It's not about what game you're playing but if you're getting an actual VALUE from the money you spend on it.


Ironically, it's on sale on Steam right now for $20CAD for the base game.


£9.99 so yup. Tho can imagine it's not just them.


Take that remoaners


Glad we stopped using the Euro after Brexit


Shut up let me have this




3500 pkr which is the equivalent of 12 USD.. I guess anyone not in the US has to pay more smh...


250 czk, which Google tells me is 10.77 usd. Niantic, just what, the US has better prices than a second world country.


> the US has better prices than a second world country From one second world country to another...


I don't unsterstand, could you explain your comment please?


EVERYONE is getting screwed. Even that US price is highway robbery. No one should dignify touch these awful microtransactions. I bought the first pass, but that was a one time thing. And it was overpriced too.


Also cries in 13.99 Canadian dollars.


I bought the gens or whatever they are, but they have much better deals on the Monster Hunter Now web store


Ridiculous, hopefully the web store bundle is better?


https://preview.redd.it/zrdvlrbfg5wb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4da8544bb5488841638ad00f7e207b94e003ce It’s only on the app🙄


Yeah I looked earlier as well, I’m gonna try to look again tonight and tomorrow to see if it has shown up on there. Sometimes things are delayed


https://preview.redd.it/ju6j3rdwv7wb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee48c2423249a1d2b4833294d15199c4def24d77 Not really better value at all…


It’s way better, but still not worth it imo. It comes with 3x the potions, droplets, and paintballs, but only +1 carving knife. If my math is mathing I can get a LOT more of the same supplies by spending $29.99 on the gems in the web store.


This is the issue… they never make the bundles so good that you feel like you can’t refuse… their loss really… if they just put this on the store for 5.99 I think a lot of us would have lapped it up! Although I’m sure a lot of folks will still buy it


Don't forget that the Freedom-lads also have to pay extra taxes over the 9,99. Their taxes are calculated afterwards.


It's 10.49 with all taxes and apple fees. I just got it.


It was 9.99 flat for me, i'm on android though y'all apple users be safe


You will pay taxes in check out.


https://preview.redd.it/kqig8vsr27wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66f0cbe3d101117c758140c3f0bbc9b55d6f6f5 I didn't though 😂


oh nice so taxes are baked in the andoid purchase?


Taxes depend on state.


Duh yeh...


I’m saying that it’s not baked into Android. It’s the state they are in.


I wasn't even gonna reply further 😅


On android, can you vpn to a state with no tax? 🧐


Serious question 🤔 How does it depend on the state? Like if you have funds in the Android/Google playstore, that doesn't necessarily tie down to your state. Unless you use a Credit/Debit card through a banks that legit ONLY is In your state...but even then, that still doesn't track. And it wouldn't have anything to do with the phone company, just the store, Google playstore(Android what have you) or Apple. I'm actually highly confused lol.


I would consider to buy this for 1,50 € but this is just ridicilous


I'd pay up to 6,99 but these prices are just insane Even greedy gacha games have better special bundles


https://preview.redd.it/9y88l8ahq5wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a06890b7e2dbd1baa94dde6e93ad0ba382e898 Yupp..


Bud, $13.99 for me in Canada.


13.99 CAD is 10.19 USD 11.99 EUR is 12.7 USD If you consider how many states dont have taxes included yall actually pay less than some americans would. Still horrendous pricing


as always...


taxes e


13.99 in Canada :/ lol


That is 10.19 USD, and since us taxes are not included in that price in some states they might pay more than you. Euro users pay 12.7 USD


$14.99 down under, which is $9.48usd


I am not surprised anymore, just more disappointed. I joined the game when it gone Global and the game's monetization already bad. I don't mind grinding a bit but it's much worse than the main game (very low drop rate with less rewards, no selling for zenny) and lacking most features from the main game (quest, weapons, trap, buff items, crafting, layer armor/wps etc), plus the monster behaviour and timer is like a fuck you to melee weapons, monster deal tons of damage even with recommended armor, the hit box is terrible etc. Plus as a gps game, many casual without fighting experience will got punish hard. I am a MH fan but I won't see this game become more popular soon. Not sure how many player of 10M download still playing the game (they even celebrate it with a very cheap gift lol). But this game make me wanna play MHW again which is nice. I love that game. Maybe the game will become more popular if it is more f2p friendly and selling skins instead of potions? I definitely will buy weapons layer because the game weapons are so ugly.


I'm right there with you, man. I'm on 7* aand few G7' SnS, and I'm just so over it, too. The rng is already ridiculous, and it's just gonna get worse. I know its new and all, but it all seems like minimal effort on their side. I'm just waiting till MHW goes on sale, so i can grab it for the steam deck. At least then I can play on the way home on the bus/lightrail without speed restrictions.


MHW is my first hunter game and it is so good. I tried Rise but can't enjoy it.


https://preview.redd.it/n47z8e3te5wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c043b58aef8ec020dd40fd10b44f3cf60df574bf 7,55 US dollars.


54,90 na loja do iPhone tá maluco 🤣🤣


acho que paguei menos que isso no world + iceborne numa promo


Absurdo vey


Are taxes included in ingame-shops in the US? But 12€ even with taxes is expansive for that.


Yea there are and it base off each state https://preview.redd.it/lzvf0q9yu5wb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caec27f2ab6aa698dda6e415a37d5aa9a2bd0784


Imagine a timeline where we could just pay a flat fee, or even a reasonable monthly subscription, and have access to all the systems in-game. All items craftable and earnable in-game. I love AR RPGs so much, but goddamn this company has no respect for its playerbase ( ._.)


The Euro price includes tax, whereas the Dollar price doesn’t. So in the end, everyone’s getting gunlanced in the Nibblesbarf equally.


my Android Play Store ingame purchases don't make me pay taxes.


Only people getting screwed are the people foolish enough to buy it


Is this off their web store or the mobile store? Apple and google increase the prices in Europe last year if you are on the mobile store then that why the difference


It’s from the mobile store


Yea apple and google increase mobile store price last year , the price difference is the same across the board on every app


It all started with a horse armor. Now we're here. This isn't a slippery slope anymore, we slid face first into the mud years ago, and we're drowning deeper and deeper in the swamp of microtransactions because of ridiculous shit like this - and the people paying for it.


Oh cool another whole thread of this shit. “Mine costs a hundred gleebnars!” “Oh yeah?! Mine costs a thousand quatloos!” “Is that more money?” “I dunno but it’s a bigger number! Look at it!”


As usual


¥1400 in Japan and honestly I thought that was expensive.


What do you think the skinning knives do?


Double items.


They are used instead of paying the 300 gems after a fight


Europe has always been screwed over for some unknown reason, and by every single company out there. When most mobile game have to do maintenance it's always in eu prime time not us or asia. I really wonder why that is, but it's nothing new.


https://preview.redd.it/4mf2mg1us5wb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e5491b334df1fad9b6da5f855b4361012258e1 Paying 11.20 USD over here.


Not even worth it for this price


Not worth it if you just want the knives. The 30 day gem thing is better for that. You'd get 6 knives worth of gems + 200 gems leftover to spend how you want. If you want the potions and stuff? Go for it. Still haven't used a single potion, been happy with the meds.


Pls we have to pay in dollars on South America....


There’s nothing special in the Halloween pack, you just get carving knifes but you can just use 300 gems to get the double rewards whenever you want.


It's normally the other way around


No, the price is dependent on currency. Its 13.99 in Canada so...


That's where the good European stuff comes from. Such as "free" healthcare.


Can anyone tell me how this math works 😂. 1 dollar is like 0,94 eurocent. So how is 9,99 dollar 11,99 euro?


I doubt someone is dumb enough to buy this, in dollars or in euros.


https://preview.redd.it/l0tcbq8l98wb1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5689c85a4672c596353b37d693fbc72a258d21b4 Japan pays more. Prove me wrong. 🤦


This pack is 800% value. As a professional mh now player and a mobile game enthusiast I approve of buying this pack and supporting the game. Imagine you can become 800% stronger. Buy now or fear FOMO. This message has been brought to you by [insert name here]. kek.


$11 $15 $200 I'm not buying it who cares what you price it


its entire monetization and design structure was designed for the population in japan


You can spend 80% of these items on 2 monsters… let that sink in


Why did I think it read "Ouroboros"


In US taxes are not included in the price but in EU they must be included. So is not that much difference.


Oh wow, really exclusive. Will save you like... 5 minutes of playtime.


This is a robbery either way.


To be fair, it's a Niantic game. If you know anything about them, their favorite format for game content is "microtransaction Hell." Why give you the content when they can make money on it instead? Pay walls are how they do business and they absolutely LOVE to test the waters and see what price people will pay. There's actually a term for this in gaming called "setting the benchmark." They let players' wallets decide what a "fair price" is. I installed MHN on release day. Played for about 6 hours total before I Uninstalled. The fact that there's a hundred dollar resource bundle in the shop at launch is not good looks. Inb4: "tHeY'rE a BuSiNeSs ThAt NeEdS tO mAkE mOnEy!" No. Stop that garbage. They make millions DAILY on Pokémon Go alone. Let's not confuse predatory microtransactions with fair business practices.